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Little Chakra

Cindy Figueroa, M.A.& RMT
Rodebergbos, August 2015

Dear Friend:
Receive a hug without distance. It is a great honor to share with
you this little handbook where you can discover and reconnect
with your magical centers of power: your chakras. Personally, I
think the chakra system reveals great richness and ancient
wisdom so we can harmonize all areas of our life based on
personal balance. Everyone is an agent of change in our
environment and so are you! This booklet is intended to provide
a little knowledge and tools for your holistic well being in the
sacred journey of life. I share these pages with much love
wishing that everyday you become freer and happier. Let your
beautiful colors shine. The world needs your light! Infinite
blessings :)

Reiki Master Teacher

Little Chakra Handbook

The Chakras, your energy centers
The term "charka" comes from Sanskrit and it means wheel or
circle. In fact, the chakras are often displayed as opening
flowers and they are arranged along the spine where each opens
its petals facing both front and back of the body with an
exception in the first and last chakra that connect us to heaven
and earth.
From ancient Eastern traditions the chakras are considered
responsible for distributing different qualities of life force (also
known as prana, chi, ki) in the body. Thus, the chakras are your
centers of power and they fully support the different physical
and spiritual areas within you. As we can see, each chakra plays
different roles and yet each one has diverse correspondences
with plants, gemstones, sounds, colors, and other related
practices. The chakras can be in balance, exalted or slow.
Obviously, the ideal is to pursue the total harmony of the whole
system. Our body with its sacred wisdom will always do its best
to provide with its optimal results. We can honor and perform
constructive practices to empower our experience in resonance
with our inner essence. The seven main chakras are located as

Listening to the voice of your colors

You're like a moving rainbow sharing your colors with all the
vibrations of the Universe. By letting your light shine, your
energetic prism rises dissolving any sense of blockage. Listen to
your body language; contemplate, observe, feel, and decipher
what your holy body temple wants to tell you. Every sign is a
message. For example, pain is actually a virtue that is used to
notify us that we should pay attention to something and release
some issues to heal. Listen. The chakras also have a way to
express themselves and to understand them better we can take
specific actions to balance them. There are many paths to
wellness: learn, create, and inquire! Appreciate the wonderful
microcosms of your body and cherish it because it is the vehicle
that helps you in this life to do the things you desire. Remember
we can always give us a healthier lifestyle in body, mind and
spirit. You can start right now by simply having the sincere
intention of wanting to do so. How powerful you are! Take
action. Your essence is infinite light! Let's go ahead


characteristics and holistic tools for your wellbeing.
There are seven major chakras. There are others as well, but
this system conforms a complete and effective energy circuit.
That is why we will rely on it. The next section focuses on the
characteristics, correspondences and holistic practices that
relate to each chakra. It is of utmost importance at all times that
we always listen to our inner voice as it guides us to the
awareness and the choice of tools that best resonate with our
current walk. Remember that your intuition gives you unique
information and it is your mission to choose what suits you
best.. Maybe you will find pleasant to listen to music with a
relating tonality or create jewelry with stones and colors ... you
decide and everything is positive.


1.- First Chakra

Name: Muladhara, Root Chakra, Base Chakra

Location: base of the spine
Color: red
Gemstones: ruby, hematite, bloodstone, granite, red jasper
Musical Note: do
Planet: Saturn and Earth
Element: earth
Aromatherapy: cinnamon and myrrh
Metal: lead
Food: proteins
Archangels: Michael, Sandalphon, Ariel
Anatomic Connections: feet, legs, coccyx, sexual organs
Main Functions: grounding, security, survival, provision, sexuality,
self-esteem, manifestation,
Symptoms of Imbalance: panic, fear, anxiety, instability, aggression,
weakness, insecurity, problems with bones, feet, legs and spine,
nutritional disorders, insomnia
Holistic Practices: connect with the earth, hiking, walking barefoot
on the grass, hug a tree, dancing, running, jumping, practice
Affirmation: I am safe and I trust life.

