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Pershing Cable
56th Field Artillery Brigade
February 1978
Vol. 14, No. 2
Supporting th I /41st. 1/8bt. 3/l,lth Fleld Artllltries and the 2/4tb lnlantry

Pershing Wives:
hove been possible.
Story by Sp4 John Ann Floyd
and Sp4 Den ise Wright
Although eoch woman's probPhotos and Illustrations by
lems ore a little different from
Sp4 Denise Wright
her neighbor's, many of the
EDITOR'S NOTE: Part One of the women hove learned lo cope with
"Pershing Widows" concerns their problems in one way or anmany of the thoughts, problems other. Next month, port two will
and feelings of women about consist of lhe solutions lo some of
being a wife in a Pershing unit.
the many problems faced by the
Many thanks and much appre- wives.
ciation ore extended to all the
Jokes are often made about
wives who toolc the lime lo particwomen whose husbands abandon
ipate in the surveys and inter them
over the weekend to play golf
views needed for this two -par:! or to sit In fron,t of the TV set watchstory. Without your eagerness to Ing football. These women are hubecome involved and inform the morously termed "widows".
community, this article would not
MIiitary wives probably find this

EGGED ON - Donned in a lop hat and a

red, while and blue sweater, Specialist 4
James D. Mandigo, KONTAKT Coordinator
leads the flOClf and members of KONTAKT
through the winding streets of Schwabisch
Gmund during the cmnual Fasching pa
rode . ..
The float represents a crocked egg which

Widowed by a way of life

Ironic, for they are I ikely to be

"widowed" for more 1han a week,
end, and thel r husbands' reasons
for being away are scarcely recreation al.
Every year, after Reforger,
women usually write to the papers
complaining that their husbands
were away for several weeks and
how hard the going was without
them. Back In 1976, one eKasperated wife wrote to Stars and Stripes
to point out that HER husband
(with the 214th Infantry) was often
gone 46 weeks a year, rather than
seven weeks twice a year. Nor has
the situation changed since then.
Of course, tong absences from

wos built over an Army vehicle. The '99 displayed the Germon and American flogs, o
tlag with the KONTAKT symbol a~ Uncle
Som riding a unicorn, the city symbol. The
theme for the float was "KONTAKT hatches
friendship" which was written In both
German and English along the front of the
float. (Photo by Sgt. Hutton)

home are not just an Army occupa,

tlonal hazard, as any Navy wife
whose husband Is on submarine
duty can tell you .
But the Persh ing wife In Neu
Ulm, Neckarsulm, Heilbronn or
Schwllblsch GmUnd has problems
which her counterparts In the
States don't have. These problems
are caused by the fact that they are
in a foreign country and by the
words FTX, Field problem, alert.
lnneringen or CAS.
The mention of these words evoke
various reactions from wives. Some
sigh. Some look sad. Some use colorful adjectives. Some don't seem
to mind and others appear to be
But in one way or another , most
women agree that field problems
are indeed a problem.
During the field exercises or
while the batteries are on site, the
Pershing wife often feels that she is
a "Pershing widow." It Is during
this time that only a disaster seems
to bring her husband home from the
In the meantime there are plenty
of problems that the wives face.
Women in the States face separation from their husbands, true, but
their lives are often less restrlcted.
In many cases, the woman here
does not speak German. Sometimes
she and her husband do not even
own a car, or If they do, she may not
have a driver's license or the mechanical knowledge to fix the car ii
something goes wrong. And as
many wives can testify, something
will go wrong! If the family lives
far from the kaserne, <wtiere rent is
usually cheaper) the woman could
have a real transportation prob,
Even the simplest things, like
doing the laundry, taking the kids to
the dispensary, or picking up mail,
becomes a major logistical prob,
"About three weeks ago my van
broke down and I had to put off
doing my laundry. When I finally
got some one to fix it, I had to get
one of my girlfriends to wale h my
kids white I did 15 loads of clothes
because my kids were out of every ,
thing to wear. Also as small as the
(Continued on page 4)

