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Bound Volume of Camp Newspaper Issued Weekly During 1954 Season

Joseph Kruger) Director

377 Irving Avenue, South Orange, N. J.

South Orange "]..5767

tfJO/t BCNfd-

at .1~. Ma1.4.

'OL. 26


B JUlJ' 1954




By Bobby stracke

The Senior Camp held its f:irst camp .. fire of the 1954 season Wednesday night at the Council Ring •.

Joe Kruger, l~ah-ke~nac director J addressed the group. He told them that "fun" was the most important thing in camp. But he warned against horseplay which is different from. ~nolesome fun.

Joe explained the honor code which applies to campers and counsell,ors both. The code says that fNery per son who receives a package containing food should turn it over to Al Davis, head of the Senior Camp.

The fo·OO may be sent home if the camper wishes.. Hovrever j Joe suggested that it be turned into a pool (9'0 that the entire camp might share it.

Al Davis .introduced the new staff of the Senior Camp. Each man rose and said hello.

Then, Al explained the camp program am he asked camper group to rise and get acquainted.

The campfir e was opened by the Senecas. Dick Drellich, Leonard Zamore, Don Donehd , AlanT'Tolfson, Andy Tessler, Barry Silverman, and Jerry Grossman led the rftah ... kee-nac welcome song.


By Chuck Saletan

On Jul,y .fourth the Junior and ,senior Camps witnessed a. show at the Lodge .•

The show was put on by ·campers from both camps and by some counsellors..

The counsellor band of Ed Peter- 1Q8n (director), Hark Lorrin, Hal Goldstein, Alan Kempler and Honty Uontgorne1"Y played the 'opening march,

A skit, "Paul RevSt"els Ride, II with moon, tower, British man-of-war and lights was presented,

Jerry Grossman was the narrator and Barry Muskat and Bobby Orei.finger acted out the words.

The camper band composed of Mark Walker J EO Cohen, Steve Jaffe, Gerry Friedland~ Tom Goldman, Lewis Bateman and Ricky Abel led the ,campers

in America the Beautiful and the Battle Hymn of the Republic.

~iIike Rosenbaum and Lenny Levitt gave a recitation with a musi,cal background.

Before the skit the campers sang Dixie. They were led by three rebel counsellors, ·Jim Hiller, Mel Schwartz and Bob '!ir iedman.


page 2


lUKE EIBffi-3rd year at Ijah-kee-nac_lII think Willie lwsis better'. He is a better fielder."

J?FF 0'\ EN ... )'rd year-"Duke Snider is I'IfY choice, He has had more experience."

BOBBY GRAULI0H-lst year-1IDuke is the better ball player. He is a better hitter. II

LENNY L!WITT-5th yeal~ ... "Duke is a more consistent player than '~illie."

HgfJIRD STEINBWG-lst year-I! I lil'6 ~.'Ti11ie. He has a better arm.,"

"'= ••

JEFFREY FISCH-2nd year-III think Willt6 is a better all-around player.1t

STE1;:ART Hm:AN-3rd year-~IHays is better. He runs and throws better and is a better player in every respect."

EILTON R:ZI'm'AN ... 'th year-"1I§ays is my choice because he wins 60 many ball games in the clutch."

DAVID 1<1\UFHAN ... 2nd year-"Snider is a, much better hitter,,11

TOD FINER TIRO-1st year-" I choose Mays because he is a better hitter and is younger."


At DAVIS rs N~~r H~D COUN~ELLOR By Lewis Bateman

Mah-kee-nac' s new head counsellor, Al Davis, is a man. with wide background and interests.

Al, who is "flr imarily i." charge of the Senior Camp, was born at Pali ... sades Park, New Jersey" on November 11, 1912 and was educated at Leonia High School, Panzer College". Hontclair St'9.te Teacher's College and .New

York University.

Al is an Associate Professor of Health and Physical Education at Westchester State Teacher's College an Pemlsylvania.

He and his wife" Helen, directed a girl r s camp in Pennsylvania before they came to .Ma.~ ... kee-nac,

(cant. next column)

From 1937 to 19l:J2 he was the Q\'mer ofa travel camp and he was also head counsellor of Camp Aquaticj, a boys' camp specializing

in swLming.

For recreation Al likes to fj_sh and hunt as well as partipate in all sports. He is also interested in building.

Al is a forrn~ college athlete. He played football, basket ... ball and baseball and was on the gyrmastic team.

He returns to' camping' after serv fce in the Navy.

Al likes Hah-kee-nac , especially the way Joe and Franc; i. S Kruger take an interest in the bOJ'I:3.

His son Rodney is here at camp.


COUNR ':.l.LOl1s D':::F~T CAEP . ..RS COi.~;:E FROC B~mND TO '!IN By Jeff H:irsch


July 1954

Saturday night the Lodge light,s were Dut of order and caused an unexpect ed zhange :in plans for Mah-kee-nac camper s,

The ,qeniol" Camp assenbled at the aaskebbal.L court and Al Davas informed shera of the news. The expected Talent :;hoo rras called o:~f as a result. It

NaS decided to ho.Ld a carep er--counse'l.Icr softball gamc dnst.ead,

The counsellors Trent. to bat first fl,nd immediatel:, scored three runs in the rirst inning.

The campe rs , hmvever, came back strong and started a rally to go ahead five to three.

The counael.Lor s! revv was too much

bhough, Th8'J batted out fiiTe more .runs while holdine the canpars scoreless for the remainder oi' the game. The counse __ lors l'Von 8-5 in '1lT at turned out to be evening despite the l:L&;ht m::'shap.


By Lenny Levitt

~routs for the 1954 varsity :·1i1n-}:ee, -nac baaeba'Ll, team began dur-ing Lhe week"

At this writing, no starting lineup has been ael.ect ed,

l5ah-kee-nac faces Brookside away on Frida:r.

Th e t earn will be chosen from the following: Lee :.~etzendorfJ Len Zamor e, Alan l.~,rolfson, Barry Silver-, man, Don Donch i., Dick Dr e11ich" Bob Levy, Len J.Je'"vitt$ Idke Rosenbaum, Ronny Noro_aanj l~oITJann Goldberg, Jeff. Gwen and St'l;art Ames.

A::tey first yj_e1iiS of the t eam, Bert Ludxi.g has hagh hopes for a succ eearuI season,

.8IGHTY-FOUR. CA'-P;:-tS ~l'~SS ADVAl,rc:n :=i7L1UNG Tr.:c;TS DURING FIP.ST 'T-;;EK By !..en.!.lY Lev:itt

Her-e than half of :Sah ... kee-nac' s camper-s received permission to venture into deep watp.,r at sVvimming t:L."'Ue as a result of tests adT;1:i_nist"'!'ed by the waterfront craw"

Lester Barc knan, waterfront director, ai..'TIS to develop as much Sl'rimming ability as possj_bl0.. He will train the boystln whatev~ level of swimming that is necessary at whatever time it is possible.

Boys who have already passed tests are the follov:ring: JUNIOR CAl'iP-Ken.

Lipman, Liichael ~ilvel'rnan~ Neil, Katchen, Robert Aberlin, Robert Gindes, Jeff Franlr, Jeff Gal'Ien, Alan Bolten, Fred Rosenberg, Richard Plombe:rg" Peter Dor sen, Hartin Lipman, Stephen Har-rmann , Evan Kat:;;r, Robert Fisher"

Ben Fo'Lkman, Henry Krumholz, Anc.Y Lawr ence, Eich3.el Kohner and Bobby Snyder, SErnOR CAr P-PeterLcrwy, Richard' .asserman, steV'e Ni senson, f,'teve Hecht, l~ilton Rs_·traa.n, H01;!a~d Cohen, Flteve Katz, J..lan Tessler, Hike Stifflitz, Robert Silverstein, stewart Herman, David Kaufman, Jeff Lawrence, David Bruck, Jon l)llelstein, Fred Lewis, Bobby Stracks, Hobert Tell, Ted Fineberg, Alec flchl'rartz, Neal Demby , Lewis Bateman, =ric Chivian, Ken Segal and Larry

Spritzer.. (cont., on page 4)

TOTEJt~ Ij July

Sl,~1]'7TUNG T~TS (cent , from p. 3)

page 4

Also, Jeffrey Eisah, Gerald Friedland, .Terry Pirman, Richard Allison, David Hitzig, l~en ",roodrow, HGl."lry Simon, Richard Stempel" Doug Zimmerman,

Alan kintz, John LO'W'enstoin, dorman Goldbez;g, Bobby FiECh, steve Jaffe, Jeff Kovall, ~~ike Rosenbaum, Lenny Levitt, Ronny Nordmann, David Lieberman, Jeffrey Orren, ~tlart Ames, ~, Fe11er and Vic Po'l.eshuc k,

Also, I"iike Biber, Ilike !~arkensohn" Chuck Saletan, Ric~ Abel, j·,!a.rk "Talker, Bobby Levy, Bobby Graulich, Eddie Cohen, Ton Goldman, Philip 2T'.wnanslw, Dick Drellich, Leonard Zamore, Don Donch i , Alan '701fsonJ Andy Tessler:; B~rry Sl1v erman and Jerry (

CA;.lP Dr',TJCTMr RETu:~mS, FOURTH YfA..1 By Chuck PI3.letan

Bea J:':argolis, Camp Lah-Jcee-nac+s dietician, is back for her fourth year here after a year I a absence.

Bea went to Columbia Un~versity for five years and holds a bachelor's and a master IS dap-rae.

In the Tf!inter she works In ---asr.jngton, D. C. where she is head of the school lunch :"}rof,ram.

She hopes to r-et urn to camp next




The Junior Canp heLd its first campfire the opening night of camp.

Will Ealoney led the boys in Singing the Eah-kee-nac welcome song" This was .follQ1.l'l'Od by two counsellor sol.oes, I'd Pet.erman on the trombone and Al Kempler on the accord ton.

larry Bloch enterta~.ned the boys with a sto:r:y of Iroquois.

The ~Tand finale was the roasting

of marsh:nallO'I'rfl for the entire Junior

Camp •. Those present j.l1cluded: Cabin 11; David Greifinger, Richard Her rmann , Zeke ~aletanJ Ralph Hirsch, David Schul.t er,

Curt Seigmeister,. Jon Folkman, PetE'..%' IJordmann-Cabin 12; Brian Ji'riedla.nd, stuart Friedland, P.rnold Koplin, Jeff Katz,

Peta~ Harris, Bobby Firtel, Harl< F~LShur, Uicli:y Slone-Cabin 8-Joffrey Eg~:r, Richard KO:f)lin, ~i.ark Tessler, Paul Peinor, Clem Zuckerman and David Bloch. (cant. above)


This year Gordon G:ray is in charge of sailing at Camp Mah-kee-nac.

As you probably kn ow, the two kno~k-about boats have been out of use.

Gordon says the hulls are all .right and he is just waiting for some other equ ipmerrt which is expected by the end of the week,

Fach hoat will carry two campers who have pas sed the necessary sa:l.ling test.

Gordon has been sailing since he was 12 ~Tearsold. He Ls a senf.or at Bt1clrnell University and is major ing in ·~']glish.

Also, Cabin 9-Nei1 Katchen, Ken Lipl1lan" L("'>1JIlJ.s Miller, Fred Fdelste:in, !"ij.cilael Silverman, Barton Balis, Dick Bcrney-Cab m 10; John Kempl-er, Steve Reral, Stanley Furst, Eddie Rose and

Jeff ::?delstein-Cabin 1.:1; Robert Aberlin, John Leikensohn,Robort Gindes" Robert Denho'l.t.z , Eddie Friedman and Jeff F.rankCabin 5; Bobby Greifinger, Larry Hirsch, Barry Eus kat, Mal Zjmmcrman, Tom Targer and Leslie Charmabz,

Also, Cabin 6; Stove Shapiro, Jeff Golden" Randy Pace, John Nathan, Alan Bolten and Lee Kaufman~Cabin 7; Fred

Ro scnbor-g , 1\011 l'Lontag, Ken Graulich, Alan Berdy, Danny Katz and Richard BlombGl"g-Cabinl; Peter Dor aenj Roger Koplin, I:.1artin Lipman, Stevo Rosenberg"

&ic %igmoj.ster, ~ophen Hai-rmann and Harvey Cove. (corrt •. page ~

!: I X )

Partic~_pants wore: Bunk 1; Richard l.Lack, Roger Lowenst.odn, Peter Lowy, 2ichal'd 1:Tasser~llan, StoVG Nisenson, Steve Focl-t, Bunk 2; 1iilton Reitman, Howard CO:"Jn, Sto .... e Katz, Alan Tessler, bIiko st::·C1:1_tzl Robert SllveI'ste:in, Stc."'V1art b.:rn,ah, Bunlc 3; Van Brody, David Kaufman, Jeff :irsch, Juff Lavo'l"d-noe, David Brnck, Jon Edclstoin, :S~mL 4$ Frod umis, Bob St,ro.::, ks" Bob T,)ll, TOG _ Finoberg, Die k Fom.:rnrloc, l',Iack P'lrtig, Bunk 5; Aloc _ Scr,'rartz, Nl)al Demby, Michael Luttman, Ross I-~ollor, Lowis Bat-eman, Bunk 6;

Tho sermon by Jerry j"Iushcr .,. ... as .. about Kr;n SogalJ:: &ic Chivian, Robert Kruvant,

compar-atdvc religions. Ho told about. Joo1 Siegel, Brooks Hirsch, Jeffrey

Confucious and Hillel and omphaaf.acd F:i_sch, Larry SpritzGl":' Bunk 7; Gorald

that· all ruligions ar-c basically tho Fr:i.(]dland, ,Jon Siegel, Jerry Pirman,

samo. John '.:reisman, Richard Allison, Bobby Balis, David ~itzig, Bunk 8; Ken Woodrow, H<1lIt'7;r Simon, Richard 8tom.pol, Doug Zimmerman, Alan Mintz, Bob Daniels, Eoward Stninb~rg, Tent 1; John Lowonst ofn, r;orman Goldborg, Bobby Fisch, stove Jaffe

Jeff Ovron and Bob L()vy participat,::,;d. and Jeff Kovall, (cont , pago 6)


o aaxy J:/)q

LESTER BARCm..fAN rl1T.m.mONT HR1D by Lewis Bateman

L(Jstcr I3~rcktr,an, hah-kce-nacts 'ft'O.\.Ijt'tt'~'tt\. ~~ 'G~\'<:::}~) ~c.~ ~~;~~ Th '\,\\~ Bronx before '\i~ol'J~d War I.

Los was educat-ed at StUj'"Vesant High School, C. C. l~. Y. and Colmnb:i_a ttniversity.

HG is pr~ncj_pal of an e'Lemontary school in QUOl,ns.

Arnone,' ~1obbi:!s ar-o takinG car-e of his la~:m and rcad:lnr;. Fis also acts as a football official.

Les has plaJcd football and participated in track. Forme!'ly' :l.Oad counsollor of five camps" Lcs thinks I:ahkoc-nac is the .finc~ camp he he.sever boon at.

rAH-IF£ .. I-IA-C OBSmV:::S SABBli.TH; FlRS'l' S:·aVIC~ JE['D IN LOmE &J Bobby Stracks

Tho f:il'st :£Tida;...- night servico of the; camp season was dar oct.ed by J0rry f~ushcir~ Both th,) Jun::.or and tho Senior Can~s participatud.

Joo Krugur opened tho survicc after -r:hich tho congr cgatdon sang Sbolom Al",ychum4J

Don Donchi r-oad tho lighting of the candles '.'!hi.lo David Lioll:rl:ia..l1 lit them.

The -::'ah-kc;;:-nac ch011' 601 g the blessing.

Th;m ~avid tiob,.r:·;1an 8m g KicJdush ..

Follordng his praY.1r, J:xry Grossman r oad Psalm 23 and tho chi);i.r srn g ligdal" .

Then cv.rybody sang America and Ayn Kolohanu. Jor~" r oad tho L.doratj_on and L00 read tho closing ::_:-.raycr.


The Senior Camp held bunk night l.a~i:. T\:I,ursdD.',f,

F ... ach bunk chose a eeparat e activity :in wh Lch to participate.

Tents one and four and Bunks three and one mmt fishing., Tont four and Bunk one also went boating.

Th3;r reported that the fishing was poor , Even so, Bob Graulich and Jol:mrl;y LoW"cnstcint3ac;! caught sunntea,

Joff Her sch commerrt ed, "There wor cn It enough fish in thelakc.lI

Tont thre0 hiked toward Stockbridge and roasted marshmallows on the way

back, Bunk four ventured to the Council Ring wherothey- al so roasted marshmallmvs and listenod to a story.

Junk five had a tennis tournament and than hiked to the canpf'Lr e site.

Bunk seven went boating and played b2sketball. And Bunks two and sfx yllayod l'.ardhall as did Tent two. Tent six p:Lay:;d tennis.

Bunk rune took a trip into Lenox,

Mi\H-KEE-NlI.C HtWEN FOR BmDS TOTEl,f 7-8"."54 BUNK NIGHT Pl\RTICIPil.NTS pf}~ ~ 10

LOOOE IS CHIEF HEt\DQUARTllRS (cont. from pago S)

By LevJis Bateman

In Camp Mah-kco-nac thore arc a fcmMrd nests which arc on the Lodge porch;

In one nest there are two baby robins. A1 Davisnnd Dan Jaffe . saw tho t,'\'l0 birds being fed.

Also, thqy said that when peoplo wore on the Lodge porch the mother bird wOuld not fzy up to feed hOI' babies.

There is !Uso a dosortcd bird's nest in back of tho boat ·housc.


The Hah-keo-nac choir is already rehearsing undor tho direction of Jerry Husher, the musical diroctor·.

Tho choir parformed at the service last Friday night for the first time, but that was without any previous rehearsal. Since that time they have already met twice.

The choir has boen practicing numbers for tho Sa;)bath service.

Boys from the Junior and Sonior eamps arc In bho choir. (cont , above)

":\ \\~:'.1 ,~ C';,)

'i:~;'~··f ~ii

/~ L~ tr -i' of If ;,fi~. ..

Cr yJ \J(\fT!lV

f~lso, Tont 2; Mike Rosenbaum, Lenny LOVitt, RoIlT.\Y Nordmann, David Lieberman, Jeffrey Owen, Rtuart Ames, Tent 3; Mike Feller, Vic Poleshuck, Hiko Biber, Hike l(arkcnsohn, Chuck Sale;tan, Tent 4; Ricll;y Abel, _Mark Yralkor J Bobby Levy, Bobby Graulich, Marc Himoff, Tant 6; Eddie Cohen, Tom Goldman, Philip Zemnnslcr, Bunk 9; Dick Drollieh, Loonard Zamore, Don Donehi, ;~lan nolfson, Andy Tossler, Barry Silv~1X"manJ and Jerry Grossman.


(cant. fram page 4)

~"'lso, cabin 2-lNan Katz, Rickie' Firt 01, Justin Dr cllich" Barry Siegel, Ralph Loezcnbaum, Richard Israolof, Horha-t Zcmansky, Cabin 3; Robert Fisher, Ben Follallan, HGrJry' Krum.~olz" Dono.ld HcriJ'~rd, Andy LawTonce, !~ichacl Kohner and Bobqy Snyder.

Members of the choir arc as

follO'i!s: Senior Camp; Bunk 1,

Richard Black; Bunk 2, Robcrf Silverstein; Bunk 3, Jeff Lawrence; Bunk

4, Fred LewiS, Bobby stracks, tfack Fertig; Tent 3, Vic Poloshuckj Tent 4, :iarc Himof!; Tent 6, Tom Goldman and Philip Zomansky, Junior Camp; Cabin 1, I11artin Lipmah" St~vo Rosenburg, El"io Scigmoistcr; cabin

2, Evan Katz, Rickie Firtcl, Barry Siegcl,Ralph Lcczec1ream, Herb crt Zemansky; Cabin 3, Robart Fisher,

Ben Folkman, Henry Krumholz and An&.rLavn-once.


A number of changes have been made horo at camp sjl1ce last year. Some of them are the kind that might slip your attention, but ncver-bhal.ess

thqy are worth noting hero.

One of the most lmportant intprovcmonts concorns our oat mg activitios.

The Hah-koo-nac kitcbon has beon redosigned. An addition has been made

'I!'iJh ich enables tho camp to usc new equipment and pr-ocodur es in preparing food. A now salad room, an cmploye.::sl dining room and an enlarged storeroom have boen added.

Of course you have noticod the new shutt or s on the sonior bunks. They can

bo closed from the msid'e. And no moro lost arrows. The archery field was

ploughed la st fan. Let • s hope for more gold s this YUm".

First row: Curt Seigmeister, stuart Friedland, Mark Fisher., Bobby" Firtel, Mickey Slone, Jeff Katz, David Greifinger, Arnold Koplin, Brian Friedland, Ralph Hirsch. Second row: Zeke Sa.letan, David Schulter, Jon Folkman". Peter Nordmann, p.eter Harris., Richard Hernnann. CotulSeloxsl Bill Won, Alan Kempler, Ed Peterman, Sol Feinl;lerg.

First row: Mark Tessler, David Bloch, Lewis Miller, Eddie Rose, Richard Berney, Freddie Edelstein, Clem Zuckerman, steve Segal,

Jeff Eger, Stanley-Furst, Paul lileiner, Jeff Edelstein, John Kempler, Mi.chael Silverman, Neil Katchen. nounselors: Alan Echikson, Mel Schwartz.

at .l~; A1au.

VOL 26 No.2

15 July 1954

B E }\ -r E J\1 ~

BJ\OOK SIDE C 1-J 0 J\ US -(0 PFf\ F OJ\ JyJ


By Diok Drcl1ich

In a wild gMlC ';lhich featured 28 hits Eah-koe-l1ao took bost advantage of the opportunities to defeat Brookside 9-6 last Friday.

- Rosonbaum opened the game for ~lah-ke~nac ',lTith a. single. The .Brookside rightfioldor bobbled Joff Hecht's attampt and then. stavo IO..cin, doubled

to score both runners.

The early two run advantage \1aS overcome by the Brookside club in the third inning -rhon they collected four runs on foUr singles, a triple and a h;l.t batter.


By Larr7 Bloch

A rare opportunity to sing 'Ill! th tho 170rld farnouo Beston Symphony undar Charles :~unchwill be. given to about 40 ~:ah-kce ... nac boys.

This was announced last Thursday when !lr. Hugh Ross, director of the choral department at TanglcrroGd visited the camp ..

. Thcboys will sing the rarely per-

forr.wo Berlioz choral- \70rk "To Doum"' on saturday I 1.ugust 7, at Tangle\vood.

Ir. Ross tGld tho boys who aaditioncd .fGr parts that,. the ,fork ar·iginal~ called for t\lO choruses, an aw dult chorus of 200 voices and a boys ehoeus or 400. voices, but Ilt'. UimCh wiUconduct a Lluch smaller grouP.

A fifth inning -"' ising by tho Indians · .. .ras most i.1-nportant in the viCtory. Kloin singled to open. the inning.

After an out by Lea :.let·zendorf ,Alan

~70lfson punched out a single follo,ang the eoramplo of Barry Silverman. \1ith the bases full-Lenqy Lovitt flarl Gut to the pitcher but pinch hitter : :tXe !.)c:ot:bL, singled r1i th tho count thr oe and

t~/O to' score t'.70 -runs. ,J The' auditions wer-e conducbod by I!rs.

. The game rrcisnlt crvar till tho last De Varon, assistant to 1!!r. Ross and chol"a.1

out.Barr,y Silverman made a fine baclQ.. director of tho Boaton Conservatory of

handed catch for tho final out. (cont.p.7)7J.uslc.. (continued on last page.)

Gany senior and junior boys audi. tioned, but Father Timo was on the side of tho junior s as many of tho senior voices cracked whUo singing the scales.

THE TOTEJ",r ......... 2:.- JS JULY 1954


Compilod by Bob Toll and Hack Fortig (This is the second edition of the Inquiring Navajos whichgivos your answers

somo interesting questions.) .

The question: ·WIIi".T .'l.CTmTY lLT H}JI-KEE-NAC DO Y:OU LIKE THE BEST?

RICH_\.RD 1;lJSSER~t1N-lst year st Mnh-koo ... nae.l"I likor;Ltlory tho best because I I YO never S~10t a1"i£10 bef·ore and I thinki.t I S fun.n

'TIKE STIGLITZ-Jrd year-TII like baseball tho best because it 1'8 good nn1 it's 0. good sport."

:II,;.N TESSLER-4th yco.r-"I lll(c baseball because 1 'm interested in the major leagues."

