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HOW TO: Make A Rose Online Evo Private Server

Guide From RageZone

Current Version: REV 80 (October 5th, 2007)

-- 1.0: Server Installation

-- 2.0: Running the server
-- 3.0: Client Setup (NO more .bat!)
-- 3.1: Setting up a webserver + Site
-- 4.0: SQL
-- 5.0: GM and Commands
-- 6.0: Compiling
-- 7.0: Multi World
-- 8.0: Extras
-- 9.0: Problems & Errors
-- 10.0: Notes
-- 10.1: Updates

--------1.0----------Server Installation

Step 1: First download this full server I have put together for you.
Link: Full Server ver 80 (Updates: REV 80!)
- 1/29/07 (Emergency Update For GM Commands)
- 1/30/07 (New SQL Update for .sql file, new and improved respawns)
- 2/8/07 (Updated to the new files! Rev 16!)
- 2/11/07 (Updated to the new files Rev 20!)
- 2/20/07 (Updated from Rev 20 to Rev 23)
- 2/24/07 (Updated to Rev 25 files!)
- 2/25/07 (Fixed the STBS, which updated them to ver 137)
- 3/1/07 (Updated to Rev 30 files!)
- 3/1/07 (Included the right database)
- 3/4/07 (Added ver 138 STB!, should fix in-game problems)
- 4/4/07 (Updated to the new files! Rev 41!)
- 4/6/07 (Updated to the new files! Rev 45!)
- 4/18/07 (Updated to the new files! Rev 59!)
- 4/30/07 (Updated to the new files! Rev 60!)
- 6/25/07 (Updated to the new files! Rev 76!)
- 10/5/07 (Updated to the new files! Rev 80!)

Step 2: Install MySQL. Please download and install it.

Link: MySQL 5.0 Installer
- 10/5/07 (Updated to new version)

During the installation, it will say something about "singing up", choose "Skip Signup". After MySQL is
installed it will ask you to configure it, so keep clicking "Next" untill you get to a part where it asks for a
password. Type in the password "root" (without the quotation marks, this is the password that will be used for
configuring your server and Navicat).

Step 3: Download Navicat. This is used for the Databases (SQL).

Link: Navicat MySQL
- 10/5/07 (Updated to version 8)

Install Navicat. After it's installed, run the program. You should see the connection "localhost" to the left. IF you
do not, go to "File > New Connection". In the fields put this:

Connection Name: localhost
Host Name/IP Address: localhost
Port: 3306
Username: root
Password: root
Click "Test Connection" and you should get a success. If you do, click "OK".

Now, click your connection "localhost" and right click and go to "New Database". Name the database "roseon"
and click OK. Right click on the database you just made, and click "Execute batch file". Browse to the folder
you extracted the server files, and find the folder named "Database" and double click, then find the folder named
"Full SQL" and double click it, then find the file "osrose.sql" and open it. It will start the process of adding the
tables in, it may take a few minutes. If everything went right, it should tell you it executed it successfully.

Step 4: Now, go to your Server folder where you extracted all those files. In the root folder you should see
"charserver.conf" Open that file with Notepad. And you should see this:






You first need to change the database settings up top. The host should be "localhost" just like you did in
Navicat. Same for the username and password you did for navicat. And for the database name, put the name of
the database you created in Navicat. So basically your just filling out the info that you made in Navicat, really

Now you need to change some things. So, on the "serverip=" change the to your
WAN IP. (which you can find here: ). Then find "servername=Dark" Change "Dark" to
whatever you want your server name to be. Now, find "lanip=" you need to change this to your lan
IP. You can find out your lan IP by going to "Start>run> and type in "cmd" (without the quotation marks) and
once the command prompt comes up, type "ipconfig" (without the quotation marks). It will give you the LAN IP
along wit the Lan Sub Mask. So change those two fields in the conf file. Save and close the file.

Next, find the file named "loginserver.conf" and open it with Notepad. And you should see this:





Again, change the database settings just like you did in the previous file. After that, find
"serverip=" and change the to your WAN IP (which you can find here: ). Now, find "lanip=" you need to change this to your lan IP. You can find out
your lan IP by going to "Start>run> and type in "cmd" (without the quotation marks) and once the command
prompt comes up, type "ipconfig" (without the quotation marks). It will give you the LAN IP along wit the Lan
Sub Mask. So change those two fields in the conf file. Here you have a choice, see "CreateLoginAccount=1"?
When this is set to 1, it enables a person to make an account on login. What this does is a person will type in
their account info in game, and it will tell them "Account does not exisit". Then if they type it again, their
account will be created. If you want this disabled, then change the "1" to a "0". Save and close the file.

