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Here are some points of reasons why stdts perfmnce in English is poor.

1. students lack of confidence to use English because they are

afraid of mistakes and shy feeling.
2. many would not choose English as they prefer to stick to the
language they are most comfortable with.
3. They are worried that people will tease them or mock them (if
they speak English). Some wouldnt dare to converse in
English or risk being labelled as action (showing off).
4. Students lack of interest in reading English materials. As a
result, they couldnt score in the exam as their vocabulary
knowledge is limited .
5. The students do not pay any attention when English teacher is
explaining the lesson. They agreed that they do not pay any
attention when English teacher is explaining the lesson. They
missed the opportunity to learn and improve ,thus, they
couldnt able to answer the exams questions excellently.
6. They confused and nervous when they started speaking
English in front of the teacher and other students.
7. They could not summarize the important points in the English
subject content by themselves. they could not apply the
knowledge from English in their real lives.
8. The stdnts obvious negative attitude towards English may
lead to conclude that they are not well aware of the
importance of English and learn it as a compulsory subject.

Actions that members of the association can take part


Help to monitor their childrens homework at home

Buy more English materials(books,magazines, CDs,etc)
for their children.
Practise English everyday at home
Give moral support for them to build in their confidence
in the language. Never complaints of their bad
performance in the language but keep motivating them
to never give up to be successful.
Those parents who are good in English could assist by
offering themselves to be the English tutors in some
English classes at school on the weekends.
PTA could organise some English activities involving all
parties (parents, teachers, communities And the
students)eg.English Camp

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