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Drugs Indication Action Side Effects Nursing consideration Patient Teaching

Generic Name: Management of Levodopa inhibits • Neuroleptic Administration of Muscle eyelid

Levodopa Parkinson disease peripheral but not malignant like sustained release twitching may
Brand Name: Sinemet central, syndrome form of levodopa indicate toxicity
Classification: decarboxylation of including availability by 50% report immediately
Antiparkinson Drug levodopa because it symptoms of and increased peak
100mg 1tad OD does not cross the muscular levodopa levels by
Date Ordered: blood brain barrier. rigidity 25%
8/4/2010 Since peripheral • Hypothermia
decarboxylation is • Increase serum
inhibited, more phosphokinase
levodopa is available • Changes in
for transport to the mental status
brain where it will be
converted to
dopamine, thus
relieving the
symptoms of

Generic Name: It is used for the Action on blood • Orthostatic Assess respiratory Inform patient that
diphenhydramine symptomatic relief of vessel, GI, respiratory hypotension status: rate, rhythm drug may cause dry
Brand Name: Benadryl allergic conditions tract by antagonizing • Palpitations and increase in mouth; frequent oral
Classification: anti including urticaria the effects of • Drowsiness bronchial secretions rinses, good oral
allergics and angioedema. histamine for H1- • Sedation wheezing and chest hygiene and
25mg; BID Diphenhydramine is Receptor site tightness: provide sugarless gum or
• Disturbed
Date Ordered: used for its decreases allergic fluids to 2L day to candy may minimize
8/4/2010 abtimiscarinic response by blocking decrease secretion the effect
properties in the histamine caused thickness
control of increased heart rate,
parkinsonism and vasodilation
drug-induced secretions; significant
extrapyramidal CNS depressant and
disorders anticholinergic
Generic Name: Constipation, Causes an influx of • Abdominal Assess patient’s Teach patient that
lactulose salmonellosis. fluid in the intestinal discomfort condition before normal bowel
Brand Name: Lilac Treatment of hepatic tract by increasing associated with therapy and reassess movements do not
Classification: encephalopathy the osmotic pressure flatulence and regularly thereafter always occur daily
gastrointestinal/ within the intestinal intestinal influx to monitor drug’s and that adequate
hepatobiliary drugs lumen. Bacterial • Nausea effectiveness. Identify fluid consumption is
30cc/ODHS metabolism of the • Vomiting cause of constipation. necessary
Hold for BM >2x/day drug to lactate and • Diarrhea on Assess lifestyle in
Date Ordered: other which are only prolonged use relation to fluids, bulk
8/4/2010 partially absorbed in and exercise
the distal ileum and
colon augments the
osmotic effect of
lactulose. The
distention of the
colon due to
increased fluid
enhances intestinal
motility and
secretion. These
result to the passage
of soft stool
Generic Name: Moderate to severe Centrally acting • Vasodilation Assess patient’s pain Instruct patient to
Tramadol/paracetamol pain analgesics not • Vertigo/ before therapy and take drug only as
Brand Name: Dolcet chemically related to dizziness regularly thereafter prescribed and not to
Classification: opioids but binds to • Headache to monitor drug increased dosage or
analgesics, muscle mu-opioid receptors • Anxiety effectiveness interval without
relaxant and and inhibit reuptake medical advice
• Sleep disorder
uricosurics of norepinephrine and
1 tab PRN x Pain serotonin
Date Ordered:
Generic Name: Antibiotics A combination of • Diarrhea For IV administration Report any pain at
Piperacillin sodium/ piperacillin sodium • Constipation or infusion, by the injection site,
tazobactam sodium and tazobactam • Nausea reconstitute the fever, chills, rash,
Brand Name: Tazocin sodium, a beta • Vomiting powder for injection diarrhea, GI upset,
Classification: lactamases, thus with 5ml suitable lack of response or
• Dyspepsia
antiinfectives ensuring activity of diluents piperacillin. worsening of
I tab, 600mg; BID piperacillin against • Stool changes IV diluents that can condition
Date Ordered: beta lactamase • Abdominal pain be used include 0.9
8/11/2010 producing • Headache NaCl, sterile water for
microorganisms. • Insomnia injection. After
Thus, tazobactam diluent is added
broaders the shake vial well until
antibiotic spectrum of the powder is
piperacillin to those dissolved
bacteria normally
resistant to it
Generic Name: Treatment of Decreases viscosity • Nausea Assess patients • Teach patient
acetylcysteine respiratory affections of respiratory tract • Vomiting respiration and how to use and
Brand Name: Fluimucil characterized by thick secretion and • Generalized pulmonary secretions clean nebulizer
Classification: and viscous promote their urticaria exercise caution on • Inform patient
respiratory drugs hypersecretions; removal by breaking • Hypotension patients with that drug may
1 tab, 600mg, BID acute and chronic disulfide bonds. In respiratory have a foul
• Wheezing
Date Ordered: bronchitis and its acetaminophen insufficiency and smell or taste
• Dyspnea
8/12/2010 exacerabation, overdose, it protects history of the unpleasant
pulmonary the liver from injury • stomatitis bronchospasm odor will
emphysema by restoring decrease after
mucoviscidosis and gluthathime levels or repeated use,
bronchiestasis. by acting as alternate the
antidote in poisoning substrate for discoloration of
caused by acetaminophen solution after
