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CAS Activity Proposal Form

Student name: Theo Ginting
Proposed activity: Yearbook
Date of starting: October 20th, 2015.
Day: Monday & Friday
Approximate time: 2 hours
Name of Adult leader (supervisor): Todung Aritonang
Position: Supervisor
Contact detail:

Form: 1 (Creativity)

Please comment on how this activity will help you to achieve the Learning Outcomes as IB CAS
The Yearbook committee is an organization that was started in the beginning of grade 12. This
organization will be a whole new experience for me to be able to work with my pals. Being a new
student in grade 11, I was introduced with the whole class and started getting along with all of my
friends. I believe by joining the yearbook committee, I will be able to enhance the friendship and
cooperation with my friends. To be planning and designing this years yearbook will be a great
honor for me as I believe that my contribution will be remembered along with the book everyone
will be carrying to each universities.
Worked collaboratively with others - The yearbook committee will help me develop my
collaborative skills as we will be working together as a team. This will also develop my
communication skills in which I will be listening to others opinion whilst voicing out my own
opinion. Contributions should also be balanced amongst each member, which is why the learning
outcome of working collaboratively with others may easily be achieved.
Show Perseverance and Commitment in their - Within the 1 year experience, I wish to show
great perseverance and commitment in contributing for the making of the yearbook.
Planned and initiated activities
Along with working collaboratively with others there are times when the ideas develop will be
carried out as activities such as fundraising, hopefully by being part of the yearbook committee I
can develop skills of planning and execution.
Activity Leader:
This student has given me the letter providing information about this CAS program. I am aware of
the need for evaluation and am willing to provide this.

Leaders signature:

Approved by CAS Coordinator:



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