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Chakra Healing

With Anodea Judith

Companion Workbook - Week 1

Table of Contents


Root Chakra: Balance Assessment 3
Day 1 - Root Chakra: Healing the Psyche 4
Day 2 - Root Chakra: Healing the Body 6
Day 3 - Root Chakra: Healing the Spirit 9


Sacral Chakra: Balance Assessment 12
Day 4 - Sacral Chakra: Healing the Psyche 13
Day 5 - Sacral Chakra: Healing the Body 16
Day 6 - Sacral Chakra: Healing the Spirit 17


Day 7 - Review and Integrate 20
Additional Notes 21

*For medium and full engagement


Basic Info: The first chakra, often called the Root Chakra or Base Chakra

Location: Base of the spine, perineum, includes legs and feet

Element: Earth. 

Name: Muladhara, means root support.

Key Words:  grounding, support, structure, health, embodiment, security,

safety, and prosperity

Chakra Skill Set #1: Start to be mindful when you are eating. 

Why? Nourishment is a basic form of the body’s survival, and mindfulness helps
us stay present, grounded.  S l o w   d o w n. Really taste your food, let it land in
your belly before you take the next bite. Feel your body. Notice the results.

Weekly Chakra Challenge Option #1: To overcome Fear.

Take an action this week to do one thing you are afraid of. What do you most
fear? What does that keep you from doing or having? Where does that fear
come from? Reframe: Feel fear as aliveness. Turn into action to combat your
fear (grounding exercise, self-soothing affirmation, speaking up, discharging
energy, etc.) Turn FEAR to FAITH.

Chakra Triumphs:
Hold your ground and boundaries in a charged situation.
Eat mindfully.
Do something wonderful for your body, work out, hike, get a massage.

• It is safe for me to be here.
• I love my body and trust its wisdom.
• I am IN here.
• The Earth supports me.
• I live in abundance.
• I hold my ground no matter what I encounter.

Root Chakra: Balance Assessment

Chakras can be deficient, which results from an avoidant strategy, or excessive,

resulting from a compensatory strategy.

In order to best function, each chakra needs to be balanced. At the start of each
new chakra, assess your balance and in which direction. This will guide you in
your quest by showing you how much work is required for healing.

First Chakra Score _____

Live in your head Grounded and stable Weight problems

Fearful Healthy and Fit Sluggish, dense
Financial struggles Prosperous Addicted to security

-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5

Extremely Deficient Balanced Extremely Excessive

Day 1 - Root Chakra: Healing the Psyche

Developmental Stage: First year of life
Developmental Task: Is to learn Embodiment (living fully IN your body) 

This chakra relates to your birth and first year of life, when you are just coming
into this world and beginning to live in your body, learning to eat, sleep, crawl,
stand, and walk.

At this age, all your survival needs are provided by caretakers. If those needs
are met as they should be, the result is a grounded sense of security and
embodiment. If they are not met, the result is insecurity and fear. The first
chakra contracts energetically and later may compensate by becoming
excessive (too much Earth energy - heavy) or deficient (too little Earth energy -

Chakra Challenge: To overcome fear
Chakra Gift: Prosperity, stability, security

Day 1 - Lesson Notes

Day 1 - Exercise for Today

1. Reflect on what you know about your birth experience and consider how it
may be affecting you today (i.e. your sense of safety, security, worthy of
having, and finances). If your parents are still alive, see what you can find out.

Here are a few questions to start your reflection on (choose 3-4 questions that
work for you. You do not have to answer all of them):
• Were you born in a hospital?
• Was your mother given drugs?
• Were there any complications? Were you in an incubator?
• How did this stage go for you in your earliest years? Were your survival
needs provided?

• Did you have feeding difficulties? Were you bottle-fed or breast-fed?

• Did you feel safe in general growing up, even as you were an older
• Did you relax into your body? Did sleep in a crib?
• Did you bond well with your mother?
• Did you have to share this important period of bonding with other
brothers and sisters?

2. State the affirmations below, feel them, and begin reprogramming your
birthing experience. Alternatively, you can also recreate a womb with blankets
in your bed, or have someone hold you and rock you while you say these

• It is safe for me to be here.

• I can relax into my body and the Earth.
• I love my body and trust its wisdom.
• I am IN here.
• The Earth supports me.
• I live in abundance.
• I hold my ground no matter what I encounter.
• I am worthy of having.
• I am worthy of being here.

Day 2 - Root Chakra: Healing the Body


each of the body days, follow along with Anodea through the movements.
Pause the video at any time to repeat. We suggest rating how well the
movement worked for you, so that you may curate your own list of favorite
tools and techniques at the end of the Quest.

