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Profisiensi Bahasa Inggris
yang dibina oleh Bapak Drs. Ir. Yohanes Hadi Soesilo, S.Th., M.
Div, M.E.

Anita Julia 170431622085


Desember 2018

Praise the presence of the Almighty God who has given His mercy.
So, I was able to complete the creation of a paper entitled "How To Learn
English Well" to complete the assignments for English Proficiency
courses. Thank you to Mr. Drs. Ir. Yohanes Hadi Soesilo, S.Th., M. Div,
M.E. as a lecturer who teaches this subject. Through him, I can learn about
how to learn English well.

At present, English is one of the international languages that is used

as a language of communication between countries with other countries.
So many benefits are obtained by learning English, making it inevitable
that you can master English. However, there are still many people,
especially among students who are not familiar with English due to various
factors. In fact, English is very easy to learn in various ways.

Through this paper, it is hoped that readers can learn English well.
Although there are many ways that can be used by readers to learn English,
in this paper it will be easier for readers to choose what kind of method to
learn English. And in the future, the level of English language skills is

Malang, August 23,


A. Background

At present, English has become an international language that is

used as an interaction between citizens in a country and other countries.
This is what makes English one of the subjects that must be studied at
various levels of education, including in Indonesia. However, there are still
many people who have difficulty learning English. According to Andi
Lockley, EF's Academic Operations Manager stated that the main thing in
learning a foreign language (English) is motivation. When the motivation
is very low, it will be more difficult to learn.

But the fact is, students in Indonesia at the elementary to high

school levels while working on daily exams until national exams rarely
achieve perfect grades. As for English, students are often found who have
perfect grades at the time of the exam. According to the Lecturer of the
Indonesian Literature Study Program and a member of the Linguistic
Department of the Faculty of Cultural Sciences, University of Indonesia,
Untung Yuwono said that the assumption that Indonesian language
subjects were difficult to learn compared to other subjects. Even lower
when compared to mathematics which has been a scourge for students in
recent years.

As stated in one of the theses entitled ‘Faktor yang Mempengaruhi

Kemampuan Berbahasa Inggris Mahasiswa Pendidikan Administrasi
Perkantoran’ by Sherly Octaviana Putri, Faculty of Economics, Yogyakarta
State University. English language skills are needed in everyday life. Even
today, in the world of education there is always an exam in the form of
TOEFL test as an English language proficiency test used in various
countries. The results can be used by students especially students to enter
universities abroad. Therefore, English is the main key today in aspects of

Then, there are still many people, especially students who still
cannot learn English well due to various factors. Some think that they are
comfortable with their own language, lack of supporting facilities in
learning English, to a non-integrated English language learning system.
Despite the fact, many students are able to learn English better than
Indonesian. In this paper, will discuss how to learn English well.

B. Problem Identification

In this paper, the issues that will be discussed are how to learn
English well. Maybe

C. The Purpose of the Discussion

The purpose of the paper itself is to introduce the readers especially

students so that the quality of their English language increases through
various ways that can be taken in learning English, at least their TOEFL
reaches normal limits.
How to Learn English Well

Basically, learning English can be learned easily. However, there

are still many people, especially adults, who have difficulty learning
English. Actually there are many ways you can do to learn English well.
Everyone has their own style to make it easier for them to learn English.
However, in this paper, I will review several ways that are usually used by
many people. Before starting in this chapter, we must know in advance
about the four aspects in English. There is reading, listening, writing and

1. Intentions and Self-Confidence

Start every your activities with intentions. This is the starting point for
building commitmen to learn English. If you don’t have intention to learn
English, until whenever you can’t learn it with ‘happy’ conditions. With
learning something happily can improve our ability to explore more and
more of the material being studied.

2. Reading

Reading is a basic activities can be doing with every person. But, many
people can’t know how to read a sentences of English. So, we will
reading from contextual thing until abstrac.

a. Spelling
Many people can reading and speaking about something fastest.
But some people can’t spelling word by word. So, to improve
your skill in English, you can also practice reading everything
about your daily.

Example: your name, your phone, your e-mail, ect.

My name is Anita Julia.

Spelling: A-N-I-T-A-J-U-L-I-A
b. Pronounciation
To improve pronounciation, you can read some words with
dictionary (online or offline). You can read everything about your
daily, your daily activities and ect., so you can familiar with many
word in English.
Don’t forget it, repeat and repeat again to improve your
acceleration of reading something in English. You can colaborate
your reading anything with sound (music or video). Because your
mood can increased by sound and make your feeling happily to
learn English.
Example: Your hobby is writing
Something about writing is: paper, pencil, pen, eraser, book, ect.

c. Read everything
Don’t worry if you can’t learn English. Read everything from
book, journal, newspaper, novel, poetry, magazine, or ect.
Because with reading


A. Conclusion

Many ways are done by people to learn English well. The main key
that you must do is the intention and self-confidence. If it is already
formed, then next is to continue to study, practice and repeat it again. This
improves our ability to learn English. There is no word impossible or late
in learning.

B. Suggestions

There needs to be support other than yourself, namely from the

family and the people around them. So that, it can make us more confident
in honing English. In addition, teachers or lecturers as facilitators must also
accompany the English language skills of their students better than before.
Thus, the target for achieving the best TOEFL can be achieved.

Clemon, Edward. 2015. How to Speak English Fluently in 1 Week. Online.

( Accessed: August 23, 2018.

Evans, Shira; Schell, Chaterine. 2013. Everyday Coversation: Learning American

English. Washington DC: American English. Online.
learning-american-english). Accessed: August 23, 2018.

Rin Career Ready. How to Speak English Fluently and Confidently: 10 Simple
Tips. Online. (
and-confidently--10-simple-tips/15). Accessed: August 23, 2018.

M. Subiyati. 1995. Bahasa Inggris, Tumbuh Mengglobal dari Bahasa Tertindas

Sampai Bahasa Kebutuhan Intelektual. Cakrawala Pendidikan Nomer 1,
Tahun XIV. Online. (
ID-bahasa-inggris-tumbuh-mengglobal-dari-ba.pdf). Accessed: August
26, 2018.
Nurfuadah, Rifa Nadia. 2015. Artikel: Penyebab Sulit Menguasai Bahasa Inggris.
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