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Atmospheric Hazard: Tornadoes

1. Tornadoes in Fort Worth, Texas (most recent, also includes some
significant that occurred in the past)

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CAPTION: Tornadoes are atmospheric hazards, and are

considered the most violent storms in nature. As stated by
WunderMap, Tornadoes can be strong enough to destroy large
buildings, leaving only the bare concrete floor. These violent
columns of air can also lift railroad cars that weight up to 20-ton.
In addition, the map specifically shows tornadoes from the late 20th
century to recent years that have touched ground in Fort Worth,
Texas. These tornadoes range from F0-F3 in the Fujita Tornado
Damage Scale, which are known to cause light to sever damage. In
other words, those that range in the F0-F1 scale have estimate
winds of 110 mph, which can easily break windows and tear roofs
off houses; while F2-F3 tornadoes wind speed could go up to 165
mph, that can lift tress off the ground, destroy well-constructed
houses and damage large building. Luckily, tornadoes that range
F4-F5 in scale dont form that often in Forth Worth, Texas.

Tornadoes in Texas (Most Recent)

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CAPTION: From a regional scale, most tornadoes occurred in Forth Worth and Houston
Texas, and other southwestern states such as Mississippi and Kansas. Although, these
tornadoes dont show any significance in pattern, the majority of these tornadoes occurred
near Tornado Alley and the Gulf of Mexico coastline. WunderMap, states that there are
three types of air that composes a tornadoes, in which, The Great Plains of the Central
United States are uniquely suited to bring all of these ingredients together, and so have
become known as "Tornado Alley." The main factors are the Rocky Mountains to the west,
the Gulf of Mexico to the south, and a terrain that slopes downward from west to east.
Additionally, the three types of airs, the first being warm and humid, consists of strong south
winds from the ground. The second air is known as cold air, which is composed of heavy west
and southwest winds formed from the upper atmosphere. Lastly, hot air is created when warm
moist air and cold air meet. When all three airs intersect, air becomes unbalanced therefore
encouraging for severe thunderstorms and tornadoes to form.

Tornadoes in the U.S (Most Recent)

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CAPTION: From a global scale, tornadoes are located near and towards the Southeastern
region of the Unites States. This is because; warm/humid air comes from the surface and cold
dry air from above (The Rocky Mountains), which promotes instability. Further, the biggest
tornadoes recorded in U.S history occurred in Missouri, Indiana, and Illinois on March
18,1925, which killed 747 and injured 2,027 people. One of tornadoes that touched ground,
also known as the Tri-State tornado, was ranged in the F5 scale and killed 695 people. Due to
the high amount of tornadoes happening in these regions, it is best for people to stay informed
and safe. Tornado tools such as tornado watches, and spotters are best during these
circumstances. Lastly, paying close attention to the media is also crucial when living in these

Work cited

Prudencio 5
"About Tornadoes." About Tornadoes. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Apr. 2016.
Brian Clark Howard, National Geographic PUBLISHED May 11, 2015. "How Tornadoes Form and
Why They're so Unpredictable." National Geographic. National Geographic Society, n.d. Web.
04 Apr. 2016. <>.
"WunderMap." WunderMap. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Apr. 2016.
Zimmermann, By Kim Ann. "Tornado Alley: Where Twisters Form."LiveScience. TechMedia
Network, 19 Dec. 2012. Web. 04 Apr. 2016. <>.

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