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Free Radical Biology & Medicine, Vol. 37, No. 6, pp.

755 767, 2004

Copyright D 2004 Elsevier Inc.
Printed in the USA. All rights reserved
0891-5849/$-see front matter


Serial Review: The Powerhouse Takes Control of the Cell: the Role of
Mitochondria in Signal Transduction
Serial Review Editor: Victor Darley-Usmar
MRC Dunn Human Nutrition Unit, Cambridge CB2 2XY, UK
online2004; Accepted 28 May 2004)
(Received 26 March 2004; Revised
24 May
Available online 23 June 2004

AbstractMitochondria are potent producers of cellular superoxide, from complexes I and III of the electron transport
chain, and mitochondrial superoxide production is a major cause of the cellular oxidative damage that may underlie
degradative diseases and aging. This superoxide production is very sensitive to the proton motive force, so it can be
strongly decreased by mild uncoupling. Superoxide and the lipid peroxidation products it engenders, including
hydroxyalkenals such as hydroxynonenal, are potent activators of proton conductance by mitochondrial uncoupling
proteins such as UCP2 and UCP3, although the mechanism of activation has yet to be established. These observations
suggest a hypothesis for the main, ancestral function of uncoupling proteins: to cause mild uncoupling and so diminish
mitochondrial superoxide production, hence protecting against disease and oxidative damage at the expense of a small
loss of energy. We review the growing evidence for this hypothesis, in mitochondria, in cells, and in vivo. More recently
evolved roles of uncoupling proteins are in adaptive thermogenesis (UCP1) and perhaps as part of a signaling pathway to
regulate insulin secretion in pancreatic h cells (UCP2). D 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
KeywordsMitochondria, Complex I, Proton motive force, Superoxide, Lipid peroxidation, Hydroxynonenal,
Uncoupling protein, Aging, Thermogenesis, Insulin secretion, Free radicals



Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Superoxide production by mitochondria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.1. Methods for measuring superoxide production . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.2. Superoxide production by complex I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.3. The effect of mild uncoupling on mitochondrial superoxide production from
complex I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.4. Superoxide production from sites in the electron transport chain other than complex I
Biological actions of superoxide produced by mitochondria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.1. The significance of superoxide in biological systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.2. Superoxide, disease, and aging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Activation of the proton conductance of mitochondrial carriers by superoxide. . . . . . .
4.1. Superoxide activation of the proton conductance of uncoupling proteins (UCPs). .
4.2. Activation of the proton conductance of mitochondrial carriers by other
radical-related species . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.3. Possible mechanisms of activation of mitochondrial carriers by superoxide . . . .


This article is part of a series of reviews on The Powerhouse Takes Control of the Cell: the Role of Mitochondria in Signal Transduction. The
full list of papers may be found on the home page of the journal.
Address correspondence to: Martin Brand, MRC Dunn Human Nutrition Unit, Hills Road, Cambridge CB2 2XY, UK. Fax: +44-1223-252805;


M. D. BRAND et al.


The role of superoxide activation in the function of uncoupling proteins . . . . . . . . .

5.1 Mitochondrial uncoupling proteins have an ancestral function of protection against
superoxide production and consequent damage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.2 Specialized functions of mitochondrial uncoupling proteins: UCP1 and adaptive
thermogenesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.3 Specialized functions of mitochondrial uncoupling proteins: UCP2 and regulation
of insulin secretion in pancreatic h cells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.4 Knockout mice, uncoupling proteins, and superoxide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4. Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


The main function of mitochondria is ATP synthesis.

Electrons from reduced substrates are passed from complexes I and II of the electron transport chain through
complexes III and IV to oxygen, forming water and
causing protons to be pumped across the mitochondrial
inner membrane. The proton motive force set up by proton
pumping drives protons back through the ATP synthase in
the inner membrane, forming ATP from ADP and phosphate. There are two major side reactions that are relevant
here: electrons may leak from the respiratory chain and
react inappropriately with oxygen to form superoxide, and
pumped protons may leak back across the inner membrane, diverting the conserved energy away from ATP
synthesis and into heat production.
Mitochondrial superoxide production is a major cause
of the cellular oxidative damage that may underlie
degradative diseases and aging. In this review we outline
our current picture of the sites and determinants of
superoxide production by the electron transport chain
and then consider its cellular and physiological effects,
with particular emphasis on one of the recently identified
targets: the proton conductance of mitochondrial uncoupling proteins. These considerations lead to a model for
the function of uncoupling proteins in attenuating mitochondrial superoxide production. We consider the evidence for this model and the physiological and
pathological situations to which it may be relevant.