February- Black History Month seepage3


Being in Pershing is like
e sting Murphy's law . .. '


~ y 11, it .... H fOl"'l''l'f'f' to WHJl

.!<Mr>e you Nlw lo wa il or,. wt1oh
s. ,ncs c:1,..,e,1 Wf'len you fMlvt
9 -11'11000 .. ..-.r-ye>t\e whO CO.mH
Qe'tl IN'
yOV ~ v 1
~.. .,. ~ .m ,111 mi. w ~ t . .and
rw'fl'1o .. Oi..11\i!COK1.a,url! lill't ,
A Q!!'eatM ano w,1o1vwrw.l o,-oblm
, ,,.... 1ontlit1t-n lnf"r lttl wl\tn

w;., hu0;b.1ni::1, _. r wy

FTX<i,. lf'latl,_,...Hno..-y10~
PM"' fa,- tht!m.-, IPlal the rftQl.lml

Th , uiuUy ml'"Ainl COilC:1!11l rlln,o an lbe practrc..til.

" Ot coune. t Mle for h ,n 10
Yt , but trwl i1, ni, iOD. so I k-CPI

1 nit.

"OI\.. mr Goo, not

ColVH tt'S ~ of' "11, ;ob ftd I .,..,

f'Um l o ~ 1hl be!,.1 of II, Cy:pdllf(I

s c,n,e w1ft ,,mo,y Hr,.

1-rld. one, .WO<t'rl.jfl ~ , . ,

,fflf'd - R ~ t 't IOrO'

A\M '"",. ,,.,

. . ..

S.. " H ..' s

or.... na I tiave 10 ot ato-w w , th 04.,,n11Gltn ,'" 51\e"tlt 'Smt ih 'tlf9"t0tri,

.m l~to9etlNlhin9'fi I
t."NI ' wtnk lto-vnwne: WeQb
attoul ''ll!nonst Of"eup,

rlClb,lhflqaJ 1:1rw"'1n..


Rrtw,ng IM 11me from ltien to

\pr ,I 111, UM1r ETSI con.\OolH on
Al-Cf' J

B.K""'41n ,~..,._.Y .om,11,


at ton(lf11'1tt

tMII 11

artu ilUY or two ~ , r11aliH

,~went be qone torever. 1,,1111 Hyl .
On tn,, l"IC>te-, -.omt wivt 1o l"lnll of



IOI ftaV1 ,-qi to h,ac lion 11:t'OuftCII


"'"W..&wl'ld\" \C.hlfda1.e,



,r nd 1 belpl'\lm.g,n pr-e,po1rtG IIN

-Mft' '



OI ..,. UOCOl'fttftllJ f TX

""'44111hOn ~Wr"ten ,it'i.lo.ed fte'r first lftOU9hli

~ IOSd her ,-..,..g,nd w.n 90t"O lo

,. w ~ p ,1n cut WNI 1ney

; ;)n qi'-'1 don(! w 1hey htlllv 1,ml lmJl il'IJ u~ ot 1ne (.,,.

e.1i,11 w rtah!:WH" lh4,r f Pl!:11"9". one

Of 1,,., hnl 1)1 .119' IMI Pff!~IU.nq;


i1 tftll hff hU\INN

mu-,1 bit ~ r 1 t l l Lo 90 to I
,II ll'IY hfflff AM llhOUO,f'I 1...
w lvH k>OII: fOonNrd to FTX1 , I.My
,uni. 11s OM1 ol ttwl r huSNncH'
ioO and ac:cocdlnof'f try to hcfp rum





.,.,e wns

cwolH lhll!' ~iyfl\O.. ''Abwftc.e ff\i.k.Hll'llt "9.arl grow tONSPr ."

