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CAS Activity Proposal Form

Student name: Theo Bentang Perdana Ginting
Proposed activity: Selling second-hand clothes to the citizens of Pulau Pramuka
Date of starting: March 4, 2015
Day: Wednesday
Approximate time: 3 hours
Name of Adult leader (supervisor): Ibu Helmy Pardede
Position: CAS Coordinator and field trip supervisor
Contact detail:

Form: Service

Please comment on how this activity will help you to achieve the Learning Outcomes as IB CAS
During the grade eleven field trip to Pramuka Island, our class will be selling second hand clothing to the
islanders of Pulau Pramuka. We will be selling the clothes in three different categories according to price
and all the clothes are donations from all the students. By doing this activity I am hoping to see different
side, a new side of the society that is less exposed, as well as trying to improve my communication skills
with strangers.
Learning Outcomes:

Undertaken new challenges

I have never sell clothes, let alone second hand to people I completely do not know. By doing this activity I
hope I can excel in this area, which is completely new to me and maybe I will also be able to increase my
bargaining skills through this activity

Worked collaboratively with others

Selling these clothes would inevitably mean I will have to interact with the islanders to assist them choosing
and buying the clothes. Furthermore I will also have to constantly communicate with my friend when
selling these clothing so we can collaborate well and ensure the activity will run smoothly and be
beneficial to us and the islanders.

This activity will help me to think what will the impact of carrying such activity to the islanders, will it be
beneficial or costly to them, and most importantly is it an ethical activity to do
Activity Leader:
This student has given me the letter providing information about this CAS program. I am aware of the need
for evaluation and am willing to provide this.
Leaders signature:

Date: 27 April 2016

Approved by CAS Coordinator:

Date: 27 April 2016

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