Lastly, find the file named "worldserver.conf" and open it with Notepad. And you should see this:



servername=Channel 1

welcome_msg=Welcome to Open Source Rose Online


Again, change the database settings just like you did in the previous file. Then find "serverip="
and change the to your WAN IP (which you can find here: ). Now, find
"lanip=" you need to change this to your lan IP. You can find out your lan IP by going to
"Start>run> and type in "cmd" (without the quotation marks) and once the command prompt comes up, type
"ipconfig" (without the quotation marks). It will give you the LAN IP along wit the Lan Sub Mask. So change
those two fields in the conf file. Then find "servername=Channel 1" and change "Channel 1" to what you want
your Server name to be. In this file you can edit the EXP rate, the Drop Rate, Zuly Rate, and the Welcome
message and more things. Save and close the file.

You do not need to edit the "config.ini"! You have now setup your server!

--------2.0----------Running the server

So now run the .exe's in this order: Run "loginserver.exe" and let it load, then run "charserver.exe" and let it
load, then run "worldserver.exe".

That was short and easy!

--------3.0----------Client Setup

First, download the ver 139 EVO client:

Link: Rose Online NA_EVO ver 139 Client
Then Install the client, after it's installed. Run "ROSEonline.exe" and let it update completely! After it's updated,
you MUST run "TriggerDetect.exe" and fill out your Graphic settings, if you do not run TriggerDetect, then the
client will not run.

Next, you abosolutely NEED to download this. This will fix your game from thinking you have a Hacking Tool.
GameGuard did an update that disabled most private servers (when you logged in it said "Detected Hacking
tool" and closes the game). So to fix this, please download this file below and put it inside your Rose Online
client folder and double click it (nothing will happen, it runs in the background). Anyone who trys to connect to
your server will need this file.
Link: Rose Online Game Guard Patch
- 4/28/07 (Updated to a new working GameGuard patch)

Throughout the forum you've seen how to connect to your server, with the .bat, EW that's so annoying and not
pretty, well I'm going to help you out now. Download this launcher (made by nhed57, all credits to him):
Link: Rose Online Launcher
So extract that to your Rose Online folder. (Default should be: C:\Program Files\Triggersoft\Rose Online
Evolution). After you extracted the launcher to that folder, go into that folder and find the file named
"lconfig.nhd" and open it with Notepad. Inside that file you should see:


The "Server=" is the IP the client connects to. So change "" to your WAN IP (which can be
found here: ). The "HTTPReg" is the weblink to where your registration is filled out, you
don't have to fill that out, you can leave it blank. The "HTTPNot" is your main website link, you don't have to
fill this out you can leave it blank. After you have filled it in, save it and close it. You are now done with the
client setup.

--------3.1----------Setting up a webserver + Site

Throughout the forum topics tell you to use WAMP, well WAMP sucks so we're aren't going to use it. First,
download XAMPP (so much better and easier than WAMP).
Link: Xamplite 1.6.0

After Xampplite is downloaded, install it. Now after it's installed, go to the Xampp folder, the default location is
( C:\xampplite ). Find "xampp_start.exe" and run it, if everything goes well then it should tell you it's a success.
So now bring up your web browser and type in "http://localhost and if the xampp page comes up, then you
installed it successfully!

Next is to download a Rose Web CMS, lots of them are found on the forums. Here is a new one (Credit to
Link: Rose CMS v3.2 Lite
- 1/28/07 (Updated)
- 2/2/07 Updated to the new FULL Version
- 4/28/07 (Updated to v3.2 release)

Next, go to your HTDOCS folder, which is found in the Xampp folder. (Default path is C:\xampp\htdocs ).
Delete all the files inside the HTDOCS folder except for the folders "forbidden" and "restricted", please leave
those. Then extract the Rose CMS v3.2 Lite you just downloaded to the HTDOCS folder. After you have
extracted it, make sure xamp_start.exe is running, if not go back to your xampp root folder ( C:\xampp) and start
it. If the webserver is running, bring your web browser up and type "http://localhost" and you should see your
Rose CMS v3.2 Lite! Now you need to install the website to make it connect to your database (so you can make
accounts). So in your "inc" folder, find the file named "config.php" and edit the Database settings inside there.
So follow this pattern:


Database Host: localhost

Database User: root
Database Password (use the password you set in MySQL)
Database Name: roseon

For the rest of the stuff such as a Server Exp, Server Drop, Client Link, Patch link, you don't need to fill that in.
If you want to that's fine, but it's not required. If your database settings are correct, then save the file and try and
make an account in your CMS. Now your done!

If you cannot see your webserver, go down to "-- 9.0: Problems" to fix it.


SQL is really easy if you just look at it. Let's say you want to change a character's name. You would open up the
"Characters" table, and find the character's name you want to change, and change it. And your done! It's really
easy. Same for many other things. Such as giving someone zuly. Go into the "Characters" table and find the zuly
field, and enter the number of zuly you want that character to have. Inside the SQL you can change many things,
the character name, zuly, skills, hair style, face, job/class, and much more. So for your sake, I'll post some useful
Class ID's

To change a character's class, find the field "classid" inside the "Characters" table and change it.

