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_. TO.SIR GEORGE, CLERK, -. A , oF PEesicurx, ‘Bart. : . December, 1534. Sra, U DERSTANDIN G that a * Canvass has been commenced fur the Patliamentary Represetits- tion of Mid-Lothian, we think ourselves called upon to declare that,’ in the event of w Dissolation of Par- linment” taking place,’ we know of no one’ to whom, from integrity, talents, experience in public life,’ and acquaintance with local ‘interests, the Representation pias the County can be_so advantageously entrusted as “We request you, therefore, to allow yourself to be pu put in nomination at the next Election as the Re- presentative of this county in Parliament.’ : We are, - Sr, : , ‘Your most obedient Servants, David Anderson of Moredun .- James Anderson, civilengineer, Fainburgh Francis Anderson, Charlotte Square, Edinburgh David Anderson, Norton Place, Edinburgh - D. Alexander, farmer, Firbank ‘ Willinu: Ainslie, farmer, Mont Thomas Aitken, farmer, Walston James ‘Alston, farmer, Priertown Robert Anderson, mason, Dalkeith William Anderson, potatoe-dealer, Davidson's Mains Robert Aitken, farmer, Sheills Park William Aitchison of Drummore William Aitchison, younger of Drummore Fraucis Aitchison, merchant George Aitchison, merchant Ik. Aitchison, Captain, RN. James Aitchison, Spring Garden, Musselburgh A.FV Allan, farmer, Windlestrawlee Adam Anderson, advocate Andrew Angus, farmer, Easter Newton Andrew Angus, farmer, Lawheads . Jolin Allan, farmer, Easter Middleton William Allan, farmer, Hillwood George Aitken, victunlatcaler, Dalkeith. ' Jolin Blyth, farmer, Hermiston Alox, Brown, sollcitoratlnw =~ Joseph Drown, Anusmills tout George Nelfrage, farmer, Newmills - J.D. Doswall of Wardio —~ John Binnie, farmer, Saughton Honry Belfcage, farmer, House of nit Joscph Bell, farmer, Gogar Pavid Bartholomew, farmer, Leydon. Thos. Binnie, farmer, West Craigs J. Barton, Minden Cottage J. Northwick of Crookston John Bonar of Ratho Goo, Blaikie, farmer, Muirhonse John Drydon, farmer, Stagehall Goo. Daigric, hay-dealer, Cellar Bank Wiltiam Bathgate, farmer, Haughead . Jolin Bailic, iankecper, Middleton Bridge William Tailfo, WS. James Balfour, of Wi ‘hittinghame, MP. Joln Barclay, proprictor, Lounhent WHlam Brooks, paper-maker, Lasswade Wm. IT. Nrawn, of Ratho Hank Tames Pinckic, farmer, Annsmills Thomas Brown, feuar, Cleckamin Adam Brown, fariner, Broadwood John Rrewn, farmer, Auchincorth Robt. Hrown, of Firth John Borthwick; schoolmaster, Glencorse James Battantine, farmer, Lawhead Alexr. Baigrie, farmer, Southside Wn. Bertram, farmer, Lawfield Janes Buchan, farmer, Shaws Samuel Burd, physician, Dalkeith John Ballantyne, nurseryman, Dalkeith James Blake, grocer, Loanhead John Rarrowman, farmer, Muirhouse Robt. Brown, farmer, Cairnic Jolin Brown, farmer, Calmic George Bagrie, farmer, Monkton George Bowerhill, farmer, Musselburgh George Bruner, miniature-painter, Leith James Bartram, farmer, Smeaton John Haigrie, farmer, Millerhitl. Robt, Brockie, farmer, Libberton Tower Mains John Hrockie, farmer, Greenend Molin Tonar of Hatho. Arehd. Cliristie of Baberton Robt. Diumdas Cay, WS. John Crawford, farmer, Beechwoodmains Arthur Campbell, WS. James Cheape, Capinin, RN. George Combe, farmer, Redheughs W. G. Cunningham, W.8. William