paracetamol carbon metabolism bottle is
tetrachloride arsenic, opened does
metallic mercury not impair its
inhalation, yellow effectiveness
phosphorus and for
indused hemorrhagic
Generic Name: Treatment for Selective and specific • Nausea Assess patient’s • Advice patient
paramipexole symptomatic dopamine O2 • Constipation condition before to take drug
Brand Name: Sifrol management of receptor agonist and • Somnolence therapy and regularly with food if
Classification: central idiopathic has a preferential • Hallucinations thereafter to monitor nausea
nervous system drugs parkinsonian affinity to receptors. • Confusion drug effectiveness. develops.
I tab, 1mg, am and syndrome It alleviates Assess improvement • Inform patient
pm parkinsonian motor of involuntary that
Date Ordered: deficiency by movements in hallucination
8/14/2010 stimulation of Parkinsonism: may occur
dopamine receptors akinesia, tremors,
in the striatum. It also straggering gait,
protects dopamine muscle rigidity, and
neurons from drooling in response
degeneration in to drug therapy and
response to ischemia adjust dose
or methamphetamine
Generic Name: To reduce low-density Inhibits HMG-COA • Constipation Assess nutrition fat; Instruct patient to
simvastatin lipoprotein reductase enzyme • Flatulence protein; take drug with
Brand Name: Vastat cholesterol, which reduces • Insomnia carbohydrates, evening meals
Classification: apolipoprotein and cholesterol synthesis; • Pruritus nutritional analysis because taking this
cardiovascular drugs triglycerides. To this enzyme is should be completed enhances absorption
• Headache
40mg OD increase high density needed for to dietitian before and increases
• Muscle cramps
Date Ordered: lipoprotein cholesterol treatment is initiated cholesterol
8/4/2010 cholesterol in the production biosynthesis
treatment of
s, and combined
hyperlipidaemia. Also
used as adjunct
therapy in patient
with homozygous
patients with
ischemic heart
disease. CAD.
Generic Name: Neural disturbances Water soluble that • No side effects Advise to take drug
Vitamin B-complex and anemic binds with ATP in the reported with food.
Brand Name: conditions liver, kidney, and
Nevramin leukocytes to form
Classification: thiamine
Vitamin B-Complex
1 tab OD
Date Ordered: 8/4/10
Generic Name: Short term treatment Suppresses gastric • Headache Assess history of Take drug before
Omeprazole of active duodenal acid secretions by • Dizziness hypersensitivity to meals.
Brand Name: ulcer. specific inhibition of • Insomnia omeprazole or any of
Omepron the hydrogen- • Anxiety its components Report severe
Classification: potassium ATPase headache, worsening
• Paresthesia
Antacid enzyme system at Administer before of symptoms, fever,
• Rash
40 mg OD the secretory surface meals. Do not chew chills.
Date Ordered: of the gastric parietal or crush.
8/4/2010 cells; blocks the final
step of acid
Generic Name: Calcium is needed by It is used to treat • dizziness Consider the fact that  Take the
Amlodipine besylate the body for muscle hypertension and • sleeping it reacts with lithium medication as
Brand Name: contraction. The heart chest pain also problems to cause toxicity in prescribed even well
Norvasc is a muscle that is known as angina. • drowsiness the nervous system. feeling well.
Classification: constantly They are used to • tiredness  Get up from a
AntiHypertensives contracting to pump manage irregular • swelling of the sitting or standing
10mg OD blood through out the heart beats or hands and legs position slowly to
body. Calcium arrhythmias as well. • headaches prevent falls due to
Date Ordered: channel blockers like • dry mouth dizziness.
8/4/2010 amlodipine work by • nausea,  Do not drive or do
blocking the flow of vomiting, anything that
calcium into the heartburn requires alertness
muscles of the heart • constipation, until the drug effects
and smooth muscles diarrhea are determined
of blood vessels. The • stomach because the
blood vessels relax cramps medication may
and become wider • gum cause drowsiness.
plus the pumping enlargement  Maintain good
action of the heart is • flushing dental hygiene and
reduced. The effect of keep all dental
this is an increase in appointments to
blood supply to the reduce the
heart, leading to occurrence of gum
reduced chest pain, a enlargement.
decrease in how fast
the heart pumps and
a decrease in blood

Generic Name: used to treat or • Constipation,  Folic acid may affect  Take with a full glass
Multivitamins with Iron prevent vitamin diarrhea, or certain laboratory tests of water (8 ounces or
Brand Name: Iberet deficiency due to poor upset stomach for vitamin B12 240 milliliters)
with Folic Acid 500 diet, certain illnesses, may occur. deficiency without  If stomach upset
Classification: Vitamin or during pregnancy. treating this anemia. occurs, you may take
B-Complex Vitamins and iron are
 Untreated vitamin this medication with
1 tab OD important building
Date Ordered: blocks of the body
B12 deficiency may food.
8/10/2010 and help keep you in result in serious nerve  Avoid taking
good health problems (e.g., antacids, dairy products,
peripheral neuropathy tea, or coffee within 2
• Wait at least 2 hours before or after this
hours between medication because they
taking this will decrease its
medication and an effectiveness.
antacid or


1. Ineffective Airway Clearance 3. Self-care Deficit 5. Risk for Aspiration

2. Altered Body Temperature: Hyperthermia 4. Impaired Bed Mobility

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