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If you dont know what to study... then dont worry!

My advice: TAKE A GAP YEAR.

I am talking of experience... It is the best thing that you can do.

Now, why ...? :

1) Take your time. Relax. Discover athe world and most importantly
discover yourself. You need some alone time to really find out what kind
of person you are, what are your interest, your goals, your dreams and
passion. Find out truly who YOU are and not who other people may
think you are.

2) Take this year to study a language. Nowadays the knowledge in

languages is so important. The more you know, the better the chances
for your future, personal as well as career. Remember languages open
new gateways of communication to other people, their mentalities and
cultures. This also helps you to be a tolerant and open minded
individual, with your own opinions and perceptions. Not the stereotypical
views you get from your friends, media and co.

3) Try out something new. Take a course for example in something that
you have never considered before. Who knows, maybe that will lead
you to a different direction or give you another perspective on things.
You most probably find out new things and discover some „hidden“
skills that you have.

4) Gain some work experience. Even if this work is temporarily like

waitressing. This way you will find out what it means to work. You will
gain a sense of responsibility and discipline, as well as an
understanding of what it means to be indepedent and self-sufficient.
Also it is a great way to learn how to value money.

5) Most importantly do not worry if you might feel that you are going the
wrong direction or loosing your time. You dont and you never do.
Whatever you do, you will always learn something.

Like Edison once said:

„I have not failed 10,000 times. I have successfully found 10,000

ways that will not work.“

Think about it.

Hope this gave you an energetic start and a little bit of faith. Faith in

Let optimism be your motivator and curiosity your guide.

Good luck.

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