1 min h iffl wMr, tw IIJOe't- to U.
field o, to tot'lferenc.e-. but I 1ho
h.a..,. ,1 Q:ood tNtlnq ol ndtQC!'fl.cienc.e. I 10<* uo,on this ,n NC.1-Mf'Y t>ruthH tor bott"I ol 111- o1nc1 ;a
lD ftM'.'ldle ll'\Lllg'J
own.- one otbH" wom.,n ,..,.._
Mn 8.c1tm.1n uvs Of r1eld 1r1"'"

tJw tltludt'ol rnnywomer,

"I ma\. sur I hone everyth n,g I

nncl ld bu'I' tnwe food; ~
GoftUlt-1 WYi.
Lt Mri... Gon.lle's. ,,...ny
tn..11 ffSllin9 110C:ll DI


grac,r4n for ,,,..,..,oencH (FiX.s

l'ld rl.s) helps lo Q.H Intl, hu~banc:11, peaco1 mltML

Piltrt UHit.l!r 1r1111, to 1,..-,n OW
Atmr r"9Uia.t1on.1 ,ittteo IO I.hi!

mlnlt1Wr<ol * C l ~ I.

lno. *' You ~Jorn to be wry 111

0.lwt" WOfflfft uld 1--., hate
FTXt.dl1,ruptll(G IM1r lfVHndevftl

m.tOe lhei r hu, oan11, dtttdt not 10

slY in ll'le Army

... oo,n
t o ~ the nu:t 10
""14'11 ffly hustwnd IWO or
tfWff hours ov Cinct,,o
itMi tome time-\) even 'Whtfl ht itd"t
ln the lleld. men Whilt"sll'ie u~of
v,tn tie ng
rites w~n W"OU-r htlr
~ 'l marrN!'CI 10 IOffltOl'I dw U.Army ..... a,w
AlhhldP\ p .. en imc,ortnt. pan
In ~Yone' \ f le. and a <OIIP!t' i ath~
11.IOfo IOW"UCI t'Ul !ob .and Utld dutr
AIC"ollten s imil..-.
One wom~ WIICI M"tll MIG her





"""'"'" "'" ....

d duty. Dul ~ d

wt\fNlftt he tw\ 1.0 90 i t' i (f'M"t.''

1'\ llowii, Sus.t.n M Be...-d twl,ot. ~

m"10II tir PPl""KJtlle Um 11ml' tlWY

chdl\4lvt togt-1"-.r.
Ont o the-r woman w ho 11 aho in
lfll' Army , ~ , M valuit ' "' ,ne fie&d
CW"IOM'lnt. 11:ftO Dil.Hin-H lttily only

i l u \ ~-

w~t,.11 mot'IJIIY

" Sy knp1r19 ,, ,, c..lotne, clHned

ano nytrung " nttd\ ,ete1:y so

Mr,l'JI" H1lln'lollltw1 wys, ''I l'litlp

or I ,i1ay-ou:1 ol hltwy:
Al'lolhff -Nlle M'f1, s.he
tor',nFTXby '' ll!l'DlnoO:oln~u
boOa oA1wJ umsc,r1bior.g, to 11.~1,

Women r-tport ~ I Ht'4 Outy

mol!.n 11,oe,m md. lonf ly. rnoodv;

ll'lii1 II .. make, Of or 1na1 "1C
1ft(,ri11M-1o'Strairi 1n lnitiamUy ....
FM" c.on\OIM.on. CS\e ~

family lift impcmlbl

'"9 <~41iN .-Ja,no Fr "


u..1 lhrf m.aiu norn--.J m.i, t,ffv lt1ua1fy ifnPG'\IDlf'

" You c..,., , pln ny 1.Jmi11 .><hw111111. E,,...,, c.hurcl'\ on evl'ry i ~dv'
I~ nol PD'I~ M, lkl--.bdnu Gidn't
eve1"1p1~ch.ainc109rt -.i\l~ oon
Nby . He-wa, wnc tot~,.. -...,.brtrli
She WU.._ WNII. Old cl.nd .,_,h 0Vf!r
4 montn Old whn he f lnJUy re
h1rMd.'" Gfot'~it Lee Meta.:, c am,.


'-.ncthl!r- .,,. (omipl,t1ft\ lri..t b!,f'

l'MHOand r\tV.f' ltliNt\ Oh, t,1 UI

itDl'lile M#'"birlhday ..,u.. ~r

C:hltdrftt .art UOK1dll' ,'I II N;. ted,
some more '"" oUM"rS.