Methods for measuring superoxide production

Measurement of mitochondrial superoxide production
is reviewed in [1,2]. Superoxide production by isolated
respiratory chain complexes or submitochondrial particles
is usually followed spectrophotometrically by monitoring
reduction of epinephrine or of acetylated cytochrome c.
Direct measurement of superoxide production in intact
isolated mitochondria is more problematic due to its
inability to cross the inner membrane and its rapid conversion to hydrogen peroxide by superoxide dismutase


(SOD) and other enzymes. Most direct methods use spin

traps with electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy.
Indirect methods rely on fluorometric measurement of
external hydrogen peroxide, which readily diffuses out of
the mitochondrial matrix. Inclusion of SOD in the external
medium ensures that superoxide generated on either side
of the inner membrane is detected; in the absence of SOD
most of the signal comes from superoxide generated in the
matrix and converted to hydrogen peroxide in situ [3].
Superoxide production by complex I
The relative contributions of the different complexes of
the electron transport chain to total superoxide production
may depend on the tissue examined [4]. However, there is
growing evidence that complex I produces most of the
superoxide generated by intact mammalian mitochondria
in vitro; the contribution of other complexes and sites is
low. When mitochondria oxidize the complex II substrate
succinate in the absence of electron transport chain inhibitors, the rate of superoxide production is high. However,
this rate is almost abolished when the complex I inhibitor
rotenone is added [5 12]. Therefore, high superoxide
production from complex I occurs during reverse electron
transport from succinate to NAD+ driven by the high proton motive force generated from proton pumping by
complexes III and IV. This superoxide production is
primarily on the matrix side of the inner membrane [3,12].
Curiously, forward electron transport into complex I
from NAD-linked substrates produces little superoxide.
When complex I inhibitors such as rotenone are added,
this low rate increases, but not usually to the rate seen with
reverse electron transport [5 7,11]. This asymmetry of
superoxide production between forward and reverse electron transport has been investigated in this laboratory (A.J.
Lambert and M.D. Brand, unpublished observations),
leading to the conclusion that high rates of superoxide
production from complex I in vitro require an adequate
supply of electrons, a high pH gradient across the membrane [13], and a particular configuration achieved by
reverse electron transport or by inhibition of complex I
with high concentrations of myxothiazol (more usually
used as a potent complex III inhibitor).

Mitochondrial superoxide and UCPs

The sites of superoxide production within complex I,

and their relative importance, remain uncertain (Fig. 1).
Each of the electron-transferring components (FMN,
FeS centers, Q) within the complex has been suggested
as a superoxide-producing site [7,9,14 17]. This lack of
consensus may reflect the protocols used; it is likely
that different rates will be obtained from different sites
depending on the conditions [13]. In addition, many of
the inhibitors used to dissect out the sites of production
of superoxide within complex I are poorly characterized
in intact mitochondria. They include FMN reagents such
as diphenyleneiodonium and FeS center inhibitors such
as p-chloromercuribenzoate and ethoxyformic anhydride
and a variety of Q site inhibitors [18]. In our hands
(with the exception of rotenone and piericidin), these
complex I inhibitors display nonspecific effects, such as
inhibition of succinate-linked respiration, uncoupling,
and proton motive force-dependent accumulation into
the mitochondrial matrix (A.J. Lambert and M.D.
Brand, unpublished observations). Our results suggest
that the major site involved in high rates of superoxide
production involves FeS center N2 and the associated
ubiquinone binding site.
The effect of mild uncoupling on mitochondrial
superoxide production from complex I
Mild uncoupling using synthetic uncouplers increases
the conductance of the mitochondrial membrane to
protons and so decreases both of the components of
the proton motive force: membrane potential and pH
gradient. Several reports link superoxide production rate
to the magnitude of the membrane potential
[6,11,19,20], and the high superoxide production from
complex I during reverse electron transport is particularly sensitive to membrane potential and to mild
uncoupling [12]. More recently, we found that superoxide production by complex I is even more sensitive to
the pH gradient than it is to membrane potential, since
conversion of pH gradient to membrane potential at
constant proton motive force strongly depressed superoxide production [13]. Therefore mild uncoupling,
which slightly reduces both membrane potential and
pH gradient, very effectively decreases the high superoxide production that occurs from complex I during
reverse electron transport.
Superoxide production from sites in the electron
transport chain other than complex I
Other sites in the electron transport chain are also
capable of producing superoxide, particularly in the
presence of inhibitors of electron transport.
The importance of ubiquinone in superoxide production has long been noted, and the quinone pool was
originally suggested to be a major site [21]. Currently, it


