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Observation 1

The child I observed was a little girl named Clair. Clair was barely 2 years of age, normal
height and able to speak somewhat but conveyed a lot of emotion through tone. Clair had a
friend named Brooklyn who was a little bit older. Clair had the tendency to follow Brooklyn and
but also copy what Brooklyn was doing(sometimes).Clair had displayed her own independence
in some areas, while following Brooklyn in others. The first thing that the two did was play on
the seesaw. Clair seemed to be lacking in the physical strength to propel the seesaw upwards, and
barely enough ability to climb onto and off of it. When Brooklyn lost her shoe while laying on
the seesaw, Brooklyn asked of Clair would go grab the shoe for her. Clair understood the request
and followed after slowly and carefully falling off the seesaw. This is an example of stage 3 for
sensorimotor intelligence because this was in response to an event and calling from her peer that
had taken place.(Berger, 2014, 2010, pg 115) When Brooklyn couldn't get her shoe on, Clair
thought for a moment and then asked an aid for help. This was an example of stage 4 in
sensorimotor intelligence because the actions taken were purposeful as Brooklyn would not be
able to play until she had put her shoe back on. (Berger, 2014, 2010, pg 11). Brooklyn was done
playing on the seesaw, Brooklyn wanted to play a game. Clair showed independence when she
rejected the idea and continued playing on the seesaw. Brooklyn attempted to physically remove
her and Clair showed the stage one reflex of crying. (Berger, 2014, 2010, pg 115) Brooklyn
eventually gave up and went back to the seesaw. This is when I noticed stage to of modified
reflexes because Clair intentionally began chewing on the handlebars (eww) of the seesaw.
(Berger, 2014, 2010, pg 115) The two eventually left the seesaw and went to play in a mini house
where Clair mimiced Brooklyn by picking up large plastic shingles and carrying them for no
reason... and running around with them. When Brooklyn threw a piece of plastic on the ground,
so did Clair. Clair clearly demonstrated stage six here (Berger, 2014, 2010, pg 115). This was to
be expected from a child of her age as this is when these behaviors are expected to occur.

Berger, Kathleen Stassen

Invitation to the life span (second edition)
2014, 2010 by Worth Publishers
41 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10010

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