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Format For Setting Goals

1. What 5 things have you already accomplished that youre proud of?
2. What do you want in the next 10 years? (Not something you can get but want)
(A list of at the very least 50)
3. On each item/goal write down a number by it: (to decide how long it will take to achieve it)
1 for 1 yr
3 for 3 yrs
5 for 5 yrs
10 for 10 yrs
4. Then make a list of how many 1s, 3 s, 5 s, 10 s
When youve accomplished these goals you need more goals to accomplish
Its very important that when you reach a goal that you celebrate
If the family reaches a goal celebrate with the family
You need on going goals
5. On your list of 1 year goals, which are the four most important
2 Great Questions
Whats got you turned
Whats got you turned

6. Write a paragraph or each of your top four as to WHY it is your major one year goals. (This is where
you talk yourself into it or out of it)
When the why gets stronger the how
gets easier

7. Purpose is stronger than object.

Purpose = the what for
Here is why I want this money
Here is why I want this house
8. What is the major value in reaching the goal?
The major value is the person you become by
achieving your goal

9. What kind of person will it take to get all you want?

Write a brief paragraph on our analysis on the kind of person it will take to accomplish that 10
year list
10. What is the major value in setting goals?
To entice you to become the person it takes to achieve them

Its very important that if its no longer

important to you then take it off your list.
Change your list as you grow.
Goals are something you attract
Something you pursue

accept Pain

Beware of what you become in pursuit of what you want

If the parents are ok then the kids are ok

Self Sacrafice


The best contribution to your friends, family, work is your self-development

Men that went to the moon came back depressed.

Why? Because, now what?!
They needed to revamp their goals.

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