0, Visitor
111, Soldier
121, Knight
122, Champion
211, Muse
221, Mage
222, Cleric
311, Hawker
321, Raider
322, Scout
411, Dealer
421, Bourgeois
422, Artisan

~More SQL things to be added.

--------5.0----------GM and Commands

To make a character a GM, go into the "Accounts" table and find the field "accesslevel", a normal characters
accesslevel is 100, for a GM it's 300. So to make an account a GM account, change the accesslevel to 300 and
your done!

Next, here the GM commands:


/tele [map] [x] [y]        - teleport

/b                    - broadcast
/save                - save character data
/reload                - reload config.ini
/ann [msg]            - announcement
/SSPAWN [monid] [min] [max]    - startspawn
/SET                - setspawnlocation
/ESPAWN [monid] [aggressive]    - endspawn
/DSPAWN [id] [monid] [min] [max] [respawn time] [aggressive]- dupespawn
/DELETESPAWN [id]        - delete spawn by id       
/pak                - read packet.txt and send it
/pak2                - read packet2.txt and send it
/level [lvl]            - change lvl
/class [id]          - change your class, must relog after
/info                - show info
/exp [amt]            - give yourself exp
/mon [monid] [count]        - spawn monsters
/kick [charname]            - kick player from game
/job [jobname]            - finish first job quest
/set [id] [refine]        - set full armor to [id] with [refine]
/cha [slotname] [id] [stats]    - cha slot to [id] with [stats]
/item [id] [type] [amt]        - get item
/levelup                - go to next level
/drop [type] [id]        - drop an item
/givezuly [charname] [amt]    - give someone zuly
/npc [id]            - spawn an npc
/givefairy [charname] [flag]    - give/remove fairy (1/0)
/move [charname] [map] [x] [y]    - tele someone
/goto [charname]            - goto someone
/teletome [charname]        - bring someone here
/playerinfo [charname]        - get player infor
/give2 [charname] [id] [type] [amt] - give someone item(s)
/ban [charname]            - ban a player
/buff [id]            - buff yourself
/ani [id]            - do animation
/summon [monid]            - summon monstor (to help you)
/reloadquest            - reload quest info
/shutdown [minutes]        - shutdown server in x minutes
/dquest                - debug quests
/iquest [id] <amt>        - get items for quest (i think)

(Credits to Minoc)


First, I've done you a favor and put all the newest sources together for you.
Link: Newest Sources (Rev 80)
- 1/30/07 (Emergency Update)
- 1/30/07 (SQL Update for .sql file, new and improved respawns)
- 2/8/07 (Rev 16 new files!)
- 2/11/07 (Updated to Rev 20 new files!)
- 2/20/07 (Updated to Rev 23 files!)
- 2/24/07 (Updated to Rev 25 files!)
- 2/25/07 (Fixed the STB for ver 137!)
- 3/1/07 (Updated to Rev 30 files!)
- 3/1/07 (Included the right database)
- 3/4/07 (Added ver 138 STB!, should fix in-game problems)
- 4/4/07 (Updated to Rev 41 files!)
- 4/6/07 (Updated to Rev 45 files!)
- 4/18/07 (Updated to Rev 59 files!)
- 4/30/07 (Updated to Rev 60 files!)
- 6/25/07 (Updated to Rev 76 files!)
- 10/5/07 (Updated to Rev 80 files!)

Extract the sources to a new folder somewhere.

Next you need the compiler, DEV C++ 4.

Link: DEV C++ 4.9

After you downloaded DEV C++ 4, install it.

Then, download the pThread packet and install it.

Link: pThread

After that's done, run the program. (Default path is C:\Dev-Cpp ). Now you need the libmysql package. So
inside DEV C++, go to the menu "Tools>Check for updates/packages" and select the "devpacks" mirror. Then
click "Check for updates" after the list is complete, search through and find "libmysql" and select it and click
"Download Selected". After it downloads it will install, so let it install.

After the libmysql package is installed, we need to change a few lib paths. Open up your project (such as, which can be found in the "worldserver" folder) Go to menu "Project>project option".
2. Go to "parameters" tab and change the "C:/Dev-Cpp/lib/libws2_32.a" and "C:/Dev-Cpp/lib/libmysql.a"
for you correct path.

Open DEV C++ and in the menu go to "Project>Project Option". Then go to the tab "Parameters" and change
the "C:/Dev-Cpp/lib/libws2_32.a" and "C:/Dev-Cpp/lib/libmysql.a" to their correct paths, (look for files in the
"lib" folder, and just copy and path).

