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Losing Your Mind

The Adventure starts with the adventures coming to a small village (Swesington) at the edge
of a forest. The village is controlled by a gang of vicious Nobles (who are also cultists of
Chaos Undivided) (see below for details) who will viciously beat up one member of the group
in the White Coffin Coaching Inn (see below for details) shortly after their arrival (will start with
one member of the group and local nobles, but can descend into bar brawl, various reasons;
e.g. spilling a drink). To make matters worse, there will be a large amount of noise at around
two o’clock in the morning (just when the character have had a few drinks) it is a mutant
raiding party. If they battle with mutants on the road, one will be struck over the head with a
club and suffers amnesia, no longer remembering who he is, nor who the rest of the group
are, or their quest. They can take the sufferer to a local healer (called Bertstien) (see below
for details), who promises to create a brew to restore their mind, providing the adventures
brings back certain ingredients (five imliam leaves, two flowers of the New Moon lily and three
black spotted mushrooms; Perception tests required, one per half hour of walking in the wood
land, outdoor survival halves the time till next test can be made, academic knowledge;
medicine +30% to perception test) from the nearby forest. Narrowly avoiding the Nobles (next
morning as they leave for the forest, they don’t attack just taunt from horseback) and a roving
band of mutants (see below for details, will attack roughly every two hours that the adventures
are in the forest, small groups), they gather the ingredients and bring them to Bertstien. This
recovers the mind of the adventure that suffered amnesia. Revenge can be sought upon the
Nobles if desired.

The White Coffin Coaching Inn

Coaching Inn, Reputation: Common. See Table 5-17 Lodging and Table 5-8 Food and Drink
(for costs). Has Excellent Local Ale: Swesington Goblin.

Mutants see table 11-1

Nobles see Chapter X-I: the bestiary, a mixture of Rakes, Gamblers and Sell-Swords

Stefan Bertstien: Apothecary

Main Profile
Ws Bs S T Ag Int Wp Fel
36 30 42 34 27 47 32 40
Secondary Profile
A W SB TB M Mag Ip Fp
1 13 4 3 4 0 3 0
Skills/Talents: Heal, Academic Knowledge; Medicine,

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