The root chakra is our sacred connection to Mother Earth. It gives us

stability and "grounding" with the here and now. It is related to security,
trust, strength, power, force, home, self-esteem and the ability to feel all
basic needs are provided. It is also considered the base of the powerful
energy of the kundalini.


2.- Second Chakra

Name: Swvatistana, Sacral Chakra

Location: approx. 5 cm under the belly button
Color: orange
Gemstones: tigers eye, orange amber
Musical Note: re
Planet: Moon
Element: water
Aromatherapy: sandalwood, ylang ylang
Metal: tin
Food: liquid
Archangels: Haniel, Gabriel
Anatomic Connections: reproductive system, spleen, low abdomen,
kidneys, urinary system, blood
Main Functions: sensuality, creativity, intimacy, desire, I
nterpersonal relationship, warmth, sensations
Symtomps of Imbalance: isolation, distrust of others, creative
blocks, loneliness, sexual appetite, problems with urinary and
reproductive organs, colitis, appendicitis, lower back pain
Holistic Practices: therapeutic baths, swimming, visiting rivers and
oceans, walk in the moonlight, music, art therapy
Affirmation: I enjoy creating a pleasant life.

The sacral chakra is related to creativity, intimacy, sensuality, the will to

live, reproduction and relationships with others. It gives us the
consciousness of our body as a sacred temple of life. It also gives us the
value and appreciation of being unique.


3.- Third Chakra

Name: Manipura, Solar Plexus

Location: stomachs mouth
Color: yellow
Gemstones: citrine, amber, topaz, calcite
Musical Note: mi
Planet: Mars, Sun
Element: fire
Aromatherapy: ginger, cedar, amber
Metal: iron
Food: grains
Archangels: Michael, Jophiel, Uriel
Anatomic Connections: digestive system, liver, small intestine,
pancreas, bile, metabolism
Main Functions: inner strength, self-control, ego regulation, will,
power, personal authority, energy and vitality.
Symptoms of Imbalance: weakness, low energy, digestive issues,
people pleasing, excessive perfectionism, being manipulative or
dominant, selfishness, fear, unworthiness, arrogance
Holistic Activities: sun bathing, morning walks, yoga and exercise in
early hours, doing the things we love to do, creating a healthy
lifestyle, assertive communication
Affirmation: I am radiant and successful.

This chakra is, as its name implies, solar. From it we radiate our light and
our personal power so it may shine in the world with our unique talents. It
allows us to be assertive with the environment and ourselves so we can be
happy with ourselves. Vitality is revealed from there.


4.- Fourth Chakra

Name: Anahata or Heart Chakra

Location: heart
Color: green
Gemstones: aventurine, emerald, malachite, pink quartz, tourmaline
Musical Note: fa
Planet: Venus
Element: air
Aromatherapy: roses, chamomile
Metal: copper
Food: veggies
Archangels: Raphael, Chamuel
Anatomic Connections: heart, lungs, lymphatic system, blood
pressure, circulation, thymus, chest, upper back, arms
Main Functions: love, compassion, emotional balance, appreciation,
balance, hope, connection, joy, giving and receiving
Symptoms of Unbalance: heart and respiratory problems, irregular
pressure, allergies, stress, distrust, greed, greed, scarcity thinking,
sadness, attachment, anxiety
Holistic Practices: altruism, unconditional love for plants, animals
and people, being generous, sharing time or matter, receiving praise,
practicing gratitude, forgiving and releasing the past
Affirmation: I give and receive infinite love.

This chakra is very powerful because it connects us with the most powerful
force in the world: love. It also allows us to receive the light of our divine
essence: an infinite source of blessings for ourselves and others. Love is the
key to heal and rise.


