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A  Nidhesh T V
 RollNo: 32

Need for Acceptance Sampling
•In high volume production activities it is not possible to inspect
100 % items, that are purchased

•It will be expensive and time consuming

•Acceptance Sampling is the only method when destructive testing
is required
•Prevent physical and mental fatigue to inspectors.
•Need to inspect the parts more quickly to prevent inventory hold
up for inspection.
Decide acceptability of incoming items.
Uses of Acceptance sampling

Decide the quality of out going products.

Decide acceptability of WIP items from stage to stage

production eg. A Gear box assembly has several stage
assemblies which are to be inspected and passed
before they are used in the final assembly.

Widely used for material in the form of gas, liquid,

stored in heaps, tanks or moving in conveyor etc.
Acceptance Sampling Flow chart
L o t R e c e iv e d
fr o m S u p p lie r

R a n d o m S a m p le
o f M a te r ia l
S e le c te d

Ite m s In s p e c te d
a n d A n a ly z e d

R e s u lts
D e fin e a n d
C o m p a r e d w ith
A n a ly z e
A c c e p ta n c e
S a m p lin g P la n
C r ite r ia

A c c e p t th e L o t R e je c t th e L o t

D e c id e
S e n d L o t to
D is p o s itio n ,
In v e n to r y o r
R e tu rn to
P r o d u c tio n
S u p p lie r
Acceptancesampling can bedone forVariablesorAttributes
Extract a random sample from a lot based on the
quality of sample( Decide to accept/ reject).

It helps to separate good from the bad.

This process helps in:

 Inspection of raw materials
 Inspection of semi-finished products
 Inspection of finished products etc
Risk in the Sampling Plan
Producer’s risk (α)
The lot may be good, but the sample show it as
defective and rejected, resulting in loss to producer
(supplier ) of the part – Type 1 error

Customer’s risk (β)

The lot may be bad, but the sample shows it is good
and is accepted, resulting in loss to customer i.e.
product with a defective part is given to customer –
Type 2 error.
Thank You.. 

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