Chitd of Glencarse Willian Cochrane, farmer, Newmilton. J. 5, Coningham of Capringtan James Cunningham, farmer, Malteny John Canningham, farmer, Harlaw Laurenes Cunningham, Kenleith Alexander Ciark, proprietor, Duddingston. A. Christie. M D.. Laurel Bank . Peter Cochranc, Revock Milk W. B. Callander of Prestonhall . Ino. Kellock Cunningham, minister of Crichton Willm. Chisholm, farmer, Crichtonmoss James Currie, farmor, Ravensnook =” 3. Cockburn, wine merchant, Edinburgh George Clapperton, farmer, Auchindlany Mains Ph, Cadell, jun. paper-manofacturer, Auchindim Willm. Cowan, farmer, Bryans James Chrichton, gardener, Dalkeith Francis Colleson, horsebrenker, Dalkeith Thomas Corbet, forester, Dalkeith Jas. J. Cadell of Grange Philip Cadell, Cramond Iren Works William Campbell, tenant, Kirkparks, Inveresk James Currie, farmer, Halkersion Wit, Carse, farmer, Niddrie Andrew Carrick, jun. Stenhousemills © Jolin Coldwell, Etobbsmills. . . Robt. Dunstas of Beechwood, Bart. David Dundas, yr, of Beechwood F. W. Driunmond of Hawthornden, Bart. John Dai, firmer, Falahill Tiavid Davidson of Townbend James Douglas, Southside-bank George Dobbie, farmer, Polton Eastmains Archd. Dickson, farmer, Showington W. P. Dumias, advoente . Thomas Denholin, farmer, Roads John Disher, farmer, Cormbank James Dougins, farmer, D'Arcy Farm William Douglas, proprietor, Dalkeith Jas, Dunsmure, proprietor, Corstorphine Aloxr. Dalziel, farmer, Drylawmains Peter Deds, farmer, Granton Alexec. Dods, farmer, Granton Thomas Dobie, potatocdcaler, Echobank | Rott. Damins of .Arniston Robert Davidson of Ravelrigg. David Ewart, blacksmith, Lasswade,_. Thomas Edgar, farmer, Bellesbught George Elilot, proprietor, Dalkeith. William Fortest, propricter, Slateford Peter Forbes, wine-merchant, Edinburgh James Fowlis of Woodhall, Bart. : dohn Fraser, tenant, Hailes Quarry €. M. Fraser, writer, Colinton Bank Peter Fairley, carter, Eastfield ~ Alex. Flint; farmer, South Melville . W. Forbos, adrocate ' Shnon Fraser of Ford William Forrest, proprictar, Pathhead George Ferme, farmer, Braidwood, Crichton House ‘Walter Forsyth, farmer, Epltite Adam Faitholm, Chapel’ James Fairbairn, farmer, Lugaté," John 8. Forbes, Bart. -. a Hobe, Greig or Gienpark . Hugh Granger, farmer, Gogar Green James Granger, farmer, Newmills + Prancis Grabam of Navelrig + - ~~ Jolin Glaagow, spirit-icaler, Edinburgh James Gardiner, gardener, Jock’s Lodge William Gray, farmer, Dalhousie Mains Jones Vriersany minister of Cockpen ~~ dohn Gray, Elginhaugh Mill . Gilbert Ogilvy Gardiner of Marjoribanks — John Gray, proprietor, Straiton - ” Alex. Granger, farmer, Leith-head George Glendinning, farmer, Burahouse Peter Gray, farmer; Aroiston Mains - Janes Goldie, minister of Tempte. dames Way, writer, Edinburgh: - John Hogg, proprietor, Kevockbank ‘“‘" Adox. Hay, farmer, Kirkfarm Alex. Mnig, Lochrin David Taig, Lochrin Gilbert Handyside, proprietor, Taveresl Jolin Henderson, grocer, proprietor, Penicutok Stewart B. Ware of Calderhall Wm. Home, W825: - , wi. John May. farmer, Tialftakitt Alox. Hay of Hlardengreen William Ilunter, farmer; Outerston Donald Horno, W,5, . , John Hope, farmer, Newbyrea Arch, Marne, Lasswade Hilt James M. Hogg: of Murieston ~~. Adam Hay, banker; Duddingston’ Treuse Robert alg. Lochr'a ° . John Hastic, farmer, Hangiashaw | pi James Harper, farmer, Bow - James Hogg. farmer, Nethorshiclia’ ae James Hutchison, farmor, Kilcouter ‘William ope, farmer, Duddingstane Farnr’ Robert IU, Magdalen Foundry : . ‘Thouias Hope} farmer, Hopfield "‘. Wm. Hunter; farmer, Melville Mains’ Wm. Hunter, farmer; Skeltimaic * = George Henderson, larmer, Roswelldean + 7 Bu tates. farmer, Resomay yer uilton. Afaj.