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Evaluation of work in relation

to past and current practise.

Dilraj Singh Hallen
Analysis in comparison to similar products
My production
Old text (CNN news feature)
New text (top gear feature)

My production is a feature that has been created for the BBC for a magazine show, the aim of the feature is to explain the issue
of energy efficient vehicles. We have interviews with various experts from the energy vehicles efficient industry, including Ali
Sadiqie an energy efficient driving instructor, Dr Ralph Clague chief engineer for evo electric and university lecturer at Imperial
university and also Dan Duelli a Volkswagen dealer. All the features are informative on the issue of energy efficient cars as each
experts gives us the lowdown of from their field of knowledge, in a manner that is easy to understand mixed with graphics to
explain the issue in more detail.

The old text that I observed was an old feature from the CNN news show segment, the feature is about Guy Negree a French
inventor who has jus invented the first air powered vehicle, the feature involves the inventor and a presenter who narrates the
feature, and also conducts the interview with Guy Negree the inventor, all interviews have also been dubbed to understand what
he is saying in French. There is also an interview with Sunday Times vehicles page editor Nick Rufford, the feature is easy to
understand and also very light hearted making it an interesting feature to watch along with a range of detailed graphics. This
feature can be viewed at:

The new text that I analysed was a feature from Top gear about being energy efficient the feature was a sort of mocking the
issue as Jeremy Clarkson a protagonist that is against the existence of the issue of global warming, was made to look at energy
efficient cars, so in the feature he gathers a bunch of super car and races them with 1 litre of petrol as an experiment to see
which is the most energy efficient and can keep going for the longest, he also an experiment by racing a hybrid Toyota with a
BMW M3 both experiments being totally useless to explaining the issue to average every day working people however, this was
part of the humour that was associated with this feature. Can be viewed at:
Analysis in comparison to similar products
My production
(Content. Page 1)
Old text (CNN news feature)
New text
In terms (top
of the gear
content feature)
of my production, I have a vast and unique range of features within my production such as a range of
interviews with industry experts explaining the issue in detail and in a manner that it is understandable to my audience. My
production also includes many graphical features as I created two features in particular, that allowed me to graphically convey
information whilst also keeping with the mode of address by using design and colours, I created
the first graphic using internet research and newspaper research snapshots that connotes that
we have used a wide range of sources to research are information, and also to show that there
is open information about the issue signifying the media coverage of the issue to date.
I created the second graphics around the I-Phone style of there home screen using a picture of the globe with information
around . as this was the type of technology that appeals to my target
audience. In
comparison of my productions content to that of the two other texts that I
. analysed I would strongly say that my production is unique, as when
compa-. ring I realise that my production involves a hole different range of
conventions that the other two don’t and also the mode of address is different in the other productions that I am comparing to as
my production educates about the entire issue, were as the new text from top gear is just mocking the issue and the old text
from a CNN features is concentrated on the issue of air powered cars, were as my production looks at all aspects of the issue
from driving in an eco friendly way to how they are made to the range that is available in the open market.
The old text that I analysed in comparison to my production was a feature from a special mini documentary commissioned by
CNN, the documentary was around the issue of an inventor who has just invented an air powered vehicle, and he is interviewed
by a presenter, the documentary uses a range of cut away showing the vehicle, designing process and also images of the car
being driven and its charging process with a feature interview with Guy Negree that has been translated into English and also a
second mini interview with his son Cyril Negree. When comparing the text with my production I would highlight that this
production was created some years ago and so it lacked in technical/editing conventions, however it was very informative of the
issue, but I would say that my production was better as it included a larger range of issues making it more appealing to
someone with interests in energy efficient vehicles, however I would class the feature as a specific issue update, however in
comparison to the top gear production I would say that this feature didn’t meet the technical level required of the production as I
believe it was a low budget production, and the presenter both created different modes of address and have a different level o f
Analysis in comparison to similar products
My production
(Content. Page 2)
Old text (CNN news feature)
New text (top gear feature)