~ u ts ' "-trd T"bty

nw held.. i..d 1,-,.


""', 1n




dtr1t~ U fflHMi up t u ""l'IONt

!i\r'Sltm, The luCl'ltwon' I r,:11 y, t1~t!)
.and lheY re M> h,trd 1on,111i,1. wbtn
tf'lelr- d ~ t OOUl'l' I c ~ . ~ ,tt
RtQhl ft" t. so hd 1.0 , ....::- I.OS
notn OtaM COk: S.


~t~-: .. ..

"'flll IOf" lhDV Wl'\O hvt' ~ tnt'


tobl r"5ht0 lo lrWl'IOUKtaJ ,

Fo, aftOl:hH wlft, ,1 wa, "JIMtnQ

"' fM hnt hn"lit' Jim Wttll lo thf'

lieldl I wa\ 111dt.0tndenl lo, the' UrU
u,111t ,n lbrPe mar,lh'io
I 11,K my
~, li<etM-. htw.uv ci1..-d enc1
.,.,.,, 1n. l:he! 11 s f'ffrt-'11lt'IIIJ la now tn.11 w,t-5 ble lo h,M
t1on on my
In toni"gn

OiJI I l"Qourflnl Dilb't. ''

Otw wift> <11rn,., '""One -wNll
my rn-nl in Gcf'"*'Y he ~ lo
U. l ...ld ~ I go( ytry :1,0. AIMS


()(It. '1,, fe, DOdll) ew1. "" Anylhrftl!I

Ull'll rlappen """"'" my t i ~ 110\II:

~ o4 Uw prOblms t ac...ii c,y lhe

....... ~ when lfttlr l'K.JSIWU~i . , ,

tan .,

" In October tt7i I WH pttgn.ant

~ wJ n l ~

WJlh my IU"!.t ChilO


my hu\band be .ollowed in h om tn
t ltld , Mr bu$1)11nd bad OOC.lor's
"ltnwnl lh,II ht w,15, gainQ to tlY
, .. .-nt~ on, w ,le_ Witll~ Lhey

tn.tde him 00 M 11\al W-l'N" uvTftll very w~ I wenl 1>,K_k lo


IM f\Ospit.aJ boeUll,tH I WU IOld lht

1t I oot diu.,. or ~w spoti , was lo

rtlurn lmme,chtitly. l ...... em lo I.he

~ 10 S,hdl
d iiot'MY nd
~r1 ift I" ie..- I ...,:, mt ldU. "'Jirl
IN M .d 0."r They tL"4 lo wftlt-' my


hu1,blnd 1n t,om lnne ri~n M

c.uH I uht1IJVJ M.rd tun ..


H.aylor llH Hve chitdkn

t ~ lll ~\lretti,fo,ur,no,n hJ.10

~hi And OftlfNIJt y-t:_.,S ...fl" ~

"' He ,eem'5 lo e-nJov 11 tor IM mou

M h Jt~I llyll'IQ 1"'-1 F"f111;Mfl .-Ad 1,,,.
c-.,llrnge of n-. t:IIR)baem ...


Dann. T ~ le,ets.,.
I'll!!' MlH to bt ..., .. , I r-om
t\hfAmily .'
8ut a I.trot- pil!rcent--ot of the
women 11.u .. CIOtl't Ii.lee IM:,t ~

IMu ~ustlrM!ilH l lr<M'!Q'y dhlll.e it

too They IUQ9tM lfl5 U,1,a proo..

Whil~ the c:hUo,-en real 1u thei r

tnrv ftJ tt M

fitrwt' 1\ .. ,n 1hr ht


wn:iH'ilAAGJl"O- ot w l'\61 ,.,. s

CIOtngtN,,. O,..~writnthal




<.t11tc:1 r 1"11 Ct.I

rlo~ity l)y -ii,aTtun9 lh-'1 ,Mir

1,11r,u is p,acllc.11,q wnt 10 00 in
<M" of
Mr,. w ~ \he ,. ~ ace~


< ,uwd bJ
1irmg GUI on l'ltr swr1 ~n, , ,.Ts."'dre!o
1t11S by lryi flQ 1ouw1J10te o-Jh;.,l)(e,.