-Gen.., Innerwick lates Stott Thomas Tughes, pronictos.} “John Hope, Bort. of Craighall ~ ;-Jotn David Hope, proprietor, Dalkeith“ * +,, Thos. Hay, tennnt, Invereskfielda dots Arehd. Hape, yr-of Pinkio . ue he see ' John Hope, farmer, Enrelaw! 7” * .) Wii. Harper, farmer, Cairntows +1 : Thomas MWunter Blair of Dunskey’, _John ‘Inglis of ‘Auchindiany “John Irving, | WS. * George Irving. ws. George Irvine, farmer, Poltonhal John Inglis, farmer, Rosewell ,": Goorge Inglis. farmer, Crafi ‘TL Inglis, of Loganbank. * William ‘Johnston, farmer; Hanizes’ < James Johnston, farmer, Montrose Stables Michacl Jenkinson, feuar, Stillinowe'.* | Robt. Jenkinson, merchant, Penieuik ‘| ~ George Jaffray, victual-dealer, Dalkeith | John Jameson, farmer, Straiton, || Alexander Jchnston, smith, Inveresk ~~ James Johnston, farmer, Niddry Mains ~ ” Lewis H, Irving, minister, of Abercorn, Wri, Keith, accoimtant, Corstorphine “Hal John Kenedy, merchant, Penicuik , . - Peter Kilpatrick, farmer, Coats. 2. James Ker, mill-master, Dalkeith Wm. Ker, wright, Greenend George Ker, farmer, Ford va James Kerr of Blackshiclls. «|: Edward Lothian, advocate, of Overgogar - . R. J. Latham, Inte Coptain 82d regiment, Balerno William Lees, farmer, Breckhouse - : . Allan Livingston, builder, Joppa Quarry ~ James Lamb, slater, proprictoty Loanhead Loughborough ~~: Duneon Laing, Crichton Seliool Hause > Andrew Laing, farmer, Siiverburn © .-* John Lawrie, builder, Dalkeith - John Law, shoemaker, proprietor, Dalkeith : Robert Laing, farmer, Campend sits Alexander Laing, farmer, Shawfair * ...- . James Landers, Vogrie Colliery = ° N. Macdonald Lockhart of Carowath, Bart. . Archibald Livingstone, minister of Cambusnethan David Miine, Vice-Admiral~ -* Peter Megget, gardener, Penicuik Croft” James Millar, farmer, Westbrigs | Thos. Millar, farmer, Easter Drylaw ~ . Charles Elder Macritchie of Bankhead u . Alex. Milne, Captain, HIN.” 7 R. Meikle, Newton School Touse : . James Metealf, proprietor, Dalkeith John Mirtle of Gracemount © Allan A. Maconochies yr. of Meadowbank © A, H. Mitehelson of Middleton ve Alox. Macdougal, schootmaster, Borthwick Robt. Scott Moncrieff, proprietor, Dalkeith Leslie Moodie, D.D. minister of Inveresk James M. Melviltc, WS. °° ~ James Montgomery of Stanhope, Bart. | William Mackenzie of Portmore John Mackenzie, Grange House . J.C. Maxwell of Middlebie * Alex. Mackay, of Black Castle - Dan. M'Gowan, $S.C.° - - t Claud Muirhead of Goger Paris » ” Walter Mitchell, farmer, Coubrachill Peter Mitchell, innkeeper, Torsonce George M‘Whirter, bleacher, Inglis Green * James MDonald, ganiner, Dalkeith Matthew Marshall, proprictar, Dalkeith -- Alexr. Monro ofCraiglockhart : David Mackinlay of Newland Burn ~ Archd. Mackinley, Forth Street, Fainburg: John Murray advocato - * Patrick, Mure, advocate = Thomas Elder MacRitchie, Ws. of Bankhead Jamies Muir, schoolmaster, Lasswade : James Miller, farmer, Gourlaw Greme Mercer of Mavisbank George Mercer of Dryden’ dames Miller, farmer, Loanhead Willinm Maxwell, of Calderwood, Bart. David Milne, advocate - Andrew Murray of Murrayshall « ‘Thomas Muir, farmer, Pathbead. ‘Alex, Megget, farmer, Pomathorn John Megget, carter, Bridgend James M‘Lean, farmer, Ninemileburn Thomas Muir, schoolmaster, Penicuil ,- dames Morrison, physician, Dalkeith ‘Wao. Keith Murry, Lt.