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The city of Arkas is engulfed in a secret civil war for control over the city.

The 10 factions waging

war over each other has been at a stalemate for almost a thousand years. But rumours have been
flying around about the advent of an 11th faction, supposedly more numerous and powerful then the
first 11. The fate of Arkas will fall to the decisions of Laiken. A young assassin and Motukine user,
who controls the fate of a city in his hands. The people can feel change approaching, and death
walks openly through the factions. Will Laiken save Arkas as we know it? Or will he emerge from
the ashes of a broken city, the sole victor in a conflict that is almost as old as the city itself.
The Factions
The Police - Vis Vires
The Anarchists - Garou
The Necromancers Umbra
Underground- Nexus
The Wizards - Solinus
The Naturalists Mundus
Assassins - Ithany
The Cultists Daemn
The Scientists Erratum
The Law Lithic
The Scholars - Orons

Energy Magic
Kinetic Magic: Motukine The ability to store and release kinetic energy within, and from within
and then release in small or large amounts to destroy or strengthen msucles.
Radiant Magic: Illumina Chemical Magic - Chemia
Electric Magic - Fulgur
Magnetic Magic - Lodus
Heat Magic - Pyros
Elemental Magic
Water Magic - Hydros
Wind Magic - Aerus
Earth Magic:
Metal Magic Ferica
Arcane Magic
Life Magic: Anima The life force within every living being. Used by the Solinus in using their
Death Magic: Mortem Mortum is the counterpart of Anima. When Anima is used, Mortem
replaces it. Mortem is the magic of the Umbra, and can only be used by those who are already dead.
Nature Magic: Damina Damina is the specific gift of control over the natural world. Instead of
using Anima, the Mundus can use the life around them, and combine themselves to make the link
with nature more powerful

Faction Relations:
The Police Vis Vires We are the iron fist of the Law.
The Vis Vires are the basis of the law enforcement within Arkus, founded by Jonas Lithic, and
originally a part of the Lithic faction, the Vis Vires split apart into a separate organisation as the city
expanded and it became difficult for the Lithic to control both. Mostly an independent force of their
own, although tied directly to the law by nature. The other factions have often condemned this
faction for their violent practises in pursuit of the enforcement of the law, and Club fisted break
things and ask questions later behaviour.
Friendly: Erratum (Scientists), Lithic (Law), Orons (Scholars), Solinus (Wizards)
Neutral: Umbra (Necromancers), Mundus (Naturalists), Lithic (Official),
Enemies: Garou (Anarchists), Nexus, Daemn
The Anarchists - Garou We are the voice of the people
The Garou believe in freedom for one and all, without the stringent rules that they feel binds society
and is slowly suffocating the given freedoms that everyone should naturally have. Founded by Loup
Garou, the Garou use hit and run tactics to give messages to all those who oppose their ideals. With
no strong friendly connections to any one group within Arkas, their influence spreads far and wide.
Predominantly, their membership consists of Werewolves, but have many human, vampire, and
other races mixed in who believe in their ideals. No faction wants a direct confrontation with the
Garou as they are seen by the common people as their protectors from injustice.
Friendly: None
Neutral: Umbra, Nexus, Solinus, Mundus, Daemn
Enemies: Vis Vires, Ithany, Erratum, Lithic, Orons
The Necromancers Umbra - We can make your wildest dreams come true, all it will cost is your
The Umbra believe solidly in life after death, not spiritually, but as a life of damned servitude in
return for certain favours in life. They strongly oppose all other forms of magic practised in Arkas
believing theirs being the only true ideal, and all others are poor imitations. The Umbra lurk in the
shadows, and richer parts of Arkas, conducting their business purely at night. They do not
discriminate between peoples, and believe everyone has something of value, and everyone has
s0omething to trade. Umbra was founded by Necropolis Umbra, and has very strong connections to
Nexus and Daemn, who provide services, and souls in equal parts.
Friendly: Nexus, Daemn,
Neutral: Ithany, Lithic, Garou, Vis Vires
Enemies: Solinus, Mundus, Erratum, Orons
The Unofficial Spies and Assassins- Nexus - Nexus? Everyone knows Nexus is a fairy tale used to
scare children.
The Nexus are the hidden faction within Arkas, they are known only to exist by whispers and
rumour, and most of the terribly things are attributed to this faction. No matter how much the Lithic
and Orons claim they don't exist to the common people, all the factions know they are one of the
true power players in the war for control of the city. Allied directly with Umbra, Daemn, and
Erratum, for different reasons, they have the connections, to go anywhere, and can be anyone.