The best way to learn is to practice tuning into your body and getting to know
which movement to use. With time, you’ll become masterful in knowing what
works best for your body. Try teaching someone else! This will help you master
the technique faster as we learn better through teaching others.

Start with the charged movements to get energy charged up. Then, get that
energy moving with the Chakra Yoga Flow. Afterwards, you may carry on about
your day practicing with an easy Everyday Movement. Know that you can
insert those movements any time you think of it. The more you do it, the
stronger those pathways will become established in your body.

Body & Health: This chakra relates to your legs and feet, your bones, your
large intestine and colon. Practice opening the leg channels with the charged
movements below.


Charged Movements:

• 1. Standing Bioenergetic Grounding __/5

Stand upright, feet hip-distance apart, slightly pigeon-toed. Bend your

knees as you inhale, push down and out through the core of both legs on
the exhale, straightening legs only 90% of the way. Repeat, coordinating
with the breath for several minutes, moving slowly (basically charges the

• 2. Stamping the feet __/5

Lying on your back with knees bent, stamp your feet on the ground,
alternating feet, like a kid’s temper tantrum. Make noise and discharge!

• Extra Bonus with Partner: Lie on back, pushing feet into partner’s
hands to build up charge. Then push out rapidly against partner’s
resistance, saying “Mine!” (meaning your roots, your body) End with
kicking into floor, like a temper tantrum. Continue to say “mine” or
whatever comes up (discharges legs).

Chakra Yoga Flow __/5

Everyday Practices: These are practices you can do anywhere, anytime, in just
a few moments. They will help balance your first chakra.

1. Tailbone back __/5

Press the tip of the tailbone toward the back of your body whenever you
are seated: sitting to eat, working at your computer, driving, or
meditating. Notice how it makes it easier to keep the spine erect.

2. Kundalini Butt bounce __/ 5

Bounce up and down on your butt on a cushion or chair for 30 seconds

(time it). Wakes you up doesn’t it? Stimulates fluid movement in the spine
and strengthens the legs.

Day 2 - Exercise for Today

For the next 24 hours practice tuning in to how your body feels and use one of
the movements you’ve learned today.

Notice whether your root chakra needs to feel more charged (energized) or if
you feel your legs need to release or discharge. If charging, use the strap
exercise or the standing grounding, without the kicking at the end. If you need
to discharge to feel more calm and grounded, do more of the kicking.

Take some time to record any emotions that come up.

Day 3 - Root Chakra: Healing the Spirit

Spirit and World, this represents our relationship to the Earth, and the
protection of nature. Its sacred value is health: in our bodies, our environment,
and our world. It is one thing to do something with our body, but the final piece
is to connect with Nature and the larger world.

Day 3 - Lesson Notes

Day 3 - Exercise for Today

1. Reflect and write down a list of things that are refuges for you; a place
where you can drop into your body and feel safe.

Commit to seeking refuge throughout this Quest as needed. Your

Rainbow Warrior Buddy can also be your support system.

List of refuges:

A. ___________________________________________

B. ___________________________________________

C. ___________________________________________

D. ___________________________________________

E. ___________________________________________

F. ___________________________________________

G. ___________________________________________

2. Share your favourite refuge with the Tribe. Someone could discover
something new from your post!



Basic Info: Second chakra, often called the Sacral Chakra

Location: Second chakra is located in the abdomen, between the navel and hip
crease. It includes the lower back, the pelvis and the sexual organs.

Element: Water
Name: Svadhisthana, means “one’s own place.”

Once we have energy coming into the body, the next step is to move it through
the body, reflecting the fluid nature of this chakra. The second chakra’s purpose
is to feel, to move energy, and to increase your capacity for pleasure.

Feeling is an important aspect of consciousness, which carries important
information from the body to the brain.

Key Words: Sensation, feeling, emotion, pleasure, flow, movement, sensuality,

sexuality, enjoyment

Chakra Skill Set #2: Feel the charge of your emotions.

When you feel an emotion come up, feel the sensation of it. Take your attention
off of the story that caused the emotion and keep your focus on the sensation
of emotional charge instead. Feel where it is in your body, and what it wants to
do. See if you can allow your body to relax, so that it can release the emotion,
yet keep the charge and harvest it into your tissues.

Weekly Chakra Challenge Option #2: To enjoy and feel pleasure.

Schedule something pleasurable and really take the time to savor it. Could be
going out to dinner, a hot bath with candles, or a sexy date night.

Second Chakra Triumphs:

Hips move more easily.
Sex life improves.
More in touch with emotions.

· I deserve pleasure.
· I feel good.
· I embrace and celebrate my sexuality.
· It is safe to feel my emotions.
· I listen to my feelings.
· Life is pleasurable.