-Colonel, - James Murray of Craigend. Patrick Neill, Canonmills _. Thomas Newton of Carrie Hill James Nimmo; farmer, Gogar Mains Charles Neaves, advocate * ‘Wm. Neitson, spirit-merchant, Echobanie_” Hugh Nibbliec, farmer, Castlehill David Neill, farmer, Bonington « -- 5 22. 0. FE Aloexr. Pattullo, farmer, Babberton Mains John Proudfoot, farmer, Gowkshill -- William Flunimer, june. farmer, Melville Wm, Paterson, builder, Bonnyrigg . John Plummer, farmer, Paltonmains’ - Preston Porteous, painter, Lasswade - John Pitcairn of Piteatrm =~ oo Alex. Patison, proprictor, Pontcuik Wm. Flommer, senr. feshor, Dalkeith Robert MI. Parker, Dalkcith . pov John Paterson, bank agent, Dalkeith ek John Plummer, sen. fiesher, Annficld - David Park, ironmonger, Dalkeith _ Johu Porteous, farmer, Loanhead - Archibald Porteous, farmer, Pinkiematas Thomas Park, farmer, Stoneyhill” ° * John Proudfoot, farmer, Pinkiebill - James Pentland, carter, Cellarbank | James Pentland, farmer, Lit tlefrance Alex. Pringle of Whytbank : © > ‘Wm. Paterson of Catpair. .:..°.°: David Pinkerton, farmer, Killerstain of John Paton, minister, Lasswaile. Wim. Robertson, jr; WS, : Peter Ramaay, banker |... Robt. Reid, innkeeper, Golf hall | Patrick Robertson, advocate |. ,-- William Ramage, farmer, Eastot Kchletth” + Robt, Robb, farmer, Meadowficld,. ” John Hichardson, beadle, Duddingston Robs. Wardlaw Rammy of Whitchill _ William R. Ramsay of Batnton » - James M'Gill Rae, proprietor, Dalkeith . Alexr. Roc, haberdasher, Dalkeith 5: JV! John Rutherford, currier, Cummingfield * George Ranisay Robertson, - blacksmith, Davidsons’ Mains ..- Thomas Robertson; late Farrier Major, 2a Dragodns ° Fatrick Russell. Kellerstain Houso: :"° Thomas Ritchie, farmer, Casticlaw John Ritchic, de. do.” James Robertson of Southbafite tet Geo! Stan, farmer, Sheriffliall Maina John C. Scott of Syntom on. are FTL: : Alexr. Stenhouse, farmer, Whitehill Maine. ; Walter Simpson, saddler, Dalkeith : ~ a Thomas Stoddart, farmer, Niddry> ~ David Somerville, farmer, Shothead. Kenneth Scoon, farmer, Castleton "= William Stewart, farmer, Cortleferry - Charles Stewart; farmer, Nettlingflat - George Smibert, farmer, Dryburn -: Alex, Smith, WS. Woodlands. ‘Thomas Saddler, farmer, Narton * Charles Seficrig, accountant © *. > Thomas Scott of Sfalleny ~/ Geo. Scott,’ Malleny : ¥. Carteret Scott, Charlotte Squire, Bainburg And. Scott, Wid." : John Salmond, miller, Moredi s William Stephenson, proprictor, Lasswade’ . dohn Stevenson, proprietor; Gilmerton David Scott, farmer, Northfield .