\1anal prcblern,:,. rrCht ly


Bu.I lM bD'M"nC" all t'<

m.J.n ,\I\Str,ec.n1lc,en.


So,nr WtVt!'\ hnd ,1 ,,.,,.

no, lloc,wt1.t19 . ~ , . or
(orn.n<g l'IOll'h,
womn Wy'S,, In ow StJt1e\
p, h<. bUI here 1.l t.oulO


t 1hetr
A\ Qllt"

,I., JU\I


e I
"U c.auw"
,1,.a.11 on
OUr f,;a
l y \ l,tblllV.'' \t<tln a,i;e
On trw ol~r fl.Ind. ~ ,ii,omll'n
un fi nd po111111e trung\ 1)11)\11 11\e
Wdde:n DWnt H
u m.Akf'\ nw t.rt hilt I" . e- Dttf'n
rnttN'5t'Ci \4!1ff\ tnOnlnS . , , , ~ of

" U dJfttl't my lifl!' ~ c.,wi-..= I'!"!

vtry ot'O,l't'\~eicl fh.c-re', n OI t-noul!Jll
tor 1niP wnrn lo 00 9 wu Mrit . e\.P"

cl 1, wnen lhrf-~, onh


wtJO' U SIKllli. 100,tlVr to qel .t(lt l

Ult\ Slartrct Theft ~t"f' \., le no

tn lttf' he ld ft II I\ somtlh no nwt

,._.~ 11w,,.,.s btN'I lhouQhl of .u Im.
lntfl U wdJ tt.acaPfn Urst..
&l,fllQ 11'1 ~'U\1119 ts. Ii " lHltnlJ
pP\"JSl.-...,r\" '
lr-,iuior1att.0n IJ a ~ or problf'ffl 0111ne Colcl.l\ ur mentlol'K"CS


ln(On wt~,n, II W"o1H to ,. -..

~ft'.Wnbvsn 1lhlhrtt t"lldnn..

T.- llflo'#N llled IMy COUid IH"ld

~!"J;ftb\n IOf~tlY!!rnt'

S.~ P (l<Jiat lf'!.ler , " \JnlU lh.P

\111111' ~


t;w:gan llrO got

"""'"' :: .J l;,I \'Ve> h.n! 11 kUom.~,c-,

._..,,,<"...,.Gmund .

10 U\.e Utt Army CMin-OI


~"'wt- ~ontht l!ConorTtY. ...

\ilY1 Solano;~ \M on:fy
lt"Ob~ m I ACNII whil~ m; nur.bano
\ u, l l'I C!' hftd wa, IM 1,c, '"'
C-...01\0tJ)o.cllo.UC,IM,n,1,el 8t1nQIO


tM Y lr"otn Pliame, le'llf't".1. mt-aft

1.ut In(' rno\l horr,Jlt t-.:pitr ienc~
t h.,1 tr.: f medi<I e,ffl(' r9trw;:
ta bl lflC'" fflO\I 1,,1uni,,a1; , ; ng upefOt' 41w1fpwft1k"f'Mt'I' ~



11>1 to come _._ from ,,,. , _

Ind IIU 9ii.ri ta lhif fllOWll1~1
where Cloclo,-~
Plied t.uwn. .