When analysing the content of the top gear production I would have to highlight the fact that this production is a very high
budget production as in there production they used super cars such as: Lamborghini murcilago, Mercedes mc laren, Audi R8,
Ferrari 599 and an Aston Martin DBS, all cars valued above the £80,000 mark. As the production featured a race of the super
cars on 1 litre of petrol seeing how many laps it can do, there was also another feature involving a race between a BMW M3 and
a Toyota Prius (the hybrid car) in attempt to prove that the BMW was more energy efficient then the Prius which technically is
untrue so the presenter ends up mocking the issue. However when comparing the content of this production to my work I would
have to highlight that the top gear production has a higher value of content as they are able to afford better quality features,
however saying that I still feel my work has a wider range of feature and better meats the BBC ethos to educate, inform and
entertain then Top gears as there feature was more entertaining, then educating or informing, however I would say that in
comparison to the older text in comparison to the top gears production content is at two very different levels as the older text
looks at a single issue and follow that lead of air powered vehicles were as the content of this production has the meaning to
promote energy efficiency but it looks at the issue from two different angles.
Analysis in comparison to similar products
My production
(Mode of address)
Old text (CNN news feature)
New text (top gear feature)
Personally I believe that the mode of address is set by the uniform of formality that features is dressed with using various
conventions and general tones, as the distinction of the mode of address is in whether the segment is formal or informal as I believe
the difference in the way appeal varies according to the formality as there is a different use of: presenter types, dialect, styles,
stories and also attitudes of presentation.
The presenters are a The presenter is young
The presenter of this
bunch of middle aged and helps the target
feature is a young/middle
men, however the mode audience to relate to what
aged women helping to
of address I believe is he is trying to say I
even the gender appeal,
set by the issue that believe that he also is
as I feel she also has a
they discuss and also easy to understand and
softly spoken voice making
the knowledge into the well spoken making the
her a lot more easier to
issue that they can offer. issue he is discussing
When comparing the three’s attempts at setting the mode of address I would say that they all have different modes moreofinteresting.
address, set by
the presenter/s as I would say that the Top gear feature has an informal mode of address, were as the CNN feature has a very formal
mode of address with a few hints of informality, also my production is informal as this what I originally hoped for the production. The
Top gear production sets an informal mode of address through its presenter by the way they speak and also the way they use humour
and keep there productions light hearted, for example in this feature Jeremy Clarkson the protagonist that is famously anti energy
efficiency receives a brief to look at; giving advice about fuel economy and saving money, is answer to looking at this was racing five
supercar this connotes a sort of rebalish mock of what they were asked to do lightening the serious-ness of the issue. Were as
compared to the CNN feature that involves the French inventor Guy Negree who created an air powered vehicle as I believe the issue
is on the CNN news channel denoting the reason for the reason of the formality of the mode of address set in the production as, tone
in which the presenter spoke and the preciseness with which she spoke enforced the formal mode of address. Were as in comparison
to my production were I set a fairly informal mode of address mainly by using a conversation type voice were I spoke as if I would
speak if I was having a chat with my mate creating the real sense of informality in the viewers mind I also tried to keep my
surroundings as informal as possible for example using the driver seat of the vehicle to sign in, sign off and narrate the production.
Analysis in comparison to similar products
My production
(Conventions. Page 1)
Old text (CNN news feature)
New text (top gear feature)
When analysing the conventions used in my production I would high light the use of all typical conventions used in
documentaries: graphic to demonstrate a range of facts and figures and also to highlight the already importance of energy
efficiency in media, voice over's to eliminate as much as on screen presentation as possible, vox pop’s in order to create an
urgency to understand the issue, archive footage to explain the working of hybrid which I also added a voice over to and also
special attention to the exposition of the final finished product using various edits.
Conventions used in this documentary were a lot different to those used in my production, I believe this is due the fact the
production was created some time ago and the issue would have appealed to different people, as the issue of energy efficiency
has only just become openly circulated in media and also the factor that this text is focused on an individual segment of energy
efficiency air powered cars and not the wider issue. The use of conventions such as vox pops were absent this is different in
comparison to my production as I use the vox pop’s in my production as a focus for researching the issue. I believe that the
reason for this is due to the institution that created the feature CNN and the nature of the production that they create, as the idea
of creating formal productions normally to educate those in the higher social economic bracket and vox pop’s connote a relaxed
feeling were by you opt to understand others view. Aspects of archive footage were also used in the text and were composed in a
manner very similar to my production, as archive footage was used to explain the working of the air powered engine in the
analysed text I also used similar archive footage to denote the working of the hybrid engine.

Archive footage used to explain how the technologies work

After analysis of the conventions demonstrated in this text, I discovered that it shared all the common convention with my
production however with regards to Vox pop’s and archive footage. I believe the reason for the two conventions: archive footage
and vox pop’s not being in the production is due to nature of the show and the ethos focusing on entertaining more then
educating, and due to the high level budget that Top gear have means that the use of archive footage is very rare and nearly all
footage is captured first hand. The camera movement was also very technical in the analysed text as you can see that the shots
are very adventures, using panning shots and also very high angle crane dolly shots, were as compared to my production were I
Analysis in comparison to similar products
My production
(Conventions. Page 2)
Old text (CNN news feature)
New text (top gear feature)
Did try to use a range of shoots at as many different angles as possible, alongside trying to film in car however due to the basic
equipment that we had in comparison to the top gear production we were un able to achieve the same types of shoot, as the set
up I used was a single camera using a tripod that allowed us to capture all in the 360 degree radius, were as the Top gear
production had a multiple camera set up using crane type tripods allowing there cameras to see in on the track at any angle, they
also had specialist in car seat tripods that attach the car were as in my production the footage inside the taxi was filmed free