Now, to compile the .exe, open the .dev (,, and click on the
menu "Execute>Rebuild All". And you have the .exe inside the sources folder!

--------7.0----------Multi World

This had to be completely redone because the old version of Multi World did not work. This has now been
updated. The only way to get this to work is to edit the source. It's strongly recommended that you know what
your doing in the source.

This will allow you to configure more than one world/char server, while only running on login server, so you
can have 2 servers (Maybe a high and low rate) running off one account database, but with seperate
character/item/quest/everything else tables.

You can ignore the extra settings in the conf files unless you want the server to be a slave. To set it up as a
slave, make sure to set it's id to something unused, set "serverslave" to 1, change the DATABASE section to the
new database (It doesn't need to have a channel or accounts table in it), change the PARENTDB to the main
database with the account table, and set everything else up how you would normally set up a server.

This will work for splitting up a server, so that the master is on one PC, and there is a slave on a second. Just
make sure to set up the IP's in the config right, and set up your routers port forwarding.

01-11-2008, 03:28 AM
Post: #2
Vic Posts: 124
Full Member Joined: Dec 2007
Reputation: 0
How TO : Make A Rose Evo Private Server Part 2
#-----[ REPLACE WITH ]-------------------------
if (!Config.isSlave) {
if(!DoSQL("SELECT username,lastchar,accesslevel,zulystorage FROM accounts WHERE id=%i AND
password='%s'", thisclient->PlayerSession->userid, thisclient->PlayerSession->password))
return true;
result = mysql_store_result(mysql);
} else {
if(!DoSQLMaster("SELECT username,lastchar,accesslevel,zulystorage FROM accounts WHERE id=%i AND
password='%s'", thisclient->PlayerSession->userid, thisclient->PlayerSession->password))
return true;
result = mysql_store_result(mysqlmaster);

#-----[ OPEN ]---------------------------------
/World Server/WorldServer.cpp

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------
CWorldClient* CWorldServer::CreateClientSocket( )
DoSQL( "UPDATE channels SET connected=%i where id=%i and type=2", ConnectedClients,
Config.ServerID );

#-----[ REPLACE WITH ]-------------------------
CWorldClient* CWorldServer::CreateClientSocket( )
if (!Config.isSlave)
DoSQL( "UPDATE channels SET connected=%i where id=%i and type=2", ConnectedClients,
Config.ServerID );
DoSQLMaster( "UPDATE channels SET connected=%i where id=%i and type=2", ConnectedClients,
Config.ServerID );
#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------
void CWorldServer::DeleteClientSocket( CClientSocket* thisclient )
DoSQL( "UPDATE channels SET connected=%i where id=%i and type=2", ConnectedClients,
Config.ServerID );

#-----[ REPLACE WITH ]-------------------------
void CWorldServer::DeleteClientSocket( CClientSocket* thisclient )
if (!Config.isSlave)
DoSQL( "UPDATE channels SET connected=%i where id=%i and type=2", ConnectedClients,
Config.ServerID );
DoSQLMaster( "UPDATE channels SET connected=%i where id=%i and type=2", ConnectedClients,
Config.ServerID );

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------
DoSQL( "DELETE FROM channels WHERE id=%u and type=%i", Config.ServerID, Config.ServerType );
if(!DoSQL("INSERT INTO channels (id,type,name,host,port,lanip,lansubmask,connected
,maxconnections,owner) VALUES (%i,%i,'%s','%s',%u,'%s','%s',0,%i,%i)",
Config.ServerID, Config.ServerType, Config.ServerName, Config.WorldIP, Config.WorldPort, Config.LanIP,
Config.LanSubnet, Config.MaxConnections, Config.ParentID))
Log(MSG_WARNING, "Error accessing to database, the other server will not connect to WorldServer" );

#-----[ REPLACE WITH ]-------------------------
if (!Config.isSlave) {
DoSQL( "DELETE FROM channels WHERE id=%u and type=%i", Config.ServerID, Config.ServerType );
if(!DoSQL("INSERT INTO channels (id,type,name,host,port,lanip,lansubmask,connected
,maxconnections,owner) VALUES (%i,%i,'%s','%s',%u,'%s','%s',0,%i,%i)",
Config.ServerID, Config.ServerType, Config.ServerName, Config.WorldIP, Config.WorldPort, Config.LanIP,
Config.LanSubnet, Config.MaxConnections, Config.ParentID))
Log(MSG_WARNING, "Error accessing to database, the other server will not connect to WorldServer" );
} else {
DoSQLMaster( "DELETE FROM channels WHERE id=%u and type=%i", Config.ServerID,
Config.ServerType );
if(!DoSQLMaster("INSERT INTO channels (id,type,name,host,port,lanip,lansubmask,connected
,maxconnections,owner) VALUES (%i,%i,'%s','%s',%u,'%s','%s',0,%i,%i)",
Config.ServerID, Config.ServerType, Config.ServerName, Config.WorldIP, Config.WorldPort, Config.LanIP,
Config.LanSubnet, Config.MaxConnections, Config.ParentID))
Log(MSG_WARNING, "Error accessing to database, the other server will not connect to WorldServer" );

