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Practise Blog Week beginning 11th January

This week I wanted to strengthen my voice. I started

off by singing sirens going as high as I can before
descending. I also made different noises and getting
into the back of my throat. I also practised arpeggios
but keeping the strength of my voice the same when
getting higher. I often lose strength or go quieter when
getting higher. I also tried the ngs exercise holding a
note whilst using the ng sound from the word hung.
This sound is produced with the tongue and soft palate
together. This again provides backpressure, while also
making the transition between the chest voice and
head voice easier. Doing this exercise and doing a siren
as high as you can go I discovered really takes a lot of
effort from your chest and throat. This I feel helps to
strengthen this transition. Another exercise I did was
the humming exercise. It helps me to get into my
yawn space to open up my throat and make the note
Im holding more powerful.

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