ROGER lOtVENSTEIN-" 3rd yearN"I like bascbal1the best because it's a good g~ and a lot of fun. II

BOB FISCH-4th year-! like riflery tho best bcccuao it stcadiosthc Arm A.nd Itvcshoj, a rifle bcfO:TC.fI

BOBBY STR.1CKS-5th ycar-"I like rfileI"TJ because I never got aehenco to shoot a rifle 1>lith real bullets before."

NEIL nillffiY-lst yenl'-flRiflory is fun and I got a kick out of it."

JCHN LOiJEl\TSTEIN ... hth ycnr-tlC amping out is my choice., It'l s fun" i tl s different and. it gives you a chance to, help ~"'ou:rself.1r

STEVE lTISENSON -1st yeorll.I like bllsobrill because iVa an exciting sport."

.~ .

RICH,,'\RD BLICK-3rd ye.:l.~nI like basebo11 because it's ~ting and you have a good time."

BOBBY FISCH ... 4th ye,or-"I like canoang because I like dumping canoes,lI


By Richard Stempel

Thursday right [lj'tcr lunch ten Cheyennes left on n tl-lO dny ovcrru.ghf hike. He arrived at tho sito at 2:15 p.m. (EllST).lfter lllg'ging our equipment up to our Site, ~10 pitched our tents and scttJo d dorm to have our supper.

The men! consisted of sto~k, spanish rico, pons and canned penches.

After SUPF lV'O took .:J. hiko to Dnlton Dt'.lll t'ihcre HO met a fishormnn and his dog. We took a different pSth back to c'tnp to be greeted by hot 'coco,"'.. We spoke to our tentxnr.tes till about 10130 psm .. , andthon retired.

;~t 5: 30 in tho morningnmst of tho boyswero up.,And niter n breakfast

of bacon »nd oggs we straightened up the cr>.mpsite. f.t cbout 10 n.m. we stnrted on a eovon mile hfko to the town of Dalton whore we feasted on icc creon sundaes. FiMlly we started back to the c.:-tnpsite •. At 3:15 we finnlly had lunch. l\ftcr lunch tve uent swimming n.t the bottom of Wr·.hcon:th F''',lls. Gerry Fr±odl~d, Ken '-J'oodrow, Robert Kruvont end Richnrd Stempel braved the 35 degree 1,f~tcr. Then, we returned to tho site and prepared our fires for our frankfurters and french fries. At bed time a. tent foll over.

(continued on next page)




15 JULY 1954


Saturday began ut 5:45 for most of the boys. At 7:30 we started to hck up and en hour l.::.ter we ate. ~\ftcr hreN<ft'.st we .slot-rly str.rted to ring the packs to the parking The tJluck picked thorn up at 10 o.m. n tho wo.y back we stopped at Fr'i0ntllyl s for ico cream cones. The- boys

11- tho trip wore2 Bunk ~Kcn Seg:u, Robert Kruvo.nt, IJrooks Hirsch, Bunk 7- el'''.ld Fricdlw.nd, John WCiSll'1n, Richnrd .Ulison, David Hitzig, Bunk 8 ... Ken

cdrow, Hemry Simon rnd :rlichLT d Stempel.


Jtr Lcuis Bet oman

Last -.;·rodnesd:w night tho entiro lenior C;"j'.1pwont on D. cook out.

Ib the r.ftornoon the cCl.!11pqrs prepared thocO.lllP si tea and cleaned out or laic fireplaces.

They returned to the bunks for n short time tzhen r:,.in throo.tonod, but

it bIe-vI ovor- quickly and allowed things tio contd.nue on schedule.

fJ.l the food tIns- cookedovor the open firo. The menl consisted of ste:1lc, potntoos, onions, carrots, broad, milk" plums. cnd cupcakca,

After dinner mnny of the camper-s gnthored around :.1 Komplsr D.nd ~~nrlt !.orrin who played tho .accordi.on ::nd thQ Violin ros::.>ectively. Camp fire songs nnd then to bcd.

N:~y of tho ccmpor-s wondered why their o.ppotites "Toro so gre0.tly improved for tho cookout. Tho groat outdoors. 1/



By l1ichnel Hnrkonsohn

In N&1 .. kce-nac thoro rooo two gr.ont totem poles. One is in tho Junior C:"lilp. 'Tho other is in the Senior 6nmp.

Tho ono in thcJunior Camp l·ro.S made in. 1947. It was constructed from 0. hemlock tree, It is a.bout 30 feot high arrl weighs about n ton., The tatum pole was rm.sod by the boys from the Senior Camp,

The other totom, the ono in tho Sonior Camp was made md raised.

in. 1953,

Itwo.s originally a pino tree

,0 fc(. t end two feet in dimllotor. It weighs about two tons.

When it vIaS completed n derrick c:uno to lift it into plneo.

Both totems were made tmder tho direction of Hcl Lcwiswho is still ',uith us.




15 JULy lqr'4

. ,;; .


~~ah .. koe-nac! s vi 6i tlng baseball team. ;red at Brookside to dance when the m.o ''las comp10ted ..


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They enjoyed. a well-cooked supper p. smal.L talk with the girls before

e dance.

It took quite a while to get the fail' started. It was held inSide a





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But l.,hen the music began ntany of

;e boys stayed on the sidelines '1lore tracted QY the rood than by the girls.

Ler1ny Zamorewas .attracted to a cow deh he wanted to milk. While Barry .Ivorman found the horses interesting.

During the multiplication danoe

i least one ball pla;y-er, Renny Nordm, withdrew so as not to be a:sked to mee.

The braye men who attended were: .an Wolfson, BaITY Silverman, J,eff lcht, Lee Netzendorf, Ronny l'4'ord!nan,

m Donchd , .1ndy Tessler,Dick Drel1ich, ke Rosenbaum, Lenny LeVitt, Lonny lmore, Steve Klein and Jerry Grossman.

..... .:.~ ....... ".


By Roger Lowenste,.tn

Cn Jul~ 6th Bunks one a111 two of the Jllavajoflwenton tlteir first overnight rip to Berr:y Pond. Charles HcNult:r led the group.

We started off at about 10:30 a.m. and arr1vod at about 11 a"m. The truck as very crowded and it was worse than a sardine em. When we got there, finding site was easy. We set up our tents and were then surprised toftnd a whole

ox of tood had' been left behind.

After lunch \>16 had the usual rest period. Then Charlie proposed So hike up LMer Some of the boys rem.ained in CHtltp. 'The trail up the mountain as long and hard but we .finallyreached the S;Ufrunit. There we saw-some beautiUl farmland. In the dist.'ln::e 'tITe coul.d see TTount Gl"a:,ylock, one of the tallest buntains in ~assachu8setts. t..fter a brief rest we started down again. We feund arne delicious bluel;l0rrie,S1..rhich we ate, We came back intO oamp weary am tired ut ~fe had had a good time. In about half an hour we went on another hike up

o Berry Mountain 'l .. here the berries were good Md plentiful. On thew~ down we oun~ trace of an earthquake in some rock deposits. LUter our return we had a rog hunt until dinner.. Steaks ani peas tiere sup~}er. vIe rested until dark. t'tor supper Charlie took us for a st~ hike. He told usa Sherlock Holmes st017

hila waiting for the stars to coroo out. (continued on .next page)



After the story Charlie pointed .out tho Big Dipper, Little Dipper and the tlorth Star. It was getting eold sowo hurried back to go to sleep. vleall slept well because we wero so tired.


----------- -----~-~.

In the morning it was raining and t wo tents fell in. Even so, "'0 made it back safely and enjoyed tho trip. Boys 1-1ho :rnuditl trip listed bo~.


The entire camp saw a. tacnt show Ssturdqy night at the Lodge.

The program was opened by Hark Lorrin on tho violin md .U Kempler on tho accordion playing "Hot Canary."

A short skit staITcd Dr. Sylvan Stool in a serious situation. He was about to cormnit suicide when Holon finally entered bringing him his lunch.

Dodo sang "I Can't &zy' No," with Henry Krumholz.

Then camothomolodramatic part of . the program. Nikc Foller and Biber did a. police skit about ghosts.

Helon sang, nOh What a BElautiful };Toming" and "Give lwo a Little Kiss." She did the second number wi tit the

Bid of Eric Siegmeister who was carried to the stage by Jerry ("Champ!!) Samsky.

Donald H01'mrd, }fichael Kohner, Ben Fo.lkman and Henry Kru..TIIholz did tw short skits bofore the curtain.


Returning to J'iah ... koe-eiae for another S\JlTI!'IKlr is aquaplaning. Joe HorOW'1. t

is in charge ·of tho progrDm. Ho th!rucs aquapl aning is a fine sport and he would like to soc cvcrycno loarn to do it welle

Campers who swim 400 yards will bo able to partiCipate in the sport.

Tho same rulo will hold for water sIding. Wator skis are oxpected soon.

We arewai ting eXpcctantly ..


By Dick

The follo"dng boys have passed their basic canoe tests given by our master canoost Bob Bregmm I

Miko Folle r, T3, l1ikc Biber, T3, Vic Pol.cshuck, T3, llan Hintz, BB, Bob Daniols, BB, Ken Woodrow, B8, Honry Simon, BB, Jeff Lawrence, BJ, Dave Bruck, B3, and John Lowenstein, T1.

Also, NOJ'!llan Goldberg, Tl, Davo

Hi tZig, B7, JOrl"'J Friedland, B7, Fred Lewis, B4, Dave Lieborman, T2, 11ilro Rosenbaum, T2, ;·1ark vTalker, T4,. Richard ll.bol, T4,. Larry Spritzcr, B6, and Eric Chi vi an) 00.

Only two campers have passed tho advanced canoe tests. They arc: Larry Spritzor, B6, and Eric Chivian, B6.

The cBr"pers who passed their basic tests may take out a canoe and paddlo together, keeping in tho camp aroa during a. freo play period.

The advanced eanoosts have earned their .\Re (ll1l1erican Red Cross) cards. They are elogible to take out canoes

al one.


The foll0·, boys made tho trip to Berry Pond;

Bunk ll.-Richard Black, Roger Lcr:rtmstain, Peter Lo~·.y, Richar d ',V'asserman, Steve Niscnsan and Steve Hecht.

Bunk 2-l:u.lton Reitman, Hroard Cohen, steve Katz, Alan Tessler, ~11ke stiglitz, Robart SUversteinand Stewart Herman.



THE TOTEli -.-t1------- 1.5 JULy 1954

stu Horman pitched a one hitter

for the Indian juniors for ~ivc imiings. In all, he allol/cd only three hits.

The ball ri'eld vras extremely small and an autonatic douhLo vas recorded for hitting the ball over the hedges.

This field on a campus of about 850 acres fOrL'lerlly a multimillionaires estate.


BROOKSIDE G.t\ln~ •••••• (cant.)

The line ups: s-koo-nac


lt p, :k,l3.nn c.

inl rcrnan 2

z ~J.1(~ or f GS fscn .3

ore If

itt of

chi rf onbaun cf

':rag en st ein p. ~~alkin c. Broe I

Gross 2

~ :argulis 5S Siskand 3 Butterfield If Ulland cf Shutzky rf

Runs Hits Errors
h-lwe-nac 9 lL! a
ookside 6 14 1. THIRTY Tria .nnnons T:l.KE PART HOLD J·JS.\TEUR NIGHT IN LOOOE

There were perfornances in mass' last '}ednosday night as the Junior Oanp unleashed its talent and invaded the Lodge.

The following boys por-rorneds Kurt Sicgmoister J CI1, Joni Folkman, 011, Ben Follcr,1an, C3, David BiliochJ' C8, Robert Abcrlin, 04,' Eddie Freedman,

c4, John Lef.kensohn, c4" Ralph L08- zonbaun , C2 .. Dian Katz, C2, Riclo/ Firtel, C2, and Justin Drollich, C2.

. .


By .Roger LO'i1cnstein

The IJah ... kee-oac JV recorded, its first victory last Friday against Brookside by tho top heavy SCOl"C 13-3.

The :iah-kee-nac team vras never in trouble because of the expert coaching of Ray Kennedy and the fine hitt~1g of Bobby LeVy, Alan Tessler, Al Hintz and Howard Steinberg.

T\1cnty-four men played for I!ahkeo-nac at one time or another.

Eapecially noteworthy were the fino preparations made by Bert Ludwig.

After the game tho players celebratod the Victory with ico cream cones

at Friendl;y" s :in Great Barrington.

. .!liso, !rark TODsll:lr, C8, Jeff playors fop ~~h-kee-nao were,'

Eger" C8,· Roddy Davis, Richard Jocl Si.cgel, B6, Sterlart Anos,,' T2,,'

Blonberg, C7, Herb Zcmansl<y, 02, Joff Hecht" T5, steve Nisenson, Elj .'

'Steve Hermann, cr, Pote Dorsen, ci, H~-;lard Stainbcr,g, '.~' - R~char? ,Abel, B4,.

'Stove'Rosenberg, 01, Harvey cove, ClJ Ri.chard 'Pom.cranccl Bl.!." l~lru: !lntz,' Be,

Ralph Hirsch, Cll, :Iicl~ Slone, 012, Robert DanlCls, Btl, Doug Zmrnerman,B 8',

TomlTlY Targor" cs, Jeff Katz, C12, . ~ Biber, T3,' Alan Tessler, B2J ' •

!?ddie Rosel· ClO,' DickY Berney,' ClO,- David Lieberman; T2, Bobby Le't'y, T4,

steve Sogal, C10" ~rohn Kempler, ClO, ~:ark ":allmr, T4,J13rry Pitma.'1, B7, .

Lee Kaufma.n,· C6,,' John Nathan, C6; Larry S)ritzor, B6, !Jichael stiglitz, B2,

Bobby Snyder, C3, Henry Krurtlholz, C3" Joff Orren ," T2,' Herman Goldberg, TI,

Fetor Dor sonj el" EI-ic,· Bobby Tell, B4, Eric Chivian, 116, and

e1" ~'ark Fisher, C12; :~al ZilTiI!lOrL1an, c5 StC"l'{art Herman" B2.

and Larry Hirsch, c5.


·,Je have a group of budding sculptures on our medical staff.

Dr. Stool is exhibiting heads, and' Dodo, elephaIJ.ts~ All made of clay. Rumors have it that thoy are looking

for modols.


By Dick rr Bliich

Six boys 1.vent to Tanglewood Tues-

day to sketch. They sketched the buil..d .. ings and grounds for several hours. John' Lo..-renstcin, Normal Goldberg, stevo Jaffe, Jeff l\oval1" Phil1p Zemanslw and .Brooks ill,


THE TOm~ -_ 15 JULy 1954

T;I.NGL~:,'''OOD... • •• (cont s )

7':AH-KRr.-;r_c -'TN .- ~·.KE TRIP

: 'ET BY FIfTY I1\NBEE 0 DLS By ::ichael : :arkenaohn

This is the second tine ~=ah-koeic boys have sung at 'I'ang'Lcrrood; On

l"utt 13, 1949 36 campers pcr f'orracd A group of happy !!ah-kee-nac

idor t.ho Lat o Serge Koussov i taky, They boys left camp by bUD ::onday. They

mg the Boys Chorus in Bou jau iri But.tler t S ':lore headed for Carrp Danbee for a

i'i.'ring S:;r::;;hony • ." soc ial~

T~1i.-;· -;narl f' chorus includes: liicharci lol, T4, -'il~c Biber, TJ, Van Brody,B3, lvid Bruck, B3, T::rj.c Ohivian, B6, Howar-d ihcn , B2, ~~o1x'rt , B8, and ~!eil ruby, B5.

Als 0" Jon ~JJ c~lstcin, PJ, I'li ko FelloT" :, Jeffrey F'i sch , B6~ Roccr t Fisher, 03, m Folkman,' OJ" Jeff Fr-ank, el, ~;Ydie 'iodman" c4, llor-uan Go'Ldbcr g , Tl, Hobort aul.i ch, T4, and Ken Graulich~ C7.,

And, Danny Katz, C7, David KaufrJan, • Jeff Lavr onco, B3, Jolm Lc i.kcnsohn ,

J David Li.cbcrrtan, T2, John Lovonst.oln, , Roger L01 .onst o in, :31, : .Lko ;'arkcnhn, T3, : Oilton llcitnan, B2, Fr ed :10sol1- rg, C7, Stephen Ros onbcr-g , Cl,and

arIes Sal0.tan, T3.

.Uso, ICon Sogal, B6, 13arry Siogol,' J Robert Silverstoin, B2" Henry S:i.!.1on, , Larry S",ritzcr .. B6, l1ichard CJtcEipcl, ,:~ichael sti~litz, B2, ~·ark·'~alk(jrJ'

, 'ib chard "~asscr;:lan, Bl, Kon - . .'00dro1':, , and Herb Zonanskv , C2.

'''{HEN '.-.rILL YOUil SON Q '.:1' HIS :-=':.IL?

SINC31: t.hanks to ;;11ose parents r/ho

J helping the L1ail staff and the boys addressing the nail correctly. Cab.inn • Jr. Camp and Bunk or Tent number-s

· Senior Camp.

Soc what ;:'light happen when the nail not com~lctcly addressed.

-&: ,Jonny Jonos, ITah-koo-nac, Lenox, S. ',:as sent to B6 inst._;ad of cs,

boys in c6 intondcd to r ct.urn tho tar but forgot for a day or h:o, lllayt.hey put it dorm and forgot it for a

k: or marc.

·,To arc sure that 17ho11 you under .. md the pr -.;e r:ill got 100% cozr at ion from parents, grandparents

I friends,.

They wer o greeted by about 50 girl::; r.ho played the part of hoct ccscs ,

The boys played, basketball, i1Iollcy ball and t onnf,e '.;j,th the girls",· That activity ~':as f'o'Ll.ovrcd by a sw:in.

'The \,.rater nice and Danboo had a npring divinG board. Fo Hovzing tho {nrj.l71 everyone proceeded to the dining rO~l and selected dinner partners.

Dinner consisted of hot dOGS, hamburgers and beans" ', orangeade.

Dinner vra s f'o l.Lowod by a game of dodge ball. Tho mess hall was clean cd and thore rras danc ing •.

EVeryone departed foeling happy but tired.

Thoso who vrorrt ';loro: B unk 6-Kon Segal, Eric', Robert Kruvant,

Joel Siegel, Brooks lIirsch, Jeffrey

Fisch and Lar-ry Sr:'ritzer, Bunk 7....(}o:rald Friedland, Jon Siegel" Jerry Firman, John ',,'eisr.1an, Richard ,Ulison and David Hitzig" Bunk 8-Ken' ·'-oodro·".', Henry Sinon, Ilichard Stempel, Doug Zw..mcrnan, "nan

; ::i.nU, Bobby Dan LcLs and Howar-d Steinbcr~J Bunk 9-Dick Drcllich, Leonard

Zancr e , Don Donch L, "'_lan' '''ol£::::on, Andy Tessler, Barry Silverman, Jerry C,ross;;lan, Tent 1.John Lor.onst.cdn, Nor-nan Goldbere, Bobby Fisch, o Jaffe, Jeff Kova'LL, Tent 2-:':ik0 Rosenbaum, Lenny Lovitt, Ronny Nor-dnann , David Lieberman, JeffI' [J"J Orron and Stuart :mes, Tent 3-

: .Lke Fellar, Vic Po.l cshuckj :,~ikc Biber, :-iko ~.larkensoJm and Chuck Sa, Tent 4- Ilicby' .'...'001, ~.ark'''ialker, Bobby Levy, Bobby Gra'.llich, Tent 6-Zddio Cohen,

Ton Goldman a1 d Philip Zeraarisky J ;~idesJ Loo-. .ot.aendor'f and Jeff Hecht,.

NOH badminton nets have been put up on the Sonj,or Campus.

Front: Eric Seigmeister and Andrew Lawrence. First row: Martin Lipman, E~an Katz, Roger Koplin, 1.fichael Kohner" steve Rosenberg, Ralph. Leezenbaum, Peter Dorsen" Richa.rd Israeloff, Henry Krumholz. Second Row: Justin Drellich, Bobby Fischer, Do.nald Howard Harvey Cove, Ben Folkman, BaI"l""J SiegelJ Steve HeITmann, Ricky Firlel" Bobby SpYder. Counselors: Jack Feinberg" Mark Lorrin, and Flick Fleischer.

FrOnt. Leslie Charmatz, Ken Graulich, BarlY Muskat, Larl'7 Hirsch. First row: Bobby Greifinger, Robert Denholtz, Alan Bolten, Ken Montag" Richard Blomberg, Randy Pace, Steve Shapir~, Lee Kaufman, Freddie Rosenberg" Johrmy Leikensohn. Second row: Robert Gindes, Jeff Frank" Alan Eerdy, Robert Aberlin, TomnyTarger, Eddie Freedman, Mal Zimmerman, Johnnie Nathan,;Y KatZ., Jeff Golden. Counselors:

Sy Fa.rber, Marty Meer, .By Grossman, Ed Petennan, Mal. Goldstein, Bob Friechnan, Jerry Musher.


tJt .1ew.n, MaM..

VOL 26 • TO 3 22 .nJLY 1954



~J Chuck Saletan

Sy Grossman and his staff rroduced liTho Od.ytiGoy of RUl'l,.yon Jonos" ~aturd~' night at the Lodge.

The 'l-1cll-lmOl'ffi radio play l-TaS r.i tncssod by the Junior and Senior ~amps and a large number of parents.

Tho Lodge grcn quiet as lights

In the st.ago blinked ... IICn the ,'.ir." Itation !lIm began broadcasting ,'lith labert Fisher in tho lead role, playing ihe part, of a hoy searching for his


DaVid Lieberman , T2', ~laS the mnouncor, Helen Crestin pl~rcd

[other N~.turo. others in the cast were J. [arvoy Grossman, B?, Jeff Hecht, T5,

[kc Biber, T3, BonFol~~n, C3~ and

Le i)olcshuck, T3.

Ed Po tor-nan provf.ded special nmsic<U. ['fects and Flick Flcisbhcr teas the sound ffects man.

,:.ndy Lat'lrcnce, C3, was the stae;c a~ger.

,'.fter the ShO:'1 1;'TaS over and the ilIlior Camp left, the So;:u.or Carep played

''1usica.l :'a!.1C. The contestant trou Id eave the lodge and then try to folloil ac indructions of the 7lUsic uhich

rcu louder as he cli_dthc right thing.

bb Bregman 'tIT3S the counsellor contestant.

~ LUTE1S, C;J'rm:~~ dl\'I])' 'JJ)ES ,D ',J\TCE Sr1THR·~lJ..ED B;: nmI.'J:I HILL

By ;J_ Goldstein

Last .Saturda;y night the l'm,iters, bv the ~ cnocas am Aidos found themselves in a rum ai d inviting atmo sphere.

They visited the talented Girls of Indian Hill.

The group arri vcd at n;)O p '. rn. and . ~~cdiatc1vv noticed th~t tiie Indian Hill comper-e ~)rovidedtheir otm nusic.

T~1ey trerc entertained by two soloists 11ho study at Indian Hill. They Nero treated to such selections as nOld 'iiall ~ivEJrJ I' lI'~ie'l-7 Orleans, II and !lYou' 11

Hever 'Talk •. 10ne.1I

The "lUsie, ref'rnshrncnt.s, and dancing made '''or a VOl'"Jr cnj oyabl,o ovening.

Boys 't!!10 made the trip ,included:

Sonecas-Dick ili'cllich, Leonard Z.:tl'llore" Don Donchd., 'lan" olfson, :.ndy Tessler, Ba:cr'J E"il V8!'1'm.n and Jerry Grossman, ~.i.dos"Lec '1'ietzcndorf, ftcve Klein,

and Joff }Ieoht~ Uaiters-·,J. Goldstein,. Ken Barnett, '-ike Lamkay, JerI1r Elo-

wi tz, lIar!jT liQl·rard and Bob Shapiro.


~J Larry Hirsch

The Juniors had a ca~''Pfire Tuesdayrri.:;ht. fly am Ed Peterman vere in Gh,;u-gQ .• , ~1_f1:>eT·. tl1TO games a story 101'65 told by Hob Flhnbcrg.






lED BY Brm BB.EG-~ 'N :.J D CH1\R1ffi !'CHULTY

By Lmris Bateman and Tod Fineberg

Bunks three, four and fi V6 1vent on [ overnight hike to Berr'lJ Pond on July ~th.·,'Jo loft camp at .,.bout 10 a.'n. and iached the entrance to the campsd, te lout 10=45 a."l.

