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Self Written Reflection: Teaching and Learning

Reflection of feedback 15/02/16 Period 5

The year 11 English lesson today was predominantly successful as I aimed to
incorporate a range of teaching strategies into the lesson. After attending a professional
development inservice at CES on Friday I had numerous strategies to implement in the
classroom. Today I trialled the strategy of playing music as students enter the room and
having them silent when the music stops. Students responded well to the music and it
created a welcoming and calming classroom environment. I felt that my questioning
techniques improved in the lesson today, however I still need to monitor student
engagement in the classroom and ensure that all students are being called upon to
participate in class discussions. The students in the class have lost their motivation over
the last two lessons. In order to accommodate to the needs of the students I
incorporated group work into the lesson. This had a positive effect on the students and
their energy levels immediately improved. My main focus for the lesson was to have
students constantly active and engaged in the classroom. My approach to this was to
constantly call on students to read, answer questions and summarise what I had just
taught them. I also needed to work on the pace of my lesson. I feel that this improved
drastically in todays lesson. Not only does this assist me in my energy and motivation
towards the students, but it has a positive effect on the rapport you have with students.
This personal written reflection identifies a range of teaching strategies incorporated into
the teaching and learning sequence that improve student engagement and motivation in
the classroom. The teaching strategies highlighted demonstrate an active learning
approach that promotes collaborative discussion and active engagement in the lesson.
The strategy of playing music in the classroom as students enter creates a safe and
supportive learning environment as well as aligning with the holisitc approach to learning
outlined in Catholic Education.

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