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NC Graduation Project Summary

Research Topic

Project Overview

Mentor Contacts

Product, Visual, or
What You Learned

For my project I chose to learn about street law.

I researched how hot spot policing supports a growing body of evidence that suggest
that crime strategies focused on a specific area:
- Do not inevitably lead to the displacement of crime problems (Displacement
occurs when criminals who are under pressure from a focused strategy move
away from the focus area and bring their criminal activity to another area that is
not getting special attention from law enforcement.)
- Have crime-prevention benefits associated with the hot spots policing programs
My mentor was Brian Sharpe. Brian is a Law Clerk under David R. Payne, Esq.
For my project I shot a video talking about various law topics that relate to people my
- Includes what rights you have during a traffic stop.
- Can you refuse a search of your car?
- Supression of evidence.
- Prolonging a traffic stop no longer than reasonably necessary.
I have met with my mentor, 2 hours a day Monday-Friday since Jan. 20th
Overall I have spent 15 hours on my project. Although I met with my mentor everyday
and have well over that amount.
- This includes talking with my mentor about various law topics, conducting my
own research and taking notes.
- It also includes the time I spent working on my video.
For my visual I shot a video of me talking about various topics people my age should
know when confronted by the law, certain rights that they have and what they can and
cannot say.
Overall I learned quite a bit of information about Law and the Criminal Justice System.
I learned about:
- The process of a traffic stop and what is considered a reason to be pulled over.
- Supression of evidence and what officers cant use in court.
- A breakdown of Jay-Zs song 99 Problems and the meaning by each verse in the
sense of Law.

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Teacher Verification ________________________________________________________________________

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Mentor Verification _________________________________________________________________________

(By signing here, the mentor verifies that all information on this sheet is true and accurate.)

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