Then we lri.kcd to Ber-ry Pond. The lrat hiker to get the::ce igas John I'MiasIn.

v1henwereached the carsp site 1-1e rrrtediately pitched our tents 'while Bob regman and steve IQein prepared lunch.

".Iter lunch we had a rest and nost :- us tried out our sleeping bags.

:ter our rest period, one quarter of Je group "lent on a and picked arries.

The group that 1'las left Nent S"nm ..

Lng. They ca1.[?;ht sal.anandez-s end frogs .• rter that He had a delicious din:."1erthat Ichboy cooked himself.

.'.iter dinner ':';!ost of us went on a ,ar hike .,rith Charlie. He Here>inted not to see any star s because of re haze.

Ue had a good night's sloep. That ~, most of us did. In the l1"orning 1I1e

J.d a good breakfast and wore on our uay ack to C:)}'!'1.p.

The first hiker to reach the entrance is '~ike Luf'tman; Right alongside liere

)d Fineberg and i' ack Fertig.

Frances treated us all to ice cream.

The boys 1rlhollentwere:: Van Brody,

tvid Kauf'11aIl .• Jef! [lirsch,. Jeff Lat-Trence, tvid Bruck and Jon Edelstein (Bunk 3»). . -ed Levris, Bobby stracks, Robert Tell"

dd Fineberg, Richard 2011'lerance and'

ick Fertig (Bunk 4); Schuartz,

,al De",lby, Uichael Luft;nan, Roas Heller td tevTis Bat.emanj, (Bunk ;;).

The La s t Totc"n said Dodo Sculpted l elephant. It was really Helen.

CHEROIW"....s :2PlECL.TE 1rmf ;3E C.:~UGHT TIl R;JH STORl'f

By Lenny Levitt

The Charokee s Hcnt to l·~ount Grey10ck on T'Tednesday, July 14.

The trip took about an hour as ue arrived at our destination near noon, just in t~ne to )itch our tents and devour our lunch.

:.fter exploring our caapsf te., He left on our hike. He first climbed In(ian trail. and tlien ~~isery trail. Upon rea.ching the top we .stoppedto get ccndy, ice cr-eam etc. and to ad ... mire the beautiful vie'l-t. \'je returned to our campsite at about six o·clock.

\1e prepared our supper of hamburgers. Eleven tired, conterlted campers crmoJled into sleeping bags that night alL-ready to venture into sltlJ'1'looio berland. Up above" storm clouds hovered menacingly,.

.\.nd so it nas that the clouds teelnng rain, unloaded its precipi tation on the boys from CClJi1p

i Iah-Ireo-nac ,

But two tents held up.

The other campers evacuated and ran for shelter.

!.ndso at 1:45 a.m. we Here all assembled about the canp f.ire listening to George Hirshfield read Edgar .Ulen Poe, "Fall of the House of Usher." &'J.3 a..m.we were all asleep.

The next day we le ft after lunch toclil1lb to the top of the \ve exp'Lor ed a TV station, HT DT.

1'[0 returned to our c~te for a uell deserved meal md sleep.

,,\iter breakfast the next day Dave came and picked us up.

..ill the boys enjoyed the trip, Participant a are listed on last page. '

22 JULY l.954

rrm 'i.N G:~i 'F.S pt'.':LYED ~\T C"'~Hp FI]E

LED BY JOE :.:ro::O"IITZ .1l'lD JE..rr~Y j \'EISEL

T ~Ol-1TY ':' 'OIlTGO . KltY HE-'X)0 TEH TIS T_·.LE1'1'!':Sn S.C~-IOL.·R .·jID :.THLETE

By Richard C'tempel

By Lema Bateman

Henry C. (Fionty) ~1ontgo~ner.f is in charge of the tennis program here at 1 !ah-kee-.nac.

Jrondcw night the SCJlior Camp rritnessed he second c~fire of thecarnp season at he Council Ring.

Jerry )~eisol and Joe Horo'tntz led the rolic.

~jonty Has born in SeY!l1.our, Indiana in feptember, 1901. He \-Tas educated at Hanover College, Columbus, Ohi.c, and rccei ved his r~aster,lo and Docto~is degreos at the University

of I1J_inoie,.,'fonty is a Professor

at !'iiaiu University, oxrord Ohio.

He is head of the Classics, Dep art:.mnt ther~

The program began ui th the singing [ the "lah ... kee ... nac song.

Four Navajos tried their luck uhen

erry gave the"l'll: a string 1tJi th a marsb-

11loll at one end. The rules "Here sirilple. II the~r had ,to do .,;O,S' t.he cllew t.he string .. _Ill: they ate the IIlarshlllillOl'1.

~!011ty1 s hoobf.e s are t.enrrl s and music. He is married and has threo children.

The Cheyennes then had a paper \valldng lC e. The Cherokees 11 ad fun balancing a rbaboe on a spoon.

!TontY!'IaS the Lnt.erco Ll.egi at.e singles and doubles champd.on of Inc.iana and also '.lon'tournar,lents in Illirll:llis and COlC,l~ ado.

At the half"'l1a;j mark Joe and JeI"!"'-J

td the camps rs in "patsy orey orey aye.n

ItThe mighty Cherokee s" as they 1'1 ere Q_led by Jerl"lJ showed their strength

l the Indian hand wrestle. The Che:iren:(19S; It to be outdone, demonstrated the Indian lOt vll'cstle.

He nas captain of the tennis team at Hanover. He coached tennis at 1va.bash College, Indiana, for tl1elve years.

Two Navajo tribesmen pla,yed 1T0h lather" after the game 1'1asdenonstrated Jerry and Joe. Ray ICen.nedy and Dick llar plawed the game also.

j'"ont~T pla;red football, basketball and baseball at college ani tras captain of the basketball team.

! onirlJ has had no previous IC.$' p experience, but he lika nah~kee .. nac.

The carnpfircclosed Hith the singing taps. ""ost of the c81~rs are looking rward to our next carnpfi.r.e..


Last Fric_a~r night Camp ~·ah-keenac held its third Sabbath se~ce of this camp season.

1-1any parents "1ere present for the services.

Cru .... pers trho participated 'Here:

Eric,.Larry Spritzer, Joel Siegel, Brooks Hirsch, Jeffery Fisch) Kenneth Segal Robert Kruvant and, ' Phil .Zcl"71aJ.'lslzy.

THE TarEU. __;4:;:;._. . 2Z:_-,_JOLY 1954


On July 12th Bunks one and tiiO ;:Jntto the fish hatohery ncar Great !lrrington.

Thero they saw different kinds L trout in circular concreto pool.~.

ae caretaker was helpful and answered any of the boysl questions.

The boys then left for a picnic

,te. Upon arriving they ate their mchwhich consisted of bologna, cheese, ~p1es and milk.

~',.ftcr lunch they played hide and eek until Dave told thorn they had to ;)9

On the ,ay back they stopped at riendly' s for icc cream.

Jerry ~"'iiesol and ~'J. Davt.s accomani.ed the boys.


By l'aek Fertig

After a yearrs absence riflery has )me back to 'in!:l-kco-nac.

i~:rthur R. Peele a £<J .R... instructor ! in char~ of the program here. He

is won many aHards.

In Camp Hah-kee-nac there are avon rifles, three Savagos, two .nchcsber-sj one Remington, and ono .ovcns;

Awards for proficiency in shooting !rough July 20th ar-c as follow.6:I'

l'filton Reitman, B2, Bobby

,racks, B 4, Bobby Tell, Hark sm an, B 4, iek Fertig, B 4, Eric Chi vian, 1fnrksn, B 6, Robert Kruvnnt,. B 6, Robert niels, B 8" ~Uan Hintz, B 8, Ken odrow, Marksman, B 8,Mek Drcllich, alpshooter, B 9" Hike Rosenbaum, T 2, bert Graulich,' ffarksmun, T 4, Hark morf, Marksman, T 4, and J'1nrlMnlkor, 4.

All pro-marksman in addition to

signat~on. .


B"J }ifichael Marke.nsohn

Capture the flag was the activity for Thursday night"

All the boys of the Senior Camp wont to the hardball diamond. Two teams \~cro selected. One team woro hankcrchiofs around their wrists.

The object of the game is to capture tho other team's flag .. ri. t))o... out being taggodby one ,of the other terun,. If while goingaftor the flag you are tagged by one of the. other team in the other team"s territory, you go to the pri mODo The only way to be. freed is if one of your Olom team mates touches the last

man in line. Then all the prisoners ore freed.

There is also a zone not controlled. by either team.

The other team.'.s flag is within a circle -wmich is guarded by four boys. You cannot be tagged until you arc wi thin the circle. When the flag is picked up three points are earned. If you get back to your

own territory lvithout being tagged your te zm get s fi va point s.

Tho team wenring the hankerchi.ef s won by six points., Finnl scoro-

21 to 15.


By Lonny U:lvitt

Camp Mah ... koo-nac boasts fine c.rcheIjr .facillties"mnong the best in this area.,

.'lnd John l1assiamnnois conducting many new expor-imont s this year. Tribe·· shootoffs bogan last Tuesd~. Each

tribe will shoot at 15, 20, and )0 yards. The ten highest scores of

each tribe loJ'ill be totalled to decide :which tIi. be is champion. About 36 campers can shoob at once. Lator a large.tnrgettrl.ll be set up at 80 yard..~

Tribe lenders Dick Pomer-anea,

210 Don Do . S.iog('~.. 135,

THE TarE" 5 22 JULY 1954



H:I!. rans .~1D Fr.lJR ~rys ::1 . ~ORK

By Dick Drellich

Hal Im'l)'is and a group of Junior camper-a are rei?ainting the Totem Pol.e in the Junior Camp_.

Hal and the boys have been hard at work each day scraping the old paint array.

The pole tras built en d put in ' place in 1947 under Hal's direction. ti'ter all that tiJ."lC the paint job ~\Tas in poor condition.

The boys llho have hel)od scrape off the old paint 1,r.i.ll also Tepsi nt the pole. They are .. l.lan Bcrely" C 7, To'11 Targer, C 5, N'a]_ Zi',l!!let"!'1al1, C 5; and Steve :oc,senberg, C 1.

Even the ca.:';1per painter, "J.oy, has spent some time in helping to, scrape the old paint off. :~ftc~ all" seven years is a long till1~


Eleven Cherokees went to~~ount Grey-lock last iTecinesd<tf.

They 'l'fero. driven to and f'~a:3the area by Dave Daniels.

They wer'e as follOllS: Lenny Levitt, :I i1:e rtosenbau.:;,;\, Dave Lieberman, Ronnie :!om, ann, Je ~f OI'ren, Stuart .'ones, Golc'bcrbJ Bobby Fisch, steve Jaffe, Jeff Kovall, and John Lotrenstein.

Counsellors uhosupcrvisedthe trip t'191'9 Charlie l' ;cNU} ty and George Hershfield.

Le ster Barcknan i s giVing carpenters competition these days.

is easier to get into Cl).ilting your feet on stones since

Le s eonst.rucbad extensions to the dock from bits of spare ",ood.

First row: steve Hecht, Howard Cohen, Van Brody, Peter Lowy, Johnny Weisman, Milton Reitman, Steve Katz. Second row: David Kaufman, Richard Black, Robert Tell, .uec Sohwartz, Lewis Bateman, David Bruck, Bobby Stracke, ·Jeff Hirsch, Fred I,ewis, Michael Luftman, Steve Nisenson, Roger Lowenstein. Third row: Todd Fineberg, Richard Wasserman". Richani Pomerance., Mike stiglitz, Alan Tessler, J.eff Lawrence, Stewart Hennan" Mack Fertig, Jon Edelstein, Robert Silverstein, Neal Demby, Ross Heller. Counselors: Dan Jaffe, Jim Miller, Joe Horowitz, Ray Kenne~, Hal Leus.

Front: Riohard .Allison, Jeff Fisch. First row: Kenru Woodrow, Bobby Daniels, Henr,y Simon., Bobby Balis., ·Jon Siegel, Howard steinberg, Br~oks Hirsch, !Jerry Fr1edland,Kenror Segal, Jerry Pitman, David Hitzig, DlU~ 'Zimnermsn, Ri.chard stempel, Eric Chivi~, Alan Mintz, Joel Siegel; and La:rry Spmtzer. Counselors: B11l 'Zeff1ro, Jerry' Meisel..



.t .l1lllM,. Mezu.

29 JULy 1954


VOL 26 NO ~

J 1'lDJ}\j\l ~jjL l

The Indian Hill ~~usic ";arkshop p~cs;"l"lte-d the Ballet Ba.Uap~'Susanra and the &ders" at the Lodge Saturday n;) • ..ght.

The vi~it by the Indian Hill ~uP off<»'edantm"tainr.lent O\f a caliber

or the third year here. A program -:;f Ar.Jerican .colk sonsa, na.drigals

nd orchestral 1')ieces was given.

The balle.a of SUs,c!:.nna featured ccstuned dancing and solo v:ocal numbers., ah-kee-nae Vie'ifCTS were especiallY Inpreased by the '\vork of T;)':illiam Denpsey ho played the a-E:.8chw and Leah Sch'''ill'tz and Perryno Anker who danced and ang the part of Susanna.

The pr-ogran was given at tm different tmes for roth the Junior and.

eni:'>r cru::1ps. Nunerous parents and gucs1;.s wer-e present far the show.

The Indian Hill Group was under the dfrecti~n of .. Ior decad Bauman nd 3ve Gentry.




By Lew.y I.ev.i tt

!Iiah-Kee-Naewill .hold its annual Carnival a.g.ain tthis yetrr. The big day will

Ie August 14,

The queStion of having a 6a.rnivaJ. again was brought up at the first

eeting of the Caoper Council aud bunk representatives decided that the roject was just. about worn out,. However, no otber means of raising t l'e ondy for charity was suggested.

Later at a f1uster of the entire Senior a vote was taken. By a arga "lajor±ty the carn;ivalW'as kept alive.

The Carn!valhas become a lli!h-Kee-Nao tr~d:l.tion. Each year the 11'" 0- eeds go to charity. The affa:ir is sponsored by the CaaperCouncU organi .. at Ion which \vill decide for which charity or charities the !:loney is des1gna .... ed.

TID: TOTEli 2: __;29 JULy 195LI


GcrnpUed by Todd Fi.. .. 1.eberg

This weeks question: WHA.T DO YOJ THINK IN G1Th'ETIALOF O.D. t S (pardon the expr 3ssion)?

NEIL year at Hah-kee-nac ... ,t'I think we could do without ther.1."

i1.0iTNY NOIlIMANN-4th year-"! think tl1ey are too strict."

FRED LE.YIS-5th yea:r_rl I am oarti<ll to them."

DAVE DRUCK-1st yeo.r_11 I think thejr are good because if you get sick they will help you.lI

RICPMD ABEJ:,..lst year_II I think they should be d tscont.tnued ,"

STEVE HECIIT-3rd y3ar-,tO.D.' s would be ok if they would lot you tal;.11


Perhaps you have heard strange Lses corring from the back of the


It pr obab'ly was Mc:.rk Lorrin and s students. Camper's are studying ven difff' Inst.runent s under the telage of i~rk and Ed Pet-erman;

Eark teaches woodwinds and strings. heads the brass scction.

Students participating in the )gram are as follows:

Clarinet;..Robert Fisher,' C3, Steven senber-g , CI, EV'an Katz, C2, Lee Kauf- 1, c6,' ITic Sier,neister, ClJi ~llich, C2, and Ross Heller, B5.

Flute-Barton Balis, C9.

Saxophone-Lewis Miller, C9.

Tonette-Jeffre.1 F~elsteinJ ClO.

Violin-Ralph Leezenbaum, C2.

Trumpet-Henry Krumholz, C3, Richard lelof, C2, ~ddie Rese, ClO, stanl~ st, CIO, Richard Blomberg, C7 J and

zr Dcr sen, Cl.

Trombone-Andrew Lawrence, C3.



B'.r Mike Rosenbaum

l.1ah-kee-nac boasts a versatile and experionced nedical staff.

The big 1"1B.n with the glasses is really Dr. S"Jlvan Stool. He 'has hidden his texas accent well. Dr. stool is an Force veteran and

is a well traveled individual thanks to the govcr-nment ,

Amon.g his other talents he plays the uldian oboe and SCUlpts.

Helen Crestin and Dodo Gilman are both graduates of Beth Israel Hosp f.t.a.l, in' Boston. Dodcj as 'We all know by nor" is a cat lover, and she clains to be an' expert on modern and classical r.rusic.

Helen is an expert on bones. 1.'Ti8h bones, that is. She collects them

as a hobby and does not discriminate between, ducks, chickens, turkeys, etc. In the faU she plans to go to school' or travel while collecting wish bones.

All the infirmar,y staff agrees, "Health is vfiry :important :in camp."

campers in bunks one to five in the Senior Camp are 6etting used' to the new cubbies and hanger space.

~JI~H~E~T~~~~J~~~~·~·nm ~u~ 29JmJl~4



By steve Klein By ChuOk So.letall


To-ho-ne defeated a fighting Rurr.C"'rss were flying around carsp team 7-6 in an exciting ror the last week that a, new boat was

~2.n.e here last ':'fednesday. soon to be purchased .•.

Both teanE scor-ed a !'Un in the f:u~ f'"t .z'rente on walks and errors.

Tuesday afternoon thE: runor s v._rer e pr oven true. The boatm,s driven to Stoc.kbridge by car and launched there

SO it would make ita f:irst arrival by vtater.

To-ho-ne jumped to 4-1 load in the second L1ning and the Bcore remained that 'v'18¥ until the bottom of

thl3 third when Bobby Levy tripled and The boat is 12 feet long and has

.Norman Goldbzre singled him :iJ:I to score. a 25 horsepower notor II It has three

'. . . controls, reverse, forv'lard and neutral.

Ronny Nordmann, J~l-keG-nac pltchar,

alloll'roo only one man to reach base for It can make an eight foot turn

the visitors in t~e fou::th• Then without over.

Hah-kee-nao tied lt up an the bot tom

of the inning on a group of fr ee pass es and a To-ho-ne error.

Both teams failed to score In the fi:eth J.nning but in the succeeding fraIae To...ho-ne br'oke the deadlock Vii. th two hits and a sacrifice to make the score 5-4.

Hah-kee-na.c threatened in the bottom half of the inning tilling the bases but failing to score.

To-ho-ne increased its rnargain in the scvqnth scoring twice on two hits and a "Walk, Score going into the bot.boa of the sevent.h showed

To ... ho-ne leading 7-4.

Viike RosenbauL1. Ronny Nordmann

and Lenny Levitt singled in euccess i.on when Mah-k0e-nao came tG bat, Bobby LE."JY's try was error ad by the To-ho-ne second bascnan and all ha.nds were safe. After two quick pop OU15 Dick Pomerance walked to drive in anothttr run making the score 7-6 with two oms and the bases full. But the fina;!. Hah .. kee--nac babt er lined out to end the ganef

It will be able to pun. two water skiers at the S~Je ti~e.

At least one observor says that it nay be one of the fastest craft of its kind in this area.


By f·iichael Markensohn Mah-kee-nac • e new motor boat finally


The entire camp was called down to t.hc water .f'ront to see it arrive;

There was a band conposed of To!!! Goldman, Ed Petel'lUan, Monty l\·lont· cyornary and Al Kenpler Which played fro~ the T-dock a musical greeting.

the counsellors had to keep tellingt.he boys to get off the beach and gnto the steps.

EJ'VteryboQy" was eag~ to see the boab; Ray Kenneqy arrived on water skies with Les Barc lenan in the front seat when the 'craft arrived. Al Davis arr-Ived behind another boat. All the participants were dressed as Indians.

The water skiing and aquaplanins' , pr-ograra will benefit fro.ra the new boat.

THE TOTEM ;;..,, .;;.:29 JULy 19!? __ 4 _


Last lIondayall. the Senecas and Alqonquinswi thtbe exception ot' B:lrry J.verman le£'t tor a three day trip to Mount Washington.

"."ie left camp at lOs55 a.m, and headed tor our destination. Atl p .• m.

I atcpped for lunch. Alter about, 15 minutes on. the road We sraelled rubber Irning, The collar of the emergency brake was stuck. After its ropair'

! didn't. stop except for three rest periods.

1'[e a.r.rived at 7 :35 1?T:l.. The trip was 250 miles. our f1ret attraction

LS the 11952 foot sky-nobile which we immediately took to the top of Cranllore. Ie long rid'e was a thri.Uing experience. 'The view was wonderful and asked.

) be photogranhed but thorewas not enough light.

We then took a two nile hike to E)choLake.; 1.1Te pitched ,camp there and

~e dinner. Then we went to bed only to be awakened by a. group of swinners. louting a.t the top of thoir lungs at 1 a,m. ~;.fe slept again until 5 :30 a.m. len we awoke and had breakfast.

After breakfast we took a t.wenty role ride to Glen Ellis Falls and then 1 to Pinkham Notch where we parked the car and began the ascent of ]-tount J;sh1ngton. After four hours of hard elinbing we reached the sumnit. We e~e 6,250 feet up. There we had a short rest and lunch. Thedoscalt t.ook

? two hours.

We drove up to Gorha1'!1 to eat dinner and then. continued on to Zealand State lrkwhere we camped and spent a. night fighting the rain, bugs and g::meral wetness ..

The next morning .it. was still ra.;ining a;s we .Loo ked at the old man and the ounta:in, and the aerial tramway. Then we drove thr ough the rain hitting a W'lber of interesting points beror e arriVing hone. A wonderful dinner of pot bast and spagetti was waiting for us.

The following boys made the tripr Andy Tessler6 DiCk Dre1lioh" Jerry ~o5sman, Alan Wolfson, Don Donchi.Loorzy- ZaP.1ore, PhU Zem.ansq, Tom Golden, F.d Cohen) Counsellors., Charlie McNulty and Hal Goldstein.


BY Norman Goldberg "and John LoWen'stein

How long have you wonder-ed where the "svTan:p" leads to? H81Y expeditions

avo set out to find the end, but none have succeeded until now. '

'Monday at 9 a.~. two car-ypers, Nornan' Goldberg and John Lowenstein" and ne counsellor, Geor~e HirshfieldJ sliYlped out of Lake Ma.h ... kee-nae and

eaded for the SV~P. Their purpose Vias to Locat.e the source of the narrow tream leading into the S'waW., All three were heavily clothed for -s;>ratection

gainst insects, .

After several of paddling through a swar.xpy str'eam they reached Ibruptly an' eoct.remely rocl'\{ area (rapids ) a.nd were forced to portage the ance on their shoulders. This "tas exceedingly strenuous, for they had to

larry over slippery rocks and through knee deep water.. (cant. next page.)

All members of the expedition believe the lake is roan-made and that

18 stream carries the excess water (caused by the original stream flowing Ito the lake) into our lake.


THE TOTFl~ 6 29 JULy 1954

----------------------- -------------------.~------~------------

ffi~P S~CH •••••••••••• ,

After a. while, the territory became '.·0 impassable that they were compal.Led J leave the canoe behind and hike the rest of the way.

After following the stream for several miles they came upon an uncharted lke, and started to follow the edge in hope of finding civilization, By

ien it was near lunch time and it was .eared they would be unable to return ) camp until 2: p.m.

Finally they sighted from across a large field a road about 100 yards away. ion reaching it, they saw a tower which they recognized as part of the old

1 eatleigh Estatej.(which is only a ten minute 'walk from canp~.,

Then they proceeded to camp just in tintt for lunch. The can oe was ttrieved during the afternoon activity period .•

Thus the old mystery of t}'\3 "swanp" was S'olvoo.



__ RouTE fa I low£. D

I-HE_T_O_TE- .... ,f~ _f ~ __ - •• _ .... "_~ __ 7 ....... ~ ~ ., 29 JULy l~k. __ ....... _


By Ben FolkrJan

Twenty-four Junior Campers and nine Dr' CannQl'S went to. a rehearsal of the :»1 q.ll~hf)ny Orchestra at TanglsvlOod rdav norritng ,

They saw Charles ;~unch conduct. a reo~D.I of Hoct.or Berlioz I s "Har o.l.d In

Til with the vi:J.list ··'illiam Prj.:Jl" Dloist.

The Junior canper a yr110 attended wore: 9.e1 Kohner , 0.3, Donald Howard, C3,

rt Fisher" C3, Ben Folk'.1an, C3, Henry holz, e3, Andr9w' La'J'Il"cnce, 03" P~ter en, Cl .. Stephen Rosenberg, Cl, Fa.rtin an, 09, Eric Siegmeieter, Gl, Ral~)h enbaun, C2, Herbert Zarl'lansky, C2,

in Drellich, C2" Ed Froedr.1an~ eL,

If Katz, 07, Fred R0senbarg, C7, Ken lich, t7" Richard Bloj·-_1Je.rg, C7, Barton s, C9, Ricl:;r Firtel, C2J JiTM Katz, Richard IsraGlof, C2, Barry Siegel, C2; 8o~)by 6nyderJ 03.

