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Brandon Valdivia

Come Together
11B 3/7/16


The most important thing that I learned in this project is teamwork makes everything
easier and is more efficient.
Something that I wish I had spend more time or done differently is adding a background
to our project to make it stand out more.
The part of the project that I did my best work was coloring in the squid and cutting it
then hanging it up on the wall.
The most enjoyable part of this project was drawing and coloring the squid.
The least enjoyable part of this project was thinking of ideas for the project.
The teacher could make changes to this project to make it better by giving us themes for
the project.

Class work

Group Evaluation
We got to know each other as a group and establish ways of working
together by communicating.
The successes and challenges of working as a group was getting
organized and seeing what people should work on.
This experience helped me understand the role of groups in the
workplace because
Something that I learned about working in groups is everything is
easier and efficient .

My Grade
The grade that I think I should get for this project is a B because I
helped out color in the squid and volunteered to help Elvia paint in the
parts that we needed for the project.I also think this because when we
were waiting for the art pieces to dry I worked on coloring in the squid
suction cups.

Cookie Critique
Something that I liked about this project is how the class made their
handprint on the project.
Something that i would change is making the handprints different
color to make it stand out more
I like how the class used the color wheel eyes in their project to make
it stand out

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