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Kai Ling Liang 5°

What is an Adjective?
• An adjective is a word that describes,
modifies or gives characteristics to a noun,
pronoun, or other adjective.

• An adjective is usually before the noun,

pronoun, adjective, that it describes.
Color- red, blue, white

Appearance-clean, long

Feeling-happy, proud

Size-short, huge, tiny

Quantity- many, few

Condition- wet, hurt,

Examples in a Sentence
Adjective Describing a Noun
These sweet and organic apples come in green, yellow and
The adjectives sweet, organic, green, yellow, and red describes the noun, apples.

Adjective Describing a Pronoun

The exhausted me, struggled to walk up the hill.
The adjective exhausted describes me, which is a pronoun.

Adjective Describing an Adjective

This pair of dark brown boots is very expensive.
The adjectives brown and expensive describe the boots while the word dark, also considered
an adjective describes the color brown. Also, the adjective very describes the adjective


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