Senior 6aT:1pers who made the trip

: Levds Bat enan, B5, Jeff Lawr enca, David, Bruck, B3, Ross Hellar, B5, Hirsch, B3, Ton Goldman, T6, Richard pel., B8, Phil, 1'6, and Edelstein.

The group was accompanied by nus tc sellors T"ark· Lorrin and Ed Pet.ernan; y "usher , s;r Farber and Helen Qr:-estil'l made the trip.

-.~- . ..-~.. - -_. ~----.,,",,,--~ ---"---


fhe weekend of August 7 will have Kee-Nac camp er s perforning a_t !fangle-

The chorus vh ioh has al ready been cbed will take part in a pr of' 'crnane a,

No doubt many pa;J:'ents wili vant to md. . It has been suggested that they tearly arr-ang enent.s .1J1J contacting Kruger· by phone,,'


By Todd Fineberg

The Ca.t'!pet' Council met twice within the week.

Each bunk or tent elected a

rSOTesent8.tive. They are: Peter

Lorvy" Bl, Mike c:otiglitz, B2., Dave Bruck, BJ, Dick Poneranc ej B4, Lewis, B5, Joel Siegel, ~ 136" Jerry Pitman, B1. Henry Lipman, B8" Bobby Fisch .. Xl, David Lie'Je!'l!1an, T2, ! -ike FciIl('X",. T) trJ.d : -:.lX'lc _. alker .. 'Th.'.' ~

At the f:irst meeting Joe Kruger 'Jutli.l'led the ~les of nroeedul'e.

He tnat each~boy had to raise his hands and he would have the floor.

It 1'Jl!!.S decided to have the same delegates each week.

It was dayidcd to have a cal'.lp~ chairnan.

Lewis Bat oman said that his bunk wanted better movies. Joe

set up a 1"10\1'10 C01!lr:littee to discuss the p-oblem.

Henry Lipr.Jan brought up the 1l1lUestion of a Carnival. It was discussed.

Dick Pomer-ai co complained that it was hard to reach the new cubbies.

. l~~k 'lalkcr comnl.ained that parents stay too long. It was decided that they should .ari'.ive after clean up] and leave

at f:irst call. They day· come after

rest :peTiod, stay till supper :and ret\r n after -supper,

The ;:;ovie comm ttee is made up

of Lel!'ds Bateman, Jerry GroSSlnall, Bob\lly Fisch and David tiebernan.

1~1ke F·311er. announced that his bunkwant ed or-e and 10nper trips.

_ Both p1eetings were int,~resting._ very difficult to unless verY earzy preparat1.P.ns are made.

First row: Michael Markensohn~ John Lowenstein, ¥.ike Rosenbaum, Mike Biber, Jeff Kova11" Leonard Levitt. Second row: Ricky Abel, David Lieberman, stuart Ames, steve Jaffe, Mark Wa!. ker, Bob Graulich, Noman Goldberg, Jeff Owen, Marc Hi."I'loff. Third row: Counselor Bob Bregman, Chuck Saletan, Vic Poleshuck, Ronnie Nordmann., Counselor Henry HontgOllle:ry, Bobby Levy, Mike Feller, EobbyFisch" Counselor George Hirschfield.

lA, , ~/i~.:, ~"" 00' ',' '·m' '1"1' [I1!A~

. '" j .": .. , ' Ii.'" =~ ,1- "', :~ .\ ,; ,.' '

, _, . -, t • . \' _ I, I • . . • ... ~ ,i \ I.' ~ ! ~~"


at .leHlJ4" Mau.

5 AUGUST 1954

VOL 26 NO 5

J\ED Df\Y\ll'I f\I\J\l YES

By John Lowenstein By Le"11s Bat enan

On Uonday night the Senior canp« The long expected arrival of

.Te was entertained by Red Dawn who Red Dawn occured th is week. Mah-Kee.-iNaci s

.d just recently arr aved to tare charge new Indian lore counsellor is a natdve

I the :D.idian lore progran here at Mah- of Sioux Falls, South Dakota where he

:ee-Nac. This was his first appearance spent no sb of his life"

I fUll Inian dress. Red Davm's great grand-

The canpfire acti- I, NO )A, N LOR E father, Chief Eagle

.ties "mre opened vrith Feather was one of the

gr-oup-edng led by Al chiefs of the seven'

wis. ~Jddenly up the B.1 L~vis Batenantribes of the Sioux. His

Lth came Al Kenpler, tribe was the santee

iy Kennedy" Bill Zef- Red Davmls arrival means tribe.

I ,- H the growth of the Indian lore

ll'o) Al Zuch, Joe .0-

)witz .and Dick 1.~i1- full proportions.

rr who sang "I wanna ) Home'' for the enlr e camping croup ..

Then Al I{empler io k out his accordi- 1 and led the boys

1 Israeli songs.

Soon after Red

;twn entered the "counn r Ing" in all of

Ls Indian garb. He !cplained to the boys

tlat he and his assf.s- 3.nt, Bob Hendren, had sen travelling tlll'oughilt the country. The-.r iLd sonething about

ae different tribes

ney had visit.ed.

Red Dawn told

r his history and 1'6'ed his name is steve es.

The pr-ogr an will be highlighted by two ccrenonials. .

The fir:::;t one will be the couneil of seven ·.-ires. The second has not yet been decided upon.

Red Daym will also be active in the ;_:lreparation of Junior canpfires as well as Senior canpfires.

In the norming the boys

of the Senior carp nay go up

to the "council ringll to learn dance and sign language. In the afternoon Red Dawn will teach Indian crafts"

FATHtR 'COUN, E:LLQ1i.S· Mah-Kee-Nac has had two father counsellors last 'VTeek. They rrer e Bill Furst and Hernan Howard. Thelir sons are stan and Donald of ClO and C3 ..

Red Dawn is a graduate of SioUX Falls College where he received his B.A. In the winter he

is an instructor of In .... dian lore at his alD.a-


Duril1g the last Vial" he served in the medical corp,

Bob Hendren, his aseaat.ant , is a high school Indian lore student .. · 'This sur.mer Red Da'illnm d Bob have been -&0 12 other can ps.

ijed Da:wn I e father was .i secretary of the YHCA and vns a graduatp of 1;he YMCA college lfl Springfield, Hass.·

h He has all. old and

o o:rao:te ill:.~or:r.


3 S_A~UG~U_ST __ 1~9~54~ _


f1fNTORS" CN~P~RS i.R'1 ACrl'DlS I~~ '.,_T ~~trH.Ol'T !.CTDlITI', Y,AKING FINE HEA.n 'AY :;JANY PA,cS S1-!n':~'I!\D, 140ATIIJG APD C:\,]O ·,Ii:G T'8TS DUB.I~,'(~ Fn:.ST PJl-\.LF 01" SEASON

By Todd Fineborg

The ~reat '·l8.,jority of tho boys in. the Senior CatiIp have already pa ss ed ~r 1,00 yard Sillr'!)ling tests and ~'W.l1y have qualified in canoeing, sa.iling b 1C'.tL1r: as well.

Si:':t~f-Six b'7S have been able to swi.r: the 400 yard dist2nce thus faJ:'.

Tho ly)ys ,,;-1}0 have qualifi8d thus far are aE' fnllmrrs:

Navajos: Bunk l-R:i.chard Black, !.t00, BB(F.asic BJating); Steve Hechb , l!.O<D, BB;

er L~We.i1Stci.n, TID; Petor L)w;'J, 400, BB; Richard lTaS1:.'Olrr:an, 400, BS(Ba ic .~ailing~ fk 2- Hovrarci Cohen, L:oo; ilt::m :=I.eit!:lan, 400" BB5 Howar-d Silverstein, Loa, BE .•

k 3-Van Brody, 400, BO('ic Csnocing), AC (Advnncac Can')oing); Jon ~delstein,

, BB, BC; David, 1100, BB, 1~C? Jeff ~~·.Tonce, 400, BC, AC. Bunk 4-

d Fineberg, 400, BBr' Be; l-;red Lewis, 0'/0 f BC, AC_; Bobby Str:::.cks, 400, BB.

~ 5-1ewi::; Bat.enan , 400, BO; i..rcal De b:~, 400, EC,. Bn~ Ross :SaIlor, BS; -[;ichael Itnan, bOO, BO; Alec Schwartz, [,00, BB.

Cheyennes: Bunk 6-:&"io Cl'iviall, 400, :bC, AO; Jeff Fisch, 40:',; Brooks

ch, AS; Robert Kruv-ant, 400, BC; Kon Segal, Loo, BB, BCl Jocs Siegel, 400, larry Sp~itzerJ' 400, BB, EC, AC. Bunk 7- Richard} 11is01, 400, BC:; Gerald ,()dland~ MO, BB, BC; D",vid Eitzig, )~OO, Be;; Jerry Pit.nan, hOO, 00; JOll Siegel, , BSJ BB, BC; John 'Ieis:,an., 400, BB. Bunk 8-Bobbjl~ Daniels, 400, BC, AC;

.n ~r.intz, 400, . Bj Henry Sinon, hOo, BB, BC:; R. chard ste:1pel, 400, 1\en'loodrov-, I, PB, BC; Doug Zi:; 1(['· ... 18. .. '1, WOO, BC ..

Cherokees: TO:1t 1-B· bby Ff.sch, !JOO; N?r •. .an G')ld~)Crg, 400, BC; Steve Jaffe, , BB; Jeff Kovall,. ~OO; John L)".'.rr~_stE)in, hOOI BC. Tent2-..Stuart AJ"'les, 400, Lenny Levitt, uOO; David Lie>")er:-l3J:1, uoo, BS, BC; R:mny ~!Ordt:al1.11, Lloo; Jeff In, i.100; ; 'ike R''l.'7l, Loo, BC. 'rent 3-. 'ike 3iber" 400, BC; ~'ike ?ellcr,

I, BC; ~~ike - ar keneohn, EB; Vic ?:::l 'shuck, hOO, '=\s, BC; Tent 4-Rick:v Al"lcl, 400, Bcbby Graulich, 400, BC; iicrc Hin~'··:'., 13:8; Bobby Levy" LOG,BB; . "ark '"':alkcr,

" BC.

Algonq"Uins: I'crrb 6-Eddie Cohen, 11.00; T,)r1 G·~10''''_an, hOO; Philip Z~nansky,

Senecas: Bunk 9-Dnn Donch i., hoG; Dick Drellich, Llco; Jerry GrOssr1CU1, I~OO; ry Silvernan, LOO; Andy Tosder -' LIOO, 3C, AC; Alan "'ol:f.'son, 400) Leonard ore, WOO.


Just ask Al Ji tli.cka. Three n tght.s ago he SeW a red spher-e flash ough the heavens too f::>r an ordinary r Lane and too sL)~'r for a

ot Ing star. It c ru Ld have boon a flying saucer ; Here are a few .facts

ut those phenonona ap t ed fran news broadcasts etc.'

B.)." Brooks Pirsch

Facts) RuE.. sand Clai:1S

r fly ir. fornetion, sonet.dne s alene. y aopee .. I' a~ (Uses and give an err-Le sat ion.

ey ore S0J~1 at day and at night.

S::>:"1() Air For-ce pilots B:a;y tb=y have round balls underneath.

I,Icro About Then

Air For ce pilots clai.J~ that the flying saucers head straight far them ~~d



en ffWer'V'e off into the night. When the anes came down they were radioactive ..

One saucer cane down to tree level

d burnt a nan, He died in the hospital

radioactivity. One can c Iaans he saw eland on the dosert and a scout car

tie out shaped like an eagle. S01:1e peop Le o see them. fron the ground suspended in

e air are rminded of hel s They

en dart off e.t anaz ing sppeda, An as-

5 AUGUST 1954

tl·onCI'ler in Sout-h Africa and one in Canada reported seeing a construction on the noon. I think the saucers COLle fran Hars and are stationed on the noon if they exist ..

At Florence, 5,000 people saw

a blue silver disc dart across the sky. Some say there ar e really flying saucers; some say they are illusions .. No one really knows. nre will soon

find out ..


I.'iah-Kee-Nac starters:

Richarli Black, Robert Tell, ~eve

A <al.ut.e to the East followed fcntur~ngIIj,csenson, Howard steinberg and }~ike

,isy Bell, Bhe Bowery and the ~ian on t':lc Stiglitz •

.,ying Trapeze.. " In A Garden" was per~rned by the Leozenbaum Violin Trio, ing of Eal Goldstein, Eark Lorrin id ,'9.1ph Lsesenbaun,


A gala pops concert was held in the age on Saturday night.

The first event was a f'tirring i'ogiil1tal mar-ch by the Sen1<r Band. Next

rk '~f1l1ker playod lIS1aughtE!!." on Tenth 'enue" on the pIano,

A ~.lute to the North arranged

1i1l Pet.ernan consisted of the songs luntry Gard'3w', Annie Rooney and '."Torld11g t the Railroad.

Four Choctaws did some SOl1't11 African Ilk Songs. The nunber s wer e SiL1-ba;~l;;.ba

id the Baboon. Al KQ'1pler played the

.cord ion while Stuart Friedland" ;:icllad .one , Jeff Katz and Brian Friedland


David Bruck performed on the ;,iano.

e played two number S It Then the

U1d presented its Salute to the "lest.

lis tine the numbers wer0 1.Tait for the tgon, Eone on the Range, and Coning ::lound 18 ~~ounta m.

. jtid:.ard Abel and I\~ark 17alker ~rorned a duet of flutt.) and piano,. Japrice Brilliant." Carry He Back

) Old Virginny, SJ,'ranee River and Dixie ~mprisec1 the Salute to the S', uth by

'18 Senior Band. The band closed the ~ogra[l i\rith liThe Thunderor. Sonior


By Peter Lowy

On July 28th ~Jah-Kee-Nac t s r~vajo basketball squad played Idylwolcl.

L~ a close tightly fought contest the hone tean won by one basket.

Mah-Kee-Nae jumped off to a slin 4-2 lead in the first quarter and

then fell behind with Idylwold ahead at, half-tll1e 'i~7 ...

Mah-Kee-Nac outscored the visitors 4-2 in both of the final

quarters. The final score was

15 to 13.

I&ylvroid st3.rters: !,hchael SeYT.'.oro, Art. Stellart., stownrt Prsss::".an.

Joh11 Lubell, Frankle and Alan


Put on your thinking caps because

the n~] boat Gust be named.

Ear.d personnel were, Richard Abel,

Lewis Batenan,. Steve Jaffe, Tom Goldr.lan, Ed Cohen, Mark lJ:lalker and Gerald Friedland. Jeffrey Lawrence was stage manager and Evan Katz was the program conmentat cr •

Mark Lonin was the producer.





Conpiled b.1 Todd Fineberg This weeks question: ~mo 00 YOU THINK lULL WIN THE NA.TIONAL LEAGUE PENlI!ANT RACE?

STEVE HECHT-3rd year at Mab-Kee-Nac-" I think the Giants will w:in the pennant, because they have a better team than the Dodgers'. II

JEH.j' O\iTEN-J.rd year-"I think the Giants will win because they have bettor ball players .•

LENNY LEVITT-5th ~reat' _tl I think the Dodgers will win because they will have nore st ean at the end of the season."

E..ttIC CHIVJAN-3rd ye81·_t'The Dodgers, of course. Therels no chance £or the Giants. "

HICHA.EL LUFTIl!AN-lst yel3!' -'I I think the Giants will win if Mays holds out.!1

MIKE STIGLITZ"':3rd year .. n I think the Giants vall win because theY have better managenent ,"


Marty }!eer s, ~Jah-Kee-Nac' s

. natC'o ci::unsellor was born on Dec. , 1~J5' in A~ranton, Pa.

Narty graduated Scrarrt;on Central gh School and has completed one year '!tlills College najoring in Business and counting.-

His hobbies are nature, sports and IT. pa int ing.

He plans to present a ,veIl' rounded S8 in nat.ur e which will include study trees, plants,. ma!7lJ':1als, astronolTty'~

her, birds, rocks, rJinerals, fish

wild flowers.

He already has on display, frogs, ish, toads, plants and catery,illers. will show the car.Jpers deer prints

has completed the nature trail.

He hopes to start a "ITGather station, a SOlar system display, a leaf

and catch at least a half~ozen


The Tatro is happy to give this space to Hernan Howard who acted as as a father counsellor for the last

week. Following are some of his

feelings about the weeks activities and the impressions which he reoeived.

"It was a thrilling experience

to meet boys at a period of life I

had long forgotten about s. They were adorable and after a few days, I became very attached to thera. To be called Hernan and accepted as one of then

was a conplment,., .

!tAs a father, I learned a lot about them., thr:::y have a lat of pr-ob'Lems and a dad must learn to get down to. their levelh. It was hard to keep up with bhen the first day,. and when

the day arrived that a couple of' the Choctaws nade a verY important decision to go in my rowboat" 1 felt that I had arrived1-

II I want to thank Joe and his staff for the privilege I had of working with then. and believe 11e it was all fascinat:ing and [ pa.ined a new concept of the role and responsibilities of a father."

~lJD J.VJ.J.;JJ..'l • , _


By Pet or Lov'l.Y~

Last 'Jedncsdcy 1'.iah-K~e-No.c played ard ga:.le ::tCainst. tho IdylV'lold t ean cane out on the short end LL~-16 •.

Lonny Stain of Idylwo1d started : ball rolline for the visitors

,ldng bhe firGt basket and fron then th8y wore never bonded.

Icly1 ... mld took a 10-2 lead after first ouar t er 3J1cl increased tha 'gain to -?3-4 by half-tine.

Iiah-Kee-Nac scored eight points the tt-:rtj period but at the Sdr.10

18 Idylwold WllS anass rng 13 narker s,

Starting t.oans wer c s

Eah-Kee-N:lc: Ronny Horduann, VIbctor .eshuck, Eddie Cohn, Rober t Tell and

tn }·jintz.

Irlylwold: Joe "ioim''J3, : :ike Bl.:ttt, my Stein, Stenart Frankle and !=;tcI'.rart st.or ,


~J Ralph Leezcnbaun

The fir st fiGht night of the season CI h~1Q Tuesday night in the Boat.housn,

E\rerybody Lathered to see the fights which twenty-or nore boys participated.

The t:i.:·1ckoeper was Alan Zuch] Hike ieer was the r-of'er oe , The seconds

rn "a1 noldstein and Al Keirp Ler ;

"Svor::r fight W:l3 caLl.ed a draw.

The\)oys who t ook part in the

ogren ar e aoS follows: Robert FirtcJ. d Brian Fr f , C12, Joni Fe> d Richard Hernann, Cll, "'3crncy,

0, rike Silvern.aJl and 1\.;wiG E:::"::'ler, C9, r-k Tessler and Jeff !:'.i"',:r, CP, jJ,::l.lmy . tz" C7, Jeff Golden and John "'bt>wn, c6, ~.IlY Tarr::or and Bobby Gindos, cs, J.obert erl1.11 , G4, /cndy Lavrr ence and Bobby


By Chuck ,'3aletan

The Mah-Kee-Nac Junior Varsity soundly whipped IdylviOld ·Wcdnosdny bjr a 13-9 count.

The hone tea') jun.ped out to a quick lead by scoring ftve runs in the thj.rd inning.

The big inning was iri.ghlighted by Lenny Lovitt's triple with the bases loaded.

Frau thut point on it VIas no contest as Uah-K8e-Nac held a 13-5 lead going .int,o tLe final fl"ane.

But t hen Idy'lrro lrl Lauched its

no sf serious threat. 1IYogi" Nordnann IS clutch Ditching saved th€) gane as ;'Iah-Kee-Nac ran it out 13-9.

llah-Kec-Nac r S t.Ing 1ineup:

Lenny Levitt, cf. Ronny iJOrdnann, p , ;jike St:!.glitz, rf. l, Rccenber-g , ir, Bob Levy, 115.

Norman Go ldber-g , 2b. Alan t:intz, 3b. lUc}lard Poner-ance , SSe Alan Tessler, c.


By Lenny Levitt.

The annual Senior counse.l.Lor , Junior counsellor soft ball gane Friday was an exciting contest.

The Junior counscl.Lor-! s over-cane a four run deficit as they ro.llied to win lO-6to end a thr<38 year reign

the SoniorrR had held.

The Junior's threatenod early

as 153rty I'loers o'(enod with a single (p.7) SnYder, CJ, wan Katz and Richara -_ I8rae10f, C2, ~jc C:;iegneister and

Barty Lipnan, Cl. .

It was an excitine evening.


__________ 7 ~ 5 AUGUST 1954

comJS FJ,L OR. GAl J!:. • • •••••••

v,-ent'to second when Dan Jaffe bobbled ball in left field. But that was as as he got. Al Kenpler :Lined 'to Ray .:-,:1. wilo thrffi"f to Dick HHler for a

,:_;. nle.y.

The Senior

runs in the nick i iiller , mo and Jerry I the runs.


By John Lcwenat e'ln

The li~ah-Kee-Nac tennis t ean had its first here last Hcdnesday against Idylwole ...

counsellors cane up with

first inning. Singles The nat ch was p:!.rt of a tri-sport

Ray Kennedy, John lIassia- series with the visiting canp,

I:ieisel's sacrifice accounted

}~a1 Goldstein tr:Lnled for the

liar counsellor's in the second fr-ane , 'iiaS unable to scor c,

The Senior I s cane up with two nor e IS in the botton of the Inn ingwhen

'k Klein wallwd, went to second on

. Lewis's sacrificc and scored on

ik Hiller I s single. J:·iiller scared Kennedy1s single.

But when the Junior's started to Il. there "'I'as no st.oppdng then. They iked up ten runs while the Senior r s re scor ing two nor e,

In the fourth inning, Kempler, Lkerl, Spicer douhLed and I:like went re on ,Jack Fine1)ergls single behind ap'Ler for two runs.

'1'he Fienior I s scored two mor e runs 'lihe botton of the inning and then

e tor cane off.

The fifth inning saw the Junior's

e the ball gane up. Al Echikson, Ke1.1p101" :l Spicer loaded the bases. Gold::::tein ogled, Gros snan flied out to scor-e

other run, Bob Fr Lednan doubled and

was an e',en-stcohcn gru:le.

I1'1 the next inning the ,fu.nior

wer again made itself f.elt. Fll1eb8rg d Friednan singled ClT:c1 Jerry

sher did the sane. ~li:ll'ty ~leGI'S rcuit clout over center fj,clda- Mark ein's head was the Last, st.r aw arid

e score w as 10-6, the v.'ay it ended.

Piike Spicer bore down to hold the nior1 s off with his splendid hur-Ling, irt Lud:"ig did 'yoenan wor-k 011 the nound r the ·losers.

The play was ended due to rain 'but all sets were exciting.

The !vIah-Kee-Nac tean was hastily conpoaed three or four day s before the nauch , f.llonty took all the boys he though were elmgible fran the Cheyennes and Cher okens , Then he selected the boys he thought should play •

The nat.en consisted of three r-ounds , The first and second rounds were nade up of three singles natches each an d the third round had two doubles nat.chea,

The last double natchcbetneen Joel Siep:el and Jerry Pitman of ~r.ah-Kee-Nac and stu J!rankel and

Andy I~ohn of Idylwold was called because of ram.

Scor e s are as follows:

Steve VIeinsi::.'!' (I) defeated Lenny Lovitt (E) 8-6; Andy 1\:o11n (I) defeated Hike RoscnbauD OJ) 8-6;

;;t:,u Aries (iT} dd'eated Sandy Rad01C1 (1) 7-~; Roy Strac~er (I) defeated John Lowenst cdn (M) 6-1; II'like stein (I) defeated L:ark';iTalker c·n 6-3; Joel Sie[:el O'i) dof';,atod Larry llyman (1) 6-0; Bob LoilY and Ricky Abel (Ii) dcf'eabed Dick ';rcinsier and Stu

Por-t cr (1)'.6-1. "



By. Ben Follman

On lIonda;y Cabin 2 went on a birdvmlk. He went through the 'fiT oods and saw a few birds.

,;re also saw nany other natural thinf,s such as turtle shells.

we plan to have narwmor-e birdwalks.

VOL 26 NO 6

12 AUGUST 1954

r.· 77


~ j {\l /~

,! !