is accepted that along with complex I, complex III also

has a large capacity to produce superoxide (e.g.,
[12,22,23]), at least in the presence of antimycin, a
specific inhibitor of center i of complex III.1 Myxothiazol (an inhibitor of center o of complex III)
decreases superoxide production [3,12], suggesting that
center o is responsible for its production within complex
III. Structurally, center o faces the cytosolic side of the
membrane [24,25], but it seems that the superoxide
produced at this site appears at both sides of the inner
membrane [12,22].
Complex II can produce superoxide in the presence
of complex II inhibitors [26,27], but it is not normally a
significant site. However, fumarate reductase, which
catalyzes the reverse reaction in bacteria, can produce
significant amounts of superoxide when oxygen is
present [28], suggesting that complex II has evolved
to generate little superoxide. Glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase produces significant amounts of superoxide in the native state, mostly to the cytosolic side of the
membrane [12,29]. Its distribution is limited in mammals to tissues such as brown adipose and brain, where
it is a potentially important site of superoxide production [30]. In addition, two other enzymes involved in
fatty acid oxidation, electron transfer flavoprotein and
electron transfer flavoprotein quinone oxidoreductase,
may also produce superoxide, in the matrix [3].

The significance of superoxide in biological systems

Superoxide is a reactive molecule but it can be
converted to hydrogen peroxide by superoxide dismutase (Mn-SOD in the matrix, Cu/Zn-SOD in the cytosol)
and then to oxygen and water by catalase or glutathione
peroxidase. However, these antioxidant systems are not
perfect, and superoxide that evades them (together with
the secondary reactive oxygen species it generates) can
damage proteins, lipids, and DNA directly. Although the
hydrogen peroxide produced by SOD is relatively
unreactive, it can form highly reactive hydroxyl radicals
in the presence of ferrous ion via Fenton chemistry and
these hydroxyl radicals can initiate lipid peroxidation
cascades in membranes. Furthermore, the products of
sugar, protein, and lipid oxidation can cause secondary
damage to proteins, which may lose catalytic function

Center i (also known as center N) faces the inside

(electronegative side) of the mitochondrial inner membrane and is the
site of ubiquinone reduction. Center o (also known as center P)
faces the outside (electropositive side) of the mitochondrial inner
membrane and is the site of ubiquinol oxidation.


M. D. BRAND et al.

Fig. 1. Superoxide (O2 ) production by complex I of the electron transport chain. Forward and reverse electron transport is shown by
solid and dashed black arrows, respectively. Production of superoxide from the flavin (FMN), iron sulfur centers (N1 N5), and
possible Q binding sites (A, B, and C) is shown as gray arrows. A large Q binding pocket with three quinone binding sites has been
proposed [18,110]. Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) production by complex I in intact mitochondria is independent of external SOD, and thus
superoxide is produced in the matrix exclusively [3,12]. SDH, succinate dehydrogenase.

and undergo selective degradation [31,32]. Thus mitochondrially produced superoxide can be a major source
of cellular damage (oxidative stress). The significance of superoxide production in the mitochondrial
matrix is clearly demonstrated in two different models
of Mn-SOD knockout mice. Although the pathological
phenotypes of the two models differ, in each case life
span is severely curtailed, to either 10 d [33] or 3 weeks
Superoxide, disease, and aging
There are many pathologies related to oxidative
stress [35], including atherosclerosis, hypertension, ischemia reperfusion, inflammation, cystic fibrosis, cancer, diabetes, Parkinsons disease, and Alzheimers
disease. The general concept that oxidative stress is
involved in many diseases appears robust, but lacks
detail. Less understood is the proposed relationship
between superoxide production, oxidative stress, and
aging. According to the free radical theory of aging
[36 38], the progressive decline in cellular function
with age results from accumulation of damage to
cellular constituents. Reactive oxygen species (ROS;
e.g., superoxide, hydroperoxyl radical, hydrogen peroxide, and hydroxyl radical) are of particular importance,
since much damage is oxidative.
If mitochondrial superoxide production is important
in determining the rate of aging, then long-lived animals
should produce less. This is true in mammalian mitochondria: the rates of hydrogen peroxide and superoxide
production by mitochondria from ox (maximum life
span 30 years) are approximately 20% of those from
mouse (3.5 years) [39]. The confounding effects of

