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How to...

clean your wardrobe.

if your wardrobe looks like this then your in a bit of a pickle.

you will never find the one tee your looking for until you've pulled everything
out and you still might not find it. What you need is some organisation and you
will never have a worry in the world again.

1. take everything out of your wardrobe and chuck it on your bed.

2. start folding
3. remember to prioritize your tees (put the tees you wear often in one pile
and the others in another)
4. prioritize the often worn pile to which ones you like more being on the top
5. stack the tees upright as neatly as possible and at eye level
6. do the same with your jumpers, jeans, leggings, skirts, tops, shorts and
7. step back and stare at your organisational skills
8. have a great day  :)

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