,n UW l,itld . Thie

OiKO~ She

Pou, ble e11lction from their

Plr1l'TIHIII WH Oftt' type ol sJtu~
Hon I.Mi COUPie ol Wl'H-1 l'I..ICI to
OtI w ,
Jitfj ~,oo Mndled
0111, Inc-de nt U''lfOUQII, . a ~ (onl'f't"
encl' w1tn f\Clt 1ancsC1y. Almlhl!'r
lll()milln lo "'-'S.nQ, YWtio tOld
~r u,. liandlord cOlll-dn' I pul lhe-m

l i d. OI



u d IJWoJ _,.,n "'"~'"' 1ow She

would~ S0fflf0ftl ift tnt NUuy or
Al lM Stfl JudOI' Advoc.a1e, ISJ AI
ror http


lotloecl hOme


u,.~,i ~ potMliMh

s.ih,~han 111a1 en..

woma.nh.ild tofi1<ebyherwtf.



flkt' tot ol IJMo

il"llffl. " A lf"iend
arkl I ~NI le,9 Gerrntn 1,~1

II V1ftQ f"Oom/ Cl{nm9 room . ll wa:i aur MC.and

aQltrlrnt'ftl Oving on lhf, it<cu,om,"
Grm.any. H 1DOII; liMY

'"' "'

b om """"P 10


...-n. W

u,,.... When d,nn.or Ii.,... Umct lhtrl"

...,-., ten lo thlrtun 9vyt- Mil l 11,..oh-o lhf wII~ and
--' Willltp,IMt lO lhP prO!I, P'it.lifflil 11


fn pl. We Mf'"'iWf fflr"np crtoi:t

c:linn!'r ilr "nd nine p..~. and 10.... ed 1L"
Whal do UW wivK r~mbtr
a.bold lhal f,ru t i me Ll'liNr ~ n e t \
Wfld to uw hel4? Most oi uw Witts


tememb!, t""--l lirst field p,obtem

whether it 1o l,s1 lllll o, a tlUnll)C!r
M.lry C.on.i..iu r ~ r l. . . ,

s Nf''VOIIS t-c.aust" 1 .,. nere ln



(l[Oft' t

lnaw ~


thtffl Old f ~ hMnt:lw"g,H"I

.tnd potto .UIM tow- ..i. ..aon

.. -

1llli"9 in Mun. no car no rv. I\O

r.010.. no fTIOl\flf , ru\J lour ws ltllCI
e NDr: L9h Annei Gooon--.a,

LIH1 tn f.K;ecl rru,,ch lni'

sa~ scluahon

'4.no1floer It remefflt,tr1, she

Nttd oer~u.,
WM!iltod to lh ""' one WIPIOM I f,,i, It


Ofte wfi.. Ute ffll')I._,. .. lwo Cf'lilO,en~ 9H lrff- ~.,w;I ~ recalls i t

a1 " 101~01 funo lnne-ruor tne llli ldi .'"
M ich tU K Abell rerNfflben it
n teng, lOfMlr ped od..
1 Pt.O UIC 9Dllen ftert and liWd

pr-enit tar ft"Orn posL It u lon.ty

~ W,ll'.,

1n co.a,,,~r.,.

Qnlf I.e n dfn ~ " hN hv1-::>a"1.-:i

1,11 AnolNr
a:r, h,>d 1u-.t dr
G-et'nwny wtie'n
ta.and le-fl 1or
FOi ,lftO:l,W,
' u,e,t! w 1, lroo
DI Qellno cn1ldrf'fl to ,chool wn1.n


1hr bUiOdn"\ rldl.

One: mo1n1r ol hi,,,t-


,.~' t0;.

H TM boy_. WtlMtd lO I.IHI) our

CJecf Wl'DI me-. I lr,e,G 11 fo, ~ n,ihl

"'1th Pach ct11ld


Barbar Solano' s mosl .,....irnor-a -

blit tlQM'rienct wHn"I a 1,.,1r,gi one

10 he,4p: iollOo,aiRr

1111,;101,;,(' mt-d1< I

febrUar., 1''lli

Nr'\'lllh Hhn01my ll111t-aoy1,

~ lrom 5<flw..OiM:h
Gmuncl Md 10 l,Lllh hN" dau,gflfff 10
U\a& ShltlQ.arl nos,:,itaJ but h.ld to
cncet l'JH .ac,CM)lnt.ment limn
bt<a-,H P\t' COU:fdn't dr,"1 rtft'
d rll S..ncilf II tbt PP01nlrntn.U,
wre tn the- allemoon. It w '5 too
,.,.., 10 ke tr-, m i litary Dus lrom
Sluttg.1-n . Her tM.ISbiaftd

