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What made me choose this topic is that I can personally relate, I also consider myself a feminist

and I value the equality of women so anything relating to single mothers or the empowerment of
women I am interested in. My personal connection to this topic is that I didnt have a stable
relationship with my father growing up, even to this day. Growing up I watched my mother
struggle to take care of me and my sister. Not having my father in my life affected me
emotionally, I was very angry growing up I felt like it was something I did to make him leave. I
grew up antisocial and not trusting anyone besides my family. I am of recently working on my
relationship with my father and Im learning to not let my fathers decisions affect my emotions.
I care about this topic because I know what the effects of not having a father in your life could do
to person.

Jacqueline Doss

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