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30 pounds in 30 weeks. If I can do it, so can you!

By Lisa T

The minute I realized that I was no longer tucking my kids in at bedtime, I knew I had to
make a change. 

This may sound like a strange thing to change your life, but I wasn’t tucking them in
because their bedrooms were on the second floor.  I had no energy to walk up the stairs in
the evening.  My 7 year old would make me promise I would tuck her in.  I lied right to
her beautiful little face so many times when I said I would be up before she fell asleep. 

I’ve fought the weight so many times.  It always came back (and brought a few friends
along).  Sitting at my desk…commuting…and sitting at home in the evening;  I hated the
word, but I was, in fact, sedentary.   The scale was tipping and I was panicking. I had
tried everything…was there anything that would work for me?

I went to see my therapist, Susan.  I knew she would help me with my plan.  I knew this,
because we had done it so many times before.  “Susan, I’ve given up sugar”…”Susan,
I’m doing Weight Watchers”…”Susan, I’m trying Jenny Craig”.  There had been so
many attempts to become the person who I was on the inside.  I remember telling a friend
that the person she sees is not who I really am.  I had no idea how to let the real me come
out to play.

Thankfully, I did one thing differently this time.  I asked Susan’s advice.   She told me
about a new program she had heard about at the Cleveland Clinic called Lifestyle 180.  I
couldn’t think of a better definition of what I wanted to achieve than a Lifestyle 180. 
This felt right and I signed up.

For six weeks, in our twice-weekly sessions we learned how to live the “180 lifestyle.” 
We had classes in nutrition, healthy cooking, yoga, and stress management.   We learned
how to use healthy ingredients and cooking methods to make some of the most delicious
food I have ever eaten in my life.

I realized how confused I had been about nutrition.  High fructose corn syrup (HFCS) is a
great example.  I had been reading a book about HFCS.  The author said that it was bad
for you; but playing in the back of my head was the commercial where the one mom says,
“You let your kids have high fructose corn syrup?  You know what they say…” and the
other mom says, “What? That it’s is made from corn and is all natural?”   There was so
much conflicting information that I couldn’t discern what was real. (Note: we learned in
180 that HFCS is pretty darn bad for you.)
And we worked out.  Our trainer worked us hard, but she made it fun.  She made sure we
pushed ourselves but not too hard.  It seems one of the keys to becoming fit, is to
gradually work your way up.  I think this keeps injuries away that might halt your
progress.    I remember so many times when I would be gung ho for my new fitness
program (often on New Years Day), and within the first week I had hurt my ankle and
was back to sitting on the couch.  The 180 program got us to a level where we were fit
enough to work out.

So what was the result of the first six weeks?   I began to have real energy!  I kept
moving long after I got home in the evening.  I was constantly joining the kids in
activities.  I went swimming with them when I took them to swim.  We did walking
videos in the winter when it was too cold to walk outside.  I laughed when my 9 year old
would make up an excuse to go check on something in her room because she couldn’t
finish my workout!  I was no longer waiting to live once I lost enough weight…I was

I also learned the secret to losing weight.  Persistence.  It’s not like a video game that has
harder levels.  You just learn the basics and then keep doing it.  Nothing magic, nothing
more difficult than the day I said this was how I was going to live.  You just have to keep
living your healthy lifestyle.  You will get off track.  But you know exactly what to do to
get back on track.  It’s the same as you did the day before you got off track.  And the
same as so many days that will come.  Follow the rules of the program and feel the

So has it been a perfect journey? No.  I lost my dear grandfather this March and I took it
badly.  Some of my coping skills from before 180 reared their ugly heads.  Comfort
eating…not making myself a priority….it was nowhere near a perfect time.  But we were
prepared for what to do when we slipped…so I slipped and then got back on track. 

Do not take those last words lightly…I have

NEVER, EVER been able to course correct
before.  Once I had fallen off of a diet, it was
done.  I was a perfectionist in the least helpful
sense of the word.  If it wasn’t perfect, it was
failure.  And, if I failed (aka was not perfect)
at eating properly, everything was fair game. 

So where am I today?  In 30 weeks, I have

lost 30 pounds; my cholesterol is within 10
points of the healthy range; I have stopped
taking heartburn and anxiety medication; heck, my face even cleared up.  I turned 40 on
May 16th of this year.  I kicked off the celebration with my first 5K on May 15th.
If you are struggling with being overweight - don’t give up!  Consult experts.  Commit to
yourself and the people you love.  Find what works for you and make a change.  Before
you know it, you’ll be 30 weeks down the road; and I can tell you that the view is great
from here!

Lisa T is the mother of three children and lives in the Cleveland area.  

©2010 ShareWIK Media Group, LLC

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