5.- Fifth Chakra

Name: Vishudda or Throat Chakra

Location: throat
Color: blue
Gemstones: turquoise, angelite, topaz, azurite
Musical Note: sol
Planet: Mercury, Neptune
Element: ether
Aromatherapy: eucalyptus, incense, mint
Metal: mercury
Food: fruits
Archangels: Gabriel, Jophiel
Anatomic Connections: throat, vocal chords, neck, thyroid, jaw, ear,
mouth and teeth.
Main Functions: communications, expression, tell your truth,
speaking, creative arts, listening
Symptoms of Imbalance: communication problems, lack of
authenticity, being afraid to speak, speaking issues, sore throat,
thyroid problems, tooth decay, coughs, talk too much without hearing
Holistic Practices: observing motions and feelings, release anger and
frustration in a healthy and cathartic way, write and speak freely and
clearly, be authentic, accept our truth, singing, reciting mantras or
Affirmation: I express my truth clearly.

Vishudda allows us to express our truth message and mission to ourselves

and to the world. It governs all possible communications.


6.- Sixth Chakra

Nombre: Ajna o Third Eye

Location: between the eyebrows
Color: indigo
Gemstones: amethyst, sapphire, lapis lazuli, sodalite
Musical Note: la
Planet: Jupiter
Element: light
Aromatherapy: lavender, aniseed
Metal: silver
Food: fresh air
Archangels: Raziel, Zadkiel, Gabriel
Anatomic Connections: endocrine and autonomous nervous system,
eyes, hypothalamus, pituitary.
Main Functions: intuition, imagination, clairvoyance, extrasensory
perception, visualization, understanding, meditation
Symptoms of Imbalance: focusing on the negative, fatalistic
perspective, feeling no sense of life, vision problems, headaches
Holistic Practices: take time to meditate, listen to your intuition,
create spaces of serenity and peace, envision the welfare of yourself
and others, visualization exercises, look at beautiful things, flow,
cultivate positive thoughts
Affirmation: My vision is aligned with Universal wisdom.

This chakra allows us to develop higher thoughts and visualizations. From

this place we can fine-tune our intuition and be receptive to all kinds of
earthly and spiritual information.


7.- Seventh Chakra

Name: Sahasrara or Crown Chakra

Location: top of the head
Color: white-gold or violet
Gemstones: White or translucent quartz, diamond, crystal rock,
Musical Note: si
Planet: Uranus and the Cosmos
Element: cosmic essence
Aromatherapy: jasmine, lotus, peony, spikenards
Metal: gold
Food: fasting
Archangels: Metatron, Uriel
Anatomic Connections: brain, hair, pineal gland, central nervous
system, DNA
Main Functions: enlightenment, transcendence, connection with the
divine, spirituality, cosmic consciousness, peace, harmony, unity,
Symptoms of Imbalance: disconnection with nature and spirituality,
disbelief, anxiety, depression, forgetfulness, disorientation, being
distracted or scattered
Holistic Practices: prayer, meditation, contact with nature,
contemplative silence, and appreciation of the unity of everything
Affirmation: I am one with the cosmos.

The crown chakra has the most subtle and elevated vibration in the seven
major chakra systems. It radiates light and inspiration as it essentially
integrates all that is in heaven and the cosmos.

Beyond the chakras

We have briefly presented the seven major chakras but there
are some others more to explore. It is very important that you
honor your inner voice and know that your light is always the
right compass for you! Love is the most powerful healing force
of the Universe and in fact, if all shall embrace our circle of love
we can create health, peace and prosperity without end. I wish
your beautiful colors expand all your good vibes into the world.
Know that without distances will always be together! Namaste

This manual does not intend replace or substitute medical or
other health professional practices. This information is merely
illustrative. It is the full responsibility and right of the reader to
choose from this info what suits him/her best.

If you feel guided to share this manual, do it , please. I ask only
that you keep this document intact. Thank you! Many blessings

Copyright 2015 and beyond by Cindy Figueroa et Vivat
Crescat Floreat. Various images from public domain and
comercial clipart. You are invited to visit our little holistic
garden where you can find many beautiful tools doe your
wellbeing such as: Reiki, angel readings, evolutive astrology,
sacred tarot, coaching, gifts et al. May you live, grow, and

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