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------
DoSQL( "SELECT host,port,lanip FROM channels WHERE id=%u and type=1", Config.ParentID );
result = mysql_store_result(mysql);

#-----[ REPLACE WITH ]-------------------------
if (!Config.isSlave) {
DoSQL( "SELECT host,port,lanip FROM channels WHERE id=%u and type=1", Config.ParentID );
result = mysql_store_result(mysql);
} else {
DoSQLMaster( "SELECT host,port,lanip FROM channels WHERE id=%u and type=1", Config.ParentID );
result = mysql_store_result(mysqlmaster);

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------
DoSQL("UPDATE accounts SET online=false where id=%u", thisclientwc->PlayerSession->userid );

#-----[ REPLACE WITH ]-------------------------
if (!Config.isSlave)
DoSQL("UPDATE accounts SET online=false where id=%u", thisclientwc->PlayerSession->userid );
DoSQLMaster("UPDATE accounts SET online=false where id=%u", thisclientwc->PlayerSession->userid );

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------
Config.SQLServer.pcPort = ConfigGetInt ( file, "mysql_port", 3306 );

#-----[ AFTER, ADD ]---------------------------
//Master Database
Config.isSlave = ConfigGetInt ( file, "serverslave", 0 );
Config.SQLMaster.pcServer = ConfigGetString ( file, "master_host", "localhost" );
Config.SQLMaster.pcDatabase = ConfigGetString ( file, "master_database", "roseon_beta" );
Config.SQLMaster.pcUserName = ConfigGetString ( file, "master_user", "root" );
Config.SQLMaster.pcPassword = ConfigGetString ( file, "master_pass", "" );
Config.SQLMaster.pcPort = ConfigGetInt ( file, "master_port", 3306 );

#-----[ OPEN ]---------------------------------

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------
CROSEServerConfigSQL SQLServer; // SQL Information

#-----[ AFTER, ADD ]---------------------------
CROSEServerConfigSQL SQLMaster; // SQL Server ref for master server, if a slave
bool isSlave; // Is the server a slave?

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------
bool DoSQL(char *Format, ...); // Do SQL Query

#-----[ AFTER, ADD ]---------------------------
bool DoSQLMaster(char *Format, ...); // Do SQL Query

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------
pthread_mutex_t sqlmutex;
#-----[ AFTER, ADD ]---------------------------
MYSQL* mysqlmaster;
pthread_mutex_t sqlmutexmaster;

#-----[ OPEN ]---------------------------------

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------
pthread_mutex_init( &sqlmutex, NULL );

#-----[ AFTER, ADD ]---------------------------
pthread_mutex_init( &sqlmutexmaster, NULL);

#-----[ FIND ]---------------------------------
pthread_mutex_destroy( &sqlmutex );

#-----[ AFTER, ADD ]---------------------------
pthread_mutex_destroy( &sqlmutexmaster );

#-----[ APPEND TO END OF FILE ]----------------
// Do sql query
bool CServerSocket::DoSQLMaster(char *Format, ...)
pthread_mutex_lock( &sqlmutexmaster );
char Buffer[1000];
memset( &Buffer, '\0', 1000 );
va_list ap; va_start( ap, Format );
vsprintf( Buffer, Format, ap );
va_end ( ap );
int mres = mysql_query( mysqlmaster, Buffer );
if (mres!=0)
Log( MSG_SQL, "Could not execute query: %s", mysql_error( mysqlmaster ) );
Log( MSG_SQL, "Query: %s", Buffer );
int pres = mysql_ping( mysqlmaster );
Log( MSG_INFO, "Trying to reconnect to Mysql..." );
if ( !mysql_real_connect( mysqlmaster, this->Config.SQLMaster.pcServer,
0, NULL, 0 ) )
Log( MSG_SQL, "Failed to reconnect to Mysql master server" );
pthread_mutex_unlock( &sqlmutexmaster );
return false;// we should close server?
Log( MSG_INFO, "Reconnected to Mysql master server, Trying to do Query Again..." );
for(UINT i=0;i<3;i++)//will try to make the query 3 times
int mres = mysql_query( mysqlmaster, Buffer );
pthread_mutex_unlock( &sqlmutexmaster );
return true;
Log( MSG_SQL, "Could not Execute query: %s" ,mysql_error( mysqlmaster ) );
Log( MSG_SQL, "Query: %s", Buffer );
pthread_mutex_unlock( &sqlmutexmaster );
return false; // we should close server?
Log( MSG_QUERY, "Query: %s", Buffer );
pthread_mutex_unlock( &sqlmutexmaster );
return true;
Credits to drakia for figuring this one out.


