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ANGIOSPERMA FamilY Platanaceae


Platanus hispanica Plátano de sombra

(=Platanus hybrida)


The origin of this specie is a hybridization between Platanus orientalis and Platanus
occidentalis. It is supposed that this hybridization took place in Spain, during the
XVII th. century, where both species had the first opportunity to coexist. Because
of this hybrid species has been called Hispanic.

It can reach 35 m height, with

straight, high trunk, and thin
bark that becomes detached in

This is the kind of tree that has leaves of 18 x 20 cm, with 5 lobes, truncated in the base;
lobes will foliate in triangular sharp.


The flowers arise in April, appearing normally two in two on a peduncle.

They are going to later form the fruit of spherical form that matures in summer. They
are unisexual and very small.

Arranged in spherical bunches. Every fruit is surrounded in the base of a plume of hair.
The set of these balls are named "pike - pike" for being irritant.

The seed that wants to be stored, will have to be preserved in flasks monopolies with
low temperature, needing stratification for several days before the sowing.
The bark and the leaves have astringent properties.
Its wood has been used to make utensils of carpentry. It produces good fuel.
The banana tree is very ornamental, used as tree of shade in linear streets, avenues ,
gardens, walks, highways and squares.


Black pine (not to confuse with the pinus

nigra), it is spread over the whole Spain and

Portugal, South of France, Italy, and South and

North Morocco, with small populations in

Algeria and Malta, possibly introduced by the

man. Generally among the level of the sea,

though in the South of Morocco it is possible to

find it up to 2000 m. It is a tree of medium size

20 to 35 meters, 1,2 m diameter in the trunk. His

bark is red orange, thick and deeply cracked

especially in the base. The acículas are thick and

long, from 12 to 22 cm olength, of greenish blue

to yellow greenish colour.

The branches of growth have leaves lacking in

chlorophyll, needle-shaped in fascicles of two of

10-25 x 0.1-0.2 cm, of green intense colour,

with the border finely serrated and the sharp

The pineapples(pine cones) are conical from 10 to

20 cm length and 4 to 6 cm width when they are

closed. Then they open expanding up to

approximately 8 or 12 cm of width.

The pine pinions are from 8 to 10 mm length with a

wing shape 20 to 25 mm that the wind disperses.

Uses and Origin
It takes economic importance because of the uses of his wood, though it is not very

goof quality. In other periods of time it had great importance as producer of resin. It is

original from the Mediterranean area, and it was used in Galicia in repopulations of

forests and they are cultivated for ornamental purposes. In Galicia it is the most

abundant tree, fully naturalized tree. It characterizes Galician landscape.

Man and the tree- Galician trees.

ANGIOSPERMA Family Myrtaceae

Orde Myrtales Origin :

EUCALIPTO vermello


This tree uses to be up to thirty meters. It has a radical powerful system, with a principal
slightly deep root and very developed secondary ones. Straight trunk. The first cork
appears in an ashen way and finally it is frosted in the old specimens. High, wide
crown, and more slender than the Quercus robur.

The young leaves of the

eucalyptuses are oval and greyish,
getting longer and with green bluish
brilliant colour when they are adult.
They contain essential oil, of
characteristic balsamic smell, which
is a powerful natural disinfectant.
They are used in aromatherapy as a
stimulant with effect on the physical
as antiviral part and expectorant.

It presents white flowers with the calyx and the wreath joined by a cover that includes
the yarns and the pistil . When these flowers are open liberate multitude of yarns with
yellow colour.


The fruits are big capsules of almost black colour with a grey bluish lid that contains
great quantity

Eucalyptus camaldulensis produces a good crop of seeds generally every two years. The
percentage of germination is high and the seeds have high viability if they are stored in
a cold or a dry place The average is 670.000 seeds for kilo with a maximum of
3.111.500 seeds for kilo.


This red eucalyptus is renamed by his brilliant reddish wood, ranging between soft rose
to red blackish, depending on the age. It is very fragile and generally with crossed grain
that makes it very difficult the manual work. It was often used for applications of
resistance like girders, posts. More recently have been used for thin furniture due to his
spectacular reddish deep color and typical figures. It needs careful selection to make it
stronger to the changes of dampness. It density is 900 kg/m3, and it uses to be very
hard and admits good sheen.
Man and the tree- Trees in Galicia.

ANGIOSPERMA Family: Myrtaceae

Myrtales Origin:

Eucalyptus globulus Eucalipto


The trunk of the Eucalyptus can measure 60 meters height and has the bark in white.
The trunk can reach two meters of diameter.
It has a very powerful root that takes care very well from the atmospheric agents.
It’s characterized by his bark, that becomes detached in strips, after remaining hung of
the tree during a certain time, falling down after strong winds.

It has a very slightly thick crown, which doesn’t permit the pass abundant light and
therefore to give scanty shade.
It also prefers the humid climates.

-Young leave- -Adult leave -

The leaves of the Eucalyptus globulus in his juvenile stage are big with oval shape and
blue silver colour. When the leaves are already adult tend to be long, narrow and curled
form. These leaves contain oils with pharmaceutical properties, since they are used in
medicine for infusions and steams.

They produce flowers in groups of 2-3, 3 cm diameter, with numerous yarns of white
blooming in September - October.

His fruits are a bell-shaped capsule of white colour, cover with a whitish powder, from
1,4 to 2,4 cm diameter.
The fruits are big capsules of almost black colour with a grey bluish lid that contains
great quantity of seeds.


It is used in respiratory affections: bronchitis, flues, pharyngitis, sinusitis, irritated

throat, asthma, etc. Urinary infections, intestinal parasites. Diabetes. In external use for

dermatoid, varicose sores, etc.

It is specially used in gardening.

The bark of the eucalyptus is also used to make wastebasket of short fibre.


The Department of Biology collaborated with the

project “Man and the tree” working with pupils of 4 º
ESO during the school years 2008-09 and 2009-10, in
a work based on the most representative species of the
arboreal Galician flora, including autochthonous
species and other species introduced by the man that
became also abundant in Galicia.


Oak is one of most emblematic specie in Galicia

characteristics of its leaves, flowers, fruits, etc have

been dealt, as the the traditional uses that men and
women have given to them.

Several files were written

explaining the characteristics
of every specie. Photos of
each specie were also
included in the files. Some of
them have been taken by the
Mimosa is one of most abundant species pupils and others have been
downloaded from the Net.

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