< ~~ “WwW. N. Stevenson; | surgeon, Gilmerton | bys Walter Scott, schoolmaster, Cockpen"* + Alexander Seott, skinner, Dal keith *" tr weresk = flames Stewart, farmer, Huntly Cota: _ William Séoon; farmer, Kirkettle - ,. “s oy, ‘C. Smith, farmer, Mountmarle , i David Spowart, proprictdr, Gorebridge John Smith, farmer, Mountmatie. ” ‘Thomas Scott; factor, tenant,‘ Airiiel: _Alexr, Simpson, farmer, Honeyhol 2 George Simpson, farmer, Pinkie” _ Walter Bcott, blacksmith, | ‘Pathhend: ! + Thomas Stevenson, farmer,, Mou } Lothian . James Scott, farmer, Graebrac- Daniel Stevenson, ‘nailer, Penlcutk ‘Wiltm. Stavenson, farmer, Mansfeld , James Stewart, gardener, Dalkeith. .. Alex. Sanderson, builder, Dalkeith . “* Alex, Sanderson, junr. builder, Dalkeith x Robort Sanderson, ironmonger, Dalkeith ", a GcorgoS8utherland, farmier; Parknook:.. * “Alexr, Stovenson, proprictor, Leanheud ; >." A. pens, Lt-Col, Ez I. Co: Service, Inveresk * George Smith, farmer, Chalkieside + ‘John Smith, farmer, Chalkiestde : . George Somerville, farmer; Estanills *-. —~Charles Stewart; farmer, Sweethope ;—, James Smart, flesher, Libberton’”: i” Robart Smart, fleshér, Libberton . ‘2 domes G. Sattl@ of Balgone.: ‘Bart. Wm, ‘Taylor, farmer, 'sitdidicealte: ‘Arthur Thomson, slater, Lasawade.. off Win Turnbull, farmer, ¢ Crichton | ‘George Thomeon, re Ratho ; VAlexr. ‘fhomson, builder, Corstorphi John’ Urquhart of Drunilank eter Veiteh, baker, Portabello fan cs A. Vernor, farmer, Hillhead * Alex-Vernor, farmer, Carberry: “ James Walker of Dalry, Robt. Wh igham, nulvyocaic... ; - Walter Wallace, farmer, Four-mile-hill George Walker, ‘farmer, Kelockyet WwW. Wi falker of Bowland > «" James Weir, proprietor? Balerne "' + “Alex. Wright, seedsman, Fishwives* Jno. Webster of Quarryhend-* William White, farmer, Paradykes John Weston, farmer; Newbigging Charles Watson of Sanghton -- Patrick Walker, Kt of Coates William Williams, amith, Dalkeith ‘Jas! Watson, farmer, Preston Mains Ebenezer Wilson, former, Fallhiila David ‘Wilson, farmer, Halls’ 37 John Wilson, farmer, Werbertshaw Winiam ‘Watson, ‘far cr, ‘Whithoim Jolin Williamson, proprietor, Dalkeith ‘William Wilson, Duflder; Miuttonliole Robt. \Witson, builder; Dalkeith |.” ‘Alox, Wilson, ironmonger, Dalkeith James White, tobacconist, Dalkeith ‘Wm. Watson, carter, Loanhead ohn Wood, wright, Loanhead’ . A. Wedderburn, Lieut-Col., Thveresk Robert Weston, potatoe-dealer, Davidson's Sains Thomas. ‘Watson, farmer, Esperston.-; 1 ‘Wm. Wilson, proprictor. Echobank, Walter Watson’ of Southficld - a “‘Alox. Wright, carter, Gilmerton’ | Rankine Wright, carter; Gilmorton Archd, Wilkie of Ormiston Ill ; Wm. White, farmer, ¥ crston 3 Alox. Wilson; farmer,: Mayfield ™; Thos, Wright, minister of Borthwick ” Wm. I. White of Kellerstain © " Alex. Welsh, minister, of Cranston. Andw, Youn ynedoch’ Place, ‘Eainburgh | William Young, wright," Bonny rig . John Young, fartiér, Sheriff batt* William Young, farmer, Niddrymill : John Yonng, farmer, Newhouse. - James Young, farmer, I Iandaxwyood. | TO. THE”, 3. ELECTORS OF MID- OTHIAR. ‘Epr ‘RURGH,, ‘jth Des. 1834.” " "GENTLEMEN, a "Referring to the above REQUISITION, I beg leave to inform you, that, Vhave forwarded it .to:Sir George Clerk, who has” ‘been “suddenly. summoned to London. ~ . : : Lam ‘duthorise iy. his canvass to state the y ean answer for your Re- qiiisition being accepted by Sir: ‘George. His own re- ply. will be! received, by \return- “of post the, Thean tine e thie Comiittee -earnestly- req) est - that. ail “Chairman of the Cowinittee = LEITH BURGHS TitE nomination for these burghs took place