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Characteristics of crude oil :

That crude oil may vary from place to place in appearance and viscosity may vary in usefulness to
the consumer , and can determine the quality of oil during testing of the following :
1 . Distillation .
2 . Density , relative density , specific gravity and API.
3 . Viscosity .
4 . Vapor pressure Vapor Pressure.
5 . Flash point Flash Point and Fire Point Fire Point.
6 . Point Fog Cloud Point and Point spill Pour Point.
7 . Color .
8 . Sulfur content Sulfur Content.
9 . Residues and water Basic Sediments & water BS & W.
10 . Remaining carbon Carbon Residue.
11 . Aniline point Aniline Point.
Specific weight API:
Previously, the density is a key element in the assessment of crude oil , has been the relationship
between the density and the components of the oil are the only relationship in place to determine the
quality of the oil . Known as the mass density and unit volumes in certain degree heat , and the
subdivision g / cm 3 , while the other property are important relative density which is the density of oil
compared to the density of the water a certain degree heat .
In the event that the water temperature is equal to 4 C , the relative density equal to the density
because the size of 1 g of water in that degree is equal to 1 mL, and the density of water varies
according to the temperature , while the relative density and one for the same temperature . The
standard temperature for the relative intensity in the petroleum industry is a 60/60 F.
Although the density and relative density are frequently used , but are of great importance to the API
specific gravity, which is expressed by the following equation :
Therefore, the liquid that is to be its density relative equal to 1, the specific weight will equal 10
degrees , and have a specific weight of an indication of the type of oil , the specific weight if it was
high , it indicates that the oil is light , but if the specific weight and Atie This indicates that the oil is
Remaining carbon Carbon Residue:
It is the weight ratio of carbon and asphalt and heavy hydrocarbons that exist after steaming oil in
standard laboratory conditions .
And is called short Conradson Carbon Residue CCR. It is a good indicator of Alosvltenih compounds
and materials that do not evaporate under laboratory conditions such as metals and silicon oxides .
Viscosity Viscosity:
It is an expression of resistance to fluid flow , and is therefore an expression of the ability to pump
oil .

Spill point Pour Point:

It is the lowest score gets the heat flow of the liquid . The more points, the spill less content Paraffinic
less .
Ash content Ash Content:
An indicator of the amount of minerals and salts in the model , and is usually in the form of iron
oxides , salts, fixed , and oxides of silicon , and the model is burning oil at atmospheric pressure and
the remaining (non- burning ) is the ash content . For this examination of great importance to know
the inorganic residues .
Content wax Wax Content:
That oil containing a high proportion of wax light oil and wax , but this gives a negative impact
because it will be concentrated in the oil derivatives that give the degree of spills and sessile .
Bukhari pressure Reid Ried Vapor Pressure:
It is a measure of the pressure Bukhari hanging by oil or light products in 100 F. And usefulness of
knowing the vapor pressure of the oil to prevent its negative effects when transport and storage . The
reason for the increase of this pressure is that the oil contains gases unstable C1-C3.
Content salts Salt Content:
He impurities insoluble and are usually dissolved in water droplets , oil containing salts not be
desirable for the need to units remove salts Desalters and is expressed in units ( pounds of salts )
such as (sodium chloride NaCl) per 1,000 barrels of oil and so-called PTB. The salts in the crude oil
and heavy products may cause serious erosion problems , especially in the upper parts of the
distillation towers and condensers condensers.
Sulfur content Sulfur Content:
And the ratio by weight ( ppm ) of sulfur content in the form of crude oil , or one of its products . And
must be taken into consideration in addition to the API to determine their commercial value . Where
heavy oils be high sulfur content . And the presence of sulfur in crude oil leads to corrosion problems
and increase the boiling point of oil .
Metal content :
And be such as arsenic , nickel , copper, vanadium , and all cause poisoning worker assistant , is
Hydrogen sulfide :
And be dissolved in the crude oil or one of its products , and is measured in units of ppm , a
poisonous gas emitted during processing or storage .
The tests described above for crude oil , are measured because they affect the transport and storage
of crude oil and its facilities . It also specifies the type of products that can be collected from crude oil
, and the impact on environmental considerations . As these properties affect the price of crude oil as
the light oil price is a little higher sulfur from heavy oil, high content of sulfur .

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