'I Ii 1; '"" i '-"_'/ J J . '-I


SECOND INVITATION TO TAl\UI,E-!OOn r. ~"'. /~,'~. s: ,:$1 ~ __ .

"'.'1 .. 0. ~I .•• ·I .• ;:.' ('I:.. ~_

By John Lowen1:!te:i,n.f.f1/J';(j' \>)1.;' ~>I:<") lCf#:" ~'~.' ') ; .•. ~.~ =-} {\4.t

:. II '\ .. .Q I f h ".!. ~~ _,

L \':..J,~: --..., \i"_~ t.II:--J '/' , __ • _. _ __./ ....

Saturday J Au§ust 7, 'was a monerrt.ous .... IA\ -_;.. '-,-- \_ I" ......... ? ,I ;1'

ay in Hah-Kcc:-Nac hist. ory. Thirty-nine ': ~~~ . !f~... '~~'. ~~ ..: " l1.rm(L~ ,-/

smper s sang vllth the Boston Sj'1:1phony j;j"".". '1<i~ /.~ <'/., ',,! f

rcheatea at Tanglewood. t ~_ :"1; l II ,I~ I, II ! \. ''t' J ( I ~ -: (

"-1-5 .~ .. ~.~.r\ r

This was the result of several ~ «> "'~ ~ { '(

eeks of rehearsals. The boys pr-actdc ed '1~;. \{i··- 4'') ".: \. ,)~\-.J

ll'~~ rest per fods and during a fgw 1"\~'71, :"~1tft \I!+ ~/1') \'.(' IJ! I

:tmty pe,",ods. ,-~0I...:kf~ WJ \ 'j'

They worked right up to the I

19 da.y. But all agr-eed it sure was li'~

Jrth it.

IMagine I Performing bef'or e ten thousand people. This sure is something ~ all will be able to r-omomber ,

At first the candidates wer e weedec1 out by I'iss Lorna De Varon, one of

19h Ross's assistants. Hugh Ross is head of the vocal depm-tt1ent at TangleJod.

Then it was straight practicing thl-ee times a week. Before we knew it

go- WOI"C !!'udlt:tOlling before Charles ilunch.. Finally the big dzy' ca'1'le' A concert 3Y'er ran so quickly. In about two seconds, Ol" so itsee'led, 'ire were u:.

The camper-s performance in liTe Deum" was noted in all the New York papers.

Lctures appeared in the local papers. All remarks wer-e complimentary.

, The entire Senior Camp attended the pel:'fornance! to hear the follO\dng boys: lehard Abel" Vike Biber, Van Brody, David Br'uck,TTic Chivian, Howard Cohen, Neil moltz, Jon Edelstein, ruke Feller, Jeff Fisch, Robart Fisher, Ben Follanan, Eddie, Norman Goldherg, Bob Graulicb, Ken Graulich, Danny Katz, ~like Kohnar,

~f Lawrence, Dave i:.:leberman, John Lowen~tein, Roger Lowenstein, Eichael Luftman, 3 Mike Harlcensohn. (continued on page 9)


By Larry Hirsch

Cabin 8 won the rGlay race ich vrae one of the h1gh spots of e Junior Carpf'Lr e last Saturday.

ThL rr:J_:'I_Y' race was run in the Il.owmg ; ranner , Instead of IR ssing tons, tho C2,·,prC!l'S exchanged hats

Ich tb:y wor e for each leg of the race.

Anot.hen C3fiO wbich was exc i t Lng s the one in -;.~ ich everyone took off air shoes and put t.hen together in

~ cent or , At a s tgnaf, each capp,3r

:l to find lri.s own shoes and put then L;': The winner of tbe shoe finding itcst was Joff E:atz.

There was also a conpct i.t Lon of linn "'.TE'-::tljJ1g. The WIDner was

)ert 11 berlin.

The boys had mar-elma'l.Lows and 19 taps bef'cr e c:oing to hJd.


By P at or Lov:y

Tropicana Lake is the nane of . Hah-Keo-Nac uquar mn '.'Jl,icll is

ated in the Lounge 1'001.1 in t.he Locl~.-e.

1\1 Kemler takes care of it. He f,Y3ds fish spec ta'l, kinds of pr-epar-ed dr ts J vegetable: and ground up rzat er in-

t s,

Al says that he has tr ied to create n i.t ed Nab i.ons of fi::;h. The aquar i urt s Live baring fish £'rO!'l the United

cos .~nj Cer.tr1J.l /:..)]crica. He also has

1av:;_:13 .f ish from ~f)uth east As io.,

ana ':-'.l'",d China. There are also a beau_~2. pair of tro~')ic[;._ls fr'cn Soubh


~\s for plants, t.hcr o are sever-al, ss including p Lant s f,.)und in Lake ·Kec-J'~ac.

Baby guppies wer-e recently :)orn and ~ grown to alnost full size.

By the way J no fishing allcr.vedl


By Eddie Cohen

Last 'Wednesday a O"0up of I.lahKee-Nac tennis p'Lay er s corip et ed in

the t~lir d annual Gr cy lock Invti'L Tennis 'I'our nanerrt at Camp Gr oy.Lock,

A nUIilber of caups participated in the tournanent "'/(hich was held :in 0ccket, ~'ias sachu set ts"

Fiv8 boys nade the trip with I.tonty ;:ontgcr_1(~ry and Dan Jaffe.

The t.ournanenb was divided into two ag o gr oupa , One younger than 13~, tho other fron 13~- to 16.

The first mat ch w·hich Hah-I\:ee-Nac participated in found Eddie Cohen Gr cy'l.cckt s Don Golson in the senior singles. Gol~on, winner of the

t our-nanerrt last ye.'lI', was too powerful for L~ and won 6-0, 6-0. Golson lost only four ranos in the entire t ounnament , He won 2.go.;.cJ ..

In the next featuring a MahKce-Nac t.can, Dick Drollich and Al '!olfson went down to the tune of

6-3, 6-1.

It was l€..J::!.ny·Levitt who carried

! iah-Kee-Nac I s hopes th e .furthest. Te<:!ning with stu Anes in the doubles tbe duo set back canp Ilohawk 6-1, 6-1- Ir .wd i3.t 917 after lunch and - a br ief

rain shQ1."[er, Lenny defeated Camp Leonard 7-5, /.)-4 in a t, ightly fought in

wh ich he came fron behind in both sets. lie came frau 3-5 in the first set and 1-4 in the second se t to TJllin.

Lennie found hinself in the senifinals agu inst Gr ey'Lock! s top ran ked singles pla;.rer.. Tilis was tho match wh.Ich ·C:Jould dee id e tho t ournamerrt , Lonny gave the GreylocJ.: boy the hardest t Ino of tho tourney losing 6-4, 6-0.

But his day's work was still not done. He and .stu AnGs, Viho also played fine tennis, played in the seni-finals doubl.e nat ch against Canp ''-'.inidu. They dropped the first set

6-3 but CaI;1e roaring back to t a Ie the (p.)

TEf\E·JIS •••• _ ... " " ••••

THE TOTa! ~3 ~1~2~A~U~G~U~~T~·~19~5~b~

4 and even up the mat-ch, The boys T'lUt

a game scrap in the third and deciding t but were downed 6-1. For Lenny

tritt it was the ninth set of the day.

1 in all he played more than 75 games.

The visiting teams played on

ve fine clay courts and were treated a roast beef dinner at noon t ime,

CLAYS ••• ClAiiS •••• CLft,:;,·fS. ~ •• LOBSTi!R ••.• LOBST H ••• LOBST.R

The annual Counsellor Clamhake better Counsellor Stuffing was held nday night,

The C:Junsellors feasted on claws :j lobsters till they could feast no re and more than one hardy eater

s r o Ll.ed ao.Nay from the table.

It was a race all evening between 11 ;·;aloney, John Hassial'1l.iano and Al Uicka to see who could down the

sat est, number of steamed c Lame ,

The clambake was also a farei'mll r nike Spicer who leaves us to bene a 2nd Lieutenant in the Armored -p, Mike,who is an ROTC graduate,

a Mah.:..Kee-!ifac fixture and has been aanpsr and a counsellor 118re for many lrs.

A group of the men ontertained

barber shop sjrIJle. Ending vlith

Little ditty Gl1tititled "Viva La 1-Kee-Nacll they presented j·Uke :;h a gilt from the staff and the 19ers.


'f 'a N1]]:.r FATHroR COUNSELLORS HT.:.:RE F')UR ,~ONS-)~;;EEN Tl-ffiUi

Dave Edelstein and Arnold Segal ~ additions to the staff for the ling week.

Dave is tIle father of Jon and Jeffre~~

. J

llstein. Arnold,· is Ken and St eve

:alt s father.

Both men were present at the anbake.

CAFPim couxcrr, YBET~ VOVIE CO Fri'TJ:E PHAI.~"Tj'J)

By Todd Fineberg

"Cheaper by the Dozen" was chosen by the Camper Councn as the proposed raov I e for Carnival Night. A m~ster v t

has changed ·the decision.' 0 e

The council agreed that the movie comnittee was a fine thing.

It was decided to have a movie on hand in case of rain.


By Lenny Levitt

The Cherokee, Seneca, Aide series is drawing to a close.

Every .~unday night the Senecas and Aides have battled fUl"j.Ollsly with an all star team of Cherokees, Navajos and Cheyennes.

At rresent the ~enecas lead b-1. ,Jeff Hecht has pitched all the games .;:Oor the Senecas. Stewart Hernan

and R.onny fJOl"(1::;ann have been the uoundsnon for the Cher o kee squad.

The Senecas blasted out a 10-8 victory in tho on game of t .. he season but the C' er okees fought ~ack to even the series at 1-1 with a t.i.ght 8-7 vri.n,

The r: enecas have won the last :':..111'88 games by over-whclrrdng scores, nowever , 19-0-, 9-1 and II-lJ.


The nevi" crash boat is still unnamed. If' a camper has an idea for a name he shoul.d subnri t it to Hal Lewis in the Senior Camp or Al

Zuch or Al Echikson in the Junior CafIp.

The winning name will be announded at the Carnival and the t'lrize will be awar-ded at that time.

THZ TOTEM 4 ----1-2-A-U .... G-UST--1..;..9~S4..:,-. __


By Lee Metzcndorf

On Fonday, Augllst 2, f'our- Senecas and three Aides, along with th!'ee Junsellors, left camp +o nar take in the h::'ghl:i.ght of the 1954 campdng pr-ogr-am, lis ,'Tas to be a fiv0 day canoe trin on the lakes of Ad::irondack state Park

:! Nevi York. The boys, all 1~ Oi~ 16 years old" were Don Donch i., Jerry Gross;-:.::., 'lef'f Hecht" steve Klein, Lee Metzendorf" Andy Tessler and Lenny Zamcr e; ob Bl'e€'le~1, C!la,:,les Fci'~ulty and Jack Br oolcs ver e the counsellors.

;~re left !·;:ct ... I\ee-Eac at 9 :15 a,n, and "lade a short stop in Lenox for swrplies. hortly the.:'en.fter '';'[0 croe sed into New~Lork State. 1',re ate lunch ncar Lake

eorge and t.b<)!"J ':'rocaeded t,O the village of Blue Mountain La kn w'~dch we r.eached t three o'clock. ~Ve then rented four-15 foot aluminum canoes. Atter loading hem, 1"9 set out for the far end of Irt owana Lake, where a lean-to was located. e made the :si':1;-dle trip tffi"ough Blue }.rbunt.ain, Eagle and Utowana lakes in

bree hours, only to find that our suggest-ed cnl:lpdte Vlas occupied.

;)e thea decided to paddle another nile to the beginning of the Earion ivcr Carry. ;',10 set up camp there and wer o eat Ing a supper of :r..~j"ed chdcken hen the owner of the property came alo:1S" and told us thatvre couldn't camp here. So the only thing to do was to return to the lean-to and move in with he t-, boys who occupied it. The DOyS consented to this and we moved in and ent to bed at t en "'clock.

''Ie rose at seven on Tuesday ";':.or~1j.n7,and f'ound that the moaquf.toes had

'eally feasted an us durinG th0 n:ight. 18 ate a quick, light breakfast because re wanted to fot army fro!!'. LIce tlo:;r:::_uitoec. ';-e paddled to t he carr.!, made tne

:/4 mile portage, and t.hGn:·t_~;dlod dorm tLa Farion River into H~,quette Lake.

'-.'e arrived at Raquet.t.e Lake Vino..p;e at noon. After buying supplies and !riting nosbcarda homo, Vie 0;'"0 Lunch on tLo beach. VVn then padcll.ed to Big .sl.and vihere we found an ida",l ec..:J]JDite. "e pitched camp through a light Irizzle tbat afternoon.

Then we ate a BU; 'pe:;." of s:)up, ;'aJ".lO'_'l'c-'(TS, rice, peas, mashed potatoes~ sanned fruit, cookies 2.n(] C0Coa. L~\,,,,r c Lear.Ing our »ot.s and rans , we IIhit she hay'' G2.r}J·, and had a t'O~.1t refresh: . .':lg lonp Gle(1).

ne woke up at eight o'clock Y;8dnr~~;d"t ;',ornir,g and had a. breakfast of juico, sggs, bacon, sauaage , toast and cocoa. ~.~;e left Jack Brooks to care .for our :8l:1psite and thon began our proposed pa~dle through Raquette and Forked lakes and oack, a triu that was ten miles each way. Aftar HC had paddled three miles up

}. chop~1Y Haquette Lake, a ·i:.errific sborn 'ole,:,! up. As we W01"e caught in the middle )f the lam, TIe wer e forced to paddl,9 i r.rcugh the rain tolihe nearest shore. ~uckily, w·c found a deserted e where we found shelter and dried oub our ::lothcs. : 'e then ate a sandwich lunch and left the esta.te at three o+cLcck

bo return to our campsite. Heturnine:, vre ran into more rain. But this passed

:].uicldy and we reached Bib Island in an hour and a half. Then Jack and Charlie sent to the village for supplies and we ap;ain dried our clothes. For sunpar

wo had S:) i.r"'l s steak, corn on the cob, '~,ea('!hes, and We again went to

bed (~arlYI as we had really had a toufh day.

After eating a. breakfast of bacon and ergs on Thursday we paddled to a punlic camnsite on R.aquetto Lake, known as Golden Beach, r'a stayed there for a half-hour and then r etur-nad to our cai finite. For lunch 1'!G had spagetti and

meat balls. '~re broke our Big Island Ih.30 and paddled to the ~iIarion River. (P.'.)

THE TOTn~ _ ........ ~12 AOOUST 19$4

)mOND\CKS ••••••••••••

tile paddling down the river we ran into nore We the portage and c1dled to the lean-to on UtOl.'lana L.:'tke. There we had our supper of soup, lamb cps, peas, canned fru:!.t and cocoa.

On Friday norrrlng Vie rose at seven and had a breakfast of bacon and e~rs. pa:,,:iled down Utowana, ~gle and Blue Mountain lakes and arr~ved at the villace BlDB :·[ountai.n Lake at 11:30. ~1e did a little shopping and were picked up

Dave Dailiels at noon. "!e returnoo to Ha.h ... K~Na.c at five •

.(\.11 of the boys enjoyed the trip imnalsely. They expressed thanks Dave Daniels for driving them back and f~


By Peter Inwy

The photor;raphy lab has been corn;lted and Flick Fle;ishaL" who is in 1rgeof the photograp1w program is 1dy to help all Cali1pOl'S who are in:oeated in photograpl'w.

The new lab is ooensive. There

~ new stainless steel sinks and sepa-

:.e film and print rooms. Ther e is also

lew contact printer, an electric dryer

I new film and developing talks.

The new photo Lab was formerly the I nature shack.

The C3.mpCTS are learning how to relop film and are making prints and ..a.t'gements.

Flick ~so holds outdoor classes how to take better pictures.

He is holdine a contest. Photography dad campers should subrrd.t their

:t pictures to Flick. The picture gad the best will be used as the ntpiece for the bound editiono!

e Totem."


By Lenny Levitt

The I.·ta.h .. Kee ... Nac junior varsity ?p ed Camp Lenox 3-0 on 1 Ionday, From the first inning the Hah-


The }~Kee-Nac n:imrods under the er.pert tutelege of Art Peck

and A1 Uetlicka have really been burning up the lead, am have been pulverizing their targets; The latest scopp as t 0 qualifications is as fo11')v(5:

Pror.~arksmen-R.1chard Black, Steve Nisenson, Richard Wasserman, stewart Herman, Hilton Reitman.. Van BrodY, .ron Edelstein, David Kaufman, Hack Fertig, Fred Lewis, Todd Fineberg, Richard Pomerance, Robert stracke, Robert Tell, Le\Ii"is Bateman, Neil Demby, fC6S Holler, Alec Schwartz, Eric Chivian, Jeff Fisoh, Brooks Hirsch, Robert Kruvant, David Hitz1g, Jsrry Pitman, Robort Daniels, Allen !.~intz, Henry Simon, Howard Steinberg, Richard Stempel, Ken Woodrow, Steve Jaffe. Jeff Kovall, Stewart Ames, i.Ti}:e RosenbaUm, Richard Aool, Robert Graulich, Hark walker, Ed Cohen,

Phil Zemansk;y and nike Biber.

Mar l\smen-Slieve Misenson, stewart He;rnan, Hilton Reitman, Hack Fertig, Todd Fineberg, Fred Lmvis, Richard Pomerance, Robert Stracks, Robert Tell, Neil DGt!lby, Ross Heller, Alec Schwartz, Eric Chivian, Je<:'f. Fisch, David H1tzig,

Jerry Pitman and Robert Daniels. (0.f'6)

Kee-Na.c nine was never headed. They jULlPed on pitcher Loren Schneider for two runs. The visiting team scored another run in' the second fr8l11a. II Yogi" Nor-dmann turned away batter sftEll'" bat .. tar to hold his shutout.

The gruaa was called at ,i innings.

THE TOTEM 6 1.2 A UOUST 1954

----------------------- -------------------~~----~~-------

[FL~iE:N ••••••••

Lan Hintz, He11I'1J Simon, Howard Steinerg" Ken lJoodrow, Alan Wolfson, Jeff i)vall, stewart Ames, Richard Abel, ~hcrt Graulich, I.iark Himoff" l:ark ~:-!:erJ Ed?tard Cohen, PhilipZemansky"}j": rris Bateman, and stave -Jaffe.

f'ksraen First Class-Uack Fertig, Todd mebarg, Fred Lewis, Richard Pomerance, ~bert str-acks, Robert Tell, I~eil Dem-

r, Alec Schwartz, Jerry Pitman, Robert riels, Ken '.Toodrow, Alan lJolfson, ~ewart Ames:, David Lieberman, Richard leI, Robert Graulich, Hark Himotf, Phil mlansl<y and Jeff Kovall.

larp shoot er-(fifth class) Fertig,. idd Fineberg, Fred Lewis, Richard . Irnerance, Robert Tell, Neil Der.1by,

.ec Schwartz" Jerry Pitman" Robert .niels, Ken '-Toodrow, Richard Dr'ellich, lhn Lowenstein, David 1iebertlan,

.ke Feller., Robert Graulich, Nark

moff, Robert Levy and Philip Zemansky, lrst bar..-Robert Tell, Robert Daniels,

iiI Demby~ Richard Drellich, John Lov.enein" David .Lieberman, litke" Feller,

bert Graulich, Hark'Rimoff. fhiJ. Zonanchd Tedd F~tFg.

cond bar.Hike Feller, Robert Graulich,

hard Drellicn". Phil Zemansky and !Vid Lieberman.

,ird Feller and Robert Graulich. urth bar-Mike Feller.


BY Henry Simon

Seven boy's and t'NO counsellors recently made a trip to otis Reservoir.

They arrived at Jim' s Landing at about three olclock. They unloaded the canoes from the -trailer ~d after Launchang them, we loaded them 'Wi. th the packs, sleeping bags, feod etc.

They. then started out of the inlet in which Jim1s Landing was located.

After paddling for about an hour we arrived at our campsite. Vfuen camp was s at up, s orne of the boys went in for a swim and dinner was just getting started when two - girls from Oad sa stopped for a. visit.,

They had been campjng just on the other side of the mountain.

The next morning after breald'ast they set out on an excursion with Charlie HcNulty. The canoes ,"rere

tied together so they woudntf straggle. In about a half-hour Vie decided to un-' tie.

After about an hour of paddling

ey reached the destination.. It was called "Dismal Bay." It was given that me because it looked so dismal. It bad dead tree stumps sticking out of the er and lots of floating logs.

Thif,. got back to the campsite just in time for lunch. 'After lunch Bob Bregman, chard Allison, Jon Siegel and David Hitzig vrenb fishing. The rest of the

V's played around In the canoes. Ken '-Joodrow, Gerry Friedland and Henry

on ,"Jere in canoes.

The fiehe-men didn't have any luck and after they cane back we all went d.mning. Soma boys played checkers and chess 'while the others got dinner

Slcly. TTe had' lamb chops for our main. cour se , For desert we had almost

e nounds of 'watermelon.

The next morning we took the camp down and loaded the canoes. 1.79 left ght after breakfast. l',re arrived at Jim's Landing at about noon.

',1e put the canoes in the trailer and the packs in the bottom of the iler. The camp truck pf.eked us up a.t about ame o.clock. ''Te arrived camp just as it otarted to rain •

.After we all. l:.npu:kad the canoes and' knapsacks "We. took showers. Everyone €led that it was really a wonderful t~ip.





12 August 1954



......•..........•..........•••...•.••••••..•••..••••••••..•••. , ........••..•••....

1 2


10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

Lowenstein R Jeff Hirsch B~ooks HirscbNisenson Alan Tessler Balis Bob

steinberg Markensohn

H. Cohen Jeff Fisoh

Owen C.Salatan

Lowy ReitTIat'l


Nordman R

Bruck Fineberg


Kruvant G.Friedland


D. Zimmerman

Amee Feller


Drellich D. VTolfson


Ed. Cohen

Jon Edelstein



Ken Segal

Hitzig Mintz,



Poleshuck Walkel!'



Fertig S. Katz

Pomerance stiglitz

s. Herma'l Himoff


Lieberman Levitt

Joel Siegel Black

Hecht Steve

Silverstein Bob Fisch P. Zemansl\Y




Lawrence Jeff

Stracke Luftman






Jon Siegel




J. Lowenst ei.n Beiber




Goldman Doneb!

Silverman B TeB sler, Andy

Spritzer (repeat) Chivian (r&peat)


12 August 1954




1 n.Greifinger Zeke Salatan Ralph Hirsch D. Schulter
2 C.Seigmeister Jon Folkman Pete Norchnan Brian Friedland
3 s. Friedland Arnold Koplin Jeff Katz Bobby Fjrtel
4 Mark Fischer Mickey Slone Richard Koplin Mark Tessler
5 C.Zuckerman David Bloch L. Miller Fred Edelstein
6 John Kempler Jeff Edelstein Roh't Denholtz Bob Greifinger
7 Larry Hirsch Barry ll!uskat Steve Shapiro John Nathan
B Ken Hortliag Al Beret" Roger Koplin Justin Ilt'ellich
9 R. Israeloff Don, Howard Rich. Herrmann Peter Harris
10 Jeff Egar Dick Bera~w . steve Siegel Mal Zimmerman
11 L. Charmatz Keh. Qroaulich Dan Katz Steve Rosenberg
12 RiellY Fertal Barton Balis stan Furst Eddie Rose
13 Rob. Gindes Randy Pace Fred Rosenberg Evan Katz
14 Paul VI einer Neil Katchen ICen Lipmm Mike Silverman
15 Hob.Aberlin J.Leikensohn Ed. Freedman Jeff Frank
16 Tom Targer Jeff Golden Alan Bolten Lee Kaufman
17 Rich.Blomberg Peter Dorsen Mart. LiPI:ma Erie Seigmeister
18 Steve HerrnannHarvey Cove Barry Siegel R.Leezenbaum
19 Herb.ZemansHy Rob. Fischer Ben Fo Lknan H. Krumholz
20 A. Lawrence IUch. Kohner Bob. Snyder Mike Siltrerman (reoeat) ., , .

TARGLEWOOD (cont., from p. 1)

Also, E,-nton ReitT:lan, Fred Rosenberg, Siiephen Rosenberg, Charles saletan, Segal, Barry Siegel, Robert Silverstein, Henry Simon, Larry Spritzer, Richard Impel, I'iichael Stiglitz, Nark iTalker J Richard \asserman, Ken Woodrow and Herb

The Mah-Kee-Nac chorus aoo the Indian Hill chorus were additions to regular Tanglewood Festival Chorus for this performance.

llt.ny par-snt s made a special trip so they could hear the campers sing.