yester. day morning at ten o'clock. The hustings was erected in front of the High Scheol, facing the Links, An immense crowd of the supporters of the two candidates assenibled to witness the proceedings. A strong barrier was erected in @ line from the middle of the hustings, s0 as ta divide the two parties and prevent any crushing between them. ' The two candidates—Mr Miller, the late member for the burghs, and Mr Macfie —made a simultancous appearance upon the hustings about a quarter te ten, ach gentleman was received with boisterous cheers from his own side of the field, and by equally vigorous groans from his opponents. Mv Miller and his friends occupied the right side of the hustings, and Mr Macfie and his party the left. My Miller was accompanied te the hustings by the following gentlemen :—Prorost Watt; Bailies Milne, Steven, and Beveridge; Captain White, Captain Blackwood; Messrs Donald 2. Macgregor, Wn. Taindsay, Wm. Marjoribanks, Stephen Adam, D. W. Henderson, Wm. Thomson, Concic Chalmers, J. Heddle, Thomas Dishington, James Walker, James G. Thomson, Wm, Muir, Solm Colion, Thos. Fardie, R. M. Sinith, Colin Dunenn, A. Roebinow, ME OL Gibson, James Currie, Hugh Morton, Samuel David- son, Alex? Dunsmure, George Blanshard, Thomas Wilkie, Alexander Smith, John Warrack, W. 5. Gavin, James Cundell, H. Ree, Richard Raines, Thos, Aitken, John Croall, William W. Gibson, James Hay, John Gordon, Adam Peacock, Edward Wishart, d, 0, Gartand, Thomas Shiells, Tames Williamson, John Reid (gas manager), Tames Methven, John Swan, Jas. Vindsay (fruit salesman), G. S. Seater, Caldwell J, Currie & Co.) Marshall (Morton's), R. A, Peacock, J. 11. Thielmaun, Peter ‘Taysen, Charles Morrison (sen.), Charles Morrison {jun.), Wiliam Morrison, Alex, Stuart, Wm. Scott, James Powrie, James Russell, Ff. M'Nab, George Wren, Joln Cunningham, das, Cunningham, Join AI'Nair, Thos. Neeckie, George Finnie, Win. Jenkinson, Robert Meikle, John Cilchvist, W. dW. Stockman, Alexander Allan, John Wood, Cavin - Wood, Monaghan, Edward Robertson, George Jack, John Park, R, Hill, A. ER. Rennie, Jas, Nussell, Geo. Melrose, ‘Thomas Sturrock, Wim._Gibson (Duddingston}, John Philip, Alex, Rogers, R. Scales, N. MM. Mackie, Matthew Anderson, James Wilson, Francis Barnet. From Mussolburgh—Provost Sanderson, ex-Bailie Cameron, Messrs A, Stewart, Park, Clark, Somerville, Scott, Gibson, Hewitt, Colin Bell, Hogg, Robertson, Miller, Stewart, &c, From Portobello—Provost Wood, ex+ Councillor Brown, Messrs Muirhead, Borthwick, Campion, Renwick, Haig, Rodger, Sinclair, Livingston, Carmichacl, Low, Spence, Springall, Taylor, &e. My Nfacfie was accompanied to the hustings by— Mr G, A, Maren and Councillor Archibald, joint- chairmen of Mr Macfic's Committee ; Bailie Pentland, ex-Bailie Stcedman, Councillors Bell, Mather, Mackin- tosh, Mills, and D. M‘Laren; ex-Provost Lawrie, Bailies Fearns and Millar—Musselburgh. Bailie Hunter; Councillors Connon, Calder, and Gilfillan ; ex-Bailie. Kemp: ex-Councillor Davidson; Mr J. Knox-Crawford, S.8.C.: Mr Carr, Ale - James Lamond, Mr Jatin Aitchison, Me Poole, My Brown, Mr Edwards, and Mr ‘ough—Portobello. General Wahab; Dean of Guild Law, and Councillor Lewis, Edinburgh ; Mr Robert Johnston, W.S.; Mr

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