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Florida Educator Accomplished Practice #4

Bryan Rodin

Application of Understanding Assignment #4: Reflect on FTCE Florida Subject Area (Music)
Competencies and Skills. Write a narrative on what you perceive your strengths to be as well as
your critical areas for improvement. Review your reflection with your Clinical Education
Teacher and University Supervisor.

I was planning to take the FTCE Subject Area Music exam some time this semester or early in the

summer. Now with the University being closed I am not too sure where I could go to find resources and

study materials, let alone take the exam. I have a suspicion that most testing centers around the state

will not be open during the COVID-19 pandemic. I need to take the initiative to research how this will all

work in the coming months. Though I know that the future is uncertain right now, I still need to try and

find the motivation to succeed at both the Subject Area test and the PET so that I can get my teaching


I am not sure where the deadline lies in my degree track for when these exams need to be

completed by, as far as state mandates go. At UCF we have been told that all portions of the FTCE must

be completed by the start of our senior internship, but is that threshold in place statewide? I have heard

of UCF Music Education alumni from the past few years that have taken the exams during their senior

internship without penalty, and I am hoping that UCF and the state will be lenient under present

circumstances so that we are not penalized.

As far as the content of the exam I am not terribly concerned. I’ve heard from my peers that it is

fairly straightforward and simple with some pedagogy, music history, basic theory, and possibly some

aural skills or analysis, all of which I feel very comfortable with. I plan to research some sample
questions if I can find them. I was hoping to utilize the resources in the curriculum materials center in

the Education Complex, but I suppose I will now need to be much more resourceful. I look forward to

completing the subject area test and moving one step closer to graduation and the real world.

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