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Context & Connotation Assignment 4.

Bryan Rodin

I feel as though my reading has improved by using context clues to

understand the meanings of words and by applying the connotations of words
to further interpret their usage. In the article I read, I was able to understand
multiple words better through the context they were placed in, including
cobbled, paraffin lanterns, and industry. The word industry in particular
is not used in a contextually normal position in this article, as it is used to
explain the ambitions of the mechanisms of one man, as opposed to the
typical usage of an entire factory-corporation. There are also several words
and phrases with positive connotations in this article that make it as uplifting
as it is, some being incredible tale, positive story, humble beginnings,
energetic, and triumph. These words all instill a good feeling into the
reader throughout the article as well as giving the work an overarching
positive vibe.

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