body size and metabolic rate can be avoided by comparing animals that have similar body sizes and metabolic rates, such as pigeons and rats. Mitochondria from
pigeon (maximum life span 35 years) produce superoxide at significantly lower rates than mitochondria from
rat (4 years) [40]; the difference is at complex I of the
electron transport chain [41]. Even better comparisons
would be between bats or naked mole rats (with
relatively long life spans) and similar-sized short-lived
mammals. Initial data suggest that mitochondria from
long-lived bats do produce ROS at lower rates than their
shorter lived counterparts [42].
Caloric restriction has clear effects on survival of
laboratory rodents and other species: it extends mean
and maximum life span, delays the onset and lowers the
frequency of age-related diseases, and retards the agerelated decline in several physiological systems [43].
Mitochondria isolated from rats and mice on caloric
restriction produce superoxide at lower rates than agematched fully fed controls [44 47]. This lowering of
ROS production tends to correlate with lowered oxidative damage in tissues of calorically restricted rodents,
and this has been proposed as a mechanism of retarded
aging [48,49].
Although both longevity and caloric restriction are
associated with lower mitochondrial superoxide production, they have no consistent effect on its removal. SOD
activity correlates with life span in some (but not all)
tissues of mammals and birds [50 52], but caloric
restriction has no consistent effect on SOD activity
[31]. Taking other antioxidant enzymes (catalase, glutathione peroxidase) into account, there are no consistent
correlations with maximum life span and protection

Mitochondrial superoxide and UCPs

against ROS. Therefore, it would seem that if superoxide contributes to aging, selection and caloric restriction extend life span, at least in part, by lowering its
production. Of course, many other changes could explain the observed effects, and there is no direct
evidence that lowering superoxide production increases
life span.
Do manipulations that enhance the removal of superoxide extend life span? Overexpression of Cu/ZnSOD in Drosophila had no effect on life span in one
study [53] but a positive effect in another [54]. However, the effects of overexpression of antioxidant
enzymes on life span may be dependent on the longevity of the control strain used [55]. Treatment of
Caenorhabditis elegans with the Eukarion SOD/catalase
mimetics EUK-8 and EUK-134 increased life span [56],
but it seems that this effect can be obtained only under
highly specific culture conditions [57]. When supplied
in the drinking water of the housefly, Musca domestica,
neither EUK-8 nor EUK-134 had any effect on life span
Overproduction or inadequate removal of superoxide
can give rise to severe phenotypes, molecular damage,
and pathology, but it remains to be seen if normal
superoxide production by mitochondria is a major factor
in aging.


muscle mitochondria from UCP3 / [66] and kidney

mitochondria from UCP2 / [67] mice. UCPs can be
activated by extramitochondrially generated superoxide
[64,65] and by superoxide generated in the mitochondrial matrix under nonphysiological [65] or physiological [8] conditions. In summary, superoxide produced
by the electron transport chain can cause mild uncoupling of mitochondria by activating the proton conductance of UCPs.
Activation of the proton conductance of mitochondrial
carriers by other radical-related species


Insight into the mechanism by which superoxide

activates UCPs came from the finding that the lipid
peroxidation product 4-hydroxy-trans-2-nonenal (HNE)
induces uncoupling of mitochondria through UCP1,
UCP2, and UCP3 and also through the adenine nucleotide
translocase (ANT) [68]. Further progress came from the
use of MitoPBN, a novel mitochondrially targeted derivative of the spin trap a-phenyl-N-tert-butylnitrone that
reacts rapidly with carbon-centered radicals but not with
superoxide or lipid peroxidation products [69]. MitoPBN
prevented activation of UCPs by superoxide and by a
chemical generator of carbon-centered radicals, AAPH,
but not by HNE [69]. These observations support a model
in which endogenous superoxide production generates
carbon-centered radicals that initiate lipid peroxidation,
producing alkenals (e.g., HNE) that activate UCPs and
ANT [69,70] (Fig. 2).

Superoxide activation of the proton conductance of

uncoupling proteins (UCPs)

Possible mechanisms of activation of mitochondrial

carriers by superoxide

An initial connection between UCPs and reactive

oxygen species was suggested in 1997 when GDP, the
classic nucleotide inhibitor of UCP1, was shown to
increase membrane potential and hydrogen peroxide
production in mitochondria containing UCP1 or UCP2,
but not in mitochondria lacking UCPs [59]. Reactive
oxygen species were first implicated as potential activators of uncoupling by UCPs in the late 1990s when
studies suggested that they caused ATP-inhibited uncoupling in plant mitochondria [60,61].
Added ubiquinone stimulates GDP-sensitive proton
conductance in mammalian mitochondria, but this stimulation is prevented by superoxide dismutase, suggesting that activation of UCPs occurs via superoxide
production [62]. Indeed, ubiquinone itself is not
required for UCP activity in mitochondria [63]. Subsequent work revealed that superoxide increases mitochondrial proton conductance through UCP1, UCP2,
and UCP3 [64,65]. This activation is prevented by
purine nucleotides and requires uncoupling proteins
since it is present in yeast mitochondria ectopically
expressing mammalian UCP1 but absent in skeletal