This is an document that contains the GM Commands.

Link: GM Commands

This is an Excel/Spreadsheet document that contains the Item ID's.

Link: Item ID's


This ia Text Document that contains all the teleport locations and their Map ID's.

Link: Locations and Map ID's


Here is a .VFS editor, where you can edit your .vfs and client graphics. Such as characters, loading screens,
weapons, and lots more. (Credit to aurose)

Link: VFSnextgen

Here are the compiled EXE's incase you loose yours (loginserver.exe, charserver.exe, worldserver.exe)
Link: Compiled EXE's (Rev 80)
- 1/29/07 (Emergency Update)
- 2/8/07 (Updated to Rev 16 new files!)
- 2/11/07 (Updated to Rev 20 new files!)
- 2/20/07 (Updated to Rev 23 files!)
- 2/24/07 (Updated to Rev 25 files!)
- 3/1/07 (Updated to Rev 30 files!)
- 4/4/07 (Updated to Rev 41 files!)
- 4/6/07 (Updated to Rev 45 files!)
- 4/18/07 (Updated to Rev 59 files!)
- 4/30/07 (Updated to Rev 60 files!)
- 6/25/07 (Updated to Rev 76 files!)
- 10/5/07 (Updated to Rev 80 files!)

Here are some RARE outfits (armors/clothes). Credit to Intro.


Durable armour: 38,2-5,9,1,1,1

Cedric Armour: 39,2-5,9,1,1,1

Executioner Armour: 40,2-5,9,1,1,1

Pirate Armour: 551,3-5,9,1,1,1

Silent Walker: 561,3-5,9,1,1,1

Captaian Armour: 571,2-5,9,1,1,1

Trigger hat: 661,2,9,1,1,1

Bomber Armour: 661,3-5,9,1,1,1

Bourgoise Armour: 776(hat),676,3-5,9,1,1,1

Fairy armour:445,3-5,9,1,1,1 551,2 (hat)

Joker Armour: 561,2(hat),461,3-5,9,1,1,1

Mistic Armour: 465,3-5,9,1,1,1,565(hat)

Black Cross Backshield: 770,6,9,1,1,1

White School Girl: 187,3&5,9,1,1,1

Black School: 181,3&5,9,1,1,1

Dolphin: 769,6,9,1,1,1

Kerokero Umbrella: 768,6,9,1,1,1

Thor's Bass Drum: 767,6,9,1,1,1

Elementary School Bag: 766,6,9,1,1,1

Astrot Pink Wing: 764,6,9,1,1,1

Astrot White Wing: 763,6,9,1,1,1

Astrot Silver Wing: 762,6,9,1,1,1

Cart Racer Vest: 130,2-5,9,1,1,1

Blue Santa: 180,3-5,9,1,1,1

GM Suit: 151,2-5,9,1,1,1

Nobel Lord: 132,2-5,9,1,1,1

Magic School Hat: 824,2,9,1,1,1

Angel Hat: 825,2,9,1,1,1

Kerokero Hat: 826,2,9,1,1,1

Headband: 827,2,9,1,1,1

Yukata: 188,3,9,1,1,1

Trendy Swim Suit: 182,3,9,1,1,1

pRose soccer: 174,3,9,1,1,1

NArose soccer: 173,3,9,1,1,1

jRose soccer: 172,3,9,1,1,1

kRose soccer: 171,3,9,1,1,1

rose soccer: 170,3,9,1,1,1

Yellow Rubber Boots: 182,5,9,1,1,1

Wooden Shoes: 183,5,9,1,1,1

White Magic School Shoes: 188,5,9,1,1,1

Durable Gloves: 38,4,9,1,1,1

White magic school gloves: 186,4,9,1,1,1

Cherry Blossem Glasses: 166,1,9,1,1,1

Snow Board: 37,9,9,1,1,1

Goblin Hatchet: 150,8,9,1,1,1

Reams Puricator: 182,8,9,1,1,1

Pink Guitar: 462,8,9,1,1,1

Angel Recorder: 463,8,9,1,1,1

Rose Beuque: 464,8,9,1,1,1

blue santa hat: 823,2,9,1,1,1

Pigtail ribbon: 833,2,9,1,1,1

Students cap: 834,2,9,1,1,1

White lion: 835,2,9,1,1,1

Chef hat: 836,2,9,1,1,1

Summer school look: 189,3,9,1,1,1

tiger backshield: 246,6,9,1,1,1

snowball: 326,10,9,1,1,1

firecracker: 930,10,9,1,1,1

(2,376,3rd job helmit,soldier

(3,376,3rd job armour,soldier

(4,376,3rd job gloves,soldier

(5,376,3rd job boots,soldier

(2,476,3rd job helmit,muse

(3,476,3rd job armour,muse

(4,476,3rd job gloves,muse

(5,476,3rd job boots,muse

(2,576,3rd job helmit,Dealer

(3,576,3rd job armour,Dealer

(4,576,3rd job gloves,Dealer

(5,576,3rd job boots,Dealer

(2,676,3rd job helmit,Hawker

(3,676,3rd job armour,Hawker

(4,676,3rd job gloves,Hawker

(5,676,3rd job boots,Hawker

--------9.0----------Problems and Errors

Server Side

1.) How do I change the EXP, DROP, ZULY rate?