Nexus claims that they will take on any job if it helps their cause or if the price is right. Noone
knows who founded Nexus, but they have always been in direct opposition to the Ithany, Lithic
Orons and Vis Vires.
Friendly: Umbra, Daemn, Erratum
Neutral: Garou, Solinus, Mundus,
Enemies: Ithany, Lithic, Orons, Vis Vires
The Wizards Solinus If you can imagine it, we can make it happen
The Solinus form the second group of Organised magic users within Arkas, and are in direct
competition again Mundas and Umbra over who's magic is more powerful and useful. Founded by
Malak Solinus, the Wizards most often use their powers in building, and expanding Arkas, and dont
care what they hurt or do to make it happen. This is the most open group of magic users, where
anyone who they deem have useful powers can enter and become a functioning member. The main
issue the Wizards have is their inability to get anything done quickly, as every full wizard within
their ranks, has a say in all important decisions this faction makes.
Friends: Vis Vires, Lithic,
Neutral: Ithany, Nexus, Garou, Orons
Enemies: Mundus, Umbra, Daemn, Erratum
The Naturalists Mundus - Nature is power, and power is everything.
The Mundus resent the damage that is happening to the natural world around them through the
expansion of Arkas. As a contrast to Umbra, they feel that all magic comes from Life, rather then
death, and use their time growing and mutating plants in an ultimate goal of providing nature a way
to defend itself. They are the third and final of the Organised magics within Arkas, and most of
their member ship have combined themselves with various plants in the aim of becoming closer to
their source of magic. The Mundus have strong ties with the Ithany, as they trade poisons and
materials for favours in eliminating threats to Nature.
Friends: Lithic, Ithany,
Neutral: Vis Vires, Garou, Nexus, Daemn
Enemies: Solinus, Orons, Erratum, Umbra
The official spies and assassins - Ithany
The Ithany are the Assassins, and spies of Arkas, Although open about what they do, if it wasn't for
their policy of discounted kills for the Lithic and Vis Vires, they would have been shut down long
ago. Their main trade is death and information. Often the pursuit of one leadin directly to the sale of
another. The Ithany are the strongest faction witin Arkas, but have no intention of ruling. Founded
by the greatest Assassin ever to have lived, Giovani Ithany, who was the first person to practise
Motukine, the Ithany have followed that tradition and take on anyone who has that particular branch
of magic, although the only requirements for entry to this faction are any helpful magic, and a
recommendation from an existing member.
Friendly: Vis Vires, Orons, Lithic, Mundus,
Neutral: Solinus, Umbra, Erratum,
Enemies: Daemn, Garou, Nexus

