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Highlands Neighborhood Association Minutes

March 15, 2010

Board members present: Myrna Coleman, Dianna Wright, Rod Hubbard, Tami Soper, Andrew
Brown, Rose Klein, Jim Klein and Kris Meek. Member: Tommy Taylor.

Dianna Wright made a motion to accept the minutes of the last meeting as e-mailed and printed.
Seconded by Rod Hubbard. Approved. Andrew Brown made a motion to accept the treasurer's
report as e-mailed and printed. Seconded by Dianna Wright. Approved.

Myrna reported on the Mayor's Round Table which meets the 2nd Monday of each month. The
2010 Household Hazardous Waste Program events are listed at (Keyword:
Household) There are Latex Paint Exchanges at EcoStores listed at For
individuals, age 60 and older Aging Partners has Home Handyman Services at 441-7030. The tire
recycling program from last year has lost it's funding.

Kris Meek is putting together the spring newsletter. If Longoria's Academy wants to be in the
newsletter they would need to pay for the last two ads, Recycle Link needs to pay for one ad.

Dianna delivered the Egg Hunt committee report. The residents of Lancaster Manor are filling the
eggs for us; in exchange we give their activities committee a gift of $50. This year they say that
we have 4,663 eggs and they are putting two pieces of candy in each egg. Rod will pick up 10 or
12 chalkboard signs from Fredstrom. When Dianna contacted Wal-Mart about the possibility of a
donation and they now require a grant application for donations that takes 8-12 weeks before you
find out if you get anything.

Rod Hubbard made a motion to purchase an $85 megaphone and batteries from Radio Shack for
the Neighborhood Association. Tami Soper seconded the motion. Approved.

Discussion of the Pool Party: Tami Soper talked to Lynn Quinzer, Mary Johnson and Holly
Lewis, Dir. of Aquatics for Parks & Rec. They would require a vendor permit, food handler
permit and day permit plus insurance if we take in any money on city property. We could have the
pool employees take in the $1 per person for swimming; otherwise we need a $100 permit.

Tami said that if anyone wants to donate to the Egg Hunt or Pool Party we would have to give
them an addressed envelope to mail it in. Parks & Rec requires $100 permits and one million
insurance policy if you collect money on city property. The consensus at this time is that since we
cannot afford all these permits for a 1 1/2 hour Pool Party we will not collect any money.

Andrew wants to set up a Pay Pal Business Account as a non-profit group. Then people could join
the Association through Pay Pal. They would verify our information with our checking account
and Tax ID #. There are no set-up fees. They charge 30 cents + 2.9% per joining member.

Rod Hubbard made a motion to approve Andrew to set up the Pay Pal account to take HNA
memberships. Seconded by Jim Klein. Approved.

Listing requirements for directors as part of the standing rules was tabled until the next meeting.

This meeting adjourned at 9:10 pm. The next meeting, Monday, 4-19-10, at Fredstrom School.

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