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Student Name Ricki Williamson Placement Provider

Fazakerley High School

Choose a minimum of 3 overall learning objectives and a maximum of 5 overall learning objectives. 1. What do I want to learn? I would like to first spend time observing the class room and how lessons are planned and regulated. June 2012 To be able to put together a lesson plan of my own.

Date to be achieved 2. What do I want to learn?

Date to be achieved 3. What do I want to learn?

To be able to carry out a lesson, being thorough and clear about what it is that I am teaching.

Date to be achieved 4. What do I want to learn?

I want to develop skills in managing disruptive behaviour within the class room.

Date to be achieved 5. What do I want to learn?

Date to be achieved Goal Number What are the opportunities for development? In your job? Within the team within which you work? The department? The organisation? The location? The industry? The commercial environment? What resources are required/available?

Develop skills in teaching young people of different age groups and of different learning abilities. June 2012

My Work placement will give me the opportunity to develop my skills as a music teacher and help prepare me for a post graduate course in teaching. I will be able to observe teachers within the music department and see how they conduct their classes, and what sort of level they teach at depending on the age group. During my interview at Fazakerley High School I was given a tour of the music department. They have many facilities to aid them in teaching and learning. The music department has Apple Macs with Cubase and Sibelius including midi keyboards for composition. They also have practice rooms with a variety of musical instruments. As I am not yet a PGCE student I will not be judge by OFSTED standards. However, my performance as a tutor will still be regulated by the head of the music department and the teachers at Fazakerley High have agreed to give

By what standards will my performance be judged?

me some feedback as to how well I performed my job.

Adapted from Learning from Work, University of Central Lancashire, 1998

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