Peroxidation of the polyunsaturated fatty acyl chains

of phospholipids generates a complex mixture of shortchain aldehydes: 2-alkenals such as 2-hexenal, 4-hydroxy-2-alkenals such as HNE, and ketoaldehydes such
as malondialdehyde [71,72]. Initially, these aldehydes
were believed to cause only general cytotoxic effects
associated with oxidative stress, but evidence is accumulating that they also have specific signaling roles
The 4-hydroxy-2-alkenals, particularly HNE, are the
most bioactive, probably through reaction with proteins
at the aldehyde group and across the C2C3 double
bondmade more electropositive by the 4-hydroxy
group. The double bond and either an acyl or a carbonyl
group are essential for activation of UCPs [68]. Structurally related compounds containing both these elements, such as other 2-alkenals, trans-retinoic acid, and
the retinoid TTPNB, are also UCP activators (Table 1).
Retinoic acid and TTPNB were previously thought to
act as fatty acid analogs [74], but the presence of the
CC double bond and acyl group suggests they may
activate in a manner similar to that of HNE.



M. D. BRAND et al.

Fig. 2. Model for activation of mitochondrial carriers (UCPs and ANT) by superoxide, through initiation of lipid peroxidation.
Superoxide (O2 ) and hydroperoxyl radical (HO2 ) are generated primarily by the electron transport chain (ETC). Superoxide is
dismutated to hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) by Mn-superoxide dismutase (MnSOD). Some superoxide inactivates enzymes (e.g., aconitase)
that contain iron sulfur centers, releasing ferrous iron, which catalyzes production of hydroxyl radicals ( OH) from the H2O2 by the
Fenton reaction. The hydroxyl and hydroperoxyl radicals can both extract hydrogen atoms from polyunsaturated fatty acyl chains of
membrane phospholipids, generating carbon-centered fatty acyl radicals that react with oxygen to form peroxyl radicals. These
propagate lipid peroxidation cascades that produce a complex mixture of species including reactive alkenals such as 4-hydroxy-2nonenal (shown here). Reactive alkenals activate UCPs and ANT, increasing the proton conductance of the mitochondrial inner
membrane. Known activators and their structural homologs are shown in Table 1. This induced uncoupling is part of the proposed
regulatory mechanism to decrease mitochondrial generation of superoxide when it is too high (Fig. 3).

How do HNE and its structural analogs interact with

proteins? 4-Hydroxyalkenals can react with most free
amino acids [71]. However, the majority of HNE
protein adducts are with specific cysteine, lysine, or
histidine residues through Michael additions and
Schiffs bases [72,75 77]. The presence of two functional groups in alkenals, each capable of forming stable
covalent adducts, means that they can also create interor intraprotein cross-links.
So far, a definitive link between the covalent modification of UCPs or ANT by lipid peroxidation products and the induction of mild uncoupling has not been
made. However, ANT is inhibited by HNE [78] and
preferentially oxidatively modified in mitochondria exposed to superoxide [79]. Modification was conformation specific, as carboxyatractylate protected but
bongkrekic acid did not [80]. In houseflies, ANT
exhibited HNE adducts and was the only protein in
mitochondrial membranes showing an age-associated
increase in carbonyls [81]. The initial steps in determining how aldehydic lipid peroxidation products induce proton conductance through UCPs and ANT will

involve verifying the existence and then characterizing

the nature and location of adducts.

Mitochondrial uncoupling proteins have an ancestral

function of protection against superoxide production and
consequent damage
The thermogenic function of UCP1 has been well
characterized, but a function for its homologs (UCP2,
UCP3, avian UCP, and plant UCP) has yet to be
unambiguously defined. A possible physiological function for UCPs has been proposed [68 70] based on
two observations discussed above. First, matrix superoxide production from complex I is highly dependent
on the magnitude of the proton motive force, and
second, matrix superoxide activates the proton conductance of UCPs and induces mild uncoupling. In the
proposed model, UCPs respond to overproduction of
matrix superoxide by catalyzing mild uncoupling,
which lowers proton motive force and decreases super-

Mitochondrial superoxide and UCPs

Table 1. Reactive Alkenals and Homologs That Activate the Proton
Conductance of Uncoupling Proteins (UCPs) and the Adenine
Nucleotide Translocase (ANT)






















