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-Find 4 bridges 5 kilometers long (at least)

orensund bridge

-age of construction
2nd of july 2000


-Justific its contruction

The bridge finishes in a tunnel that goes below the sea up to coming
to the city

-Used materials
Reinforced concrete

7849m long. It is a bridge connected to a tunnel that goes below
the sea. The bridge has cables of steel for estiral the rails, has 5

-Personal opinnions
The bridge is big and I like much that it finishes in bridge

bahia de san francisco bridge

-Age of constructions

Charles H. Purcell

-used materials

His maximum Length is 97 km. The bridge consists of two principal segments that join in a central
island, the Island of Good Herb every shore. The western segment ends in San Francisco and
consists of two suspension bridges with a central anchorage. The oriental part ends in Oakland.
The bridge of the Bay is, with 7.200 meters, the longer platform of steel of the world and
possesses 5 rails for the traffic in every sense.

modern stile

I like the red color for a bridge and am long


puente vasco de gama


Armando Rito,Michel Virlogeux

justific its constructions

On having constructed it they had to have care with the average environmental impact because there
is nearby a nature reserve

-used materilas
Reinforced concrete

The bridge measures 17.300m the bridge has 2 columns alone initially and demas without columns

-personal opinions
It is very a lard .I don´t like that the alone bridge tenda two columns and dams without them

viaduct of millau
age of constructions

Norman Forster , Michel Virlogeux

-Used materials
Reinforced concrete and steel

2460 m of length and 343 of high place, it has tiranter for the way and has 2 rails in every side
I like because it is high, it has sight good but I do not like that there are the tensile ones in way

Roberto Gonzalez Bandera

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