! Renior Ca111p was split up into groups of five v.h ieh viewed the performance. in both the participnnts and the spectators viewpoint the concert was a

:at success.


By Lewis Bateman

Iifost of the 6h campers who are coming in the two Senior Camp tennis z-nament.s have already played their ches.

Thosethat have not have been der-ed by the rain and general bad :ther of the 1a stweek.

One tournament has been set up for Navajos and Oheyennes. The other WS the Senecas, Cherokees and Algoqns against each other.

The. Navajo tournanent is right on ledule. The Seneca tourney has fallen it behind.

The finals of the two tournaments 1 be played the same day with umpires ball boys. An exhibition by ;wnty iligomery and Dan Jaffe will follow

two finals.

The first rounds of the tournament only one set. From the quarter finals however, the contestants must play

out of three sets.

VlAl'ER Citi'lNIV'AL '-'!AimED

A full sized water carniva1 with elty races and full particpation is nned,

If you were wondering, the tea.r.:s liGted on pages 7 and 8.


Oamp I.Ijah-Kee-Nac is making preparations for the big Carnival ~atur('lay.

_1I.dvertisements are already beginning to appear all over the carmus a~nouncing the different bunk booths.

nal Lewis is helping many campers pr epar-e the advertisements as well as the lerge signs "vhkh will adorn the .;front of each booth.

Saturday tt:.. roing will find the softball diamond a maze of activity as each bunk "rill construct its

boot.h 1fleforc noon. In the afternoon

fun will take over.

All proceeds from the carnival w:ill FO to charity •.

Following the Carnival the campers \7il1 view' a movmg picture in the Lodge.


The si."rlh service of the 1954 season was held last Friday night .•

Bunk 4 participated in the service under the direction of Jerry _,·iusher.

David Liebernan sang the Kiddush and Bob Lev,v also' sang a solo.

Participants were: Dick Pomerance, Fred LewiS, Bobby Tell, Bobby Stracks

and Mack Fertig.

Al Davis

Will Maloney

J. Davis is Head -{J,ounselor ·of the Senior Camp and Will Maloney is Head Counselor of

,he Junior Camp_ Below they are seen discussing program activities with campers.

loth have had Marzy- years of rich camping experience, and have served -es Head Counislors before coming to Hah-Kee-Nac. Each has been active with the A:m.erican Red Cross .n its Water Safety Program. Al Davis is on the faculty of West Chester State

'eaeher-s College, in Pennsylvania, and Will Maloney is an Elementary School Principal .n Pittsfield, Mass.

1~0.It BOIfl

at .lenn, .MaM.

VOL 26 NO 7

19 AUGUST 1951&

r 1'\ I ,\ dr\ -Jr\

r: .. 0 i' .Jl\J. j V l~ I

'---I _I - \_, \, _ _ .' _- \ --'

I. J' ~ I D; .

r~ __

_ . :av:-_.Lenny Levitt _

The annual Hah-Kee-Nac 6arnival was· he-ld on the soft ball diamond

t saturday afternoon, !~ . • -

The big day began officially at morning activity. Each bunk was ushered its special area on the softball diruHond.. Fran es far the booths had been up and each bunk had to go to work to C041p1e te the job for' its particular th. The canpus waaa hubub of,lering, "bqyscarrying benches and crape paper .•.

By' lunch the booths were conplete and everyone was all ready for the big • Rest hour was spent in a frenzy of excitenent.

At the bugle, a parade donsisting of the entire camp, Juniors and ~eniorB, ehed around the eanp , It was led by the band.. Then the campers scattered itihe various booths to do business or conpete.

The campera won prize, tickets if thEW succeeded in at each particular rI:'.h. At the end of the, day, carniva1 priz es were given for a. certain mmber

prize tickets. Oanper-s won kites, pens and l::Jany otherorizes.

Many parents were on hand for the charity affair. Al1 nonfes collected m the carnival will be allocated to various charities.

The exciter::tent of the carnival can not be reproduced. The campus was

hrong of excit·ed people streaning frou one booth to another while the ~speaker played appropriate carnivalr.msi,c.

An ir:nediate hit, was the booth of Cabin 5. Sy Grossr:1Bn seened to enjoy to ch Ris fellow counsellors get sponged heartily bytbe cappers in the sponge counsellor concession. A line forned ir.:mediately and if' the counsellors tired the gane the canpers never did.

Perhaps the tlOst ~ccessful financially of aU the booths was Bunk 2' s erino which d.Mmed to have collected more than 600 tickets •.

. Adding to the feeling of excitenent were Tent 4' s WeS'tern Union boys who iv.ered snpr1sing and unexpeet-ed raesssges throughout the day I f'or' a fee., (p. 3)

2 19 AUGUST 1954


Cabin I-Penny Ball; Cabin a-Bottle Ball; Cabin 5-Sponge the C)unsellor; d.ns 11 and 12-Refreshnents; Cabin 2-Fire on Fire; Cabin 3-Guess Your ",Teight; in 6-Knock Bottles; Cabin 7-Soup Plate Pitch; Cabin 8-Fish a Coke; Cabin 9- 13 Dunking and Cabin lO-Hamner the Nails.

OJPRi:VJtZ ••••••

r n ; fv,r.t!in ~3 ~l9 AUGUST 195u _

Jerry Heisel and Al Zuch added to the carnival spirit as clowns. They med the carntial site firing water pistols anci> reninding one of Barnun and tIoy.

Finally the tine came to derclolish the stalls. The canper s took a short ) and then ate a picnic supper un the lawn. Jach bunk had hanburgers, n:ilk, 0, fruit and cake.

The even ing s activity was a Movie in the Lodge, The JUnior and Senior ips witnessed "Beau Geste," which was brought up to camp by Davad Li.eberman IS 'ents.

The list of the individ~al. booths follows:

Bunk l-Barrel Toss; Bunk 2-Divereno; Bunk 3-Toss 0 Plane; Bunk 4-Hanger

:5; Bunk 5-Chip Em Up; Bunk 6-;·~iniat1..1re Golf; Bunk 7-"C)keeball; Bunk 8-Oo1den get; Bunk 9-Pass the Pigskin; Tent T-Bal.Ioon Bust; Tent 2-Pick a Winner ; Tent Parking 50¢; Tent 4-.C;end a Telegran; Tent 6-Spin tho SpJol.



I Nf)JA N( O'U N (I L

B.r John Lowenstein

On \"Jednesda.y, August 11, both the Senior and JUnior camps witnessed the first cerer.:.ol1ial fire up at the Ind!ian Council Ring •.

The site was carefully prepared beforehand by Red Dawn and the Mah-Kee-Nac InciIiian Lore students. Four small fires were lit around the ring facing the four dil'ectionsfj'North, East, South and Vlest. After awhile red flares Here lit and an eerie glow was cast upon the area.

The ring was outlined i11. white chalk and 'was ouch snaller than the forner one. In the center was a large bass drum which Vias beaten slowly as the capIgers, entered by Ray Kennedy. Later it was beaten by Red Dawn hi.l11self 'who acted as master of cerer,!onies.

Red Dawn explained tha.t the ceremonial fire was not a show but a true Indian ceremony. He told how the Indians of' the ':outhwest grew mad when some

nen imitated their dance and explained tJlat alt!lough the boys had put a tremendous

effort into their dances they could not be perf'ect , .

He told that mcsb Indian dances told a story or had a moral. To illustrate, his assistant, Bob Hendren, or 1.'lhite Eagle, danced the story of a. buffalo hunt. This dance was danced when the buffalo were killed and the Indians -aanted to celebrate.

The nam feature of the night was a story by Red Dawn about an old chief who was about to die and had three sons. He had to decide whom to leave his position to. He gave them each 21 days to bring back a gift, which he thought was the most valuable one to be found.

At that time several boys clothed in Indian garb which they nade themselves danced a dance depicting a deer hunt. They '1'TOre deer antlers during the dance.

Red Dawn continued Wi. th his story and told nora of the three sons.

John ~.w.ssimiano, Joe Horo"l"itz and Dicl< lliller played the parts of the three

sons. The st.ory was interrupted at po.irrts by another dance, the "Butterfly

Dance" in vhich the boys wore cardboard winfs, and the Indian Hoop Dance done tzy" ~!llite Eagle. The latter dance was a difficult une wbioh demanded a great deal of skill.

Red Dawn then made a number of boysll~ravI98" for having done much work in Indian Lore. The next step is "warrior."

The cereI:1ony was ended Py John :MasSil:iiano who shot two flaning arrows into the air.

The boys who worked with Red Dawn were: Van Brody, Brooks Hirsch, David Kau.iman, 'David Bruck, Jeff .L.awrence, Ton Goldnan, Lewis Bateman and John a:lelstein.

work of Hal· Lewis and a group oicanpers has had the" ,"lings added. It was a tough job putting then back on and Hal 178.B a1- r:lOst puUed fron the ladder.

Monty MontgomelY narrowly escaped injury when Hal dropped a "Wrench iron great heights.


The Tot eLI PCble on the Junior Campus which has been resplendent and shining for the last couple of weeks do the

THE TOTTIl,[ 5 19 AUGUST 1954

-------- ------------_. ---------------------


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. Indian Hill defeated cal:lpMah-Kee-NaJ's !--_--- (,.~.", ~~~

Sl ty softball tear:l by a scor e of 8-7·._::'---- )'l ~~~.~I \

e last Tuesday. " ~~/.·1 # ... ~1 .. _ .........

.....-~ ~JY,!/ ......

Tbe IndJi!a.n Hill attack was highlighted \.....<i'1ft /' :.;.~.:::- ""\

a double, a triple, and a home run by ) Y' / I. ~

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B,y Robespierre Hecht

Ind ian Hill dr-ew first blood by acor Ing un in the second inning on a infield

cr, a single by Rosen and a single by ray.

They scored twoF.lore in the third a single, a double, and two infield

s, In the bottom. of the third inning, -Kee-Nac scored four runs when Ildlke enbaun walked, A1 \rolfson. Lee I':Ietzenf and Robespierre Hecht singled in cession. steve Kl.ei.n and Barry Silver ...

were safe on errors.

Indian Hill scored two in the fourth,

iIah-Kee-Nac bounced two on ks to Eoaenbaun and Lenny Zamora, a

gle by 1"olfson, and two errors on l\ietzen(fs ground ball.

In the sixth, the visitors picked up ae, two of which were on Stern's tredous honer. i'lah-Kee-l\lac scored its last a.s Zanor-e was safe on a wi.Ld throw,

Ii to third on Hetzendor.fl s infield

and scored on Hecht's single. to left.

~e by innings: Hill 012 203 a Hah-Kee;;.Nac OOL 201 0

Hah-Kee-Nac had seven runs on six ~ and nade five errors. Indian Hill eight runs on eleven hits and six )rs.


Last Thursday a photographer took Lvidual and group picturGs of all

ier s in the Lodge. Staff pictures

~ also taken.

The following day pictures of the . ous phases of CaJ'1p activity were In.


By Peter Lo'IVY

The Craft s program can boast a highly succass fu L season this year as work nears an end.

Sy Farber, who has been .in. this type of work for ton :pears, has run

a varied progran with full participation.

The campers have made plates, abh't,rays, boxes, wallets, lanyards, shields, checker boards, belts, spear heads, statues and Imives.

Last week bher'e vias an exhibit of all the 'Well nade things .•

Everyone had at least one thing to exhibit and Sy says he was very pleased wi th the work the camper-s have done •


l No.1 Team No .• 2 Team No. 3 Team No. 4 COACHES
retzendort s. Klein J. Hecht Ancly Tessler T'eam 1.
~~en R. Drellich A. Wolf.son J. Grossman G. Gri\Y
:ovall s. Ames J. Lowenstein N. H1mo.!! Al Kempler
'eIIer M. Biber R. Graulich 11. Walker Ed • . Peterman
Siegel A. Mintz D. Lieberman H. Steinberg
'riedla. nd J. Pitman H. Simon J. Fisch Team 2.
lpritzer Jon Siegal R. Stempel D. Zimmerman Jim r.1iller
:atz R. Silverstein R. Black s. N1senson Larry Bloch
'essler R. Heller M. Reitman H. Cohen Bob FriedJ.nan
lirsch F. Lewis T. F:ineberg P. Iowy'
lemby R. v,1a.sserman. v. Brody J. Lawrence Team ,.
liegel H. ~mholz R. Israelof , R. Leezenbaum Mark Klein
:oplin A •. LaHrence R., i.isher s. Rosenberg Sol Feinberg
love A. Bolton E. Friedman M. Kohner 8y Farber
:harmatz s. R. Blomberg J. Nathan
limmerman R. Gindes K. Mol1tag J. Frank Team 4.
~auf'man s. Segal J. Kempler K. Graulich Joe Horowit~
ril1er P. Weiner N. Katchen 1'1'. Tessler Alan Echikson
:op1in D. Bloch J. Edelstein B. Balis Jerry Mlsher
Coplin lie Hirsch. B. Firtel P. Harris
'riedland J. Folkman P. NOfdman D. Schulter l No.5

;amore ;emansky iB't!y' foldberg [arkensohn tirscb lalia

:echt !tracks ,chwartz idelstein dpman

'0 lkm an berlin 'irsch filscat



aletan il"oo.fing~

Team No. 6

B. Silverman M. Rosenbaum B. Fisch

R. Abel

E. Chivi,e,n R. Allison:

D. Hitzig M. Lufitman R. Tell

L. Bateman E. Katz

R. Snyder H. Zemansky D. Katz

F .• , Rosenberg T. Targer

D. Berney

F. Edelstein J. Kat2!

M. Fisher

Team. !lo. 7

E. Cohen L. Levitt S. Jaffe

V. Poleshuck B. USJ'liels K. Segel

J. Weisman R. Pomerance M. Fertig

S. Heman

E. Siegmeister J. Drellich

P. Dorsen

J" Golden

J. teikensohn R. Denhol tm 11. Sil·rerman K. Upman

C. i·1. Slone

Team No.8

T. Goldman D. Donchi C. Saletan R. Nordman R. IOruvartt K. Woodrow M. D. Bruck

R. Lowenstein D. Kaufman Rick Firtel S. Herman

D. Howard

R. Pace

D. Greifinger A. Berdy

C. Zuckerman J. Eger

)3. FriedJa nd R. Herrmann


Team 5.

Jerry Meisel Alan Zuoh Flick Fleisher

T'eam 6. Gao.Hirshfield 5y Grossman Jack Feinberg

Team 1.

Dick HUler Mal SchwartZi Mark lDr1n

Team 8, Dan Je£te

Mal. Goldstein Billy Won


Each boy !'lust participate in at least one event.

Fentathalon contestants may NOT partdcdpatie in any other event.

;,.n teams will be judged for organization and decorum during anncuncemerrta and :or promptness dn reporting for events. Po¥s will be awarded for this.

~oints will be awarded in the follow'ing manner:

FJrst Place 5 points In pentathalon, total scores in all five

Second Place .3 pcdnt.s events will result in winner receiving

Third Place 1 point 25 points, second place, 15 points and

third place, 5 points.

In lU\.E-EEE-N!\'C MARA.THON, "Tinner will receive 30 points, aecnod place 20 pO.ints, and third place 10 points.

Each t.ean \"r111 conpose one original song or cheer to be presented to the camp

at evening meal on Olyapics day. Points will be awarded to the best three teams .. Each team will select nane of an :imag:i.nary country and subr.ut name to Olympics games committee after first meet ing of the teaIl.

FICIALS: Coordinator-Bert LudVTig

Clerk of Course- John ~,jassaniano

Recorder and Scorer - Ray lCennedy -~Assist:iJtg - Bob Bregman Charlos Mc Nulty

Chief of Judges- Will Maloney- Al Davis

Judges at Finishing Line - Monty Les Barckman

Starter - Al Uetlicka

Bill Zeffiro

- . '


.25· Yard Dash Choctaws

•. 25 II II Apa.ches

.' 25 II 11 Iroquois.

25 . Ii II Hohican.s

S. 60 Yard Da,sh 'lITaV'ajos'

6 .. 60 tJ· II Cheyetmes·'·

1.75 It :n Cher&kees

S .. ·75 . II "Algo~quins,s.enecas,Aides

9. Combined Choctaw-Apache Relay - 4 man teams .

10. Combined Iroquois-l,iohican Relay - 4· man t-eams

11. Rel~ Race - Navajos - 3 man te&~s

12. Potato Relay Race - Cheyenne - 2 man t~s

13. Combined Relay - Cherokee - Algonquin- Sewaca - AiqeB

14. Undressing SCre!11b1e Race -' Qhocta'I'lS.

15 • Sack Race - Iroquois - Mohican - 4 man teams

16. Sack Race ... Navajos ... Cheyeimes .: 4 man teans

17. Pentathalon ~ 1 entrant per- team .•

1. javelin Thr'ow- Distance·.

2. Football· Thraw- AccuracY

3. Roftball Throw - Distance

4. Baseball Throw - Accuracy

5. Special Dash'

'~ • ~ .: I

- 4' man teens.

18. Obstacle Race- Cheyenne-Cherokee _, 4 man tea.~.

19. Relay Race 'Around Ball Field - 2 junior canp enta-arrss , 2 senior 'csmp entrants,

20. WAH-KEE-NA.C MARATHON~ ( B entrants iron each' t'eafu~

tJ)fJIJ, BCUfi

at . .1ewn, Mau.

VOL 26 NO 8

26 AUGUST 1954


By Uike Mar kensohn

The ~iah-Kee-Nac production 0·£ Oklahoma appeared Sunday and ~iMonday night s and was immediately labeled a a smash hit.

Under the direction

of Sy Grosscan th.e cas~ perfmned aclm.irably. The hard work of the past wee ks showed.

Especially noteworthy VieI'a the sets by Flick Fleisher and Wan. AU the potential 0.£ the stage was utilized.

Desnite the gaily decorat-ed mess hall the end of the banquet had a sentimental quality about it.

Carnp,ers ware awarded the medals

and cards they had won for proficiency The show was produced by Ma,.rk Lorriny

in many areas of earp activity. Host are P:lano accompaniment was by David Vlard-

;listed in this Totem. Steinman. "Tom Goldman was in charge of

The Oounse l.Lor-a performed and a properties.

1I..ast will and testament of each tribe .------.--_....-. -ed-:--t~t~h--- ...

7Ias read. Bert Ludwig perform a e

Taps ended the banquets. Senior banquet. He gave a. recitation.

Nurses Helen and Dodo and campers in "Oklahoma" cast

Vic Poleshuck and Ba.rry Silverman,. leading players in "0kl·ahomalf

Council Ring dance by our Braves

Choctaws. in clothes scramble event

'THE TOTEM _,;;.2 ~26;_.· _AU .... G_.U..;..f1r ..... - ..... 1 __ 9;:,o;h:;._.", __ .


..J'~J:'.:t;?~~ j:J.-P.JP.;!J~;tI&d' ~4 for proficiency in. archel7' at the final ~lanque.t •.

They reoeivedinstruction from ,Tohn l[assianiano while working for Jr. J:·eom.a.n, Yeoman, Jr. Bowman and Bowoan awards. Sene alsoachiel!ed the rank" of ~st Rank, Shar!Jshooterand Archer.,

Canpersa.lso pa:rtici~ted in 8. tribe shoot.-off dur:int; the season. Richard 'POl:1.eranCe was the leading archer of' 195b.,

Poneranceaehieved all seven qualificationa,.

FolloWing are the boys and their top standings I

Richard Abel", Jr., Bowman, Van Broay~ ~. Bowman; David Bruck, Jr. Yeoman;

Er'ic 'Chivian, Jr. Yeoman), Howie Cohen,

Jr I Bowman; Neal llenqy, Yeor:lan; Don Doneh; ... Jr,., Yseman J: Dick Dre!llichr: Jr. Yeooan;

,~on Edelstein,.rr. Yeonan; MlkeFeller,

:r.r.. Yeoman; Mack Fert ig, Jr. Yeoman; ~affFisch, .Jr. BoWI"!l.aJl; Robert Graulich, Jr. Yeor:Jan; Jerry: Grosffiilrul, Jr. Ieoman; :ftoss Heller.. Jr. Yeoman; Mark HinoE!.

,Jr. Bowman; BroQ,ks Hirsch, Yeoman; Jeff J:Iirseh" Jr. Boman; David H1tz,ig, Jr. Bowman; St,eve Katz, Jr'. BOV1Tr.1an; David trautman, Jr. Boman; Jeff Kavall, Jr. Yeoman; Jeff Lawrenoe, Jr. EO'l'll"!l3.n; Lennie ievitt .... 1 .Jr. y.,eoc. .• len; Dab ;e~{J JX;II .• Yleol:;~; fred Lew:is, Jr. Bowman; Dav~El L1eherrnan, Yeonan; John .L.OV1Tenstein, Y·eot1.Bn; Roger ~ow,enste in, Yeor,Jan ; and Jerry Pi tma.nJ Yeoman •.


Also, V1,c Polesbhuck., Jr. Bowman; Pi'ck Pomerance, Archer; MUton Reitman. Jr .. Yeoman; Alex Schwartz, Jr" Yeoman, Kenny Segal, ·Jr. Bowman) Joel S,iegel.,. ,Jr. !.eol:lll!l.n; Jon Siefl'el, Jr. Yeoman; .Barry Silverman" Jr. Yeoman) Robert ~ilverstein,,t Rank,· Henry Sfr.!OD., Jr'. Yeoman; Larry Spr1tter., Yeoman; ilOW'a.rd Steinberg, Jr. YeOmEn S Bobby Stracke, 1st Rank) Robert Tell, Jr. 1301'; Andy Tessler" J!'. Bowman;

Mark Walker, Jr,. Yeoman; Alan 1:101f'son, Y'90rnan; John 1:Teisman;Yeoman; Ken VToodrow."Jr, Yeotna'l; Lenrzy- Zamora; Yeoman and Doug Zir.m1erman, Jr.Yeornan.


;~.....i£p, Jd' ..thP»~~ tribe began with the induction of seven candidates into the ranks of Bravel the first rank.

Successful, passing of five major tests constitute51 the basis :of awarding a·reach rank.

Instruction ,,!as given by Red DaVin and his assistant,: Bob Hendren.

Seven candidates pass'edthe five additional Indian lore tests which qualified them for induction as '\ The ifa.rrierra.nlt was bestowed upon eaeh candidate at the Grand ,Counc:l.~ fire held Saturday.

Eachlfvarriorwas a.lso given an Indian. nane at that t:in.e. Both a;r.e considered life-honol's.

Construction ot the counell ring and participation in grand eouncils., sign language, p,erformanc.e of dances, lmo\vleclge and presentation O.r legends and h;i.story of IncUan triboo: and vigils constitute the tests for a.ll ranks.

The final r'an k of Pedagogha, or :instruo'~or" is earned aft er a summer as a


Listed are: the CBrJPe'rs who were inducted as Brave and 11lart'ioralong with their" Indian name's., Van Brody"';"Fire Arrow,n Je.f'i'r'Eq Lawroo,ce-1tSwitt, Trout,1t Dave Kaurnan-uBlu.a Plume," Brooks Hirsch"';II'Little Dear," Dave Bruck-II1i:Jblte Cloud,'" Jon Edel stein ... n Strong Lancelll Lew1s Ba.teman.!IBlu.e Shield," Indian

nanes are aeecapanfed in writing by proper .sym.bol.

MA.H-KEE-NAC "B"TF.AJ~ LOS.ES TOIiONE WDJS BY 10-5 coma By Bobby Stracks

Mah-Kee-Nac t B liB" team took an eal"'iy I.earl against Tahone at the lattH;r I s home grounds last "IlITednesday.,.But the home team rallied and put pitcher

stetJl!art Herman in a series; of' tough spots ..

Ray Kennedy;coaching the Mah-KeeNac ulne, stuck with Hernan m d lost lO-$.

THE TOTEH 3;;....... ~26:.....;;..;A~UG;...;U_S~T...;;1;.:;..9.:;..;54..i_ __


By Pet er Lowy

On Sunday J Canp Eah-Kee-Nac held its a: .:_I_~,:ll lazy day-.

As expected, S0[18 campers were worried acout getting too mich sleep and awoke

.:-t:. six a.n. Only a few renained in bed

later than reveille t S u sua'L t:ine.

The counsellors tried to stay aslee~ M long as they could. That ''\laS until

9 :45.

Breakfast was served through the norrrinr and many canpers arrived in "oathr obes and pajanas at the nessha'Ll ,

At least one canp~ noted that next year he would run for CA"':7' nayor on a platforn of eve:ry day is lazy day.

