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: OEL(32 BIT)

Configuring Putty: Putty is a middleware used to connect to server from client.

Now open putty and provide required server ip address and click open.

Then login as root with providing password.

Then we will get the below wizard.

Adding groups: From root user type the below command to add oinstall group.
Oinstall group will allow the user to install oracle software.

Now type the command groupadd dba as shown below.

DBA group will allow the user to perform database administration actions.

Now add required user. I m adding a user with name bhanu

Here I m adding user with primary group as oinstall and secondary group as

Now give the ownership on all the mount points to the user by giving below

WinSCP: It is a third party tool which is used to copy software from windows box to
the linux box.

Configuring WinSCP: Open the winscp and give the linux box ip address and
username followed by password as shown below. Then click login button

Then the following wizard will obtain. It will show windows box contents in left and
linux box contents in right.

Go to the required location and simply drag and drop the software.

Then there comes a wizard. In transfer setting button click binary and then go for

Process will carried out for some time

Here we can see the copied softwares in the linux box.

Now switch to bhanu user and go to the software location and unzip the file in
sequence order.
Here I m unzipping 1st one.

Process will goes on.

Now unzip the 2nd zip file.

Again it take some time for processing.

Then we can find a directory named database as shown below.

VNC Server: It is a software which is used to invoke graphical user interface(GUI)

in unix box.

Configuring VNCserver:
Switch to root user and type command service vncserver start as shown.

Now switch user to bhanu and go to /usr/bin location.

Then type ls ltr vnc* for vnc executable files.

Then run vncserver file.

It will prompt for the password and provide any password.

Here it will create a new authority file as shown below.

Open the vncserver and give above host name or IP address followed by
number after colon.

It prompts for password. Give the same password which we given before the
creating authority file.

Here we got a graphical wizard.

Now go to the location where database directory resides.

Go to the database directory and type ls ltr command.

Here we got some files and run the runInstaller file

A graphical window will appear.

Here we comes the 1st step of installation.

Uncheck the security updates box click yes even if we got any error.

Here go for create and conf a database option.

In 11g there is a bug in creating database later. To avoid this we choose this

Here go for the server class and click next.

Now go for single instance database installation.

Here go for the advance installation as we can get more features in this type of

In this wizard we have to specify the language for the product. I go for English.

Here go for the enterprise edition as it will provide more features.

Here we have to specify the path for oracle software to reside.

Here go for the general purpose.

In this wizard we have to specify the database name. I go for bhanudb

In character sets tab go for Unicode option as it provide multiple language


Then click next button simply.

Here specify the database location and type of storage. Go for file system

Go for do not enable automated backup option and click next

Here we can set different passwords for different users, but I go for same
password for all.

Simply go for next.

Here it starts installation process.

After some time it shows to perform some pre-requisition steps to perform.

Click fix & check again button.

Here u got a script to execute.

Go to root user and run the script. And click ok

Again the process will goes on.

Here we got summary about the 11g. click on finish button.

Again the process will goes on.

Again there comes another processing window.

Finally will get the notification that database creation complete.

After completion of database creation it prompt to run script.

From root user go to that location and execute the script with sh as
shown below.

Hence the database creation completed.

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