In car filming

Difference in camera set up’s

Analysis in comparison to similar products
My production
(style and form. Page 1)
Old text (CNN news feature)
New text (top gear feature)

For the style and form of my production I tried to duplicate a magazine show feature that was originally going to be part of a live
day performance were we would present the live day, after studying magazine shows I was able to understand the conventions
required in the magazine shows for example: Vox pop’s, archive footage, voice over's and graphics. I have tried to included all
these convention in the entire production and also in my sub feature in an attempts to create an as close to production to a real
magazine show.
the old text that I analysed (CNN news feature) was different to my production as the style that old feature embraced was more
towards the form of a news report type feature, were by the feature was all created around a single story of an inventor who
created an air powered vehicle and didn’t really get a second opinion on the story. Were as compared to my production I looked
at one topic however getting various opinions on the issue keeping a bias and clear understanding, and presenting an all
rounded argument to my viewer. The old text incorporates a lot of exposition using a range of archive footage and cutaway that
have been voiced over, the reason for this exposition in this production I believe was in order to help explain the issue and also to
a bit of speed and excitement to the production. I also tried to administer this in my production by using a cutaways in my
interviews in order to break the monotony of staring at one image and jus keeping the gained attention of the viewers.

Range of
cutaways used

Similarly the range of shots and camera angles in the old text were not very developed as there was only really basic shots used,
suggesting that the production only involved a single camera set up which I also had in my production however I was still able to
create some more technically developed shot styles.
Analysis in comparison to similar products
My production
(style and form. Page 2)
Old text (CNN news feature)
New text (top gear feature)

In this production the style and form was light hearted and the mode of address was very similar to my production as both
productions were aimed at the same target audience, however my production was a little more suttle in presenting this as I there
are many similarities in the presenters attitudes and attire, as they both dressed in fairly casual clothing that presents a relaxed
style and then the presenting is also vary laid back and relaxed and also very informal in the way they speak.

Presenters are:
•Wearing casual clothes
•Acting in a laid back and relaxed
•In informal settings
However the overall style is slightly different as I found that my production is a little more focused on the issue and technical were
as the top gear approach is very un focused and also un technical, in terms that it doesn't go in to technicalities of how the
vehicles work and they jus seem to have a laugh about the issue, all setting the mode of address as informal but also setting a
relaxed style and form.

Relaxed approach
Technical approach
Analysis in comparison to similar products
My production
Old text (CNN news feature)
New text (top gear feature)
As my production was created to budget, I wasn't able to utilise the maximum amount of technology available to create the
production of my type. I used a single camera setup along with other equipment such as a: rode boom mic to record high quality
sound and also headphones to monitor the sound, all very basic equipment that was easy to get hold of from our media
department further more allowing us to develop are raw camera skills. We were also provided with the Apple Mac computers that
allowed me to edit my footage using the I movie software, that allowed med me further enhance my footage by adding voice
over's sound archive footage and also transitions.
This production involved very dated use of technology, however old I would still say that it was digitally edited and not edited in
an analogue manner as some of the edits were of a fairly technical manner as the were some transitions that were used as it is
visible that the lightening fade was used, and considering that the production is over eight years old it actually quite advanced for
them, as in my production I used fades as it is the simplest transition to use and also looks the most effective as I found that
certain transitions looked tacky and didn’t do justice to camera shots, as is seen in the footage with a lightening shoot and fade I
believe it looks very tack and doesn't fit in with the mode of address as it supposed to be formal and it look very informal and
childish. The camera fades from the presenter
in the driving seat to the man who the
story is about with a flash.

This production used very high level and quality technology as they also used a multiple camera setup, were as apposed to my
production were I used a single camera setup and meant that the coverage of footage that I got wasn’t as well captured as the
footage in the top gear production. Also the editing of the production was very advanced as they were able to create funky
multiple screen shots that I was unable to create due to it not being available in our editing package.
This multi screen transition that allows
you to see 3 screens at 1 time
Also the top gear productions use in car camera seat tripods were the tripod attaches to the seat and as this technology wasn’t
available to use I had to hold the camera freehand in order to film in car.
The difference of the tripods is visible as they have been specially
made for top gear compared to me freehand attempts.

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