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CAS Activity Proposal Form

Student name:Theo Bentang Perdana Ginting
Proposed activity: Teaching Taekwondo
Date of starting: 15 November 2015
Day: Sunday
Approximate time: 2 hours
Name of Adult leader (supervisor): Sabum Hendrik
Position: Taekwondo Instructor
Contact detail:

Form: Service

Please comment on how this activity will help you to achieve the Learning Outcomes as IB CAS

As the continuation of my action last year, this year for service I decided to challenge
myself to assist my instructor with instructing other taekowndoin, especially those from the
higher geup. By doing so as my service I hope to undertake new challenge, work collaboratively
with others, and develop new skills

Developed new skills

I have been practicing taekwondo for a long period of time. And since my getup level has
enable me to instruct others I hope to be able to develop my skills that relate to passing
knowledge to others as well as interacting well so that the knowledge or skills being taught can
be well understood

Undertaken new challenges

Though practicing taekwondo is a routine for me, teaching it will be a whole different
experience, since I have no experience in teaching this will be a whole new challenge for me,
especially to be able to do the job well.

Work Collaboratively With Others

Since I am only assisting, I will have to collaborate with my instructors to know what part
will we focus on today, what drills, and what techniques. In order to make each practice session
run smoothly I must be able to work well with my instructors.
Activity Leader:
This student has given me the letter providing information about this CAS program. I am aware of the
need for evaluation and am willing to provide this.
Leaders signature:
Approved by CAS Coordinator:


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