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U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Office of Legal Counsel 131M Steet NE Washingion, OC 20607 (202) 663-4500 (202) 963-7028 TTY (202) 668-4879 FAX, arya Ward Jorsen JUN 9 2014 ‘The Coalion for Charge, ne. CAC 2.0. Box 142 Washington, OC 20044 Re: FOIA: 820-2014.200116 ear Ms, Jordan: ‘Your Freedom of information Ac (FOIA) request, recalved inthis office on Ape 25,2014 has been processed. Our search began on Apr 25,2074. Al agency records in creation a of Ap 7, 2014 re ‘iin the scope ofthe EEGC's search for responsive records. Tha paragraphs) checked bslow spay a1 a re a a1 ‘Your request does not reasonably describe the records you wish disclosed or] No recor iting the description ofthe ecards you seek dactosed exist or cous be located ‘ater a thorough search. The remalnder of your requests "Your request is granted. ‘Your request is denied pursuant othe subsections ofthe FOIA indicate atthe and of this later. An altachment to Hus lair explains the use ofthese oxemptonsin more ota ‘Your request ie granad in pat and denied in part. Portions not relaased are being wield porsuat to he subsectons of te FOIA indicated atthe end of bis letier. An “tachment o his letter explains the use of hese examptons in moce dota ‘You must senda check or ${_] made payable tothe United States Treasure by mal to the above address. Manual sean and review te fs bled per quarter hou based on the personnel category ofthe person conducting te search, Faas for search serves range from $5.00 per quartrhour to $20.00 per quart hour. Dect coss 2 bled for Compuar searches and in cian othe ercumstances. Photocopying is ile! a 6.15 pet page. 20CF-R.§1610.15. The allachod Comments page wil further expan any dract, otis ae¢ested, The fee has bean computed a olowse [1 Commercial use requests: |] pages of photocopying: {quater hers) off} review te; and }quartor hour) of [| search ime; Orect costs are bid In theamountof{ } fort (1 Requests by educational or noncommercial scintife Insitutions or representatives ofthe news madi: [ ] pages of photocopying. Theat 100 ages ae provided fre of charge. [1 Alfother requests: pages of photocopying and] quartor hours of {|} ‘search timo. Dect costs ar bled inthe amount of for]. Theft 100 ages and'2houre of search ime are povided fre of charge ‘The disclosed records are enclosed. No fea charged because the cost of collecting {nd processing the chargeable fee equals or exceeds the amountof thee. 29 CFR. § 4610:15(0). a ‘The disclosed records are enciosed. Photocopying and search fees have been walved pursuant to 29 GFR, § 1610.14 a ‘You may appeal his decision by wring within hit days of receipt of is eter tothe Office of Lagal Couns FOIA Programs, Equal Employment Opportunly Commission, 21M Skreet, N Suite BMDP Wathington, (1 90807. Vout appnal ill ba (govemed by 28 CFR. § 1610.11 ox ‘See tached Comments page for further information. Sincerely, ‘Slophanie DG ‘Assistant Legal FOIA Programs (202) 669-4038 ma | ‘Applcable Sections ofthe Freedom of information Act, 5 U.S.C. § 52{b) 0, | Section 7080) of Tie Vi | Section 709{0) of Tie Vi } Section 107 af he ADA | Section 207 ofthe GINA ) i ‘41 US. §2530(m) ofthe National Defense Autborizaon Act Comment ‘Your Froedom of lformaton Act (FOIA) request received by the Equal Employment Opporunty Commission, Office of Legal Counsel, FOIA Programs hasbeen processed. In your reques, you seek “becnning FY 2008 {hrs present ofthe total number of casas EEOC has refered to Ihe Office of Special Cauneel (OSC) by face! yoar and also aisting dein the case number a8 wel a the offending agency". We have completed an ‘extensive search and found nore has not been any eases reported to OSC fm 2008 to present ‘Therefor, this caquesthas been denied usta “no records"

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