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Early Man Article

The forest that the Cro Magnons make Cro Magnon has New Chief
their vote and have their celebrations

On this Tuesday a group of Cro Magnon has make a vote of a new

chief at the forest of South Africa and has chosen a new chief named
Groble but there were fighting for power to be the new chief and some
Cro Magnon.
There were celebrations for the new chief named Groble. He is only 17
years old. There are cave paintings (as a remembrance of this day), a
celebration at night with a big bonfire and also a big deer to celebrate.
“Actually at first there were three Cro Magnons to be voted for.” A
Homo sapiens named Erectus said. “There were Bambo who was from
South Africa, Homo who was 35 years and the one who was chosen to
be the chief, Groble.” He said.
This is the big bonfire that the Cro Magnons make to
celebrate the new chief.

“Some of the Cro Magnon doesn’t agree that Groble should be the so
they end up having a fight with some of the Cro Magnons that choose
Groble.” A group of Cro Magnon friends said. Many Cro Magnon
soldiers come to stop the fight but the fighting was too violent. There
were many Cro Magnon that have died. Medicines are ready to be
transport to the Cro Magnons who were violently injured.
The next hour the chief Groble came out himself and said directly to the
Cro Magnons who are fighting and said, “I will retire from the chief
business and let Homo become the chief instead.” Most of the Cro
Magnons doesn’t agree so they went to their homes but the ones that
don’t agree they still protest to get what they wanted.

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