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Vamos a hablar de China.

We are going to talk about to China

Vamos a visitar Beijing.
We visiting Beijing
En primer lugar, estamos empezando el da visitando la Muralla de China a las 9:00 en
punto. Es una de las siete maravillas del Word.
First of all, the day starting with the Chinese Wall at 9 oclock. That is one of the seven
wonders of the world
Luego haremos un recorrido turstico por el palacio de verano a las 11:30. El palacio de
verano En mi opinin este es el sitio ms bello a visitar de la capital. Me gusta ms
incluso que la imponente Ciudad Prohibida y finalmente a las 13:00 iremos a comer
Peking Roast Duck is perhapsthe best know dish.
After that we are taking a tur around The Sumer Palace at eleven- thirty. In my opinion
The Sumer Palace is the most beautiful place to visit in the capital city. I like it more
than the imposing Prohibited City and finally at one PM we eating in the Peking Roast
Duck. It perhaps is one of the most popular and the best dish

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