Cinnamic acid


oxide production from the electron transport chain,

attenuating superoxide-mediated damage, at the cost
of slightly lowered efficiency of oxidative phosphorylation (Fig. 3). This negative feedback loop to protect
the cell from ROS-induced damage may represent the
ancestral function of all UCPs.
If this postulated ancestral function of UCPs is
correct, then UCP-containing mitochondria should display UCP-specific mild uncoupling under conditions
allowing endogenous superoxide production. This has
been demonstrated in isolated mitochondria [8] and


intact cells [67]. Isolated skeletal muscle mitochondria

incubated with succinate exhibited high rates of endogenous superoxide production that was 75% inhibitable
by rotenone, showing that most of it was produced by
reverse electron flow from succinate dehydrogenase into
complex I. There was a significant GDP-sensitive component to proton conductance, indicating that UCP3 can
be activated by endogenous superoxide. Decreasing the
rate of superoxide production with rotenone partially
attenuated the GDP-sensitive proton conductance. Decreasing superoxide concentrations further with a mitochondrially targeted antioxidant abolished the GDPsensitive component [8]. In cells, a substantial proportion of the mitochondrial proton conductance observed
in isolated thymocytes is lost in UCP2-ablated thymocytes [82], an effect reproduced by addition of a cellpermeant SOD mimetic [67], strongly suggesting that
endogenous superoxide activates UCP2 significantly in
intact thymocytes.
If the model in Fig. 3 is correct, then conversely,
inhibition or ablation of UCP should increase mitochondrial membrane potential, ROS production, and
oxidative damage. This has been demonstrated in mitochondria and in cells. Mitochondria isolated from rat
skeletal muscle have significantly higher membrane
potential and superoxide production when GDP is added,
showing that UCP3 can function to limit the rate of
endogenous superoxide production [8]. In the same way,
GDP stimulates H2O2 production by brown adipose
tissue mitochondria and by those from UCP2-containing
nonparenchymal liver cells, spleen, and thymus [59]. In
addition, skeletal muscle mitochondria isolated from
UCP3 / mice have higher ROS levels [83] and increased markers of ROS-dependent damage [84] than
wild type. In macrophages and endothelial cells, UCP2
knockout raises membrane potential, superoxide levels,
and markers of oxidative stress [85,86]. In pancreatic
islets, when UCP2 activity is suppressed by addition of a
cell-permeant SOD mimetic, by adenoviral overexpression of Mn-SOD, or by UCP2 knockout, mitochondrial
membrane potential and islet superoxide production,
ATP levels, and insulin secretion are raised significantly
Thus the UCPs can be stimulated by endogenous
superoxide in isolated mitochondria and in cells to
increase mitochondrial proton conductance, lower mitochondrial proton motive force, and decrease mitochondrial ROS production and oxidative damage, in
accordance with the model in Fig. 3.
Mitochondrial hydrogen peroxide and ROS production may be controlled processes that are important in
cellular signaling [87]. In addition to its role in protection against oxidative stress, the feedback pathway
through the UCPs that is described here provides a


M. D. BRAND et al.

Fig. 3. Model of the ancestral function of UCPs. Mild uncoupling mediated by UCPs decreases the production of mitochondrial ROS via
a negative feedback loop, which serves as a protective mechanism against the deleterious effects of ROS. Matrix superoxide production
is exquisitely sensitive to proton motive force (PMF). A high PMF across the mitochondrial inner membrane leads to an increase in oneelectron donors capable of reducing oxygen to superoxide. Superoxide is the precursor of other forms of ROS leading to oxidative chain
reactions generating carbon-centered radicals, which in turn initiate lipid peroxidation (Fig. 2). These ROS cause oxidative damage to
the cell. Reactive aldehydes produced by ROS-mediated lipid peroxidation activate UCPs to induce mild uncoupling. Mild uncoupling
increases oxygen consumption, leading to a decrease in local oxygen concentration, and decreases PMF, leading to a lower concentration
of one-electron reductants. These effects combine to close the negative feedback loop that attenuates production of mitochondrial ROS.

potential mechanism for the regulation of such cellular

signaling pathways.
Specialized functions of mitochondrial uncoupling
proteins: UCP1 and adaptive thermogenesis
The main function of UCP1 is to catalyze adaptive
thermogenesis in brown adipose tissue in mammals. This
thermogenic function, presumably evolved rela-tively
recently (because it is found only in mammals), would
have been achieved partly by a massive increase in the
expression of UCP1 in the cold. One to three percent of
brown adipose tissue mitochondrial protein in warmadapted rodents is UCP1 and in cold-adapted animals
this rises to 3 5% [88], whereas only 0.01% of muscle
or brown adipose mitochondrial protein is UCP3 [89]
and only 0.02 0.03% of lung or spleen mitochondrial
protein is UCP2 [90], a concentration difference of up to
500-fold. This massive concentration difference explains
why UCP2 and UCP3 normally make a negligible
contribution to thermogenesis and basal metabolic rate.
Increased expression of UCP1 would have been accompanied by increased capacity for fat oxidation in brown
adipocytes and by strengthened dependence of UCP1catalyzed proton conductance on free fatty acid concentration, to allow regulation of the thermogenic response.
It is possible that avian UCP has evolved to fulfill a
similar adaptive thermogenic role in bird muscle [91].

