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Luis:Hi, Gino . Are you busy?

Gino: No, I m not . What is the matter?

Luis: Paolo had hold me that the English projectis this week.
Gino: What??? Let me call him.
-----------------------some minutes later.
Gino: Paolo , tell me about the English project . Please
Paolo: Oh, yes. Its a conversation, but Fernando has more
details about it.
Gino: Give me Ferndos number . Ill call him after classes
Paolo: 991574316
Gino: Deamo a favour .Call him forme .Im going to but my
Paolo:No problem . I gonna do it..
-------------------------------some minutes later------------------------Paolo:Fernando , tell me about the English project. Please
Fernando:Its sonly a conversation
Paolo:Ok, but how many interventions is for participant?
Fernando:Four as a minimum and there is no limits as a
Paolo:Inform about the project to Luis, please
Fernando:Dont worry . Ill tell him as soon as I arrive at my
----------------------------some minutes
later--------------------------------Fernando:Luis we have to finish the project.Can you go to the
university this afternoon?
Luis:Ok, Ill be at 3 oclock.Im going to create agroup in
Fernando: Its Ok.

Luis: I will leave my house right now see you there

Fernando: See you later .Bye

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