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Live haven on earth

 Your eyes will enjoy…

The long clear blue ,beautiful coast and a white gold soft sand with
green shady fruit filled coconut trees and the beautiful blue clear as a
crystal, wide into the horizon sea , and if you look carefully into the
horizon you will see the big high green mountains with a sunny clear
blue sky and a white soft clouds.

 Your ears will be pleased by…

Comfortable sound of cool and faint water and slushy ,soft water falls
with the silky ,velvety waves and the positive sound of chattering,
twittering singing birds , and if you close your eyes you will hear
undertone tree’s leaves moving with the euphonic and plopping
,floating small boats
 You will live the time of
your will life when you
The warm soft golden sand under your bare feet and the fresh cool
wind passing your face under the sunny colorful warm sun, and the
clearness of the water will put you in a peaceful world.

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