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Elise Washington

Mrs Hensel
English IV
11 Febuary 2016
Annotated Bibliography : Foster Care
Research Question : How does Foster Care affected the parent and child ?
Thesis Statement : Different house holds experience different things in different enviorment you
cant really base your answer on one person .
Geraldine, Lynn-nore, and Chittom Wagner. "Foster Children Programs." Salem Press
Encyclopedia (2015): Research Starters. Web. 19 Feb. 2016.
Foster Care programs provide temporary care for a child , they are provided food clothing shelter
and anyother type of care until the age of 18. To be in Foster Care you have to be indifyed as and
orphan being a abused or just negeleted period . Being in Foster Care helps you get back with
your original family like i said beffor it only temporary but can can up to years until your family
is fit to take care of you or someone is willing to adopt you .Being in Foster Care can be really
scary for someone ,the thought of livinng with strangers is always scary but just think about tis
The Agency would put you with someone who its qualfied to take care of you . Foster Parents
go through a lot to they have to go to classes to assure them that they are fit to do the job.
Research on the relationship between parental incarceration and foster care placement is limited
it focuses solely on maternal imprisonment and provides neither strong causal tests nor tests of
This Source help me see how they pick who to be foster parents

CHANEY, CASSANDRA, and MEGHAN SPELL. "In The System:"A Qualitative Study Of
African American Women's Foster Care Stories." Western Journal Of Black Studies 39.2 (2015):
84-101. Academic Search Premier. Web. 19 Feb. 2016.
How Does Foster Care Affected People ? . In This article I seen a veriaty of people opinions and
experience. I read about Abbie in this article she was 16 years old with 3 other sibiling 7 9 and
10 years old , they all were in the same house hold . This was there first time in Foster Care and
it was a one parent home ,abbie really didnt like it because shse didnt like moving from her
oringinal home . Abbie and her sibilings had no longer had any realataionship with there blood
family they had been completly negelted. Betrice moved i to a 2 parent home at the age of 17 .
She was put into Foster Care because her and her mom did not get along well Betrice had a
brother 13 years older than her that she got alog well with . Betrice loved her new Foster Care
home she said she likes meet new people sos she was very satisfied with her moved . Dana
enterd Foster Care at the age of 9 she was sent there because she was being sexually assulted by
her father , Dana had 9 sibilings but she was the only one sent to Foster Care , Dana claims she
had a good relationship with her farther outside the abuse and no relationship with her mom .
This Article showed me that everyone has a different story and no one person is ever the same
this can help me see how it really affected people.
Jones, Loring P. "Former Foster Youths Perspectives On Independent Living Preparation Six
Months After Discharge." Child Welfare 93.1 (2014): 99-126. Professional Development
Collection. Web. 19 Feb. 2016.
How does being in Foster Care affected your living after leaving the system ? When you turn 18
you are lleglly on your own your out the system and nomore moving to foster care house and if

your lucky your Foster parents might adopted you so that you wont be on your own or the can
still provide you with the needs that you need . When leaving the system it can be very difficult
to live on your own without help from other people , you have to learn how to live on your own
from what you have learned throught your life and sometimes that can be bad . study says that
37% of kids in juvnile crime systems came striaght from foster care . this article tells me how
they act after being in foster care and they way you were treated affects how you act so i can use
this to see how kids were treated when they were in the system

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