The waiters II' orri se to offer opposition.


By Lenny Levitt

The ]'·;ah-Kee-Nac junior varsity out ,lugged Camp Tohone 19-12 to get revenge ~or an earlier defeat at the hands of .ohone •.

liah-Kee-Ilac scored seven runs in .he very first inning with the first 'ive men reaching base safely.

Fr on then on it 'was no contest. jah~e-Nac maintained the lead they had built p in the first fevo[ innings.

Ronnie Nor-dmann pitched a fine gane


By Lewis Bateman

Saturday night, the Mah-Kee-Nac Indian lore boys put on their second program at the Council Ring.

The Council of Seven Fires opened in an unusual fashion. The entire canp waited at the water front while the

six c1-ieftains arrived by water for their conference.

Bearing torches, they landed and then nade t heir nay to the Council lUng.

Red Dawn told the legend of the Sioux and of hov'l they sno ked the peace pipe together.

The camp saVor the Navajo Deer Dance, the Sioux Deer Hunt Dance, the Eagle Dance, and other Indian dances.

TIed Dawn pr esent.ed the following

boys with the ran k of warrior: Van ":rody, Dave Bruck .. Lewis Bateaan, Jon ~delstein, Jeffrey Lawrence, Brooks Hirsch and Dave KaufElan.

Counsellors who acted the parts of the Sio1lx chieftains were: Gordon Gray, Joe Horo'ldtz, Dick Hiller, Jim Miller, John Massiarliano and Jim Abadi.

Bob Hendren pe rforned.,

and the teal'1 grule hin fine support

at bat, although they Bade eight errors afield.

The ¥nn ended the se~son for the Hah-Kee--Nac squad wh has a 4-1 record.

The lineup for Mah-Kee-i'Jac:

Dicl{ Pomerance, 3b j,_-jike Rosenbaum .. rf Ronny Nordnan, p Lenny Levitt, cf Bob Levy, lb

Al Hintz, 2b

:.'ike Stiglitz, If Alan TessI er, c steve Nisenson, 5S



By John Lowenstein

Last, Thursday, 14 boys and three counsellors went on a three day eanoe trip to Lake Whitinghan jn Vermont.

After a long morning of preparation and an early lunch, the trip started

on the three hour drive.

Six canoes were taken, one on tho station-TTagon and five on a trailer. The boy:s~ were loaded into the .... regon and

lithe cage."

The caravan stopped for a stretch :at "limington, Vermont, and soon arrived at the lake. The whole area used to

be farm.-land until fifteen years ago when the New England Power Conpany bought the property.. On the land was_ the Deerh-lll _::~iver Wh iah was damned up for a power reservoir. The lake is quite narrow but, ~t is ten niles long.

Ir:u:lediately the boys started to ,itch tents and afterwards went in for a dip, The water was ttdelicious.1I1 Some even

went cano eing for a "vhile and saw several beavers.

The canpar s ate a late supper of $teak, corn and Spanish r1ce.Soon after l~verY9ne ¥vent to sjleep •.

The second day was the bi8gest and

tohe nosf enjoyable. A.1;'tel'" a delicious breakfast of bacon and e@'hs, the boys 11(tent pn a ten mile paddle to the end of the fake. The boys saw the largest earth-dan ~ the Vlorld and the ItGlory Holel!" a gigantic spil1lWlY near the dam. Thep

they had a soda at the nearby town of rfuitingharJl. They were might~ lucky because ~hey got a free ride on a trnck into town.

After a light lunch, the boys fished and eanoed. nBuliet Bob" Bregman caught a couple of s~~l1 perch and s~all bass. -lam ms roasted and it was deliciousl

The next day J all the boys wanted

.. 0 stay another day but they had to r eturn because of the Olympics. The boys 1!n,joyacl themselves immensely. The campers

26 AUGUST 1954 _


'(,1ho went were as folloWS:

srJe'rfJ Jlf~fe# Norm (.:o.rcfaarg, B'o6f1:r Fisch" Jeff Kovall, John Lowenstein, stsv!art Ames, Dave Li.ebernan, Mike Rosenbaum, Mike Biber, 'Chuck Salatan, Iiark Walker, Bobby Oraulich,Riclzy' Abel, and Andr Tessler.

Counsellors who accompanied the boys were Charley McNulty, Bob Bregman and Ray Kennedy ..


By Jerry Pitnan

On Honday, August 17, siX Cheyennes, three Qherokees and twocounsell'ors set out for the otis Reservoir with Dave Daniels driving.

'\Iilien we arrived at Jin's Landing, Dave tried to back into a par-king :p ace wi th the truck and trailer. As he backed up the trailer jacknifed and one of the protruding canoes got its stern crushed. But Bob Breg;Jan repaired the canoe and we started for the camp site. l,Ve set

up carrp, went for a swim, and then had supper.

Most of the boys had a good night's sleep. The next morning after breakfast, Charlie i',icNulty took some of the boys on a lri ke because we could not go canoeing. The other boys went fishing. After

lunch that afternoon noab of the boys fishing because the water was too rough for canoeing. Tl'le other boys stayed around the camp.

After supper that night the boys went straight to bed. V\!eawo,ke b.?ight and ea:t~ly the next norndng , had breakfast., and then broke camp. TTe paddled to Jil1l1 s Landing where Dave picked us . us and took us bae k to camp~ All in

all it was a.~onderful trip. The boys who went were: Bobby Daniels,. B8, Allan Hintz, BB, Howard steinberg ... B8, Larry Spritzer, B6J Ken Segal, B6, Norman Goldberg, Tl, Chuck Saletan, TJ, Mike Biber, '1'3, and Jerr1J Pitman, 87 •

The trip was the second one to Otis.

26 AUGUST 1954


first set he gave an exb.ibitjon O£'

deep steady driving and net play that ,vas a pleasure to watch and his tactics kept Tessler continuously off balance. .

T+la pair of well fought matches, F:.ddie continued his steady pacing of the Reward steinberg and Eddie Cohen defeated ball through the firs·t sert and into

steve Nisenson and Andy Tessler in the the second ta.king a 2-0 lead in the

Cheyenne and Seneca tennis tourl1aments. final set. It was a.t that point that the dimensions of the match changed. Tessler

Actually d.t was the junior tourney increased his pace and his depth and

which evoked the greatest thrills and began charging the net furiously. At the

the most competitive play.. . Howie same time Eddie Caban seemed to find

steinberg had to go the limit to deteatditficulty :in keeping his shots deep.

Steve Nisenson 10-8, 6-8, 6-4. Both Tessler swarmed up and took a 5-2 lead

boys played in spots1to· bel'ore Cohen regained his composure. pull themselves out of dangerouB positions.




Nisenson pulled hitlsel.f up fi'orn 2 ... 5 in the fjrr;t set to tie it up and fight off a score of steinberg1s att.empts to finish him o'£f. But it was Steinberg's

. steady play wh1chuonehim the f':irst .

set after almost throwing it away.

The second set saw Nisenson hitting

crisp shots which kept Steinberg off balance. At one point Uisenson had "steinberg s'etpoint intha twelvCdlh

game with Steinberg serving. Ebwie

pUlled an ace out of his pocket to ward ~fr the threat. But stev'e was playing tp.uch too fine tennis to be denied the ,etand he wrapped it up in the fourteenth game allowing Steinberg onzy- one :goint in ~he final game.

The boy:sstopped for lunch

and con.tinued after rest' period. The mtermission aeened to have helped steinberg more than Nisenson who c()uldn It

reem to find the range with his shots

loS be .had in the second set. steinberg eonti.nued his steady tactics and took

~ 4-2 lead. Niseneon came roaring back 'ot1e up the SOOl"eat h-lJ. and then to ,Olle his touch betore steinberg I B sure thots. Howie ondedthe set taking the lext two ganeaand the matoh.

The match had taken almost three ours and both boys were exhausbed,

ne.r had given one of the finest tennis ~ibitions Ha,h.,;uc~80 sa.w"all yearlong.

The fin.a1 of the seni'or tourney Lthough not as close as the junior ttch offered numerous high spots and 'me fine precision. play by both men. ldie Cohen in ~ereating Andy Tessler ~, .8-6 played what might easil;y have

,13: finest tennis of the year. In the

Cohen stormed back playj ng a d1ffer,ent type of tennis then that at which he had begun. Ie t.urned to a steady and

slower g8r.le and resorted to a number

of well placed lobs to beat Tessler off from the net pOsition.

After catching Tessler at 5-S the match became merely a matter of time before- Cohen would finish his larger opponent off.~ The game Tessler

hung 0.0 for another four game.s, losing thecrueial thirteenth game when his smash went out by only a few inches •. Cohlmtook adva.ntage of his break and took the set 8-6 for the match.

The final draw sheet t Navajo-Cheyenne Tournament) Finals, Howard Steinberg defeated Steve Nisenson 10-8, 6-8, 6 .. 4; Semi-finals" Steve . Nisenson defeated Hike stiglitz, 1,..6,

~-b, 3-0 defau.JA.\ 8tl~inberg defeated .

J~ff Fisch,1.0~. rariQ 6-G.iQua1"ter-finalsJ Ihsenson defaat&d stivo Katl,6-4, ~3, Stiglitz defeated Bob Tell 6~3, 6-3,

Fisch defeated Silverstein 6 ... 1., 4-6,

6-b, ~einberR defeated Eric Chivian

6.2, 6-h; Secotlcrroud~, steve Katz

defeated Bobby stracks, 6 .... hj Nisenson defeated Mack Fertig 6-3; ~iglitz defea.ted Fred Lewis 6-1j Tell defeated Richard Black 6.2, Silverstein defeated Neal De~ 6-3,. Fisch defeated Joel

Si,egel 9-7, Chiv1an defeated Bob

Daniels., 6-1, Steinberg defeated

Henry Simon 6-h; First Roun.d-Btrac 1m defeated Allan Tessler 6-3, ICatz de-

feated Todd Fineberg 6-0, Nisenson defeat,ed Dick Pomerance 6-3, Fertig defeated Howie Cohen, 6-2, Stiglitz defeated Roger Lowenstein 6-0" Lew:ls defeated Steve Hecht 6-1, Black defeated, (p6) Richard Wasserman.. 6-1, :J:eU dsf_i;ed

THl!; TOTDl .;;..6 ~26 AUGUST 1954


By D:Lck Dre111ch

On Friday,. August 20, and Saturday, August 2lJ all M.ah-Kee-Nac partook in the 19.54 Olympics h,e!r'e.

TEUNIS •••••• Herman, 6-4, Silverstein defeated ~oss Heller, 6-1; Demby defeated BobQY ;1alis 6-2, Siegel, defeated Gerald .FriedJ.c.:.d 6 ... 0, Fisch defeated Ken Woodrow, 6-1, C~ .! vian defeated iJtt17PftmBn, 6-0, Bobby

~ c;. :;_e1s defeated R1oh~d Stempel, 6-0,. f\,::-5nberg defeated Alan Hintz,; 6-1, Simon de '~~ted Jon Sieeel, 6~lt Sinon defeated l0.1:e Luftanan, 6 ... 1.

Cherokee-Seneca Tournament:

Finals, Ed Cohen defeated Andy Tessler 6.-0, 8-6; Semi-finals, Cohen defeated

Lenny Zamore, 6 2, 6-0, Tessler defeated

Uan Wolfson, 6 3, 3-6" 7-5; quarter-

finals, Zamore defeated Dave Lieber1Jan, p-o, 6 ... 2, Cohen defeated Dick Drellich,

5"'4, 6..0, Wolfson defeated RiclQeAbel,

p-2, 6-1, Tessler defeated Lenny Levitt, ~3, 7 ... ,; Second Round,Zamore defeated stewart Anes, 6-1, Lieberman defeated

,like RosenbaUIl, 7 .. 5, Drellich won from

reff Owen by default" Coaen defeated

~eve Jaffe, 6~Oj. YFolfson defeated Jerry ~rossmanj 6-1, Abel defeated Bobby

Graulich.. 6-1., Tessler defeated Don Donchi" ~-2J L~ny Levitt defeated Ton Goldman,

p-O; Flrst Round,AI!les defeated Nornan ?oldberg, 6-1, Zamore defeated Hike Biber, p-l, Rosenbaum defea.ted Vic Pol.eshuck, 6~O, ~iebernan defeated John Lowenstein, 6-3, pwen defeated L:ark Walker, 9-4, Drellich defeated Bobby Fisch, 14-12, Jaff.e derea.ted ~'iike lfurkensohn, 6-2, Cohen de~eated Hike Feller, 6-0, 1701fson defeated C ~huck Saletan, 6-1" Grossman defeated

tonny Nordmann., 6-2'" Abel defeated Phil ~emansky, 6-0,· Graulich won frOB Bobby Silverman by default, Tessler defeated

30b~J Levy 7-5, Donchi won, from Jeff

~ovall by d e fault.


Five Cherokees made the long t.r.ip be Inter Laken by canoe - ionday under . ~he watchful eyes of BlllJ Charles HcNulty.

The boys nade their my through two hiles of mvamp and then saw the dam and vent for a swim. The boys who went ware ~s follows:

John l~renstein. Nornan Goldberg, ~obby Fisoh, Jeff Kovall and Mark ···alker.

Flick Fliilsher Is to be congratulated ior his fine 01;:lahoma. settings. OKlO"

The oamp was divided evenly into ei.ght teams. They were the eahoos, Krugcrland, Matzovia, S1angri-laJ Olynpia, Xanadu, Zitchal6p~a and Spartania..

The Judges were George Hill"sohfield and Bert Ludwig. There were 20 events including the pentathalon and the Mah-r;ee .. Nac marathon. 'J'!Tinnel'''s received five pOints, second place three points and third place one point. The Penta ... thalon wasi\lQrth 25 points and the marathon 30 points.

The Cahoos were far behind until the f.inal event. But the marathon netted them 30 points and the Victory with a total of $7 points. I~ugerland was close behind yr.i:. th 50 points.

In order came, Matzovia with 38 points, Shargi-la and Olytnpia with 31 markers,· Xamldu with 21., Zitchalop1a. with 17" and c,partan ia with 13.

Following are the winners of the events: Choctaw 25 yard dash, Bob Firtel; Apache 3S' yard dash, steve Segal; Iroquois 35 yard dash, Robert Aberlin· Iiohdcan 35 yard dash .. Evatl Katz; Navajo 60 yard dash" St.iglitz; Che:f,enne

60 yard dash, Alan Hintz; Cherokee 75 yard dash, Bob Levy; Algonquin-SenecaAid 75 yard dash, Barry Silverman; Choctaw-Apache four man relay, Olympia; Iroquois-Bohican four man relay,Olynpiaj Navajo three nan. rel~, Cahoos j . Cheyenne two man potatoe race, Ma;tzo:m1aj Choctaw undr-ecsfng ScraiJble, Peter Nordman; Iroquois-i1ohican four man sack race, Spartalilia;Navajo-Cheyenne four man sack race, Krugerland; Pentatilalon-l) softball throw, Steve Klein 2) Javalin throw, S~,eve lQ.ein 3) 15 yard dash, Andy Tessler l.t' football thrOVi, Chuck Saletan 5) broad jump, Andjt Te~sler; Obstacle race,

Xanaduj ball field relay, Kruger'Landj

-. th .. uara on, Cahooa,

The pentathalon was a tie between Andy Tessl,er and steve Klein. Both boys had two firsts and two seconds.


7 26 AUGUST 1951•

-------*---------------- ----~~--~~+-------

'Jf?'&f' s/~w &f:Pl,~zzr ~tR FIFTY ONE BOYS TRY SlULt ON 17AT ffi

This has been the first year !ater skiing was an activity at rflB.h-Kee:a.c and the season for water skiing can Ir:ly be described as "topS.,1I


The astonishing number of 546 rides on the aquap'Lanabae- been given. during the 1954 season, This number includes onzy the registered rides.,

No doubt a hundred mor e rides were ;riven.

llore than 50 boys took turns on the

IleiS and a great number were successf'uk, No less than 64 campers took part

£ not on the fir'st attempt then soon after •. :in the aquaplaning activity. And very· few stopped with just one or·two rj.des. A~ were anxious to continue.

Followlllg are the boys 'who pa.rticipa.ed i..'"'l the activlty, steve Heeht.; Peter

1ffi1'J, Richard Black, IF.ilt Rietman" David Following are the boys who partici-

au fman, Van Br'ody, Fred Lewis, Bobby pat-ed in aquaplaning: Richard Black, .

:tracks, John ':reisr_Ian, Todd Fineberg, Peter LOVllJ'M, ~eve Hecht, Ydltol1 Reitman.,

ike Lufbman, Alec ~hWa.ri,Z, Eric Chivian, Howard Cohen, Robert SUverstein, Van

eel, Regal, Joel Siegel, Larry Spritzer, Broay, David Kaufman,. Jeff- Lav\l1"enoe,

icbard Kruvant , Gerald li'riedlandJ David David Bruck, Jan Edelstein, Fred LeI'I'is,

i-bzig, Richard Allison, Jerry Pi'tr.1an,. Bobby Atracks, Todd Finebarg, Alec

.ichar-d fit enpel, Robert Daniels, Ken Schwartz, Neal Demby" ?!il{e Luf'tman ..

oodr'ovr, Alan E:intz, Bob Levy" Jeff ~.7en, LewiS Bateman, Ken Segal, E~. ic Chivian,

anny Nordmann, Lenny Levitt, Vic Po'Leshuckj Rober-t I{ruvant, Joel Siegel~ Larry

ike Feller, stu Ames, 1,iike Rosenbaum, Dave Spritzer J Gerald Friedland, Jon Siegel, ieberll'a.'1, Bobby Fisch, Normm Goldberg, Jerry Pitman, John ':eisman, Riohard

eff Kovall, Steve Jaffe, John Lowenst , Allison, David Hitzig,. Ken Vroodrow,

ike Biber, Chuck Saletan, Dick Drellich, Henry Simon" Richard St91ilpel, Doug

on Donehf., Jerry Grossmm, Barry Silver- Zi!"1l.1erman" Alan Hintz" Bobby Daniels,

an, Alan Tessler" Alan ~folfson and Lenny Iio'V'ro.rd Steinbsrg, John L<menstein, Norman

91'10re; Also gd Cohen, Tom Goldr~lal'l and Phil Goldberg, Bobby Pisch~ steve Jaffe,.

smans lw. Jeff Kova'LL, I.iike Rosenbaum, Lanny

Levitt, Ronny Nordr.'.ann, David Lieberman, Jeffrey O\ven, Stuart Anes; Hike Feller, Vic Poleshuck, ; ii Ire Biber ~ Chuck Saletan, Ric1\f Abel, Hark '1alI{er" obby L.evy, Bo-oby Graulich, Eddie Cohen, Tom Goldmn, Philip Zer.t&nslw, Dick Drellich, Leonard Zamor-a, Don Donchd., Alan Wolfson, Andy Tess10.J.·, Barry Silvcrnan, and Jerry

Gross!~an. ~

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Sailing" under Gltmdon GraYJ has become a popular activity at Hah-Kee-

~ac. 'J:'vlrenty two boys participated j:n

bhe proe;t'a.t1 and seven boys have passed advanced tests in sailing.

The sailing program included knot ~ying and nomenclature as well as

:raft techniques. Here arethe

)oys who' participated, Ed Cohen, Phil :enanszy, Fred Lewis, Vic PoLeshuck, Bob Janiels, Al Hintz, Ken ~Toodrow .. Henry ;:inon1. . NorrJan Goldberg, John Lo'WensteinJ like )jiber. iiike Feller .. Bob Fisch,

Jeff 1\0"'0111, steve Jaffe, Bob Graulich, [ark ,"Talker! Riclzy" Abel, Hark HimoffJ

ief! LaVlfl:'ence" Jon Segal and Ross Heller.

Advanced sailer s are i Ed Cohen,

'hil Zelllansky, Fred Lewis" Vic Poleshook, :en 'Joodrmv, fienry Sit10n and Hike Biber.

Rowing and rafter's swimtning qualifiations are sailing prerequisites.




Bob Bregman instructed more,than ,- canper s in canoeing during the past "~'''.·on. or this group 50 passed

"ii. jccanoeing tests and 30 passed advanced cane e tests.

Fr ed La'wis was the only camper to pass the expert tests.

The canoe program at Mall-Kee-Nac was important especially since it was

an integral part of the pr ogran, Both programs were in part dependent

upon each other. Camper s learned

canoe and rescue skills.

Following are the basic canoeists: ' Todd Fineberg, Mike Luftman, steve Hechtl Mike Rosenbaum, Dave lieberman,stewart Ames, Jeff Kovall, Bobby Fisch, f,Iike Feller, steve Jaffe, Chuck Saletan" Levds Bateoan, Bobby Stracks, Neil Demby, John Edellstem, Hilton Ha:i.tlTIan, Richard

Black" Robert Kruvant, Jon Siegel and Doug Zir:J!lerlJ.8.n.

26 AUGUST 1954


boating test: Paul Weiner, Neil Katchen-

Michael Silvernan, Stanley Furst, Tom ' Targer, Alan Bolten, Lee Kaufman, Fred Rosenberg" Danny Kat.z, Peter Dcraen, Martin. Lipman, Stephen Harrman, Harve,y Cove, Barry Si'egel, Herbert Zemans Iw, Ben FcLlcnan, Henry Krl.k"Jholz. Andy Lawrence, Richard Black, Roger Lowenstein, Peter Lo'Wjr, steve Hecht, Hilton Reitman" Robert Silver stein, Darid Kaufman, Jon Edelstein, Fred Lewis, Bobby stracks.1 Todd Fineberg, Alec Schwartz, Neal Dem,by, Rosa 'HeUer" Ke;l Segal, Larry Spritzer" Gerald F.ri,eiUand, Jon Siegel, John '.ieisman, Ken Vloodrow, Henry Simon, Bobby Daniels', Norman Goldbel:'g~ Bobby Fisch, Steve Jaffe, Jeff Kovall, Hike Feller, Vic Poleshuck, trike i:arkensohn, Chuck Saletan, 'R:iclw Abel, Bobby Levy and Uare E:imoff.


The Junior Life Saving course consisted of 22 hours of :instruction; analysis, demonstration and practice.

Under thedirect.ion of Dick Hiller the class met three days a ''l'eek.

Advanced canoeists are: Ken Segal, steve Klein, Bob Gr'aulich" Norman Gold'cerg , Van Brody" Dave l<sufuan, iJike Biber,

Jerry Grossnan, Alan Mintz, Bob Daniels, _. Th~f'o11o~dng boys passed' the

Jeff Lawrence., John Lowenstein, Dave HitzigJun:l.OI' Life Savmg Course, Richard

ndy Tessler, Don Doncha; Leonard Zancr-e, itl~ison, Hike Bib~r" . JUike Feller, Gerald Alan Holfson, Dick Drellich, Richard . Fr2edland, Dave Hl,tZlg, Bob Levy, Jeff Allison, Jerry Friedland, Larry Spritzer, Lav~ence, . Jerr.r P1tnan, Vic Poleshuck,

Eric Chivian, David Bruck, r.iark ~-'alker, and Bob fhlversteJ.n.

Ricky Abel, Jtn'l'Y Pitman, Ken '.-Joodrovl".

Henry Sinon, Vic Po Lesbuck,


The boating program was run under bhe direction of Jerry l~eisel during ~he 1954 season.

A number of campers after having scqutr ed the requisite swimr.:ing and ~owing sldlls !'eceived Red et"oss )Dating card s.

There was :instruction on boating ~af'e:ty in addition to the other Inrtruction.

The following boys passed the


The difficult swimmer and advanced sw:inner tests were a ed by

BUI Zeffiro during thepast ,swming season.

The fol101t'ring boys attained the Svrmnet' level: Robert Snyder,. Hike Kohner, Steve Hermann, Harvey Gove, Jon

Ed elstein,. Doug, Robert Fischer, Rob-::rt- Daniels, HeDl\V S:ir.J.on

and Ben Folkr.Jan. Advanced SWimmers Bl"EU Vic Po'l.cshuck, Dave Lieberman, Norman Goldberg, John Lowenstein, Steve Hermann, Robert Fischer, Jerry Pi man, Gerald Friedland and luke Kohner.

THE TOTl'll:

.26 AUGUST 1::::,;95::::.:u;._ _

lar with the Juniors, The list of

Juniors passing tests has been listed. Special mention should go to two, seven year old Richard Hermann,

who passed his docker and rafter tests, and seven year old Pter Harris 'who

passed his docker" ratter and 400 yard test.


