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Character Blog for “The Folk of the Faraway Tree”

Explain and justify Evaluate gadgets, Edit and spell check

Engagement Synthesis of novel
choices tags and pictures blog site
Outstanding engagement
Outstanding justification Discernment shown in
with all componenets of 0-1 spelling errors.
for choices made Outstanding connections selection of gadgets, tags
A throughout unit.
made between the novel and pictures.
Outstanding level Layout is logical, neat
and all of the student’s
(5 marks) All components and includes all
Logically and clearly work. Choices connect with
completed to an components.
expressed. over-all theme.
outstanding standard.

High level of engagement

Justification for choices
with components of unit.
B made throughout the unit. Clear connections made
High level between the novel and all
All components
(4 marks) Logically and clearly of the student’s work.
completed to a high

Justification for choices Components of unit Some discernment shown

made throughout most of engaged with. Connections made in selection of gadgets, 2-4 spelling errors.
C the unit. between the novel and tags and pictures.
Satisfactory level All components most of the student’s Layout includes all
(3 marks) Mostly logically and completed to a work. Most choices connect components.
clearly expressed. satisfactory standard. with over-all theme.

Some justification for Some components of the

choices made in the unit. unit engaged with.
D Some connections made
Basic level between the novel and
Argument sometimes Some components
(2 marks) the students work.
unclear and difficult to completed to a
follow. satisfactory standard.

No discernment shown in
No justification for 5+ spelling errors.
Few, if any, of the selection of gadgets, tags
E choices made.
components completed.
Few, if any, connections
and pictures.
Very limited level made between the novel Layout contains errors
1 mark Little, if any, argument. and student’s work. and some components are
Poor standard. Choices do not connect
Unclearly expressed. missing.
with over-all theme.

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