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Every week at Life Clubs you fill in your Balance Chart.

Use it like a compass to give you a

visual snapshot of what’s happening in your life right now.

You can use your Balance Chart to:

· Focus you on what to do to change your life. The areas with the lowest scores may be the
areas you will want to start setting goals about first.

· Instantly see the way your life is changing. By comparing one chart with the next, you’ll
notice the changes in your life at once.

· See whether you live according to your goals. If your goal is to see more of your partner,
and your Love & Romance segment scores low, you are probably not honouring that goal; if
your goal is to make a lot of money and your Money segment scores low, you’re probably
not achieving that goal, and so on.

Using Your Balance Chart

Be totally honest with yourself when filling in your Balance Chart. You may find this difficult
at first, but you will find it becomes easier. Your chart will probably change each time you
fill it in: this is to be expected – if it’s not changing, you’re not doing anything different.

Think about each of the 10 sections in turn and give yourself a score according to how
satisfied you are at this moment with that part of your life. The scale runs from 1 (very
dissatisfied) to 10 (very satisfied). Circle the relevant numbers; when you have completed all
10 sections you can join the numbers to give a personal shape that expresses the way you
feel about your life today. This will help you focus on which areas to address first.

The scores you give yourself on your Balance Chart are an opportunity to improve your life.
See them as something to be pleased about or as a challenge, rather than feeling
despondent about any low scores. Some of you will naturally use lower numbers, rather
than higher ones. We all see life, and our own lives, differently.

What is important is that you are doing what you want to do, and that real life is reflecting
your dream. You’re not aiming for a ‘perfect circle’, you’re aiming for a shape that you

Aspects Of Life

Each segment of the Balance Chart is about a different aspect of your life. Make the chart
your own, and remember to date it and scribble your thoughts on it if you want to. If you
feel you would like to add more spokes to your chart, do.

For example, some people find it impossible to think about their children and their parents
as part of the same family and want to divide that segment into two. Similarly you may
want a segment for self-esteem and another segment for a partner and the relationship
you’re in.

Within each aspect of your life there are many things to consider. You will know what each
segment means to you, but here are pointers for some of the aspects:

Love and Romance

· Expectations (are they too high or too low?)

· Commitment (are your desires compatible with your partner’s?)

· Self-love (do you feel worthy of love?)

· Sexuality (are you aware of and ready to accept yours?)

· Sex (do you feel comfortable about sex? Are your needs the same as those of your

· Relationship patterns (do you always pick the same type of partner and have the same sort
of relationship?)

Health and Fitness

· Exercise (are you getting enough? Do you know what exercise you enjoy?)

· Diet (are you eating healthily and respecting your body?)

· Self-image (do you have a positive self-image of yourself?)

· Routine maintenance (do you have regular check-ups with the doctor, dentist, hygienist

· Addictions (if you have any, are you dealing with them?)

Rest and Relaxation

· Stress/tension (do you often feel stressed?)

· Holidays (do you take regular breaks? Can you relax on holiday?)

· Insomnia (do you have many sleepless nights?)

· Sleep disturbance (do you frequently wake up during the night?)

· Sleeping arrangements (is your bed comfortable and your room relaxing?)


· Job satisfaction (do you enjoy going to work or is it a chore?)

· Career development (is your career developing the way you would like it to? Are you in the
right field? Do you know what you would like to do?)

· Income (are you paid enough, or too much?)

· Relationships (do you have good relationships at work?)

· Performance (do you feel qualified enough for your job or would you like to do further

· Working environment (does your company have the same values as you do? Are there
decent facilities?)


· Parents (are you good friends with your parents or do you blame them for everything
that’s gone wrong in your life?)

· Siblings (do you enjoy each other’s company? Or are you not on speaking terms?)
· Feuds (are you feuding with in-laws, step-parents, extended family or even family closer to

· Children (do you love your children or feel bogged down by parental duty?)

· Bereavement (are you coping with the loss of a family member?)

Once you’ve completed your Balance Chart, it’s easy to see that you have aspects of your
life that you would like to change. It may be that these are very simple things that are
comparatively easy to accomplish, or you might like to change everything.

Life Clubs start with the now; what your life is like right this minute, and work from here
forwards. Begin by changing the way you see yourself. Start noticing the good things about
yourself and your life and writing them down. Becoming aware of everything positive that
happens to you will increase your confidence and optimism.

If you feel like it, set a goal – either a ‘doing’ or a ‘being’ goal. And then, come to Life Clubs
and tell us how you got on.

What are you waiting for?

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