Sacral Chakra: Balance Assessment

Second Chakra Score _____

Unemotional Balanced emotions
 Overly emotional

Self-denying Capacity for pleasure
 Poor boundaries
Inflexible, rigid Feel good in body Overly Indulgent

-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5

Extremely Deficient Balanced Extremely Excessive

Day 4 - Sacral Chakra: Healing the Psyche

Developmental Stage: 6 months to 2 years old

Developmental Task: Sensate exploration of the world (pleasure/pain); gain
emotional literacy; establish emotional connection

This chakra comes into play once movement is possible for the child. The child
is moving into the world, exploring through the senses. Learns what is
pleasurable or painful, good or bad. Communicates only through emotion,
because it does not have adequate language yet. Movement, sensation,
emotion, all get wound up together. 

If life was painful, movement and feeling are restricted. Guilt can ensue for
feeling or wanting anything. Guilt stops our flow, blocking impulses from
completing and needs from being met.

Chakra Challenge: Overcome guilt and numbness

Chakra Gift: Pleasure, enjoyment

Day 4 - Lesson Notes

Day 4 - Exercise for Today

1. Acknowledge your right to feel. Be the observer of your own emotions today
and let yourself feel them.

2. Or, if you want to dig deeper you can start reclaiming your right to feel by
working on the advanced exercise option below instead.

Fuller Engagement Options 

To reclaim your right to feel deeper, first gain awareness and acknowledge
where you got lost in the first place? In your journal or workbook, reflect and

• What were you taught about your feelings in your family? Were you
allowed to feel and express your emotions? Was there any support?

• What feelings have remained unexpressed?

• What did you need as a child that you didn’t get?

• What did you get that you didn’t want?

• What did you do as a result of not getting your needs met?

• How does that affect your ability to recognize and meet your needs now?

• How does that affect your emotional boundaries with yourself and

*There may be a lot coming up for you. Don’t feel the need to understand
everything all at once. Be the observer of your own process. This is the
beginning of a new awareness, which is the first step in the journey.

Day 5 - Sacral Chakra: Healing the Body

Body & Health: This chakra relates to your belly and pelvis. Does your belly
stick out?

Charged Movements:

• 1. Butterfly Legs __/5

From supta baddha konasana (soles of feet together, knees out, like a
butterfly), Exhale as you slowly bring knees together, Inhale as you
spread knees apart. Repeat slowly at first, then experiment with different
speeds (charging).

• 2. Pelvic Pulses  __/5

Rapid rocking back and forth of the pelvis while lying supine. Can be
followed with lifting the hips 2-3 inches and holding. This will get pelvis
moving spontaneously (trauma releasing exercise, discharging).

• Extra bonus with partners: Resisted bridge pose: Helper puts hands on
outer hip bone to create resistance, while recipient moves into bridge
pose (charging).

Chakra Yoga Flow __/5

Everyday Practices:

• 1. Bioenergetic swing __/5

Inhale, move hips and tailbone backward, exhale, and swing them

• 2. Wave motion __/5

Inhale, take tailbone back, exhale, swing it forward, and as you do, follow
wave all the way up the body. Gets the body loose and fluid. Moves
energy up the spine.

Day 5 - Exercise for Today
For the next 24 hours practice tuning in to how your body feels and use one of
the movements you’ve learned today. If needed, record any release or
discharges of emotion.

Day 6 - Sacral Chakra: Healing the Spirit

When we denigrate feeling, we numb. Without feeling, there is no compassion.

A world that makes touch into a bad thing is a world out of touch. People out of
touch with themselves, become out of touch with each other and out of touch
with the planet.

There's power in sharing and having our feelings witnessed and understood. It
helps us build deeper, more meaningful connections.

Practice working with your feelings, get comfortable with sharing them and
recognize we all have a common thread. This will help you get more in touch
with your sacral chakra and realize we all feel guilty; we all feel, period. There
are no such things as “bad emotions”. It’s just learning to handle the charge,
which is our basic aliveness.

Day 6 - Lesson Notes


Day 6 - Exercise for Today
1. Share an emotion with someone and pay attention to what happens in
your body as a result. You can even post a video and share with the Tribe.

2. Reflect on the exercise. What was the experience like? What came up for
you? How does this change a previously held belief or attitude about
sharing emotions?

3. You are invited to share your experience with the Tribe.

Day 7 - Review and Integrate

You may use this optional weekly self-reflection as part of your review to better
integrate your learnings with your everyday life.

What large or small victories did you have this week?

What lessons did you learn? How will you bring these lessons forward and build
on them?

What pleasant surprises/miracles did you discover this week?

What are you most grateful for?

What are you looking forward to during the upcoming week?

Additional Notes


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