OUI 1#1lbOUl.lOcfa"t s""nQCK f Sl,e,

0.., tlh" !.""tl fl 1tno1,ttlroill It 1\d 1-

ft<yl1 u gt"f 1n couctl w 1Ulo her nu,;

tt.t"O ... "\N1 n.- ,, aw1s, ,n <W' ol
f'fflttf; "ICY Anolhe'r w 11, find\ ,1
. . . l&(.g"j

sr.ence oc.cvrrtd

while Mt hi.Hbl'MI was on Jen .

" M'f' fCIU'" Yilr Old bn>k hlJ ColY:.f ,
bone- M'd r rici 1.o 90- 10 OIU" ct.Ai<.
twte.11 ~ lo S1W111~t otte n1 two


Nit He's Doy Scout IWArl Mid,pnotoll'lll'firic1....,,",0w1


f " ~ . PilmliA Ktfltf'ICan-Mt

fe\.Ptt with ~o ,..1111w Qi 1a ...

for l'llJO man1111 r~v fi~1, wnt
me nome an ant con0,uon - lf'lii.l


tffiPCrlMlt PiM"t of
ln,pot'IM1t job.
ll'"J C'Hi~r- f o r ~ 11 f doft"I Kt like
mrt~, ." ...,. hu\bancr1 4lllludit?

._m,. or sl\onet one,.


down nJb , pouoni"9 .and

Wf'\. NO p-COlm E H0'91'1e tw

tout traf'fldt 11 ,,. I.he wme ~ I . y
1 - ' , lf'f'I ""'' upon.. .. Wf\al ar


di.II? Dul

,.,,., "''"""" onoin.. C.M Of E"911!1.hi0ftllli lng nf'l9htl0t\ s .a fr 19"Mftl"'J

lt'1ouon1 : S:IIIH Jtr, Mand100
M1'tl'ly womrn n P\hlnc;a Mn
com, IKlo.ltt with thl1 prOI>-

aJCll'l' I UIOWwh.11000.''
1 vt'H l '-'l monu,.s p , ~ 1. "
win Dem~ Mlllt"r .,_, totd not lo
~ ,-.,,,_ 1 hM to
~._,.,. \,a OIi W..,_11 IN95, of Qrou-t"liH
Ufll.,ri,. I ~ I I WH IOi1nQ ttlirt'
btibY lhf- nul mor-n,ng


Qlll#\lry; de<lre5 Jeri M.anoloo

A ond oWOfti(.at Saoor Nlf'lor

that ~.. hU1tN.nd

.,., igreat 1111~ aoo thal t,hf . ,.
cep" lhe 1,1ntl'IQ a-. par-I DI h ,,s job.
$Andra N.avror W)'I.. UTNI is an


~ 1 91ve- a &Mn I lik~ bell'\9 ,n..olwf'CII IIDI $.illtNaOOUl'it "''"1"1.:n9.' 1 a

...,,..,. lrcim )rd Balla.I-*' Mth
FlltiO Ar-tdle-ry M\l'I
1 h'illr'nrd to De inctepenotnl long
.qo nd lh+ t 1\411- lod'ol<t't:I me One
dOit'\4'11 I nttd 10 W ICIO ndc'ott'ldtnt .
~ Id Oi' &bl~ 10 t.tU cre OIi
tt ir\dla:,,tri,.1\1'."" :!.UtM"l\,lU Ali<c-


IO~dlh Ve,y htut-SlttQ.'


1t1e,r hustaancs, ,.,. .aw,h,

new. m 111e1 wlM\. c..ope Wllh cwoo

Mlny "'' ""H MY i.ff'JOfy INt \My
trriiftt on ,U ~ail , nc Fwd n0
9reat dill1(uU~ \.. One INOffl.)fl
lorh lnd1unn11,. "'Whal do you
thin It I am - tftt.&cs>
K.~"9 bui.., fwhetMr OOd"O


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