Solution: Inside the worldserver.conf are options to change the rates.

2.) How do I change the Welcome Message when I login?

Solution: You can change the Welcome message inside the worldserver.conf

3.) My WorldServer.exe keeps crashing!

Solution: You are missing some files, or you compiled it wrong. Re-extract the files, or if you compiled, check
your sources again.

4.) When I try to connect with Navicat, it says it can't connect to MySQL!
Solution: You need to install MySQL. Download here: MySQL 5.0

Client Side

1.) When I launch my client, it just crashes with the error "Send/Don't Send"!
Solution: Run "TriggerDetect.exe" and fill out your graphics settings (only need to do this once)

2.) After I type in my account and password and click login, and stays at "Logging in" forever!
Solution: Make sure you have the launcher file set to your correct IP. And check your .confs and make sure the
IP's are correct (your WAN IP).

3.) All my IP's are correct, but I still can't login!

Solution: You need to port forward your Rose Online ports. Go to - Free Help Setting up Your
Router or Firewall and find your router, it will instruct you on how to port forward.

The ports you need to forward are: 29000, 29100, 29200

If your using the multi world, you need to forward: 29000, 29100, 29200, 29101, 29201

4.) When I try to login, I get "The Servers are currently undergoing maintenance"
Solution: Make sure your using the latest Rose EVO client and server files, and your ports or forwarded and that
you have applied the GameGuard patch (new at 4/28/07) after your last client update.

5.) After I select the server, it says "Loading Avatar Selection.." forever!
Solution: Make sure your have port forwarded.

The ports are: 29000, 29100, 29200.

Web Server Side

1.) When I type "http://localhost" , nothing shows up and xampp_start.exe is running!

Solution: You need to port forward a port. Go to - Free Help Setting up Your Router or
Firewall and find your router, it will instruct you on how to port forward.

The ports you need to forward are: 80

2.) I installed PHP, and Xampp, and port forwarded and "http://localhost" still isn't working!
Solution: Restart your computer and your router

3.) On the Rose Online Web, I fill in the details to make my account, and I click "Create" but it doesn't create
the account!
Solution: Go back inside the config file and double check to make sure your database settings are absolutely

4.) How can I allow other people to see my website, instead of "http://localhost" ?
Solution: Port forward the port "80" and instead of "http://localhost", use your WAN IP (which you can find
here: ).

For example: "http://localhost" http://yourwanip

01-11-2008, 03:29 AM
Post: #3
Vic Posts: 124
Full Member Joined: Dec 2007
Reputation: 0
How To : Make A Rose Evo Private Server Part 3
This Part Is All Me


Use This.


Hamachi lets people who connect to your network, actually connect without you having to open ports. So all
you need to do is create a network and have ppl join. Then when they are in they can use your launcher to join.

Guides: On How TO Install Hamachi

Go to the "LogMeIn Hamachi' website or another download website, such as "" or ""
to install Hamachi. Find and choose the Hamachi downloadable file and then run it. Abstain from having it run
automatically so that you can run it as a service later.
Step Two
Reboot your computer after you've installed the Hamachi program. Open Hamachi from the new shortcut once
your computer has rebooted and follow instructions for setting up a new account.
Step Three
Know that you must select a nickname, and you'll then receive a special 5.X.X.X IP address via the Hamachi
server. Follow this same procedure (at the same time if possible) for each computer you want on the private
network. Shoot for obtaining IP addresses that are close and similar.
Step Four
Create a new network and choose a net name and a password. Make sure you come up with a secure password
or visit a password generator website, such as "Perfect Passwords" to obtain a secure password.
Step Five
Install Hamachi on each computer in your private network and then click on the "Join existing network" button
for each computer. Type in your net name and password and choose "Join." See that a computer has connected
with other computers on your network once a green dot appears by each of them on the network list.



To install Hamachi, simply download and run the install file from the Hamachi website: Version was the version I used for all of my testing. I recommend installing
Hamachi in the default folder and not having it run automatically, especially if you would like to have it run as a
service, like I describe below. After the installation you will need to reboot the computer.

