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Canberra reflection


Canberra concept map

 I read and re-read carefully on the websites.
 I took notes pointing out the keywords.
 I applied past knowledge with the text boxes, which made it easier.
 I edited the black and white copy carefully and fixed up the mistakes.
 As I visited the websites I bookmarked them so I could access them easy and quickly.
Table group
 Organisation and research
Our group allocated everyone jobs in the section they were doing.
We created a folder on students to merge every document.
When we had to merge the documents I did it all and saved it to students to make it faster.
We all worked in pairs with the person doing the same question and made sure we were doing
different research.
We communicated well, meaning we all knew everyone’s job.
After 30 minutes we came back together to discuss and share what we had done.

 Test 1 5 50%
 Re-reading
After the first test I knew all the questions so I could find that information in the reading.
I was highlighting the keywords so I could find the information easily.
I only researched the questions I didn’t know.
Once I was done the reading and re-reading I kept looking though the answers to remember them.
 Test 2 11 86%

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