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Target sleep: 6 hours daily

11 oclock sleeping time

5 AM waking hours
5-6 AM cook breakfast then eat, prepare lunch take a bath
6AM 10AM REVIEW (4 hours)
10:00-10:30AM Break (or may prepare lunch)
10: 30AM to 11:30 AM REVIEW (1 hour)
11:30-1PM Cook eat nap or take a bath
1-3PM REVIEW (2 hours) then snack while reviewing (allot NMT 15 min)
3-5PM REVIEW ( 2hours)
5-6 PM REST or answer samplex
6- 7PM Prepare food then Dinner
9-11PM REVIEW (4 hours)
TOTAL 12-14 hours per day
Attend Mass
Answer samplex
Catch-up on other missed subjects
Date or question tayo (not later than 7PM or as much as possible in the
morning while mass to allot time for rest for tomorrows schedule)
JUNE 15 or Sunday: monthsary date half day AM or PM
2 hours date relax
Remaining hours question and answer of what you have reviewed last
REVIEW priorities
If havent read book yet
o Start with the book in AM, otherwise read topnotch reviewer
If with topnotch reviewer only
o Start with the topnotch
SAMPLEX: try to answer 100 questions in an hour for the scheduled subject, if
not proceed to the schedule

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