After rebooting the machine start up Hamachi from the newly created shortcut. It will give you instructions to
set up your account. Basically, you pick a nickname and it phones home to the Hamachi server to obtain your
unique 5.X.X.X IP address. You might want to do this step at the same time on all your computers you plan to
access with Hamachi. That way they will all get IP addresses close to one another. You then click "create new
network" and enter a network name and password. I recommend using a site like
to obtain a secure password.

Once you have installed Hamachi on all the computers you plan on using, you will need to click the button to
"Join existing network" on all the other PCs. Enter your network name and password and click "Join". Once it
detects the the other computers it will place a green dot next to their entry in the list. You should then be able to
access network shares and remote desktop or VNC into the computers. Use the assigned 5.X.X.X IP address to
access each computer. One limitation of Hamachi is that you cannot currently use the program to securely surf
the net from a remote location without using some kind of remote control app. Another program called
OpenVPN is much better suited for that and other advanced routing tasks. I will cover OpenVPN in another

Running Hamachi as a Windows service:

I highly recommend running Hamachi as a Windows service. It takes a little more effort, but here's how you do

You need two utilities - instsrv.exe and srvany.exe. Both can be found in the Windows Server Resource Kits.
You can find the Windows 2003 Server Resource Kit here. But it is rather large and won't install on Pre-XP
Windows machines. So you might be better off doing a Google search for a site like this.

Once you have these utiltites, copy them into your Hamachi directory. (I'm going to assume that you used the
default directory from here on out.)

Go to Start - Run - and type cmd to open the Command Prompt

Type these commands in order and hit enter after each:

    cd C:\Program Files\Hamachi\
    instsrv AutoHamachi "c:\program files\hamachi\srvany.exe"

This will add Hamachi as an available service in Windows.

Edit the Registry:

Then you need to edit the registry to run the service properly. Add one of the following entries according to
your Windows version.

For Windows 2000:

(Win2000HamachiServiceConfig.reg - right-click, save, and run)

    Application = c:\\program files\\hamachi\\hamachi.exe
    AppDirectory = c:\\program files\\hamachi\\
    AppParameters = -srvany

For Windows XP / 2003:

(WinXPHamachiServiceConfig.reg - right-click, save, and run)

    Application = c:\\program files\\hamachi\\hamachi.exe -srvany


With the new version the above registry keys have an additional command to point the service to the
correct profile. Instead of simply the -srvany you need to add a -config tag followed by the file path to it. By
default the config file will have the path:

C:\Documents and Settings\_your_user_name_\Application Data\Hamachi

So for the new version you will have a string like this:

    -srvany -config "C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\Hamachi"

Note: Don't forget the quotes around the file path and replace "Administrator" with your username.

With the later version you can now skip ahead to the "Configure the service" section below.


Next you need to copy the user profile data you created during the installation from the current Windows user to
the default system user in the registry. This needs to be done so that when Hamachi runs as a service it will have
access to the info needed be able to connect to the virtual network you created. There is several ways to copy the
necessary registry data from one area to another, but this is the only way that I have found that works on all
versions of Windows.

Go to Start - Run - and type regedit and click OK to open up the regsistry editor.

Navigate to:

    HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Applied Networking

In the top menu go to File (or Registry in server version) - Export (or Export Registry File)

Give the file a name and then save it.

Open the file in a text editor like Notepad.

You need to edit the file to replace the two instances of:




Save the changed file as a .reg file and double-click it to apply the data to the registry. This effectively copies
the Hamachi user profile from the original location in the regsitry to HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT

Note: The copying of this data can also be done at the command prompt using the reg.exe program's copy
command, but it is not available on all versions of Windows.

Next you need to make sure this registry key is set to the value 1 so that Hamachi automatically connects on
(HamachiAutoConnect.reg - right-click, save, and run)

    HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Software\Applied Networking\Hamachi
    AutoConnect = 1

Configure the service:

Go to Start - Control Panel - Administrative Tools - Services

Right Click AutoHamachi - click Properties

Select "Log On" tab - check "Local System Account" and then under it check "Allow service to interact with the

Go back to the "General" tab and for Startup Type select "Automatic".

Reboot the machine and Hamachi should automatically start and connect. You should then be able to start up
Hamachi on the the other computers and verify their connectivity.

To make it easier to access other computers on your network, add the 5.X.X.X IP addresses with their
corresponding host names to the hosts files of all the PCs.

Note: If you do run into any errors or it just doesn't work for you, make sure you double check the syntax of
everything. Make sure Hamachi is not running during any of the stages of configuring it as a service. Also,
check Hamachi's settings to make sure it is not set to automatically start up when you login. Feel free to post a
comment if you encounter any other issues with this process.

Other Hamachi links:

Here's some links to info on using Hamachi on other operating systems and some other uses:

Running Hamachi as a service in Linux:

Hamachi on Mac OSX Beta info:

Running it automatically on Mac OSX:

Public networks list:

Gaming networks:


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