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Jonathan Aviles
Professor Storm
English 102
Education Reform
In the United States, the school education system isnt ideal, it has it flaws. Education
reform can help out more people in the U.S. to have a better and more successful life. Three
terms to help define education reform would be adjustment, solutions, and effect. An education
reform will be able to help out others in United States. It can even help people that dont attend
college and graduated from high school. It will improve upon todays society and economy. The
education system needs to be reevaluated, not just to help out students but to also help out
When it comes to adjustment there are things that need to be look over in the educational
system like subjects, accreditation, and assignments. High school and middle school students can
pretty much pick out their classes and subjects that they want to take. Yet there are still some
classes that are required in order to pass the grade and move forward. Now for college the system
is practically the same basic principle, but these classes shouldnt be required. This way of
college should be adjusted to better help the student learn more about their major. For example, a
student shouldnt be required to take an art drawing class if there major is in animal genetics.
Another thing to consider is accreditation, which is more for those that attend colleges or
universities. Accreditation is a seal of approval granted to intuitions of higher education and is
intended to assure students that colleges and universities meet certain standards of quality

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(Burke & Butler, 2015, p. 5). Accreditation also has some flaws which can limit a students from
receiving financial aid since students have to attend schools that are accredited. Accreditation
rates the institution more as a whole then specific courses or class. Assignments should also be
considered. Assignments throughout the years of school have been more on quantity, since some
courses need students to meet a quota to pass the class. However just because the student meets
the quota doesnt mean that they have actually learned something. Student assignments should be
focused more on quality to better help the understanding of the topic or subject being taught in
class. Instead of meeting a quota of the work needed to complete the class, the rule should be
whether the student has understood the topic to continue moving forward.
There are different problems to a flawed education system but there are some solutions to
help out those who attend school like enrollment programs and investing. When readjusting the
enrollment programs, which is more for college and universities, there should be different ways
to help out the students on attending these institutes. Different programs could be added that can
help fit in with students schedules since some have to work in order to pay for their own
education. Other programs could help out students who want to focus more on their major to
better help them for their future when they graduate. There also could be a verity of different
programs in order to make things more straightforward then complicating peoples life. If the
government were to invest money in schools the programs would improve as well as the
education taught to students. Then education overall would increase in the United States and
more people would become a better country as a whole.
Changes made to the education system can have a favorable effect in the end. Some
benefits are that test scores would increase, people would do better in their majors, and the
changes would help out those that dont attend college. Test scores would increase since students

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would be taught quality lessons and information. Also it benefit them by students actually
completing the class and it would also make them feel great about themselves. Students would
also learn more about their majors and since they wont just take courses based on work criteria
they will be able to focus more on their own major or career path. They can become more
interested and involved on what they want to do in life. A better education system would also
help those that graduate from high school and decided not to attend college. They would know
more to help them have a steady life and to make the right decisions.
While yes some things could be adjusted, there should be things in the system that
shouldnt be touched like, what is taught, how its taught, and school policies. The schools right
now are ideal to society. Students are learning with the current subjects that are being taught in
school. They get to choose the subjects that the schools provide and not much else is need to
change. Different staff have different teaching techniques so it keeps students interested and
focused on the subject. School policies should not be touched since they are pretty much the
rules. The common policies such as attendance, dress code, and etc.
The solutions themselves also have problems. They are expensive, time consuming, and
teachers need higher qualification. While the government can help out with money situations in
education reform, the investment would still cost a great deal of money to incorporate new
programs or a new system. Money wont be the only issue but also time. The government would
take a long time before the new system would be put into play. For example, Like teaching
profession, education systems are, by nature, extremely complex and multifaceted, and the
challenges entailed in reforming or improving them can be similar complex and multifaceted
(Hidden Curriculum, 2014, p.2). If a new system is put into play, then professors, teachers, and

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staff would need higher qualifications in order to teach in the new system. Teachers would also
have to learn new things to better teach students.
Finally some outcomes that could happen are parents would encourage students to get a
good score on the test in order to pass but not really learn the material. Students would just try to
memorize some material the day before a test and forget it the next. In addition, some negative
outcomes could happen like students might not even graduate on time if they cant comprehend
the material and would be forced to retake the class and push back their schedules. Because of
that there would be a lack of achievement. Students would be forced to remain in their current
grade and maybe would graduate a year late. They would have to try to relearn everything in a
class they had taken already and hope that they can get it the second time around. While those
are valid arguments a compromise could be too slowly change the education system. To take
steps one by one and to change the most important so that students can better enhance their skills
and knowledge to better themselves for their future. Then after deal with small things or less
expensive until the system can be perfect. Even in the future it can be changed as society needs it
too be to also better the economy.
To summarize education reform should happen in order help students with school.
Reevaluating school systems would better help the learning for students, society, and for the
economy. Things that can be changed will have better solutions and have a positive effect. Not
everything can be readjusted or reevaluated at once, but it can be done one step at a time until the
system is flawless and perfect.

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-Burke, L., & Butler, S. M. (2015). Accreditation Should Be Reformed in Higher Education. In R. Espejo (Ed.), At
Issue. What Is the Future of Higher Education? Farmington Hills, MI: Greenhaven Press. (Reprinted from
Accreditation: Removing the Barrier to Higher Education Reform, Backgrounder, 2012)

-Frauke Hachtmann. (2012). The Process of General Education Reform from a Faculty Perspective: A

Grounded Theory Approach. The Journal of General Education, 61(1), 1638.

-Hidden curriculum (2014, August 26). In S. Abbott (Ed.), The glossary of education reform.

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