The Cultists Daemn - For the glory of Daemn

The Daemn worship the demon Daemn who came to Arkas during his travels around the world. He
is seen as a benevolent and large demon with giant spreading wings, curling horns and power over
fire. During the initiation ritual, the Daemn drink of an ever full chalice of Daemn's blood, that
gives them varying degrees of the Demons power. Pictured by blood crazed fanatics by most of the
other guilds, the Daemn often make deals with Umbra in return for greater power in order to serve
their demon master. It is rumoured among the other factions that Daemn was one of four brothers
who had a wager among themselves over who could get the largest amount of followers among the
races that inhabit the world. It is unclear if this is true, and if its true which cult is winning.
Friendly: Umbra, Nexus,
Neutral: Garou, Mundus, Erratum
Enemies: Vis Vires, Solinus, Ithany, Lithic, Orons
The Scientists Erratum If an experiment fails, then keep going even if you lose your
The Erratum form the scientific community of Arkas, they believe that all magic is unnatural and
the practise should be banned for the betterment of mankind. The Scientists harness the power of
steam in creating their technologies, and provide most of the medical services to the community.
Although most of their actions are good, their loudly outspoken hatred of all magic users creates
tension with most of the organisations within Arkas. Founded by the scientist Iago Ron Erratum,
who discovered a way to protect non-magical beings from most forms of magic. They have strong
bonds with the Orons who record most of their findings, and provide most research options to the
Erratum, and Nexus who provides them with Cadavers to practise their medical skills on. They have
had no physical conflicts with any faction to date, and are viewed as annoying but harmless
Eccentric old men without eyebrows by most of Arkas.
Friendly: Vis Vires, Nexus, Orons,
Neutral: Ithany, Daemn, Lithic
Enemies: Garou, Umbra, Mundus, Solinus
The Law Lithic - We speak for all, we speak as one
The Lithic provide the basis of government within Arkas. They're faction is split into 9 sections, that
are represented by a council member on the Council of Nine, Each of the nine is the highest
authority within their respective area, and share a deep telepathic bond with each other, and select
people within their section, Meaning that all members are connected, and decisions can be made
almost simultaneously with the decision of the Council. Founded by Arkas Lithic, they are the
oldest faction within Arkas. They used to have 10 members of the coucil, but found it was too hard
to coordinate and deal with the enforcement of the law, so split one faction off to create the Vis
Friendly: Vis Vires, Solinus, Mundus, Ithany, The Orons
Neutral: Umbra, Erratum
Enemies: Garou, Nexus, Daemn,

The Scholars - Orons - Knowledge in the pursuit of purity.

The Orons are the head of all knowledge within the city of Arkas. They are the record keepers, and
the great thinkers of the city. All of history is supposedly recorded, unabridged within their faction
hall. They are closely allied with the Vis Vires, Ithany, Erratum and Lithic due to their need for
clearly kept records and love of order. They dislike most things that are illogical like magic, or
religion, and strive to disprove or destroy all remnants of magic and magical beings. The faction
started as a force trying to create racial purity for the humans through forced, and have caused the
deaths of many werewolves, vampires, and magic users, through their Oronic Inquisitions. Led by
Link Orons, though over the centuries have become less violent, and work in more subtle means to
achieve their goals.
Friendly: Vis Vires, Ithany, Erratum, Lithic
Neutral: Solinus
Enemies: Garou, Umbra, Nexus, Daemn Mundus

Leshie the creature that results from the combination of flora and fauna genes. Often a living
plant, with many of the characteristics of the beast they have been merged with. The plant turned
into a living virus, that is sustained through the creators lifeforce, and causes cell mutation resulting
in a plant/creature hybrid.
Werewolves Vampires Daemn is seen as a benevolent and large demon with giant spreading wings, curling horns and
power over fire.He is the only one of his brothers to deal directly with humans, creating a cult
within Arkas allowing him to draw on their energies and then disappearing to lands unknown. It is
said if he is angry, the flames follow in his wake like dogs, and all other flames die in fear.
Melech Is seen as an apathetic demon without a completely solid form, allowing her to
manipulate his shape as required. Due to her nature, she is often found trying to find a way to end
her life. She has power over Air, and it is said if she is angry, the winds will blow down walls and
buildings to herald her arrival.
Palach Is seen as a hostile demon, with scales in place of skin, that are said to be the hardest
material known. It is said that if you best him in single combat, he will gift you with armour and
blade made of the same material as his scales. If he is angry, as he often is, he will be found at the
centre of a thunderstorm.
Rebres Is seen as a passive demon, of a brownish colour, and is the largest and physically
strongest of the four siblings. He has little to do with humans, preferring to surround himself with
wilderness and sleep for long periods of time. When enraged, the ground is said to shake in fear of
his wraith.

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