Specialized functions of mitochondrial uncoupling

proteins: UCP2 and regulation of insulin secretion
in pancreatic b cells
UCP2 is expressed in pancreatic h cells [92], and
mitochondria from clonal h cells show marked superoxide-stimulated, GDP-inhibited UCP2 proton conductance [64]. When the plasma glucose concentration
rises, h cells increase their oxidative metabolism, resulting in an increased ATP/ADP ratio, closure of KATP
channels, depolarization of the plasma membrane potential, influx of Ca2+, and secretion of insulin (Fig. 4; [93]).
This signaling pathway requires that mitochondrial electron transfer is tightly coupled to ATP synthesis. In this
respect, the presence of UCP2 in h cell mitochondria is
surprising, since its activity will decrease such coupling
and consequently impair glucose-stimulated insulin secretion (GSIS).
Several studies have investigated the role of UCP2 in h
cells. Adenovirus-mediated overexpression of UCP2
decreases GSIS in pancreatic islets [94] and cultured
insulinoma cells [95]. However, these results could reflect
a UCP2 overexpression artifact that compromises mitochondrial integrity, rather than the native function of
UCP2. More persuasively, ablation of UCP2 results in
mouse islets with improved GSIS [96]. Furthermore,
attenuating endogenously generated superoxide with a

Mitochondrial superoxide and UCPs


Fig. 4. Regulation of insulin secretion by glucose and fatty acids. Glucose enters the h cell via a glucose transporter (GLUT2). Glucose
oxidation establishes a proton motive force (PMF) that drives ATP synthesis, increasing the ATP/ADP ratio. This causes closure of KATP
channels, depolarization of the plasma membrane potential (Dcp), and Ca2 + flux into the cell, triggering insulin release. UCP2 activity
dissipates the proton motive force, lowering ATP/ADP. At permissive glucose concentrations, fatty acids potentiate glucose-stimulated
insulin secretion through a G-protein-linked receptor (GPR40) pathway [99].

cell-permeant SOD mimetic blunts UCP2-mediated proton leak in h cells and improves GSIS [67]. These
observations suggest a role for UCP2 in the pathological
development of diabetes [67,94,96]. This may be correct,
but it is unlikely that the evolved function of UCP2 is
Physiologically, h cells face a fluctuating mixture of
glucose and fatty acids. We suggest that superoxide
regulation of UCP2 activity normally coordinates the
appropriate response to changes in nutrient supply
[64,97]. Activation of the proton conductance of UCP2
by superoxide and the consequent decrease in mitochondrial proton motive force could have two main purposes:
to attenuate further superoxide production and reduce
oxidative damage, as discussed above (Fig. 3), or to
lower the ATP/ADP ratio, providing a physiological
signal to reduce insulin secretion (Fig. 4).
A signaling role of UCP2 could be important during
periods of low glucose concentration (e.g., sleep). Such
conditions favor h-oxidation of fatty acids, resulting in
superoxide production [3,98]. Activation by superoxide
of mild uncoupling mediated by UCP2 will ensure that

the h cell responds properly to the lack of glucose, as it

will attenuate insulin secretion despite the availability of
an adequate substrate for ATP production. A protective
role of UCP2 against ROS formation may be relevant
when both glucose and fatty acid concentrations are
high (e.g., after a meal). Superoxide activation of UCP2
will decrease the proton motive force, which will reduce
potential oxidative damage, but impair insulin secretion.
The potentiation of GSIS by fatty acids observed under
these conditions can be explained by fatty acid activation of a specific G-protein-linked receptor ([99]; Fig.
4). The only pathological effect of UCP2 predicted by
our model occurs during sustained hyperglycemia when
superoxide activation of UCP2 results in impaired
insulin secretion [67,100]. Such hyperglycemic conditions in humans, however, are predominantly associated
with recent Western diets and are therefore of limited
evolutionary relevance.
A protective role of UCP2 against oxidative damage is
at variance with studies that show that UCP2 knockout
mice exhibit improved glucose homeostasis for an extended period of time and do not suffer h cell loss, despite