The summer is rapidly drawing to a "' )5e, but Mah-Kee-Nacts Junior campers :i.ll take back to the citymCQiUpleasant ~: Jries,

The Friday eveni~ Choir' was made up ainly of Juniors who carried on the fine tandards made in past years. l'iIany of hese boys had an unforgettable experience Il singling at Xanglewood under Charles Unch.

Many boys took advant ege.of" the musiC rogram to learn to pl::zy- new instrur.lents. r/et'y Junior had a chance to be an acto!l uriilg the annual skit night and am.ateur 0\11",

The Mohican and Iroquois fought the eather all during August and finally

ad a chance the last week of camp to leep out., The Apaches and Choctaws

re as~g why they can't camp out for the ight,.

:Hany of the JUniors took tr'ips during he sUIlllIler. They visited near by farns,

he Lenox Bird Sanctuar,r and the noted ittsfield museum, In fact, the whole r!1Oiean and Iroquois tribe visited the mueum and were really interested in the gyptian mummies and voice box found there.

The JunioTs were verry a.ctive in the ature program after the arrival of l~arw eers. Birds, insects,fitogs, and leafes ere collected all over t..'1e •.

Ricky Firtel collected all the frogs

t1 the area. MtiJke Kohner was the bu:bter- 11 specialist and young Rodqy Davis could~t be kept out of the nature shack.

All the Juniors took part in the pta and Crafts program. Torra:zy- Targer

as quite outstanding in the crafts shop •. ickey Firtem., Evan Katz, Palph Leezenbaum nd Richard" "'sraelo£f "took an acti"1e part l art work...

A number of activities became quite Jpular in the Junior camp this sUIImlar. ~cher,y became quite popular. The lioLeans bad a chance to ta.ste the popular )ort of riflery. Sl<vinUJing was ever popu-

Baseball still was: the king of sports in the Junior camp, An all star team of Juniors held the Senior Navajo team to a scoreless tie tmll

. th-e last in'ing when two runs were scored off Lads l'Lil1er the eight year old Junior pitcher. Ben Foll<man" starred by getting two good hits.

The Choctaws deserve' speoial mention in this report. Under Sol. Feinberg's d:irection varied activities were undertaken almost every day, Special games, hikes in the woods, building a fort, picking berries,

the mighty epic "High Saloontl!or

bunk skit night and many special talents for amateur night meant a ver.1 successful season,

Finally no ward about the Junior c~would be complete without mentioning Uncle ~nll bilaloney. Hill's job was

big this year J but patience, his good words, his smile, all were his trademarks. The efficient but happy Junior Ca.mpawes nill many thanks fora

happy summer.


By Hike riarkensohn

When the l~ah-Kee-Nac boys arrived at Belvoir Terrace they saw a big mansion. When they got in they found

the mansion was now a camp,·

They began to danae on arriving.

Later there were refreshments and then sone entertainment. After that we all gather eel around the piano and sang. Then more dancing.

We departed about 10:30 p.l,P... The boys all agr eedthat Belvoir was a beautiful place and they all had a 'lrVonder.f'ul time.

THE TOTEM 10 26 AUGUST 1951t_-..-_

,.___.;;...;;.. .............. -- -_-------- --------- .. ------ --



By Eddie Cohen

Last Friday night ~h-Kee-Nac was treated

~ a. musical performance rInd ian Hill Music

)1' ksh ip , Usually InIan Hil). puts on one :lOW a year which intu.des the orchestra,. loruB, madrigal group, ad dance gr oup. This ear,. in addition to

ne regular shdWwhich as given a few weeks go, they gave a per~ Drmance after services t"iclay night which eon ... isted of modern dance nd a one act opera, •.

The modern dance xhibition was an. e:!!;~ l p'l,e of the creative ffort·6 pu,t forth in he dance group, SqIDe

f the dances were done to riginal music by

embers of Indian

'ill. . Many of the

ances performed were esults of improvisaLons and sone ha.d horeograph.y d one by he students.

tets a wife.

r'),~(;I)[ R TV , of

Ll'tr~" v fT1 f

C (,. LL E' G.


\ 8?\ ..


qualified for these ranks: Marksman, Robert Dan iels,Tom Goldman" Mark Hintoff, Jerry Pitman, Bobby Levy, Lenny Zamore and Hike Rosenbaum; Sharpshooter, Ken Woodrow, Hike Feller~ Neil Demby~ Bobby Graulich, Dick Drellich and

Dave .LielJeJ;'111.Sn ..


The .fol+.owing boys fired the army .cucse offered by the director of civilian oar ksmanship in Washington, D. C. and

Alan. ',:foLf'lon qualified as expert.,.

It, seems as iithe tutelage of Art Peck

and AIMetlioka is producing qualifying targets.

Here are the rifle ..

men and their top awards, ProMarksmen-Alan Mintz, Richard Stemple, Joel Siegel, Ken Segal,

Roger Lowenstein, Larry Sp:ritzar, ·Jon Siegel, John '~!eissman, Gerald Friedland, Alan Tessler and Je!! Hirsch,; Marksmen,.. Mark Walker, Lewis Bateman, Richard Kruvant, Richard AUison, Jeff Lawrence, Doug Zimmerman, Mike Blber, Dave Kaufman, Richard Wasserman, Van Brody and Robert Silverstein; Marksmen First Class .. Richard Abel, Jeff iisch, J!t'ic Chiv1an. stuart Herman, Jeff Owen, Jon Siegel, Howard Steinberg, Jon Edelstein, Ken Segal, steve Jaffe, Richard mack, Milton Reitman; Sharpshoot sr.Stu art A'tnea, Hobert Fisch, Henry Simon, Jeff

risch, Ed Cohen, David Hitzig, Jon Edelstein, Lewns Bateman, Jeff Kovall, Mike ~ftman; Bar One-stuart Ames, Ross Heller, Richard Pomerance, Robert Stracks;

~ar TwoooRichard Drellich, Mark Himoff, Gerald pitman, Alan Wol:fson, Lenny Zamore, Ken Woodrow; Bar Three-Dave Lieberman, Mark Hmoff, John Lowenstein,. Mack Fert:lg, nan Wollf!soD.1 Robert Daniels, Alec Schwart·z and Fred Lewis; Fourtb .ear-Robert reil, Neil Demby; Fifth Bar-Todd Fin.eberg, Robert Levy, Sixth Bar":Robert iQraulich and Philip Zernanskyj Seventh Bar-Mike FeUar.


The r~ah .. Kee .. Nac vars1tylost to Indian Hill. 9-2 here Monday.

Indian Hill scor ed two runs :in the second inning/ Fl'om that point 'On

they were never headed. This was the second consecutive victory for Indian

Hill over Mah-Kee-Nac. They defeated Mah-Kee"'Nac in a ,close 8 ... 7 game earlier this year.

__ .... T_HE;;;..._TO'.f_~'FM;;:..____ 12 26 AUGUST 1954



One hundred and nineteen boys have passed their rafters test at the watex-front during the past season. Especially significant is the fact that eo out of 82 boys frol1 the Senior Camp passed the test. This high percentage is indicative of the training the bqys receive at the waterfront.

In the Jun10l' camp also the raft·erx outnumber all the lower classifications. ':'trty-nine boys passed the:irrafters tests and ten passedthe:ir dockers tests,

Follvvdng are the classifications of the boys: Senicr ... Raftett"s, Hichard Black, Roger Lowenstein, Peter Lowy, Richard Wasserman, Steve Nisenson, Steve Hecht, ~qilton Reitman, Howard Cohen, steve Katz, Alan Tessler, Mike 'Stiglitz, Robert Silverstein, stewart Herman, ,Van Brody, David l~ufman, Jeff 'Lawrencel David Bruck, Jon Edelstein, Bobby Stracks, Robert TeU, Todd Finebergl .Richard Pomerance .. Hack Fertig, Alec ~chwartz. Neal Demby, Michael LU£tman,

Ross Heller J Lewis Bateman, Ken Segal., Eric Chivian, Robert I\ruvant" Joel '~iegel, Jeffrey Fisch, Larx-y Spritzer, Gerald Friedland, Jon Siegel, Jerry P1:bman, John lr!eisman, Richard Allison, Bobby Balis, David Hitzig, Ken Woodrow, f!enry Simon, Richard stempel, Doug Zir:lBerman, Alan rantz, Bobby Daniels, Howard Steinberg, John Lowenstein, Norman Goldberg, Bobby Fisch, steve Jaffe,' Jeff Kqvall, Mike Rosenbaum, Lenny Levitt, Ronny Nordmann, David Lieberman, Jeffrey Owen, Stuart Ames, Mike Feller, Vic Poleghuck, Hike Biber, Mike Marl<ensohn, Chuck Saletan, Ricky Abel, Mark Yfalker,Bobby Levy, Bobby Qraulich, Marc Himof!, Eddie Cohen, Tom Goldman, Philip Zemans~, Diok Drellich, Leonard Zamorel Don Donehi, Alan l701f80n, Andy Tessler, Barry Silverman, Jerry Grossman, Lee

Met z endorf , Steve Klein, Jeff Hecht; Cribbers, Jeff Hirsch, Brooks Hirsch,

Junior,David Greifinger, Zeke Saletan, Ralph Hirsch, David iehulta-, .. Gurt -Seie-;nej_ster, Jon Folkclan, Peter Nordmann, Brian Fri.edland,. Stua.r...t. 'riedlAnd,' Arnold' Koplin,. 'Jeff, Bobby Ffrtel, Mark FiSher, hiickey Sbe, ;ichard Koplin, Uark Tessler, Clem Zuckerman, David Bloch, Lewis Hiller, John empler, - Jeff Edelstein, Larry Hirsch,steve Shapiro, Ken Hontag, Alah Berdy"

tger Koplin, Richard Israe101J and- Donald Howard; Dockers, Jeffi'eyEg.:;r, Dick lrney, Steve Segal" Robert Deriholt.2I,' Eddie Friedma.n, Bobby Greifingel", Barry skat, Leslie Charmat-z,' Ken Graulich and 'Justin Drelllchj Rafters" Richard rrmann, Yeter Harris, Paul Weiner, Neil Katchen, Ken Lipman, ltlchael Silverman, ~ton ~lte, ~~nley, Fu~s~~ Ed?i~.Rose~ Robe~t Aberlin, JOhn .... Leikensohn~ .

lert Gmdes, Jeff Frank, Mal Zl.CDernanj Ton~Targer', Randy Pace, John Nathan"

'f Golden, Alan Bolten, Bee Kaufman, Fred! Rosenberg, Danny Katz, Richard

mberg, Martin Lipman, steve Rosenberg, Eric Seigmeister ,St'ephen 'Ha.rrmann,

iTey Cove, Evan Katz, Rickie Firtel, Barry Siegel, Ralph, Le~enbaum" Herbert~ tnsiw, Rpbert Fisher,. Ben Folkman, Henry Krumholz, Andy Lawrence, Hichael.

\ er and Bobby 8nyd er • -.


Publishing the Totem this past season would h~ve been impossible without the of Leo, Kornhauser' 'who did the mir.leographing and much of the tracin.g and iling. Also, important in the publication was 'Larry Bloch ,who fjuperyi,sed ige of the Junior CamP. We are proud to say that as marw as 30 boys ( louted to the Totem during this past year. Without the:ir help there YiUuld newspaper. TheY' arE;) as follows: stuart Ames, Lewis Bat eman , Van Brody,

en, Dick Drellich, Mack Fertig, Todd Fineberg; Ben Follanan, Norman Goldberg, Hirsch, Jeff H:irsch, Jeff La.wr'ence, Ra.lph Leezenbaum" Lennie Levitt, David tan, .John Lowenstein, Roger Lowenstein, Mike Harkensohn, Lee Metzendorf.l Jeff' 'erry Pitman, Mike Rosenbaum, Chuck Saletan" Henry Simon, Richard stempel, tracks, Bobby Tell, Al Goldstein, steve KLein and Jeff Hecht,

nks to Sy Farber for some fine art wor~ . Editor-Dan

unbled by Gerry Friedland, Richard Allison and Z


1954 Banquet Song

~1ehad:run, we:tve been gay, ..

King Evan and Barry are big leagu~s,. We looked forward to each day,

Rich 161'ae10f gets phone calls night and day And wetll be back :in another year. Ralph's an artist, Herb's a swinlr.ler,Rich

loves nature,

Uncle Leo's helped ~J justin in every way_ Cabi;i. 3.


Cabin 1 Jr. CaL1P

r:arvay and steve Herrf.lal"ln are our archers, Yartyjust like Eric loVes baseball,

s·~ ')hen Rosenberg sang with our Tanglewood Chorus,

R.,: and P·eter like the waterfront best of all.

Cabin 2.

Ben and Bobby ll&.Vegot of fers from the.


Mike Kohner too, but he likes butterflies, Don likes tennis, Andy LavlI'ence likes the water,

Krummyrose to stardom right before your eyes.

cabin 4,

Bob Omdes and Bob Snyder are our swimmers Rob and Eddie are the fastest Iroquois, Jeff f s a slugger, John I! s anexper-b with an


Bobby Denholtz is our cut e little nature boy_

Cabin 5.

26 August 1954

(TUBe of lIHoney Bun")

Chorus ( repeat after each verse)

Mah Kee Nac, we love you so, Boy, we sur's, do hate to go

We'll all join in and give a rousing cheer

Cabin a

~ Eddie and Mark are always fighting, While Jeffrey in the morning is so neat, Charlie Zuckerman is quite content with


David fishes" whie Paul always likes to eat.

Cahin 9.

Louis Miller pitched great brell against the seniors,

Neil and Bilverduck can sw:un well anywheret

Fred's an archer , Barton .alway,s answers If dreadfulu I

Kenny L.jp1llan is our ticklish teddy ... bear.

Cabin 10

Our Larry is a talker unlike Bobby, Dick Berney is a !ressel'" Ed loves nature,

Our Barry is an artist so supreme, Jeff Edelsteint s a f:tsherman is supreme"

And Torn and Mal ar e wont to take up boating Stan's a boater, John is very good at

While our Les can play baseball on any tema. wrestling, . . .. . I. .

Steve could pl8¥ on any All-Am.erl.can team.

Cabin. 6.

Cabin 11

We wake up in the morning to Lee's giggle,

And Nathan criesuI want baseball 130mB mar ell ,Rich Herrman and Dave Schulter"· are fine

As Steve slips into his clothes first with swimmers,

a wiggle, Dave Gre.ifinger and Pete behave so well,

Al and Randy get their beds stripped to the Ralphy, Curt and Zeke are all the best of

floor. fellOWS,

Cabin 7. And boy you should hear that Jonny yell'

Ken Montag is a. craftsman, Fred , s an artist, We all enjQy' the jokes ?? that Berdy tells, Danny Katz likes baseball,Rickie takes fine


Ken Graulich loves collecting bullet

Cabin 12.

041" Bob and Mighty Jeff are good at

" baseball,

shells.Mark Fj.sher works at art and crafts with


Oh thOS0 Friedland twins and Mick and Pete are sw.1mmers,

While Arnie, has be~uttiful red hair.

qcn BrHf4

at .leJtlJ4, Mau.

~ ,. -r r< 1\ /. -' J\ J" .r J ,


CA/V\f~F f~S [)EFEA T


t"'-')' /

'-.. -

./ 0

The oampers: defeat·ed the ,counsellors tor the second time in Ji,fah-Kee-Nac IS twenty~ixyear history in the traditional Camper",Counsellor game Wednesday.

The ,campers in the game the last day of the season overcame a t11:ree run deficit outdistancing the counsellors by a 9-6 count.

It was Jeff Hecht on the' 1110und

for the victors ·who gave the counsellors so much trouble. His control was

superb and he did not falter in the tight spots.

Hee~;was given tine fielding support especially in the outfiald wheve Lee Metzendor/ and Steve IUein did Yeoman work hauling down a number ot lang .:£il,es.

The beginning of the gane gave no indication that this was going to be an upset.. The counsellors opened the first inning by .imTllediate'ly pouncing on Recht for two runs. Dick Mi1Je r

drew a walk and Bert Ludwig and

Jim rUller doubled. But the threat was cut short when Jim '\Vas cut

down trying to stretch hi. hit to

a triple,. That play characterized

the camper-s play throughout the game, They took advantage of ever,y counsellor mistake~

The campet~ struck back scoring twO' run.s in the bottom of the inning. They scored on hits by lietzendorf and Al Holfson and an

error and a walk. The game

seemed to be the counsellors whe.n they went ahead scoring ,in the third and fourth innings. They led

6-3 when the lid came off. The campers began to hit hurler Ray Kennedy and wait him out fef "-lalkSl and at the

same t me the counsellors play in

the field faltered. The campers

tallied one in the fourth and three

in the fifth and sixth innings.

starters for tha '9~ers werel Mike Rosenbaum 2bAl Wolfson 3b

. .. . Ron Nordmann c

Len Zamore. rf steve Klein cf

Lee Hetzendorf 1£ Lepny Levitt Jb

Jeff Hecht p Bobby levY Ib



!""lcolm Goldstein spent this summer in the Junior Camp after one year in the Senior C -~lp. Mal is an Eagle Beout and s~rved as Assistant Scoutmaster.. He helped in "~h-.Koo.Nac's camping-out program and handled Junior archery. He goes to COllIDlbia tT~rl.vor5ity whore he is in the colloge orchestra •

. Seymour Grossma.'1 has spent four years as Counselor at Mah ... Kee-Nac, this SllmRlOr taking over .full di.rection of the dramatic program. Sy has'also ns,sistod in. tho music program. An M.I.T. graduate, he is now a sophom.ore at Bellevue Medical College.

Michael Spicer returned to camp. after a year' 5 absence, for his fourth summel'". as

a counselor. ,Prior to his counselor sta.tus. Mike, was a lIl3h.Kee-Nno C<!I1Ie r for seven ~ers. Mike graduated from Dartmouth Collage in June and left camp during

August to join the l\rmy as a 2nd Lieuten.:mt. '

Seymour Farbar is an Art tea.cher in Babon HighSchool, Elizabeth, N.J., where he teaches with Leo Kornhausor, long-timo counselor 'WhO' is now on our adndnistrative staff. He is activo in scenic design anc dramati.cs at the NewaIk Y. Sy was in charge cf Arts and Crafts at camp •


IArry Slooh is a history te~.cher in a NCv1ark Junior High S~hool. He tomerly taugbtwith Sol .Fcinborg and Charles r,fcNulty at NeW Dorp High Schoo;L,Th1~ ¥t1S b~s

second year atr·fah .. Kec-Nac and hi s first year with the eho,ct;aws, ..



Alan Komplcr~ counselor with the Choctaws for two Slmmers" has many intel'e"ts.

lUan played the accordian,: is a fine ehcss pla_yer, and was in charge of ~he gb~:.clf~1!Iht

He is a pro-mod student ut Hamilton College. ! .

.. ,

Sol Feinberg 11voa in Nnrth ~1rli:ngton, N, .J" q~ is ~o1ng guidanoe work a~New lkl~ High ~chool, S~a.ten*~la~ .: So~ h4~ been at Mah~Kce-Nao far six summerst B11d th~s was his fourth 5~cr supe~stng dlU' :youngest ChoQtaws~.

. , .

Bill Won, a native of Hawaii, spent his first sumner at Mah~Kec-Nac with theph.oc", taw tribe. Bill is a gr-aduate of Columbia Univer.sity and has completed h:1S ti.rst

year at New York State College o:f ~~edicine. .


Eugene (Flick) Fleischer ca,me to camp directly from 1\rlr.!y duty in Korea .. where.he was Cl Lieutenant. A graduate of Ohio University. Flick was photography counsel_ ...

He designed otll:" now large darkroom. -

Mnrk Lorr1n Was the Director of tho Mah-Kee-N.2c Music Program. He is a gradua.te ot the N0'W York University School of MUsic. A professiorinl. violinist" Mark !.so has . been a member of several aymphony orchestras.


THIRD ROW (cont,tde):

".- -

J.?ck Feinberg, long.time ~1'aTh-Kee-Nac eanpcr, served his third summer as counselor. AS0uth Orange, N.J. resident, Jack is entering his JUnior year at Amherst Collcgeo J;>.ckwas a member oftha waterfront staffo


Alan Ecbikson in his third year as rtah-Keo .. Nlc counselor, is a one time Mah-Kee-Nac camper. Alan is entorinG his sophomore year n.t Cornell J edical School. He graduated from D:u-tmouth Coll~)go, where ho earned mcmbcr shap in Phi Botta Kappa •

.uan Zuch, a e~por at }Ir·2h .. K0C .. Nac for oif:',ht summer a, comploted his second year as, a counsolor. He dividod 1953 bQt·'/0cnthc :~ounF5ost Chnct:'!ws and tho Senior Camp. This summe r he was w:i,th the oir,ht year old Ap8.chcs. entering his JUnior year at Harva.rd.

Mol SCh~Ta:.t"tz was one of our two st:U'f momber-s ~.rho hail frl1M Wilmington" .No-o Carowlinae A.l"1othcr one of our medicDl stulcnt,8) Mel has finished his first year at Duke Uni vcrsi tyt s 5cho'J1 of :iIedic:ine·o

BOTtOM R~l}';

McortyMoeris an Eagle Scout'J' and Scout Zxantiner :in the field.·,or naturo i'orthe Scout Council at Scr<mtoYl, Puntlsylv<:1l".i.c"lJ his hom..:. town. Harty has been Director of NRture at the Scra."lton Scout C:llnp for several suITU11ors, and directed our' Nature pro"", gram,

Ed Petermen, an unusually fine trombone player, directed. the Mah-Kce ... Nao band, and taught wind instruments to c amp.rr s; Ed is 3. gradu,.,tc of tho Miami Univorsi ty in Ohio, and is cntoring the Chicn.gc schoc 1 of Divinity.

Bob Friedman is the second member of the ~iilminf;ton, ,No. Carolina pair, and a grad ... ua.te of' the University of North carolin:t.. Bob has completed his Junior at

the Southern Collego of Optonetry in Homphis, Tenn.


rep RWI

.:0(3 HOllowitz ser'V"ed as a relief counselor after two s\lIIlJIlers as an aide,. and siX ;-'~··mers as a camper at Mah .. Kee-Nac. Joe assisted at the waterfront and handled t::e motor boat for water eki1ng.

Al Metlicka is Superintendent of Sohools at Southbury. Conn., He 1s an N.R.A. Riflery Instruotor end he helped to make our riflery program so outstanding this summer. One of the popular Senior Camp story teller$.

Gordon Gray sorvod as a relief eounselorin 'the Senior Camp. In add! tion, Gordon vas in. cAar~o df the sa.iling program. He is a Senior at Bucknell College.


Hal Lewis is teacher of Fine Arts in NoW' 'York City, has completed his seventh summer as Art Counselor at Mah-Kce .. Nac. He direots all the art work at camp, ceramics, and also directed tho making of the two large Junior and Senior Camp Totem Polos.

Dan Jaffe came to camp after graduating from Rutgells Univcrsity,whe"ro he was a member of tho Varsity Tennis Team. for three yo'ars. Dan was one of 01ll' tonn:1s counselors,. and in addition was in charge of our WElckly paper, the TO'lEl'1".

Mark Klein was on our waterfront .staff, tnd was in charge of the "tearnto SWimII' Program. Mark is a Sonior at the Univorsity ·01' Pcnnsylvrurl.a. majoring in English. Ho has won sevoral scholll!'ships. He 1.s n brother of stove Klein, Mab-Kee-Nac camper for siX sumrnerSr" rlark hails from South Orango,. N.J·.

Jim Millor, e. rncm.ber of the athlot~c stafr, is 8.. graduate of Concord College, School of Physical Education in west Virginia" and will teach physical. edueatdon and coach at Virginia this year. Jim hails f.rom South Carolina.

Ray Kennedy retu..'"ned to M'm·Kce-NM cl'tor a SllnIl'I\er's absence, to help in the athletic program. R~ho.ilB !'rom Cinci..'1nnti, Ohl.o,anci has just ,eompleted his Junior year nt the University of Notre Dame "\.Jhorc he is majoring in Eng.lish.


Bob B~ogman came to camp from Chicago, where ho has finished two years. at tho Medioal College of the Univerei ty of Illinois. Bob wa.s a m mber of tho waterfront staff" and wa.s in charge of our canoeing program.

Dick Miller is a former Htili-Kee-Nac camper who returnod to c amp this year as a member' of the waterfront staff. Dick attended the American Rod Cross Aqua.tic School just prior to the oponing of camp. He is a member of the Varsity ba$eball team at the Fairleigh Dickinson Collugc. He is a Sonior thero.

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