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Invest in the past or in the future?

It is often said that governments spend money protecting historic sites. Are
this expenditure required or is more important invest in the future?
On the one hand, it is important to protect the past because is part of the
culture and future generations will know about it. Furthermore, if
government spend on protect the cultural heritage, will attract tourism into
a country. As a result the economy increase and decrease the
unemployment rate.
On the other hand, investing in the future may improve social welfare, for
example better communications, education and healthcare. Consequently, it
may improve the economy and attract foreign investment due to
productivity improvement.
Obviously, the governments budget is always limited, especially in crisis,
and government has to decide how spend it. Some people believe that
public sector must spend more money on preserve historic sites than in
invest on the future because the second one should be made by private
Although there are arguments on both sides, in my opinion is more
important to the society and to the economy invest more in the future than
in preserving historic sites.

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