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Republic of the Philippines

Iloilo Science and Technology University

La Paz, Iloilo City

Chapter 1
This chapter includes the background of the study, statement of
the problem, hypothesis, conceptual framework, definition of terms
used, significance of the study and the scope and limitations.

Background of the Study

Education is the process of developing the capacities and
potentials of the individual so as to prepare that individual to be
successful in a specific society or culture. From this perspective,
education is serving primarily as an individual developmental function.
Education begins at birth and continues throughout life. It is constant
and ongoing. Schooling generally begins somewhere between the ages
of four and six
Education is described as the totality of the when children are
gathered together for the purpose of specific guidance related skills
and competencies that society deems important. Its primary purpose is
to foster and promote the fullest individual self-realization for all
people. Achieving this goal requires understanding of commitment to
the proposition that education is a primary instrument for social and
economic advancement of human welfare. Experiences made available

Republic of the Philippines

Iloilo Science and Technology University
La Paz, Iloilo City

to individuals in formal or informal situations, to make them develop a

rounded personality and to be useful to themselves and the society at
Considering the numerous advantages that are derived from
education, no amount of resources expended on it can be described as
too much. For that matter, a persons education is closely linked to life
chances, income level and well-being. Therefore, it is important to
have a clear understanding of what benefits or hinders ones
educational attainment. However, reports on the high rate of poor
academic performance in first year Bachelor of Elementary Education
students at Iloilo Science and Technology University are of great
concern. Although education is not the only road to success in the
working world, much is made to identify, evaluate, track and
encourage the progress of students in schools.
Parents care about their childrens academic performance
because they believe good academic results will provide more career
choices and job security. Schools invest in fostering good academic
performance for the same reason, and are also often influenced by
concerns about the schools reputation and possibility of monetary aid
from government institutions which can hinge on the overall academic
performance of the schools. Good academic performance usually
brings satisfaction and happiness to the individual and to the family as

Republic of the Philippines

Iloilo Science and Technology University
La Paz, Iloilo City

a whole. Research has established that students academic

performance is the product of an inter-play of factors like good and
effective study habits and skills, good teachers, and congenial school
and home environment. When good performance is not attained, the
individual and other family members experience feelings of anxiety
concerning the individuals academic world. It is expedient to state
here that the need to improve on the academic performance is one of
the basic objectives of educating the students. In every school setting,
academic performance is what each student strives to achieve, and the
attainment of good performance can only be enhanced through good
study habits.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the influence of Study Habits to the
Academic Performance of First Year Bachelor of Elementary Education
students of Iloilo Science and Technology during First Semester,
Academic Year 2014-2015. Specifically, this study will seek answer to
the following questions:
1. What is the profile of respondents when grouped according to
income of the parents, birth order and place of residence while in

Republic of the Philippines

Iloilo Science and Technology University
La Paz, Iloilo City

2. What are the study habits of first year students as a whole or

grouped according to income of the parents, birth order, , and place of
residence while in school?
3. What are the academic performance of first year students as a
whole or grouped according to, income of the parents, birth order, ,
and place of residence while in school?
4. Is there a significant difference between the study habits and
academic performance of first year BEED students?
5. Is there a significant relationship between the study habits and
academic performance of first year BEED students?

Hypotheses of the Study

To answer the aforementioned questions, the researchers tested
the following null hypotheses.
1. There is no significant difference between the study habits and
academic performance of first year BEED students?
2. There is no significant relationship between the study habits
and academic performance of first year BEED student?

Independent Variable


Republic of the Philippines

Iloilo Science and Technology University
La Paz, Iloilo City

Study Habits
Birth Order
Type of Residence
Income of the Parents

Figure 1
The Research Paradigm
Conceptual Framework
This study was guided by the conceptual model shown in the
Figure 1. It was based on concept of relationship between study habits
and academic performance of first year education students. This
showed that the academic performance of the students and their study
habits may have a significant relationship or difference with each
other. And the study habits and academic performance of the students
may differ because of these independent variables.

Definition of Terms
Some keys are defined to clarify their meaning in this study.
Academic Performance. Academic performance refers to the
accomplishment of a pupil in a particular subject (Rondez, 1982).
In this study, academic performance is reflected by the average
of students in their subjects.

Republic of the Philippines

Iloilo Science and Technology University
La Paz, Iloilo City

Birth Order. Birth order refers to the order a child is born

(Rondez, 1982).
In this study, birth order refers to the order of birth in the family.
It was classified as eldest, middle, youngest and others.
Income of the Parents. Income of the parents refers to the family
income, occupation of the parents, family dwelling and the social
cultural position that the parents occupies in the community (Mendoza,
In this study, income of the parents defines as the family income
and classified as high, average and low.
Place of Residence While In School. Place of residence while in
school refers to the place where the students stay (Mendoza, 1979).
In this study, place of residence while in school refers to the
place where the students stayed during schooling and it is classified as
living in a boarding house and living with parents.
Study habit. Study habit refers as the patterns of behaviour in
the use of effective study procedures and promptness in completing
academic assignments (Monroy, 1980).
In this study, study habits refer to the ways of students in

Significance of the Study

Republic of the Philippines

Iloilo Science and Technology University
La Paz, Iloilo City

Information and data gathered from this study will be beneficial

to the following:
Students.Students will benefit more from the findings of this
study as they will be offered the necessary assistance as and how to
develop good study habits which will help to improve upon their
academic performance. Students will also be given information on how
study habits affect their academic performances and the results of this
study will make them aware of the common study habits among other
Teachers and School Counselors.The study will guide teachers
and school counselors who always have the desire to see their
students perform well by giving them the right techniques of
developing study habits. It will again help teachers in understanding
better the diversity of learning in students and as such, develop more
effective methodologies in teaching their subject matter for better
understanding of students.
Parents. Parents on the other hand will be accorded the
opportunity to play their roles in providing motivation and rewards to
students to encourage the formation and maintenance of good study
habits among students at the family level. Also, the study will help the
government to provide the needed learning materials and facilities to
motivate students to enhance the development of good study habits.

Republic of the Philippines

Iloilo Science and Technology University
La Paz, Iloilo City

Policy Makers and Stakeholders. More so, the study will serve as
a guide and resource document to policy makers and stakeholders in
developing curriculum materials and text books, taking into
consideration students needs and aspirations as they study to pass
their examinations both at the secondary and tertiary levels.

Scope and Limitation

This study was conducted at Iloilo Science and Technology. The
respondents were the First Year Bachelor of Elementary students who
were randomly selected through systematic sampling. The total
population of First Year Bachelor of Elementary Education is 136, out of
it, 8 subjects were under this study which comprises 22% of the total
population. This study focused on the Influence of Study Habits to the
Academic Performance of First Year Bachelor of Elementary Education
students of Iloilo Science and Technology University.

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