M. D. BRAND et al.

elevated ROS levels (see [67]). In general, however, it is

difficult to assess whether laboratory mice have maintained a function for UCP2 in h cells and, if so, to what
extent normal husbandry necessitates its presence. Moreover, the evolutionary advantage provided by UCP2
effects on glucose homeostasis may be hard to detect by
conventional experimental approaches.
Knockout mice, uncoupling proteins, and superoxide
Mitochondria from UCP knockout mice have proved
to be crucial in showing that the GDP-sensitive proton
conductance activated by superoxide or reactive alkenals
in mammalian mitochondria is indeed mediated by UCP3
[64,66,68] or UCP2 [67], because the effects of the
activators are lost in mitochondria from the knockout
animals. Knockouts are, of course, immune from the
criticism of artifactual UCP function.
Similarly, cells isolated from UCP2 knockout mice
have been used to validate the important conclusions that
UCP2-dependent uncoupling can occur in situ in response to endogenous superoxide [67] and to the retinoic
acid analog TTNPB [82].
The whole-animal phenotypes of UCP knockout
mice are instructive. The phenotypes of UCP2 / and
UCP3 / mice show that these UCPs are not required
for body-weight regulation, exercise tolerance, or (unlike UCP1) cold-induced thermogenesis [83,85,101].
Consistent with the model in Fig. 3, however, these
mice show signs of higher levels of ROS. UCP2 may
have a fundamental role in protection against diseases
involving oxidative damage, such as atherosclerosis
[102,103]. On the other hand, activation of UCP2 by
ROS could be of hindrance in diabetes (discussed
above), in acute pathogen infection [85], and perhaps
in drug-induced hyperthermia [104].
UCP2-ablated mice are reported to have increased
ROS in macrophages compared to wild type [85] and, in
parallel, exhibit accelerated atherosclerotic plaque development [102], consistent with the view that oxidative
damage is involved in atherogenesis [105,106]. It seems
that in atherosclerosis, UCP2 expression in macrophages
confers protection against disease progression. However,
higher levels of ROS are associated with cytolytic
activity [107] and can confer increased toxoplasmacidal
and bactericidal activity in macrophages. Indeed, UCP2ablated mice are resistant to normally lethal Toxoplasma
gondii infection and this effect disappears upon addition
of a ROS scavenger [85], suggesting that attenuation of
ROS production by UCP2 may be counterproductive in
such infections.
UCP3 / mice have a decreased thermogenic response
to the drug MDMA (3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine, ecstasy), which can cause fatal hyperthermia,
suggesting that MDMA can activate UCP3-mediated

thermogenesis in skeletal muscle [104]. MDMA does

not activate directly the proton conductance of UCP3 in
isolated mitochondria (J.L. Pakay and M.D. Brand, unpublished results), but we can speculate that metabolites of
MDMA, which share some structural characteristics with
aldehydic lipid peroxidation products [108], may do so.
The damaging effects of amphetamines, including
MDMA, may be mediated by free radicals [108], so
MDMA might activate UCP3 by causing directly or
indirectly an increase in ROS.
These studies in knockout mice show that UCPs may
have an important role in long-term protection against
ROS. Conversely, the high levels of ROS generated
during hyperglycemia or possibly administration of drugs
such as MDMA cause overactivation of UCPs that could
potentially be fatal or lead to development of conditions
such as diabetes.


Although much is known about superoxide production by mitochondria, we lack a consensus on where it is
produced in the electron transport chain, on the mechanism of its production, and on how it is regulated. There
is a vast literature about effects of superoxide and other
ROS on cells, but there is still no unambiguous mechanistic description of how mitochondrial superoxide production may cause disease or aging. Research into the
interactions of superoxide with mitochondrial uncoupling
proteins is in its infancy, but the early indications are that
it represents an effective way to attenuate overproduction
of ROS by mitochondria and so protect against disease
and aging, as well as a potential signaling mechanism in
some cells. Much further work will be needed to explore
these possibilities.
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AAPH2,2V-azobis(2-methylpropionamidine) dihydrochloride
ANT adenine nucleotide translocase
FeS iron sulfur
FMN flavin mononucleotide
GSIS glucose-stimulated insulin secretion
HNE 4-hydroxy-trans-2-nonenal
MitoPBN mitochondrially targeted derivative of a-phenyl-N-tert-butylnitrone ([4-[4-[[(1,1-dimethylethyl)oxidoimino]methyl]phenoxy]butyl]triphenylphosphonium bromide)
Q ubiquinone
ROS reactive oxygen species
SOD superoxide dismutase
TTNPB (E)-4-[2-(5,6,7,8-tetrahydro-5,5,8,8-tetramethyl-2-naphthalenyl)-1-propenyl]-benzoic acid
UCP uncoupling protein

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